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Chapter 4



Calc-silicate rocks are present mainly in the western part (west of Jaipur) of the present
area. They are composed principally of diopside and/or actinolitc/trcmolitc with
subordinate but occasionally fairly high amount of quartz-microcline-plagiclasc and
accessories like sphene, calcite, apatite, epidote-zoisite, phlogopite, biotitc, chlorite,
muscovite, garnet, opaque and rarely scapolite. Although typical calc-silicate mineral
like -scapolite is not common in these rocks, the term calc-silicate rock is retained here
because it is deeply entrenched in the geological literature of Puruliya district (viz., GS1,
1977; Das 1977a). Crystalline limestones or marbles, apart from having calcite, contain
highly variable amount of the above minerals present in calc-silicate rocks. The
crystalline limestones of the area have been loosely designated as simply 'limestones’ by
some of the previous workers (e.g., GSI, 1977; Ghosh-Dastidar, 1977) and are popularly
known as 'Jhalida limestone' because of their occurrences within a few kilometers
northerly from the Jhalida town lying in the western part of the area.. The geological
maps showing the occurrences of calc-silicate rocks with interlayered crystalline
limestones in the Tulin-Jhalida belt have been published by Ray (1943), Sengupta and
Sarkar (1968) and GSI (1977). Detailed geological maps were published by Das (1977a)
and Ghosh-Dastidar (1977) from Belamu and Jabar areas, some 13 km NNE from
V i

Jhalida (Fig. 4.1, 4.2). The Jhalida ‘limestones’ have attracted the attention of GSI and
other geological organisations for exploring possibility of use in cement industry (Dutt,
1959 in GSI 1977; Roy, 1962a,b; Chakraborty, 1966; Chakraborty, 1968; Ghosh-
Dastidar, 1977; GSI, 1977; Kar and Ghosh, 1986; Ghosh, 2001). Brief petrographic
studies of the calc-silicate rocks from NW of Jhalida have been made by Ray (1943)
and somewhat detailed studies of calc-silicate rocks and crystalline limestone from the
Jabar area, NNE of Jhalida have been made by Ghosh-Dastidar (1977). In this Chapter,
the writer presents the results of more detailed petrological and petrochemical
investigations of the calc-silicate rocks and crystalline limestone from the above areas
taken together.

Field occurrence

The calc-silicate rocks of the area belong to Precambrian meta-sediments and are
intruded by basic sills and granitoid gneisses (Chhotanagpur granitoid), followed by
pegmatites, aplites and quartz veins. The calc-silicate bodies are enclosed in granitoid
rocks and occasionally contain lenses of marbles. The largest body (approx 15km maxm
x 7km maxm.) occurs with E-W trend within porphyritic granitoid country rock and lies
about 5.5 km NW of Jhalida (Fig. 1.2, in pocket). Associated with the body arc small
patches of amphibolites (both artho and para type), mica schists and khondalites of
variable dimensions. The larger exposures include hillocks of Tuni Palmr (i.c., hill) to
the NW of Jhalida and the hill range to the north of Talsokra (northwestern corner of the
area), the hillocks to the north of Majhidih (NE of Jhalida) and the hillock near
Maramu (about 2km WNW of Belamu). The calc-silicate rocks and associated
crystalline limestones occurring in the Jabar and Belamu Pahar lying to the NNE of
Jhalida (or NW of Jaipur) occur as E-W trending narrow bodies closely associated with
mica schists within the granitoid country rocks and are in many cases intruded by
pegmatites. The detailed geological map around Belamu Pahar to the NE of Jhalida is
shown in Fig. 4.1 to illustrate the field relations of calc-silicate rocks. The crystalline
limestones occur as bands or lenses within thicker bands of calc-silicate gneiss, mica
schists and granitoid gneisses to the NW and N of Digardih and Ichatu (both to the N of
Tulin) and in the lower reaches of Jhora Pahar which is known as 'Jabarbanpahar' or
!Jabar pahar' lying to the N of Jabar (NNE of Jhalida). The interlayering of calc-silicate
rocks with thicker lenses of crystalline limestone is present not only in the outcrops but
it has also been recognised from 33 bore hole data of Jabar area and such composition
variation in crystalline limestone may take place within very short vertical distances as
low as 3m (Ghosh- Dastidar, 1977, p. 103).

