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Aliah Cyril M.


Grade 12- ABM (GDJ)

The National Artist of the Philippines Controversies

1. Do you agree with the criteria and process for the National Artist Award? Is there
anything you want to add, remove, or improve?

 Being one the youths and as a part of the millenial generation, I strongly agree on
the process and criteria for choosing nominees for National Artist Award. There is
nothing I wanted to add or to remove in the process but I may suggest the
committee whom responsible to make the process faster for the awardees to
receive this prestigious award when they are still alive.

2. How about for GaMaBa Award?

 GaMaBa Award is also a great way to honor those Filipinos who promotes our
traditional arts. For me, there is nothing to change with its criteria and process
considering that it also ensures the transfer of skills of an awardee to the next

3. Why do we have many different Art awards? Are these really necessary? Why or why

 As of now, we have many different art awards to promote and preserve our
traditional artworks and crafts. At the same time, it also a great way to
acknowlegde the efforts of those filipino citizens who are continuously practicing
our traditional art. I think it is quite necessary nowadays in able to motivate
everyone especially the new generation to support or continue our national folk
arts and to not forget it and be swipe away with the new kinds of arts that is not
originally from us.
Heritage vs. Modernization
4. Does your local government actively support art, culture, and heritage? If yes, how? If
no, why?

 Our municipality is quite supporting our arts, culture, and heritage by means of
supporting and advertising one of Tiaong’s heritage in Villa Escudero and also by
making an effort on celebrating the annual Mais Festival grandiously with several
events particularly the street dancing competition.

5. Is art, culture, and heritage a priority of our present national government?

 As I can see, it not the first priority of the present administration but they still
consider to support it by giving funds for the committee that handles it.

6. Historical Reflection: Was art, culture, and heritage ever a prority of past
administrations in the Philippines?

 In Marcos’ administration there was a time that he passed a law on preserving our
culture and accepting our own art.

Freedom of Expression vs. Censorhip

7. Why is there censorship? What is its purpose/s?

 According to Freedom of Expression in the Arts and Entertainment, “censorship is

made to suppress words, images, or ideas that are offensive. This happens when
someone succeed from imposing their personal political or moral values on

8. Who decides what to censor and why? What are the criteria?

 According to research, censorship was done by some agencies of the government

that is responsible in terms of media and arts like the Movie and Television
Review Classification Board (MTRCB). Standard dictates the choice of materials,
techniques, and forms of artist creation.
9. Should freedom of speech be absolute or should it be limited?

 As a teenager, I strongly agree that freedom of speech should be limited especially

in social media in a way that it must not be just a joke that can be misinterpreted
by others, it must not harm or judge anyone that can result to cyberbullying or
other crimes. Every idea that comes on our mind must be thought carefully before
we spill it out of our mouths like we must first think before we click “post” on our
social media accounts. We must not forget especially those teenagers like me that
each of our comments or posts online does not only reflect ourselves but also our
family, friends, love ones, and even our nation in case of international issues.
There must be an active committee that promotes the usage of freedom of speech
in a right manner to ensure that our citizens can freely express their opinions not
just for their own good but for the sake of all and for our democracy to be not

10. What is your opinion about censoring religious themes in art?

 Censoring religious themes in art is a big issue between different paties that are
involved such as the artists and the government. For me, both parties have the
rights to fight for what they want but it should be in balance. No one must
overpower the boldness of arts in people’s awareness. Instead of censoring or
being strict, committee may focus more on educating the people to understand art
for us to know what is acceptable and what is malicious.

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