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Familias del mundo

Tokyo Bhutan Texas

Mali Mexico Samoa

Russia China India

South Africa Kuwait Mongolia

Iceland Port Orford/Langlois Your family


Write three paragraphs to compare and contrast the families around the world
with families here in our area and with your family. I will grade it based on the
following rubric:
Distinguido/4 Apto/3 En Desarrollo/ 2 Empieza/1

The essay
compares and The essay compares
The essay
contrasts things and contrasts things
The essay compares compares or
clearly, but the clearly, but does not
and contrasts things contrasts, but
supporting have all the
Purpose and clearly. It contains does not include
details are supporting details.
details only information both. There are
general. It It may include
important to the no supporting
includes only information that
comparison. details or it is
information does not pertain to
important to the the comparison.

The essay
groups The essay groups
The essay groups information in information in
Many details are
information in similar similar ideas, similar ideas, but
not in logical
ideas. It follows a but it does not some information is
Organization order. There is
constant organization follow a in incorrect places.
no feeling of
when it analyzes the constant Some details are not
comparison. organization in logical order and
when analyzing distract the reader.
the comparison.

The essay
The essay continues
continues from
from one idea to It uses some words There are no
one idea to the
another with fluidity. that show words that show
next but there
It uses words that relationships among relationships
Transitions isn’t much
show relationships ideas, but the between ideas or
variety. It uses
between ideas. It connections are not they are not
words that show
uses a variety of clear. clear.
sentence types.
between ideas.

The writer does not The writer The writer

The writer makes
make grammatical or makes one or makes more than
three or four errors
spelling errors or two errors that four errors that
Grammar that distract the
other errors that distract the distract the
reader from the
distract the reader reader from the reader from the
from the content. content. content.

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