The different units — crystalline limestone, highly impure carbonate bands and calc-
silicate rocks — commonly show pinching and swelling. Apart from being associated
with calc- silicate bands the crystalline limestone bands of Jabar are intercalated with
quartzite and numerous thin bands of biotite-quartz schists and / or schistose

. Minor folds are commonly present in calc-silicate rocks (see Chapter 2). They may be
symmetrical, asymmetrical or overturned. Some of these folds are open non-plunging or
gently plunging (either towards E or W) nearly upright folds and some are with tight

angular antiform and open to closed broad-hinged rounded synform. In places the folds
are sinistral folds with variable tightness and axial plane orientation. Disharmonic folds
are conspicuous in calc-silicate rocks to the SE of Brajapur (N of Tulin). M-shaped
steeply plunging highly contorted minor folds in calc-silicate rock have been recorded
from west of Dumurdih on Jhalida-Gola road. In places folded and banded calc-silicate
gneisses / amphibolites occur as enclave within porphyritic granitoid gneiss.


1. Calc - silicate rocks

These are generally grey coloured, medium to fine grained banded (Fig. 4.3, 4.4) or
finely gneissic rocks (Fig'. 4.5). Some samples, however, show shades of brown, light
blue or dark greenish and pink colour. Banding is occasionally defined by alternate dark
and light coloured lenticles or layers. Dark coloured bands are relatively fine grained,
granoblastic and are composed dominantly of diopside and actinolite with subordinate
microcline, quartz, plagioclase, calcite, sphene, biotite, tremolite, garnet and opaque.
Occasionally phlogopite, chlorite, apatite, tourmaline, muscovite and epidote-zoisitc arc
also present. In places of Jabar area fair amount of tremolite and occasionally scapolite
are present in calc-silicate gneiss. Light coloured bands are coarse-grained granoblastic
and composed dominantly of quartz, microcline, actinolite, plagioclase with accessory
calcite and sphene. The general gneissic and/or granoblastic textures of fairly diopside-
rich calc-silicate rocks are illustrated in Fig. 4.5 to 4.7. The-calc silicate schists/gncisses
\ i.

show the following mineral assemblages:

a. Actinolite - microcline - quartz (- plagioclase - sphene - zoisite - calcite -


b. Actinolite - diopside - quartz - microcline - plagioclase (- sphene - garnet-

calcite -tourmaline - epidote - zoisite - muscovite - opaque)

c. Tremolite - actinolite - diopside - quartz (- calcite - sphene - opaque -

microcline- zoisite)

d. Diopside - actinolite - quartz - microcline (- plagioclase - sphene - epidote -

zoisite - opaque)
e. Diopside - phlogopite (- microcline - plagioclase - actinolite - sphene - calcite
muscovite - opaque)

f. Diopside - microcline - piagioclase - zoisite

g. Diopside - quartz - microcline (- calcite - epidote - zoisite - muscovite)

h. Diopside - plagioclase (- garnet - opaque - sphene)

i. Diopside - microcline - calcite (-phlogopite - actinolite - sphene - epidolc -

zoisite- plagioclase - quartz - opaque)

Modes (volume%) of 24 samples representing all the above assemblages are shown in

Table 4.1. In assemblage i some of the accessory minerals listed are not present in the

particular sample for which the mode is given. The conventional names of the rocks of
the above different assemblages may be as follows :
a. Quartzofeldspathic actinolite schist or gneiss.
b. Quartzofeldspathic diopside - actinolite schist or gneiss.
c. Quartzofeldspathic diopside - tremolite- actinolite schist or gneiss.
d. Quartzofeldspathic actinolite - diopside schist or gneiss.
e. Phlogopite- diopside schist or gneiss.
f. Feldspathic diopside schist or gneiss.
g. Quartzofeldspathic diopside schist or gneiss.
h. Gametiferous plagioclase - diopside rock.
i. Diopsidite.

Actinolite (X= light yellowish green, Y= light green or pale dirty green, Z= light green
or light bluish green) and tremolite occur as elongate and also stumpy prisms in the
interspaces of diopside showing a preferred orientation defining the trend of schistosity
or gneissosity especially in assemblages in which they occur in high proportion.
Occasionally they are clustered in places and contain fair amount of inclusions of quartz
and microcline.
Diopside occurs as aggregates of subidioblastic equant fine to medium-grained tablets
in diopside- rich band and as individual tablets or aggregates of two or few such grains
in calcite-rich or microcline-rich bands. It also occurs as coarse subidioblastic slightly to
fairly elongate grains with or without parallel laths of phlogopite defining the trend of
gneissosity/schistosity (Fig. 2.2, 4.5). Occasionally it contains inclusions of quartz
and/or K-feldspar and is partially altered to chlorite. In some samples it constitutes more
than 80% and forms a mosaic of equidimensional, medium-sized, subidioblastic grains.
Interspaces of diopsides are filled up with phlogopite, quartz, microcline, tremolite
' and/or actinolite and opaque.

