OPD Union Survey - June 2020

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Survey Name: Questions for the Chief June 2020

Response Status: Partial & Completed

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Jun 29, 2020 11:13:58 AM

1. Please indicate what division you are assigned:

Number of Response
Response(s) Ratio
Patrol 214 60.9%
CID 33 9.4%
Special Operations 31 8.8%
Community Involvement 18 5.1%
Special Enforcement Division 23 6.5%
Airport 23 6.5%
No Responses 9 2.5%
Total 351 100%
2. Please indicate your years of service at OPD:

Number of Response
Response(s) Ratio
1-3 58 16.5%
4-8 88 25.0%
9-15 110 31.3%
16-20 53 15.0%
over 20 42 11.9%
No Responses 0 0.0%
Total 351 100%

3. How would you rate YOUR opinion level of the following?

Top number is the count of respondents

selecting the option. Bottom % is percent of the
total respondents selecting the option. Very Low Low Average High Very High
126 132 73 13 2
Morale at OPD
36% 38% 21% 4% 1%
Senior Police Leadership at OPD (Captain and 68 101 123 45 7
above) 20% 29% 36% 13% 2%
Middle Management Leadership at OPD (Sgt. 24 56 154 95 17
and Lt's) 7% 16% 45% 27% 5%
137 111 77 16 5
Communication from 3rd Floor to Rank and File
40% 32% 22% 5% 1%
137 115 65 23 4
Support of Officers by Management
40% 33% 19% 7% 1%
4. Please indicate how many times you have seen Chief Rolon in the field NOT at a community event, etc?

Number of Response
Response(s) Ratio
Never 249 70.9%
1 61 17.3%
2 18 5.1%
3 3 <1%
4+ 18 5.1%
No Responses 2 <1%
Total 351 100%

5. Have you ever been trained by the Orlando Police Department to understand that the use of a Taser against
you constitutes deadly force?

Number of Response
Response(s) Ratio
Yes 309 88.0%
No 38 10.8%
No Responses 4 1.1%
Total 351 100%
6. How much do you feel society politics plays a part in the day to day operations of the Orlando Police Department?

Top number is the count of respondents

selecting the option. Bottom % is percent of the Very
total respondents selecting the option. They do not Somewhat much so
1 0 12 31 304
0% 0% 3% 9% 87%

7. Do you feel the Orlando Police Department would stand behind you if you were involved in a Use of Force
which was within policy but drew criticism from the public?

Number of Response
Response(s) Ratio
Yes 31 8.8%
No 283 80.6%
No Opinion 37 10.5%
No Responses 0 0.0%
Total 351 100%
8. Do you feel like the Department could do more from a Public Relations standpoint combating the anti-police

Number of Response
Response(s) Ratio
Yes 311 88.6%
No 21 5.9%
No Opinion 19 5.4%
No Responses 0 0.0%
Total 351 100%

9. Do you feel you could effectively do your job as a Law Enforcement Officer if you were stripped of Qualified

Number of Response
Response(s) Ratio
Yes 10 2.8%
No 320 91.1%
No Opinion 20 5.6%
No Responses 1 <1%
Total 351 100%
10. Has the current climate towards Police Officers caused you to slow your proactive policing?

Number of Response
Response(s) Ratio
Yes 326 92.8%
No 23 6.5%
No Responses 2 <1%
Total 351 100%

11. If you answered yes to the previous question, to what degree has it decreased?

Number of Response
Response(s) Ratio
10% 3 <1%
25% 17 4.8%
50% 40 11.3%
75% 100 28.4%
I no longer do any proactive Police work 173 49.2%
No Responses 18 5.1%
Total 351 100%
12. Has the current anti-police climate caused you to change your career plans?

Number of Response
Response(s) Ratio
No 90 25.6%
Yes, I plan on retiring early (at 20yrs instead of DROP) 165 47.0%
Yes, I plan on leaving Law Enforcement 52 14.8%
Yes, I plan on moving to a different agency 6 1.7%
No, I'm leaving at 20yrs as planned 37 10.5%
No Responses 1 <1%
Total 351 100%

13. Do you feel the anti-police climate will cause an increase in Citizen Complaints to IA?

Number of Response
Response(s) Ratio
Yes 331 94.3%
No 20 5.6%
No Responses 0 0.0%
Total 351 100%
14. Do you feel that the Department allows public sentiment to drive increases in discipline?

Number of Response
Response(s) Ratio
Yes 331 94.3%
No 18 5.1%
No Responses 2 <1%
Total 351 100%

15. In your own words, is there anything you would like to covey to the Chief of Police?

173 Response(s)
• We need the reassurance the department will back the officers if they did everything right
despite the political pressure.
• Stop pandering to the public. Nothing pretty about police work when dealing with subjects
resisting arrest. You’re causing officers to hesitate to use the proper amount of force which
will lead to someone getting hurt
• Why did you stop supporting us?
• The department needs to take an approach using social media at all times. Publish body
camera video of all encounters. Currently, it is only put out in defense. Start putting it out
“offensively” so the public will realize their behavior will be viewed like ours is. This could
cause the public to curd it's behavior, reducing conflict with members. Obviously, footage
that is linked to open internal investigations etc. would not be released as quickly.
• Please hold the media accountable for their false agenda. Maybe develop a better
relationship with them to filter out news stories to convey to the public how violent things
are sometimes to reinforce why police are needed.
Second, I strongly feel we as a department should not respond to medical related calls such
as Baker Acts, Marchman Acts, or calls where the witness, complainant states the suspect
is under the influence of something. That should be TOT to medical personnel and we
should file charges at a later time. This is of course if the crime is nonviolent in nature.
• Recent statements by the Mayor, including his inclusion of Rayshard Brooks name as a
victim of police violence, does not give personnel faith that the city, and therefore the
agency, will back an officer who acts correctly but draws heavy media criticism. As an
agency, we have also shown to be extremely reactive to criticism on social media sites. Our
agency has shown a lack of backbone as a result, and officers see that. Officers often speak
of the fact that you can’t get in trouble for doing nothing. Management cannot realistically
expect officers to go out and put their jobs, freedom and pension on the line when they
don’t believe they will be supported. We should be coming out strong in an effort to debunk
the police brutality narrative. Instead, we seem to be acquiescing to the false narrative and
promising to change for a problem that does not actually exist. We should be strongly
showing how th
• I think about every case complaint or call to see how it would affect me and my family and
the job before I act... most cases are dropped or not filed even if there is pc to arrest ... no
files are charged for people who file false statement to IA on officers ....
• There is a balance between politics, appeasing the public and running an EFFECTIVE
police department. OPD today, is the product of this precious balance being neglected /
mis managed. The leadership of the department Is more interested how policing looks
rather than actual policing. The officers have no confidence in their leaders, and I feel if
things don’t change, OPD will continue to degrade itself from within.
I also feel going after officers with a biased, overzealous discipline system Is another
reason for low morale.
• Will they be providing a signing on bonus for me to stay when everyone who is not vested
decides to leave.

