COVID Prevention - 19 Name: Luis Alberto Paiva Rojas

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COVID prevention – 19

Name : Luis Alberto Paiva Rojas

It is an honor and a pleasure to have you present at this meeting.

My name is Luis Alberto Paiva Rojas, I am a student of the Psychology degree at the "San
Ignacio de Loyola" university.
In this opportunity it is important to mention what is happening in our country as in the
whole world. A pandemic that affected and continues to affect several countries causing
economic losses and human lives.
A virus called Covid-19 that has the characteristics of a flu which causes serious damage to
the body, among the common symptoms are:
Headache, sore throat, muscle pain, high fever and in the worst case, shortness of breath.
Given what is presented, I recommend people, to carry out better prevention, do and
collaborate in prevention measures, it is the only way to reduce the spread of the virus
among people, in other words, keep a safe distance, wash your hands, use a mask, use
alcohol to disinfect or otherwise what many people are experiencing day by day under the
contagion will happen to us.
I hope that the informative and informative turn has been of your interest. Thanks for
your attention.

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