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Construct a Pareto diagram for replacement parts for an electric stove. Data for a six-month period are: oven door, 193; timer, 53; front burners, 460; rear burners, 290;
burner control, 135; drawer rollers, 46; other, 84; and oven regulators, 265.

Answer :
Step 1

Pareto diagram

This diagram is the graphical representation of the data in descending order. This is like histogram with the difference that it takes categories on horizontal scale unlike
numerical scale in histogram. It also line and bars, where line shows the cumulative data.

Step 2

Formulate the table for the replacements parts of an electric stove as follows:

Arrange the given data in the descending order of frequency and calculate the % as follows:

Step 3

Construction of pareto diagram for the replacements parts of an electric stove is as follows:

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