• It’s very disheartening when I see only 2 members at the rank of Capt or above (Capt S.
Smith and DC Smith) checking on units in the field IN PERSON, coordinating our
response, and actually being in the middle of the action. Its further disheartening when
other staff were told about the looting taking place in Millenia which included the
attempted arson of an occupied business and suspects firing rounds at businesses, it was
met with confusion and the apparent inability to make a decision. And then our Chief and
local Sheriff decide to take a knee with the very people who incited violent actions against
our officers in "unity" and "prayer". This is like a kick in the nuts. In no way do I think I
will be supported in times when we have to take any sort of aggressive action to affect an
arrest which may offend the sensibilities of an uneducated public. I used to worry about
my safety on the streets, now I worry about my future from being thrown to the wolves by
the 3rd floor.
• Stop leading by E mail and take the time to get out and meet the troops face to face.
• I wish this agency would stop feeling like high school. Too much depends on whom you
know and who likes you. I would also like to understand why MPs are still being
weaponized by managers. We all know they are used as punishment. Stop denying that.
How is it that supervisors can fail to complete evaluations for employees and there be no
consequence? Even more, they then get promoted to Lieutenant. Why is there no system
of accountability for those with rank? It seems accountability matters for officers but as
you go up the chain accountability is less important.
• If you can support BLM you can support your officers who are not guilty of any crimes.
Publicly Chief needs to show support of our profession and now bow to the media and
public opinion. It disgusts me that the office of chief is engaged in politics not leading the
Orlando Police Department.
• Bring Canty back
• I’d like to say that we’ve forgotten about the seriousness about Covid 19 once the Floyd
case happened. I believe we should still take Covid even more serious and not be
responding to non-essential calls like we did at the beginning in order to protect our
officer’s health.
• We understand the politics involved but your actions do represent us, and we just like the
public notice each and every action. If you feel you have to justify it to is, then you know
we do not stand behind that action. For example, kneeling.
• The Chief of Police is not the Chief. He is a community figure head. He cares more about
what the community thinks than what his officers think. Rolon does not have the slightest
clue on how leadership works. Rolon is a giant disappointment.
He will forever go down as the Pander and Chief. He throws cops under the bus all the
time. He keeps Dwain Rivers who has stated several racist comments in charge of Internal
affairs. Dwain is a racist and unfit to manage that department. In fact, an investigation
should be conducted on Dwain targeting white prior military police officers. Dwain has
personally filed most of the INOI on white prior military police officers with no citizens’
complaints. Roland promotes inept idiots with no back bones for leaders. Females make
up a small part of the department but per capita are promoted and selected for CID at a
higher rate than males. Blacks in the department get positions they are not qualified for
simply because of their skin color.

• He needs to follow through when he makes promises. He needs to listen to his command
staff when making decisions. He has silenced them with threats of transfer/discipline, so
they no longer give their opinion. The decisions he makes he does not take the time to think
of long-term effects on moral, the agency, or perception from the LEO community. His
lack of competent leadership has influenced my decision to retire earlier than I had planned.
He could still recover from this, but he would need to make drastic changes to his current
way of leading. Listen to his officers/supervisors/and his staff. Think through all of his
decisions and get input from the above people before making them. During these trying
times the Chief needs to stand behind his people, because we are a professionally trained
agency and pride ourselves in doing everything the public is screaming for. Talk about that
to the media and less kneeling. If not, then this agency will recover after he is gone. It just
matters how long.
• You were once one of us. Don’t forget us, protect us.
• I honestly feel that the leaders (chiefs of police and sheriffs) and politicians not standing
by their own officers’ decisions on the streets is causing more trouble than any protestor
could. When the public sees chiefs of police quickly throwing their own offices under the
bus in the media, instead of backing their actions and explaining why their actions were
necessary, it just fuels the public’s fire and hatred towards law enforcement. Not standing
by their officers does nothing positive for the public’s opinion of us and it makes the
officers as a whole not trust their leadership.
• Instead of kneeling with protestors and walking with the public, make sure your officers
who have been sacrificing their time from their loved ones is taken care of. I was told this
was a family and family come first but I’ve learned that it’s a lie and it’s whoever appeases
the most. Someone will get hurt as a result of not doing what we are trained.
• I believe the Chief is pandering to the whims of social justice warriors. It is easy to go
along with whatever is politically expedient. True leadership stands on principle, even
when it is tough to do so. The direction, morale, and work ethic of this department is
determined by the leadership from the third floor. It is telling when the Chief hides in his
office during the protests and only comes out for photo ops. The officers in this department
worked their butts off protecting this city. The Chief was nowhere to be found. There is a
complete lack of faith in the senior leadership of this department. There are a couple of
good leaders, but most are self-serving. It’s going to take more than a few pre-set emails
sent out to the department to regain officers trust. Morale is low and it is on the Chief to
make a change.
• I need the Chief to tell/caution/remind the community resisting officers will more than
likely cause injury or death to the offender. They need to follow orders and stop resisting
• I understand that your position puts you in a difficult position where you must balance the
needs of the community and the needs of the department. That being said, I feel as if much
of the senior leadership at this department has forgotten what it is like to be a cop on the
streets. Moreover, I feel as if none of you know what it is like to be a cop on the streets in
2020, where every minutiae of our day is recorded and tracked, meaning that all of our
actions and decisions can be scrutinized later from the safety and comfort of an office. I
believe that if senior leadership was able to spend even a small fraction of their time out in
the field, even just to observe the call volume, it would remind everyone that officers are
making good decisions and being wonderful representatives of the agency 99.9% of the
time. I recognize that sometimes we must change our tactics with the times, but criminals
are emboldened by many of our current (lack of proactive) methods.
• I feel like the Chief would not have the back of Officers in anything justified but would
follow this trend of what is happening across the nation when an Officer is involved in a
justified UOF, and the Officer gets fired or charged criminally due to social outcry. The
Chief needs to restore faith to not only citizens but to the Officers who serve under him,
that he will stand up for what is right and have the backs of Officers.
• For years I have said that we should change the minimum qualifications for hiring at OPD
to more accurately reflect the candidates that we actually consider for hiring. Our website
still list the minimum requirements as and I'm paraphrasing, a high school diploma and
good morals when the reality is that we don’t ever consider candidates that Have anything
less than any of the following: substantive police experience, college degree(s), and or an
honorable discharge from the military. The quality of officers that we have at the Orlando
Police Department is not accurately bragged about to the public. To not accurately disclose
the level of qualifications and experience that the public gets when the call for service
within our jurisdiction is a disservice to the community and the moral of our officers. It is
also a false argument to not offer the best pay and the best benefits to our officers because
we continue to allow the narrative that we are less than or the same as other jobs.
• It is obvious that you cater to the public and have lost sight that our job is to be the
consequence of someone’s unlawful action. You cannot expect us to stand by you, since
you and the mayor and your third-floor counter parts have shown you won’t stand with us.
• This agency seems to criticize and make officers who are proactive as villains. It feels as
if the 3rd floor only wants us to solve cases by writing a warrant or being a CSI and
collecting fingerprints.
• While at the officer level, we can never fully understand all the politics that come along
with being the Chief of Police for such a large and influential agency. With that being said,
it’s still your job to show support to the men and women who have put their lives on hold
for this agency and city with absolutely zero appreciation from society. Trips and vacations
cancelled, relationships strained due to the long and frustrating hours we have been asked
to work and endure hours upon hours and days upon days. Why is the agency not publicly
responding to the absolute nonsense these individuals are saying about us and the agency?
Protesters making false statements and false data to discredit us. Our PIO Should be at
these protests listening to these false statements being made and then responding with the
correct and accurate information. Officers body cameras of how the mobs are treating and
talking to us should be made public for every go see what these people’s real agenda are.
• Actions speak louder than words!
• Stand up and stop kneeling to those who are trying to destroy your officers. Stand up for
your officers and don’t burn them at the stake if they upset some citizens. Discipline
officers, accordingly, not going out of the realm of reasonable just because a citizen got
their feelings hurt. Remember that once upon a time you were a cop and not mistake free.

