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Analysed Survey Report

1. Which of the following Ford car you own?

a) Fiesta
b) Ikon
c) Endeavour
d) Fusion

Data analysis:

Name of the car % of customers

Fiesta 49
Ikon 27
Endeavour 15
Fusion 9

total 100%

Interpretation: This question is meant for taking the information regarding the most
preferred car in the Ford cars. From the above graph it is found that most preferred
vehicle of Ford cars is Fiesta.

2. What do you like most about your Ford car?

a) Style/design
b) Comfort
c) Ford brand
d) Service
Data analysis:

Customers preference No of customers

Style/design 9
Comfort 23
Ford brand 13
Service 5

Interpretation: This question is meant to know the customers preferences and likes
towards the cars. From the data we can position our product to the comfort seeking group
of people.

3. What do you feel great about your car when compared to other cars
in the market?

a) Fuel efficiency
b) Durability
c) Low maintenance
d) Sound quality
e) Brand name

Data analysis:

Customers perspective No of customers

Fuel efficiency 2
Durability 7
Low maintenance 9
Sound quality 12
Brand name 20

Interpretation: From this question we can position the cars according to the
customer’s perspectives. Many of the Ford customers are buying the cars by seeing its
Brand Name only. The no. of customers satisfied with the fuel efficiency are very low.
4. How did you come to know about this car before

a) From friends, relatives (buzz)

b) Advertisements
c) Car experts
d) Sale’s persons visit
e) Auto magazines

Data analysis:

Source of awareness No. of customers

Friends, relatives 9
Advertisements 25
Car experts 3
Sale’s persons visit 8
Auto magazines 5

Interpretation: Most of the Ford customers came to know about their vehicle through
advertisements only. The major media that attracted the customers is television.

5. Can you share your experience with after sale service support?

a) Very much satisfied

b) Satisfied
c) Ok
d) Not satisfied

Data analysis:

Post service experience No. of customers

Very much satisfied 6
Satisfied 15
Ok 25
Not satisfied 4

Interpretation: This question is prepared to know the service levels of the authorized
dealer. Most of the customers are just telling ok about the service. Only a very few
customers are very much satisfied with the service. Even some of the customers are not
satisfied with the service given by the authorized service men.

6. Where do you get your car serviced regularly?

a) At authorized service centre

b) At a local workshop near my home

Data analysis:

Place of service No. of customers

At authorized service centre 41
At a local workshop near home 9

Interpretation: Most of the Fortune Ford customers are interested to service their
vehicles only at the authorized dealers. From this we come to know what the importance
of authorized service centers for car is.

7. Which bank do you prefer in getting financial help while purchasing

a car?

c) SBI
d) Others

Data analysis:

Name of the bank No. of customers

SBI 20
Others 3
Interpretation: Most of the customers prefer ICICI and SBI banks for taking
financial help while purchasing a car. Customers are asking for 0%
interest on financial
help provided by the banks.

8. Which type of finance do you prefer?

a) In house finance
b) Out house finance
c) No difference between the two

Data analysis:

Type of finance No. of customers

In house finance 30
Out house finance 12
No difference between the two 8

Interpretation: To know the customers opinion about the finance and their interests
in preferring the finance from various sources, this question is prepared. Most of the
customers prefer only in house finance compared to outhouse finance.

9. To which media do you get expose regularly?

a) Televisions
b) Magazines
c) News papers
d) F.M/Radio

Data analysis:

Media No. of customers

Televisions 26
Magazines 7
News papers 16
F.M/Radio 1

Interpretation: From this analysis we come to know that most of the customers are
interested in watching televisions, which is a good media for communicating with people
and delivering our intentions about product.

10. Which kind of T.V. channels do you watch regularly?

a) National news channels

b) Regional news channels
c) Sports channels
d) Entertainment channels

Data analysis:

T.V. Channels No. of customers

National news channels 10
Regional news channel 16
Sports channels 4
Entertainment channels 20

Interpretation: This question is meant to know the interests and preferences of

customers towards T.V. channels. More than quarter of the sample size showed interest
only on the entertainment channels and next preference goes to the regional news

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