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Approximately two-thirds of all automobile accidents are due to improper driving. Construct a Pareto diagram without the cumulative line for the data: improper turn, 3.6%;
driving too fast for conditions, 28.1%; following too closely, 8.1%; right-of-way violations, 30.1%; driving left of center, 3.3%; improper overtaking, 3.2%; and other,

Answer :
Step 1

Pareto graph is used to rank different data classifications from higher to lower which is represented on graph from left to right. The left data classification represents the
vital few while right one represents the useful many.

Step 2

First arrange the data in descending order of their percentages as shown below:

Cause Percent.
a Right-of-way violations 30.1
b Driving too fast for conditions 28.1
c Following too closely 8.1
d Improper turn 3.6
e Driving left of centre 3.3
f improper over taking 3.2
g Other 2.8

Enter this data in excel. Select this data and click on insert in excel. Choose recommended charts option from insert menu as shown in figure below:

The following image will appear:

Now select the second chart option that is clustured column from the left colum. As shown in figure below:
Now click ok to obtain the pareto diagram. Pareto diagram for the causes of improper driving is shown in figure below:
The “right of way violation” and “driving too fast for condition” form the left part of the graph. According to pareto chart they together constitute around 73 percent of total
cause of accident. Thus, they are considered as vital few. The right hand side form the rest of the cause of accident but they are numerous in number. Thus, they are
referred as useful many.

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