• Why are you taking a knee with protestors, but you refuse to stand with your cops? I don’t
think your political and career goals beyond OPD should affect your decisions as our Chief
now, as they apparently have been. OPD will not stand behind me if my actions, even if
within policy and the law, are called into question in the Court of Public Opinion. The
sense of “brotherhood” within rank and file at OPD has taken a major hit, and our upper
management doesn’t care. As Chief, you are a disappointment.
• If we are right (within policy/law) back us. Period. Maybe more citizens academies for
political figures, media, or public. The general public is not educated on anything law
enforcement related.
• I feel that the support from the higher ups have gone out of the window. I would love to
see a person more than an email. Your words are hollow, and you have no Honor. I feel
the third floor lost their honor to the third floor of this department over the last six or so
years and it’s a shame
• I was looking forward to working for Chief Rolon when he was promoted. I truly thought
it would be a fresh start from the political and pandering bonanza that existed under Mina.
I was wrong! Rolon cares nothing for us. He hides in his office, at the EOC or works from
home, only popping into public light for a media request. His pandering and pathetic emails
of, "Support," for his officers falls on deaf ears. His emails show he truly is out of touch
with his officers, and feels they are ignorant enough, and far enough below him that we
actually believe his B.S - which is exactly what it is - Bullshit! We are not stupid. He is a
total narcissist who takes every opportunity to throw his officers under the bus for his own
self promotion. We cannot and WILL NOT do our job under this type of supervision (I
can't even say the word "Leadership," because he has no leadership qualities. If City Hall
actually cares about the safety of its citizens, they would be wise to force his resignation.
• 1) Do not take a knee for political gain.
2) it has been common knowledge that a Taser when used against us is deadly force. First
sign of trouble somewhere else and now we get a knee jerk reaction email from the chief
saying otherwise. This is just one example of how quickly he would let an officer hang to
dry so that his next office will not be affected.
• We (Officers in the streets) need to be secure in the thought that if an incident occurred and
officers acted in good faith, within the laws of the State of Florida and within the Policies
of the Orlando Police Department, no matter how this new wave of public opinion views
the incident, we won’t be cast out as a martyr. Relationship with the public is huge for our
success but we cannot and should not allow civilian opinions of misguided judgement
effect how we operate as an agency.
• I think a lot of ppl are considering retiring early and feel unsure if they would be covered
by OPD if they did get into a taser involved shooting. Not sure how we can put out all this
information about taser involved shooting when you can be incapacitated by a taser in a
split second. I used to feel sure OPD would stand behind me but now it seems we have
gotten very political.
• Officers do not feel as though he backs them and is second guessing everything because
they feel they can lose their job because he listens to the public/media.
Pep talks only go so far and I have had at least 2 officers talk about a career change.
• Support your men and women of the agency.
• I feel that the benefit to proactively patrolling is in decline. It now it feels as though you’re
playing a game with your life, your family life and your future in the event that a suspect
may force your hand into a response to resistance that may have a bad look. There is rarely
a good look to a response to resistance. I cannot imagine having to fight with a suspect and
end up on his or her neck or worse have to shoot them as a result of their own actions.
Almost nobody that the media is willing to speak with will remind the public that this all
could have been avoided had a suspect simply complied. Society now coddles suspects and
seems to place them onto a pedestal when their own actions ultimately led to their death.
What a tragedy to have done your job and end up fired, jailed or sentenced to death and be
taken away from your family. What a tragedy to have to take another moment to try to
know whether or not a suspect is willing to kill you if he/she Tazes you. God bless us
• Be a leader not politician.
• Have our backs and show your support for your officers publicly
• Why have interviews and have lower management make selections if you and your
command staff will select whomever you want as opposed to the most qualified employee?
• Giving into the mob mentality is taking one step forward and four steps back. You can
never appease the mob; they will always want more. Knee jerk reactions to situations
outside of our control have never resulted in any meaningful change. You as the chief
should know this from experience and convey this to the mayor and city council. The city
has money to paint black lives matter on a public street in a tacky display to appease the
mob; but not enough to buy new cars when our current ones continue to break down. They
march for police brutality as we continue to go to shooting after shooting which is nearly
always black in black. The current climate has shown me that promoting people in the
name of diversity is never a good thing when compared to promoting on merit. Some
supervisors gladly stood side by side with recruits on the protest line while others hid.
Patrol, mainly night shift has been worked harder than any other part of the department,
while days, SROs,& CSOs skate on by.
• Stop sending out emails without knowing policy.
• We have a great department with great officers and first line leaders who support our daily
operations, and actions when acting within policy and statutes. This same support should
also come from the third floor. We understand generations evolve and we need to be
resilient to these changes. With that being said, changes in our department should not
compromise Officer safety, support should be stronger given the current situation, and
communication should be clear and precise. Officers would love to see you out here
showing them you got their backs. We, for the most part, understand the public demands
of your position but please don’t forget the officers of this department who bust their backs
on the daily basis to make it the great agency we are today. We matter too and we need to
know, we the time comes to take actions which could possibly change our careers and life,
when acting accordingly, you will support your Officers.
• We were taught in block training how to apply and when to utilize Vascular Neck
• Please openly stand behind your officers. It’s easy to say in an email but you need to walk
the walk. Maybe talk to the Tampa police chief he seems to have a pair of balls on him,
that you do not Chief Rolon
• I am extremely worried if something happens in the City of Orlando similar to what
happened in Georgia the outcome will be the same. In my time at OPD I have worked with
professional co-workers and the chance of losing everything officers work so hard for is
extremely scary. I have lost my trust in due process based on the current times. I have
received lots of supportive comments from the public, which is always nice to hear, but the
people with the power who can take our liberties away for the sake of politics is unsettling.
I love my job and take pride in doing it every day, but my family comes first. If things do
not change for law enforcement across the country, my carrier as a law enforcement officer
will come to an abrupt end.
• Support of officers should come before politics.
• Due to the complete lack of backing by the chain of command of OPD and the state
attorney’s office proactive officers like myself have stopped doing any proactive work. I
have no doubt this is why violent crime and murders are sky rocketing. At OPD internally
generated IA investigations destroy officers. Most of these investigations are without merit
or are very vague minor policy violations. It has become the common thought process that
the more people you throw under the bus the faster your next promotion will come. Most
managers are completely out of touch with the job of law enforcement. They forget the
main goal is the enforce law and protect lives. Most are more concerned with appeasing
the public or investigating officers. I have only seen one DC step up to the front and lead
by example during violent riots. Meanwhile after days of being attacked physically by
protesters you bring in a Dr. who says I am the problem. I use to only ever wanted to be a
cop but now I see it as a job.
• After having several years of law enforcement and believing OPD was the premiere agency
of Central Florida, I have been deeply disappointed in the Chief's response to these trying
times. I find it hard to find the incentive to come into work with the mindset of my agency
backing me should a deadly force encounter arise. I love working in law enforcement and
being proactive, however during these times, I feel like it's not worth it to give my 100%
effort and potential to the job. Unfortunately, it's not worth it to the citizens of Orlando to
not be able to give a 100% effort each and every day. I come into work doing the right
thing, however my Chief would rather please the people and provide "Politically Correct"
answers to the media, rather than back his own people who place their lives on the line
each and every day. Being in law enforcement is a thankless, low paying job, which is I
knowingly signed up for. All I ask is to work for someone I know will back me 100%, is
too much?
• Chief, I know you're a good man. I don't doubt that one bit. But please, sir, stand up for us
for all the great we do every single day. Be a voice for our profession and praise us more
in public and in the media. We would love to see you out there in the trenches/field with
us leading from the front. I fear the great men and women of this agency are going to leave
law enforcement by the masses and society, as a whole, is only going to continue to decay
should the leadership in law enforcement refuse to improve and stands up for what's right.
I pray God gives you the wisdom to lead us out of this storm we are in. Thank you, Chief
• I feel as though you have lost what it is actually like policing in 2020. I only you saw you
once during the protest and that was only to take a knee with the protesters. Not once did I
see you checking on or interacting with officers like I saw other Chiefs doing, the old adage
“leading from the front” still applies as Chief. I do not believe you would stand up for an
officer who was involved in a shooting that the public was critical of. There Is no reason
why you have to put out multiple emails over the Atlanta shooting. This should have been
one email and not one sent from your iPhone with the line below asking to excuse
grammatical errors. In reference to department morale it is extremely low and was before
all of the protest. This is something that you as a Chief should be aware of and start making
adjustments to help boost morale instead of driving it down.
• Thank you for the opportunity and honor to wear this uniform. I will make the brotherhood
of policing proud.
• Leadership is not a cute quote. Repeated emails expose the lack of knowledge, the lack of
knowing the real job, and undermine the position of Chief. Taking knees and cooking for
the Community is actually degrading to the people you think you are helping. Your officers
know you would never stand up for them and it has been proven in the media.
• I'd like to work for a police chief, not a politician. The media shouldn't have the power to
influence how I do my job, especially if I'm doing it right.
• I believe that there is a need for some form of TAC or Street Crime Unit. Not necessarily
multiple squads, but at least a solid group of officers to address violent crime and work
crime bulletins as they arise. More CSO's to help with increase of the over with non-
emergency calls for service. Officers do appreciate Chief Rolon's efforts with new
upgraded comfortable uniforms and vest carriers.
• Remember that you were once in our position. Sympathize and try to do what’s right for
your employees.
• I just want to feel that as long as I do my job and am within state law and policy the agency
will have my back and not cave to politics.
• I wish our leadership was more in line with other central Florida leaders such as Mike
Chitwood and Grady Judd.
• We need support. I feel not wanted and all the good I do is not seen.
• Chief’s office needs to weigh an officer’s past more effectively. Many times, officers are
not chosen for different positions for mistakes they made in the past.
• I would like to see Airport assigned officers get the same privileges as officers assigned.
Being sent to the airport involuntarily caused me a lot of “financial stress”. As a result of
this I literately spent over $700 a month to travel to work; tolls, fuel, and maintenance. In
addition, not having a assigned computer limited me the ability to do anything work related
or pay sheets if I took time off. Not being equipped with a vehicle also limited me to
perform extra duty assignments requiring a vehicle.
• The mayor and city council need to stand in front of city hall and the police station during
• Stop playing to politics and start telling people your guys are doing their jobs. It's one thing
if an officer screws up to hold them accountable, but its another to throw emails out to us,
and the media, condemning the use of deadly force while a suspect has our tazer. Perhaps
next time we should get with training before such a blanket statement is made.
• As the Chief, you cannot ask your officers to go out in the field and risk their lives to serve
the community and not support them when there is a complaint. Officers are humans. We
will make mistakes. Punish fairly. Support us when we are right, regardless of the pressure
from the community or City Hall. Many of us use to be proud to wear this uniform. Now
many of us are just counting the days until retirement and are afraid to touch anyone or do
anything. Crime rates will go up like they did in Baltimore. Officers will stop working like
they are doing in Atlanta. Don’t let that happen here.
• Chief and the staff better start showing unified support for the officers publicly and often
or he is risking losing a lot of us to other agencies or to the profession.
• Get a backbone and back your officers. I have yet to see you on camera say anything
positive about an officer doing his job. You might highlight a high-profile arrest but you
never back your officers. Stop worrying about the "optics" of police work to the media and
public. This job can get dirty at times. Start backing what your experts testify to. If a
member from training (expert) gives IA testimony that exonerated officers, IA should use
that testimony and not give their own non-expert “opinions”.
• Showing your support for the public and their concerns does not have to sacrifice your
department and its officers. But unfortunately, this has been the case, and morale is the
• All the community outreach that has been done with local leaders within our community
was for nothing. Where are those local leaders now saying OPD is not Minneapolis? Why
have they not shown ANY support for our agency. And yet, the Chief wants to do more?
• Many people tell me that they are afraid to leave home due to current anti-police
environment. Please address the concerns of these citizens.
• Please Resign you have lost the trust of your officers and have replaced that trust with your
political aspirations
• Aristotle said that because rulers have power, they will be tempted to use it for personal
gain. The introduction of politics inherently sacrifices integrity, almost always. Power and
the lack of integrity is the opposite of what police should stand for. But it is exactly what
has become of high-level law enforcement throughout the country. It is no longer about
what is right or what is right for the community, but what is right for them. Moral within
the department or the well-being of both the community and the officers that serve it
become irrelevant. Blame does not fall solely on upper management but those that appoint
them. It is a problem that will remain as long as politics drive decision making in law
• Back us up. Say what is right not just appealing to the Media.
• I feel that as a Police Officer, truthfulness should be the highest priority, it is what makes
us the “good guys”. This seems to have been lost, we are told lies daily from all levels of
rank and file. What used to be my profession is now nothing more than a source of income,
until a better opportunity comes along.
• Please give patrol the same attention you give to specialized units. Please consider
changing the way calls are dispatched/handled. Manning seems to be a continuous issue
within patrol and dispatch doesn't help out. Example; four (4) units working a particular
sector of the city. Dispatch sends two of them to handle calls in another sector. This is
UNSAFE and counter-productive to leave two (2) units to cover an entire sector! Why are
patrol units responding to medical calls? Example; signal 30 calls, why aren't paramedics
dispatched? Why are patrol units responding to non-police related calls? Example; calls
that are CLEARLY civil in nature.
• There has been no public support for the officers from the chief, his staff or the mayor.
Their silence infers the officers of OPD are seeking out black people and using excessive
force on them on a daily basis. I am fearful of any confrontation that may escalate to a use
of force. A use of force is not pretty, and I believe in my heart the chief and city would
quickly turn their back on me and anyone else involved, even if I did everything within
policy and statute. The chief’s emails have made it clear he is very concerned about how
the public perceives him and those who cause him to look bad will be disciplined.
It has been said the chief is going to run for a political office in the future and that OPD is
just a steppingstone to that office. If this is true, the chief is sacrificing the officers of OPD
to pad his resume and assist him in future campaigns. I do not have any confidence in the
chief or his staff.
• Please remember that all decisions have lasting effects on the lives of those serving. They
require protection as much as anyone else. Those protections should not be lifted lightly or
for political gain as we have seen in other agencies, not necessarily here.
• We are at a war with the community and the world. Police officers are not respected at all.
I personally do not feel safe working as an LEO anymore. I believe if OPD had a use of
force incident right now, the Mayor, the Chief, the SAO, and the public will want nothing
but that officers’ blood to “please” them. I love this job and I love what I do. But it is sad
and utterly disgusting society chooses to side with the criminals over police officers.
• That we do not get involved in politics when in uniform. We are neutral and there to keep
peace. Some things that have been done such as kneeling for protestors tell rank and file
he cares more about false narratives and his career then the cops that had to watch him and
Mina physical put their backs to us. I believe the rank and file have a no confidence
sentiment in the Chief. I believe he needed to be a leader and actually explain to the public
that my officers in Orlando PD do not agree with what happened to Floyd, but they are
professional, and we have a good relationship with our public. And that he has full
confidence in OPD officers to continue to be professional in serving the community. But
instead he turned his back and made us look we were on our own against the public.
• I’m strong believer in putting members of our community through a voluntary police
academy. Strong emphasis on shoot / don’t shoot scenarios. Scenarios should be actual
events so no one could say we rigged the outcome. Police work only profession that allows
outsiders to pass judgment on our actions. Reach out to members of media, community and
faith leaders, and especially those who are Vocal critics. Prepare presentations of body cam
videos, some that show how quickly an officer had to make a decision. Show videos where
citizen filed complaint that was far different from what video showed. Those who complete
the classes should ride along with patrol officers. Having members of public ride along on
weekday day shift kind of pointless, ask them to ride eves / mids on weekend in tougher
neighborhoods to see what officers face every shift.
• I feel it is unthinkable that the City would support the Black Lives Matter movement, an
organization that calls out loud for the killing of police officers and their families, by
painting 30’ “BLM” letters in downtown China n support of such an organization!
• Please listen to your officers as well as the public.
• I would like the chief to come to a line up or hold a meeting with officers where u can
actually ask him questions. No other supervisors in the room... He needs to do a press
conference where he supports his officers to the public. I feel he isn’t doing enough because
he doesn't want to hurt his chances when he runs for Osceola Sheriff. He does not need to
let civilians who do not know anything about law enforcement discipline or have a say
about officers’ punishment. Some civilians could be very biased against police.
• Leadership has handled the mass protests in the best way possible considering the climate
we faced. It was appreciated to be present with DC, Capt, Lt’s on the front line. Your staff
led us professionally. In regard to training can response to resistance training be
coordinated in a manner to facilitate an entire squad attending together. Sergeants shall do
a follow up discussion with their squads regarding the RTR training to ensure any concerns
are communicated back to training. As well as training communicating with sergeants
regarding any improvements in efficiency by their squad members. This should also
include training on how RTR are written not just application. Please thank recruiting the
recent group of solo officers with days on the road when the protests began, they stood tall
and performed well.
• I feel like some of the recent emails to the department, while trying to justify a possible
stance on some issues, without actually taking a stance, are missing the mark. We need to
know that you will be here for us as long as we are within policy and the law. How about
insuring us that you believe we deserve the same due process as those we are supposed to
protect and serve. That we won't lose our jobs, just because we had to act and make a split-
second decision that now looks bad in the public eye, again assuming it's with in policy.
During these trying times, upper management could be doing a lot more to establish better
communication with the rank and file to let us know that you support us, and to reassure
your positions on issues. And not send out an email about trying to be more proactive,
especially during this up tick off covid cases we have.
• Chief Rolon, I view the department as a family. When Officers get it right, they should be
rewarded; when they get it wrong, they should be disciplined. I don't believe anyone would
disagree. However, as the "Head" of our family, it is important to protect us from harm,
both physically and mentally. Like most of the Officers at this department, I joined because
I was called. I love to help others, even when they are ungrateful. No matter what happens
during these times, I will continue to do my part in making this city, and the world, a better
place; one changed life at a time. I expect, dare I say demand, that the leadership at OPD
will do the same; NO MATTER WHAT THE POLITICAL CLIMATE IS! Our profession
should not be driven by politics or perception. It should be driven by facts, due process,
and the rule of law. I respect you and appreciate what you have done for this department.
You are a good man and I can only ask that you do what you feel is best for all of us at
• If the Chief is trying to bridge the gap between the community and his officers, a message
with intention should be conveyed to officers and not through a citywide email.
A department wide address on his full support would not only uplift the morale of officers
but also give officers a straightforward idea as to what his thoughts and plans are
forthcoming in this current climate. I believe the officers would want a Q & A with the
• We need a chief who will have our back. Look at Sheriff Grady Judd and Sheriff Mike
Chitwood, they always back their deputies when criticized by the media. I do not believe
Chief Rolon would ever do that
• I was shocked that the chief did not once address the officers ahead of the protests. I saw
every one of the DC’s at all hours of the night taking time to speak to many officers, but
only heard from the chief on the radio or by email. We just want to know that if we do
everything right by policy and FSS but the public reaction to our actions is negative, will
the chief have our back?
• One thing we need for sure is a bigger training staff and the ability to have our people train
more often.
• People have a tendency to forget what it is really like on the street. We are not sitting behind
a safe desk. We are dealing with people who break the law and don’t want to go back to
jail. We don’t always get to deal with honest hard working, law abiding citizens. We are
making split second decisions that don’t allow us to rewind videos 100 times to decide how
that could have been handled differently Our lives are on the line. Hesitation could mean
loss of your life!!!!!
• The officers of OPD have been prevented from having a voice throughout the protests.
There has been no pushback on the false claims leveled by protestors. The Chiefs mere
presence at briefings could have had a positive effect on the morale of officers while they
were forced to work for two weeks straight. His absence throughout was noted by all
officer’s present.
• Although career progression is something that everyone has on their mind, when you step
into a command position, the progression of your subordinates’ careers, not your own,
should be your priority. It is commonplace for Officers to converse about different
scenarios they’ve encountered with violent offenders and mention how they would’ve
acted much more aggressively to end or prevent resistance, while still within policy, had
they known they had the backing of their chain of command. Officers are constantly in
fear, not only of the anti-police community they serve but also of their apparent anti-police
chains of command who prevent them from conducting proactive policing, to include two-
man vehicles, and focus solely on over-with calls for service. This lack of aggressive
proactive policing is evident in the massive uproar of violent crimes, to include homicides.
If the Chief of Police backed Officers in media-scrutinized responses to resistance the
public would back them as well.
• I feel we need to stop siding/empathizing with “anti-police” groups and organizations. ALL
LIVES MATTER- period. I have been in law enforcement for nearly a decade and I can
proudly say that OPD is a very diverse and understanding department. We have
demonstrated our support of ALL law-abiding members of the community in numerous
ways via community events and outreach programs regardless of that groups’ race,
religion, sexual orientation etc. Let our statistics speak for themselves. We need to double
our efforts to get our community involvement/engagement on the news- not just social
media. Anti-Police groups could care less about our OPD Facebook or Twitter feed. I am
extremely proud to be an Orlando Police Officer- and I will continue to do my part to serve
with honesty, integrity and professionalism- even to those who wish me harm. With all of
this going on, we’re still here. Still Serving, still protecting.
• There is nothing more important than a Chief who publicly supports his officers. There is
nothing scarier than a state attorney’s office that lets the media dictate life altering decisions
like criminal charges against police. The new language in policy in regard to the taser which
states we should consider distance and deployments prior to using deadly force sets us up
for failure within media relations and the state attorney’s office. I feel this new language
does not give officers the support we may ultimately need, and it may make an officer
hesitate someday. Ultimately costing them their life. I love our chief, but we need more.
Sometimes I see these truly heartwarming emails and then turn on the news and see
something else to the media. If we are within policy and law, officers need to know that
our chief supports us... publicly as well as privately. At the end of the day, I am proud to
be with OPD.
• Please advise citizens, if you are not already doing so, that the Orlando Police Department
does an admirable job of policing its own. Additionally, many if not all of the Police
reforms being demanded of by some citizens have already been implemented by the
• I feel actions/verbal taken/said by you, (kneeling or telling us we could do better), don’t
have our back as police officers. It was quickly obvious when you had to explain yourself,
not once but twice in emails why you kneeled that is was a bad idea for moral. If you
thought it was right, there wouldn’t have been explanation after explanation. We ultimately
know what this symbolizes as law enforcement and recently seen this movement as a type
of cult. Just before they were chanting pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon and now it’s
no different. Just a different chant. We are hated by many at this time and don’t need our
chief to bow down to this scrutiny but stand up for the brothers and sisters in blue. We are
the ones that need a leader right now.
• I feel that even the “tone” of this survey is suggestive by repeatedly stating “anti police
climate”. The issue we as law enforcement officers are facing is a result of deep systemic
issues within the system especially that of OPD. We have a part to play in why the world
is upset with law enforcement and we need more surveys on how to fix our internal issues.
The whole globe isn’t upset with the actions of the police for no reason. Write a survey
about what we can do better, not to see how “scared” your officers are. Let’s really do our
part to make a change and LISTEN to the people we’re “protecting”.
• This is no longer a passion; it is a paycheck.
• I’m too afraid of retaliation to really say what needs to be said I respect that everyone has
their own agenda but please remember, not everyone’s is the same as yours
• Chief, please tell everyone that the most important thing in law enforcement in today’s
society, is to not cause riots in the streets by unnecessary police contact with the public.
Proactive police work needs to be limited, be people are likely to resist and cause a response
to resistance. Offenders and officers’ risk for injury go up, and risk for Officer to be
• I fear that if the current societally driven climate worsens in Central Florida, I may have to
retire sooner than I plan which would seriously affect my future. I believe that the agency
has my back currently, but that may change if things get worse with government leaders
seeking to please the public to further their public favor. I should not be made to suffer due
the actions of the few which never should have been in this profession to begin with and
that point needs to be repeatedly delivered to the public. Bigotry with stereotypes goes both
• Come out and tell the media you have our backs instead of kneeling with the protestors
who the day before were throwing rocks, concrete, and bottles at us. Stop sending emails
about how we are doing things wrong and that you and the department won’t support us if
we get involved in something like ATL.
• Please retire
• Treat your troops like you would have liked to be treated by your Chief when you were an
officer... Imagine the effects of the words you say and actions you make from a regular
officer’s view not that of a politician or senior administrator.
• It has been an honor to wear this uniform and work for this agency so it pains me to even
write this. I never thought I would see the day where agencies across the nation are backing
down to a boisterous few. It feels we are guilty until proven innocent nowadays and it
seems like agencies across the country are okay with this by remaining silent. It appears
that we are the only ones being held accountable for our actions while the boisterous few
get a free pass. I find this to be completely unacceptable. The lack of public backing for
officers from their leadership across the country is startling. I now have serious reservations
about how our leadership would handle an officer in a situation deemed unpopular from
the boisterous few. I am not certain that our leadership would have the courage, pride and
commitment to do the unpopular thing and go against the boisterous few and stand up for
what is right!
• Morale is down. Senior officers on the street feel they are not supported by the chain nor
is their time in service/experience given any consideration when decisions are made.
• Stick up for officers more. Explain and convey to the public what he then tries to justify
with us through email. The public needs to hear the truth from a police officer’s point of
view not as a public figure. I trust in my abilities because I was trained well but I’m hesitant
to act because it’s almost a given the command will do anything to cover their behinds
instead of sticking up for the officer. I feel absolutely no reason to be proactive.
• For him to make us feel like he has our back more than making the media happy. The
morale is that he would rather talk at a funeral than go toe to toe with the media having our
• There is zero support from the department in backing us. The management is out of touch
with what happens on the road, & they make no effort in trying to bridge the gap. Why
does Rolon continue to make public statements on national cases when the agencies who
are investigating haven't even finished yet? Sending emails about the use of a Taser without
consulting the training staff. Being on vacation while the entire dept was called back in for
protests. Rolon never leaves his "safe space" while ERT and other members were getting
rocks/bottles/gas thrown at them. Giving interviews to the news outlets but failing to state,
even once, he has our backs. Rolon is more concerned with the media & public opinion
than anything to do with us. IA D. Rivers making statements on his opinions of the ATL
shooting case before the facts come out. River's is biased and needs to be removed. I along
w/ multiple officer's show up to work, do as little work as possible and go home, that is the
daily goal.
• Stop being a puppet to the city and stand up for your officers. The officers feel that no one
had their backs. Catering to things to make the public clap (taking a knee) serves no purpose
because then the public wants all officers to do. GOD is the only person I kneel to!!!!
• I would use the Community Room for just that. I would designate certain dates/times, have
people register to come in and listen to the police radio and explain what the calls are and
what’s going on. The public has no idea the scope of our duties. Do this several times as
well as maybe have citizens who have been arrested do their community service hours by
coming in and talking about their individual experiences.
• Question 5 is not as simple as yes or no.
• I joined this career because I wanted to help fight the evil that exists in the world. I
understood that combatting this evil meant doing some bad things to horrible people. I
knew that I would have to abide by law and policy but felt that Florida law and department
policy allowed for doing what I needed to do. I no longer feel this way. I’m scared to
properly do my job for fear of being fired or locked in prison. This department also rewards
incompetence and I refuse to be okay with that. Anyone wishing to make something of
themselves by doing their job properly is ridiculed and rewarded only with stagnation of
their career. The need to be “diverse” stands in the way of the utmost goal which is
protecting the citizens of this city. In almost 20 years of working in a chain of command
type structure, I have never felt so abandoned by my leadership and I have little faith that
this survey will stand to make a difference due to the failure to listen and respect
• The chief and the department seem to only make Non bias comments on police actions and
uses of force to the media and just say that all uses of force are investigated to ensure
actions are within the scope of our policies. There is NO need to grandstand in front of a
microphone to the media.
• I am ashamed of our upper management and the direction to where they lead their
employees. We have no one in middle management that is able to stand up for their squad.
Upper management has a reputation that managers have to be a certain way and not differ
from the rest. This department has done a fantastic job at creating a every man for himself
workplace. I have seen my entire career officers become selected for specialty units and
management positions that were only selected due to stepping on other people to get where
they are. I have seen qualified people apply for positions and instead were passed over for
another applicant due to filling a quota (minority, female, sex identity -LGBTQ.) The
department has praised employees for being a part of the community and how great are
relationships are but turn around and bash us for how the public views law enforcement.
Rolon has placed our lives in the hands of the media and the 1% of the population. Crime
sees no race. I am disgusted.
• We are past the point of recommendations at OPD. We are too far gone. I don’t know what
saves us at this point. Only the paycheck I gather.
• The PIOs are worthless. Leadership should be with the troops, not at EOC. Stop using
your position to pave the way towards your next career. Buy new handguns. It has been
15 years. Create leaders who are more concerned about the well-being of the officers and
not their next promotion. Stand up for your officers in public!!! Stop posting pictures/body
cam concerning officer involved shootings before the investigation is done.
• I feel like many agency's especially those in Democratic cuties seem to railroading officers
for the feelings of a small percentage of society. The mass amount of citizens voices are
going unheard.
• We are cops who have a job to do. We are not here to get votes or make someone happy.
We are here to enforce the law. Not pick sides, not put opinions into it. Government makes
the laws we enforce. If people do not like that then push to have laws changed. Quit trying
to make the bad guys and their blind followers happy and understand we have a job to do.
If someone points a weapon at me, I am going to protect civilian and my life. DON'T fight
cops, DON'T break the law, and police will most likely never have an issue with you. Keep
up this ideology that we have to stop doing police work and enforcing the law and watch
how cops stop working and the bad guys win. This has completely gotten out of hand. WE
feel like our staff, local government, and higher government (liberal) want us to fail, they
want us to quit, they want the bad guys to win. If is stays at this rate, y'all are going to get
what y'all want.
• I wish someone would speak plainly when dealing with the media. Stop trying to placate
the media and public and explain to them sometimes policing is ugly. Sometimes we as
police officers have to give back what we get from citizens, but we know it doesn't happen
all the time. Tell people to step from behind the keyboard and screen realities and into the
real world and stand behind what you say. Two quotes I've found recently; I can but I won't.
I'm sad, tired, unmotivated, bored, broken but yet I keep smiling... This is my new reality.
• If Chief continues to only play the political view and does not start to stand behind his
officer, he risks a huge crime trend to increase. Those of use that proactive reduce crime
trends feel we do not have support from the third floor and will just be another victim to
their proactive discipline of police officers. We fear that the third floor is hunting good
officers so they can make examples to society about policing our own. Moral across the
board is way down and proactive work carries the fear of heading to the third floor for an
IA not due to a violation but because of an opinion.
• Yes, I’d like to know if we continue to fight crime (From a proactive approach) is the
department is going to back us regardless of what’s going on throughout the nation.
Seems like everyone is afraid to do their jobs because they feel the department won’t
support them. Would be nice to make that public so not only we (OPD) are aware of it, but
the actual public as well.
• Follow policy. Enforce policy equally. Stand up to community when an officer is right.
Fire the officers who violate policy and need to be fired. Do not kiss public Ass. Defend
the do-right cops. I think this chief has done well, but my statement is true of many officers’
beliefs. I do not think any employee at the city of Orlando will stand up for me if I’m right.
This staff will hang me to save face with the public.
• The protestors have been gathering and protesting against the police One of the things they
do against the police is kneel When Rolon kneeled WITH them, he joined their protest
against US for some type of appeasement that I don’t understand
• You clearly do not communicate with anyone else to include the third floor, about any
decisions you allow civilians to take sworn positions knowing they do not understand why
and what police officers do
• When someone is more qualified for a position, they should not be passed over for someone
that is less qualified
• Support the officers.
• Loyalty and fairness breeds respect.
• Quit
• In my honest opinion the drop of morale began with Chief Mina. Unjust and heavy-handed
punishments for some while others favored by that administration walked away with
lenient punishments was the root cause of the decline. Then the closer he got to leaving to
the OCSO, the more politics came into play and the punishments became heavier handed.

Chief Rolon came in and it seemed that morale took a slight swing up. That all changed
after the Ofc. Turner incident where he basically gave his opinion of the matter to the
media. Instead what he should have said, a violation of policy occurred we are looking into
and will deal with it. With everything that has occurred recently I personally do not feel
confident that if I were to take police action as part of my job (regarding today’s climate)
that the department would support me.
• No amount of community events, apologies, public chastising of officers by the chief will
make the relationship better between the criminal element/areas and police. They will hate
us no matter what. It does make the chief look completely foolish in the eyes of officers at
the police department in addition to the community leaders and representatives that see
through the chief’s empty rhetoric. The violent leader of the protests on the first two days
that kneeled down for the photo op with the chief then led his people onto I4 to throw rebar,
concrete, gallons of bleach and urine at officers. Same leader that mocked the chief the
next week at city hall for kneeling with him. The chief needs to think before he speaks or
acts. There has been a whole lot of back pedaling and explaining by him due to his poor
decisions. Chief, we need support from you more than the public does. This department is
broken. Focus more on us so we can do our job safely. Thank you Chief Smith for leading
• The example that I can give is that at the beginning of the protests, we had the support of
upper management, not necessarily the Chief, but DC Smith for sure, for the use of spray
and whatever else we needed to do to keep ourselves and our fellow officers safe. I don’t
think there was a problem with the moral at that particular moment. Then there was a social
media post encouraging the public to send videos taken of Police doing wrong. Then there
were further emails from the Chief saying we were never taught that a subject taking a taser
is not always deadly force when we absolutely have. The Chief wasn’t even at the briefings
except one. Good cops aren’t getting the bad guys off the street anymore because we don’t
feel we would be supported if we had to protect ourselves. I am genuinely concerned that
either myself or another Officer will be injured or killed because when we needed to protect
ourselves, we were more concerned a out getting fired or arrested.
• I'm in CID, I do not do proactive work. But IF I were in patrol right now there is no way I
would feel comfortable doing anything but taking calls. The chain can help with this. Also,
some more though should be put in to some of the promotions. People who never did
anything at all as officers are now becoming Sgts and above and it hurts the present and
• Stop being a puppet. Take a stand, back your hard-working officers and don’t do the
political thing. FYI the Minnesota Cop did not Murder Floyd!! That’s for the Union as
well!! Read the autopsy report. It was an in-custody death (heart attack, from excited
delirium). Need to see all videos and evidence not just what the media wants people to see,
before deciding if the officers did anything wrong. Politics can’t be the reason officers are
arrested. Taking a knee was a slap in the face to all of us working at the Orlando Police
Department. When in uniform we are to remain neutral. The Atlanta shooting was
justified!! Arresting the officer is a disgrace. Allowing Black Lives Matter to be painted
downtown is unacceptable. They are a hate organization that have called for the killing of
• Chief, the majority of officers no longer have faith in the department and have 0 trust in
the administration. The lack of support from the department and the administration has
drastically reduced self-initiated / proactive activity. In the end violent crime will begin to
drastically increase due to the criminal element being empowered by your words and the
actions of the department. This places the citizens, especially those that need us the most,
and your officer in serious risk of death or great bodily harm. Officers will be seriously
injured or killed within the next few years due to P&P’s being put in place now. Choose to
support your officers, not Marxist Organizations.
• Solicit and listen to the input from your staff, subject matter experts and your officers.
Develop an effective path forward which is best for the city, the community, and all those
you proudly serve them.
• Stop with the politics, we are police officers not politicians, leave the politics to the
politicians and focus on the agency, you owe us that much
• Nothing to say to the Chief, have lost all respect for him.
• The Public needs to be educated on how the use of force continuum works
• I wish the Chief would do a better job explaining how the public’s actions dictate our
response with relation to force used.
• Stand behind your officers and lead instead of folding to political pressure. Also, don’t be
so quick to judgement before all the facts of a case have come out.
• We are a professional agency that has a great relationship with the public. Say that more to
the media and if you have confidence in us, the Mayor and City Council should say it too
If the Chief and the City leaders don’t, keep doing what you are doing. Law Enforcement
can be a dirty business and force is never pretty no matter how small it is. The Chief and
the politicians need to stand firm in their beliefs and convictions and don’t fall prey to the
Mob We are Rome falling to the mob. We are falling to the Bolshevik Revolution as they
overthrow things, and we are letting them do it.
• Stop pandering to a non-trained civilian public! Back us and the job that we do! Maybe go
on a ride along with officers who work in the problem neighborhoods and actually see what
we deal with on a DAILY basis and hear the verbal abuse that is continuously shouted at
us for no reason other we wear a badge. It would have also been nice to see you out on the
front lines with us so that you could have had some first-hand experience as to what we
dealt with during these “peaceful protests” so you could have seen the OUTSTANDING
job all of YOUR officers did!
• Nothing. It is obvious not even the Chief can save an officer. We are operating in a time
where a Politician/Attorney/Grand Jury wants to make a statement by arresting or firing an
officer it will happen regardless if the officer operated within department policies or not.
Case in point Ofc. Wongshue. Nobody in this department spoke out when his arrest was
totally unjustified. Chief remained silent in the matter. I love it when even my Sergeant
said," Oh, don't worry he will beat it". Really??? That's the attitude?? Wongshue is the one
who had to post a bond and turn himself in. We saw it happen in Atlanta and it happened
right here in our backyard. Make no mistake although this is how I feel and my morale has
certainly been affected I will still do my job and be there for ANY citizen in this City that
needs me. I will continue to be professional, respectful, and operate within our policies.
• Change the way you evaluate performance and communicate strategic and operational

Members who work in Patrol often are left to the rumor mill as to what we believe the third
floor expects of us.

I, as of a rank and file patrol officer have no idea why decisions are made. If that was
shared, I would feel as though I actually have a stake in this department. Being left in the
dark leads me treat this department as a job instead of a vocation. Also....review the Peelian
Principles by Sir Robert Peel...apply them.... and quickly realize it will solve the
relationship with the public overnight.
• D/C Smith, Lt.Esan and Lt. Bigalow are a big part of what kills morale. None of them are
leaders. They command by fear of MP, negative endorsements and evals. Disband SED
and restructure the dept to early 2000’s. And for the love of god, can seniority matter. Why
are members with less than 5 years getting positions over veteran members.
• Morale and support by leadership is the worst it’s been in the last five years. The Officers
must have the support of the department in order for OPD to be a successful law
enforcement agency. Most of the leadership is disconnected from the reality of the work
on the streets. Promotions are not based on a person’s leadership ability. Leaders should
be able to perform every task that a subordinate need to do at an above average level before
supervising. Leaders should work as paramilitary leaders not administrators. Our work
REQUIRES this type of leadership. Leaders at all levels must be able to understand and
explain decisions made on the street. Officers have no ability to publicly explain decisions,
policy, or opinions from a law enforcement perspective. Leaders are the public voice for
the department and must be able to articulate these things for the officers. Even when things
are controversial or not popular.
• Support you people.
• Tell the truth! Every statistic and metric available debunks every negative thing being said
about us right now! The policing profession is in no way systematically racist and more
specifically the Orlando Police Department. Start putting out these statistics and stop letting
people like Lawanna Gelzer spread lies about our department. Over a year ago she came
to the community room in front of about 50 residents of Parramore and said OPD leads the
nation in excessive force complaints. This false statistic was repeated over and over during
the protests which made people believe its true! We all know it isn’t true and you have the
ability to prove it! Start backing your officers when they are right! Talk to Grady Judd,
Mike Chitwood and the Tampa Police Chief about what it takes to drive morale. Stop
making every decision from a political lens! We all know you want to run for political
office after this. Do something now to ensure the cops support that run! Stop selling out!
• Must lead from the front not from behind. Emails put out to officers after public
issues/outrage etc does not constitute leading. Must be proactive in regards to reaching out
to officers.
• This agency needs your support and backing 100% and not to have you be influenced or
motivated by the politics, mob, or city hall.
• Even though I understand some of these things are politically driven...Find a way to
encourage your officers to be proactive and don’t punish them for doing their job
aggressively as the police should do their jobs. Most importantly, fix the gap between
management and officers. Suggestions get shut down at SGT, LT, or CAPT without ever
making it to someone that can bless an idea. Our department is so far behind when it comes
to innovation and technology and could be so far ahead! Maybe allow ha committee of
officers that are able to collect ideas, vet them, and present them to chief staff directly to
avoid getting shut down by a manager that is out of touch.
• Stop being a puppet for the media. Remember why you became a police officer in the
beginning. And for god’s sake, stop making silly decisions based strictly on how the public
feels and remember the moral of the department.
• These are troubling times and more than ever before there should be a clear understanding
of what can and cannot be done. What will or will not be supported by the department and
City of Orlando. Clarity is paramount.
• Grady Judd
• I do not currently feel safe conducting my duties. The current narrative the media is pushing
is false. Police do not target a certain group of people due to race/ethnicity/etc. the fact law
enforcement agencies are caving to please these people pushing this narrative is
concerning. Officers across the nation are being fired without due process. This is a
dangerous precedent. I do not feel The city/mayor would back me if I got into an incident
that “looked bad” for the camera. Use of force is ugly. We need to educate the public about
the facts of law enforcement instead of caving into what the media is trying to push. I love
OPD and I love my job but this is truly crazy times. Some citizens don’t believe the laws
apply to them and officers are too worried about getting in trouble to do anything about it.
Bad combination in my opinion.
• Time to buckle down stand up for us and the way we've been doing business. Use your
resources within the department and work together and take advice and information from
within instead of City Hall and the Press. We are a A-plus department and if we stood up
and bragged about that from the beginning instead of waffling every time the press or City
Hall inquires, they would back off. We have nothing to be ashamed of we are already
adhering to sound policy and judgement and are highly trained in professionalism and
reasonableness. UCF did a lengthy study when John Mina was still Chief that proved we
use less force a higher percentage of the time than we are allowed to use. This study was
never broadcast or utilized to prove from an outside entity that we are within all reasonable
guidelines of response to resistance. (contact Dr. Eugene Paoline for this study)
• Be a cop’s cop, support your officers, and quit bowing and caving to anything and
everything the media wants while throwing us all to the wolves
• Chief, I know it’s hard out there as a leader. You have to try to work with both sides of the
fence and can be a delicate situation. I know you have family members who are ill and I
pray that they get well soon. None of us are perfect and we live in an imperfect world with
lots of evil and lots of good. With that said, I love being a police Officer, ill never stop
upholding the law and doing what is right. This agency has provided for my family and i
am forever grateful. I leave you with this sir, we have a very unique and dangerous job.
We are the true first responders and we are the only ones who have a second to make a life
or death decision. We have so many rules to play by when the suspects have no rules.
Civilians love yo Monday night quarterback our actions but again we only have a split
second to decide. Please consider these things I have mentioned when our officers make
decisions that may not be the best one but had good intentions. After all, we are all humans.
• https://www.prageru.com/video/are-the-police-racist

• The only time I've recently observed the Chief outside of OPH was kneeling with the
• I feel the chief has disappeared during these times and when he does reach out, it is by
email (which some believe is not even written by him).
• Hopefully our next Chief of Police shows our officers better support, especially in a time
like now when we need it the most.
• We must stand behind our profession. Engaging in appeasement to the mob, whether it be
kneeling or statements to the press, does nothing but further perpetuate a false narrative
that law enforcement is to blame for the current state of affairs. We MUST not make
anymore knee jerk, emotionally charged changes to P&P. We must educate the public and
make logical decisions. In the long term we will be much better off for it. The silent
majority of people support law enforcement, we need to do right by them. The majority
needs Cops and Cops need support throughout the chain. Without support from the chain
we will see the mob emboldened, and criminal activity rise even further.
Your officers don't fear the public, they don't fear the media, they fear the third floor! Fix
• The Chief and upper management in general need to lead from the front. They need to go
out and meet with the troops in the field. They need to publicly come out in support of their
officers. They need to push FACTS that show there is no systemic racism at OPD (and law
enforcement in general). They need to push FACTS that show there is no problem with
excessive use of force at OPD. Officers on the street feel abandoned.
• I want to clarify #5. In its purest form a Taser is not deadly force -- however, it can be
deadly force if you can articulate that the subject can incapacitate you if he has a taser (or
takes yours) thereby he would be able to exert force on you without resistance, and
potentially obtain your service weapon. What is easy to forget is that every call is a gun
call, because Officers are armed, and we bring one to every call. I understand that balancing
public opinion and that of the officers in the agency is difficult. I also understand that
having the public's support is vital, now more that ever. But at what point are we sacrificing
what we as a profession, and agency, stand for? I know that Chief Rolon acts with the best
of intentions and a good heart but I hope that he is more hesitant to react so quickly to
public outcries. He should pause and weigh the results of any actions or press releases

Officers generally feel the City does NOT have their back.

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