Microcline, quartz and plagioclase (An 26-30) occur generally as xenoblastic equant
grains interstitial to diopsides (Fig. 4.6, 4.7) or elongate, generally medium-sized grains
interstitial to diopside and amphiboles or phlogopite (Fig. 2.2). Microcline, plagioclase
and quartz, while occurring in aggregates, may show preferred orientation parallel to the
schistosity in tremolite-actinolite schist.
Sphene occurs mostly as medium to coarse-grained xcnoblasts. Sometimes elliptical
spindle-shaped and rhombic grains arc seen. It occurs mostly in the interspaces of
actinolite, quartz, plagioclase and microcline and sometimes occurs as poikiloblastic
inclusions, within large grains of actinolite and feldspars.
Phlogopite (X= pale straw yellow or almost colourless, Y=Z= deep brown) occurs as
fine to medium-sized subidioblastic elongate laths in the interspaces of diopsides (Fig.

4.5). At places, these laths show parallelism defining paper-thin lamination within fine­
grained groundmass of diopside-microcline or diopside only and sometimes all the
minerals, especially phlogopite and diopside, show strong preferred orientation parallel
to schistosity/gneissosity (Fig. 2.2). Segregation of the phlogopite laths showing random
orientation in the diopside-rich mass may also be present (Fig. 4.8). Sporadic aggregate
of tablets or individual tablets of diopside are present within this segregation of
Calcite may occur as subidioblastic, fine to medium-sized grains at the interspaces of
quartz-microcline-plagioclase-actinolite. At places, cleavage planes are filled up with
fine flakes of muscovite.
Apatite occurs as fine subrounded elongate grains in the interspaces of other grains and
also as inclusions mainly within feldspars. '
Epidote-zoisites are very rare and occur as fine subidioblastic to xenoblastic nearly
equant grains associated with diopside-tremolite-actinolite and sporadically in calcite
aggregates; these also may contain inclusions of diopside and calcite.
Tremolite is rare; however, it may occur in high proportion in these rocks at places of
the Belamu and Jabar areas. It occurs as subidioblastic stumpy prisms generally forming
clusters running parallel to schistosity or gneissosity. Rounded inclusions of quartz may
be present in it.
Biotite (distinguished from phlogopite by pleochroism) and muscovite occur as small
laths at the interspaces of quartz and feldspar.
Tourmaline is rare; it occurs as fine subidiomorphic elongate grains in the interspaces
of actinolite, quartz and feldspar.

Garnet is rare but when present (eg., assemblage b, h, Table 4.1) it may occur in fair
proportion. It occurs as equant subidioblastic medium-sized grains crowded with
abundant very minute minerals, mainly sphene (Fig. 4.9). Interspaces of garnets are
filled with xenoblastic quartz and subidioblastic medium-sized plagioclasc with
subordinate microcline. Occasionally quartzofeldspathic.and diopside-garnct rich bands
alternate giving rise to gneissic banding (Fig. 4.10).
Opaques occur as fine to coarse-sized xenomorphic individual grains or aggregates in
the interspaces of diopside, calcite and actinolite.

2. Crystalline Limestone

These rocks are fine to coarse-grained, varying in colour from milky white to greenish
white with a bluish tint. Colour banding is caused by layers of ferromagnesian minerals
within calcite-rich mass. The ferromagnesian minerals generally show dimensional
parallelism with the banding. The calcite-diopside assemblage is the most common and
the other minerals present include quartz, tremolite, microcline, plagioclase, sphene,
epidote, zoisite, muscovite, piilogopite, apatite, opaques and occasionally scapolitc.
Modes of 4 samples are given in Table 4.1.
A detailed study of the hill to the N of Jabar reveals that about 1/3 rd of the hill in its
northeastern part contains the highest grade (Grade I, CaC03 above 75% determined on
acid insoluble basis) of crystalline limestone of this area (Ghosh-Dastidar, 1977, p 104).
The purer varieties of crystalline limestones are, in general, coarse-grained, composed
principally of aggregates of subidioblastic calcite ranging in grain size from o'20mm x

0.12mm to 3.60mm x 2.00mm. Calcite grains may show dimensional parallelism and
are deformed at places. The subordinate diopside and other minerals, generally finer in
grain-size than calcite, are usually distributed in the interspaces of coarser calcites
(Fig. 4.11). At places, the relatively impure crystalline limestones contain thin
recrystallised discontinuous lenses of aggregates of coarse calcite occurring in a
groundmass composed of relatively fine grained aggregates of calcite and other
minerals; such recrystallised lenses are almost completely free from inclusions of other
minerals. Coarse elongate calcite aggregates or individual lenticles occasionally form
very thin lenses enclosed in crushed fine-grained groundmass composed principally of
calcite and minor diopside aggregates giving rise to mortar texture (Fig. 4.12). The
frequent bending of twin bands also suggests deformation.
Diopside occurs generally as fine grained (average size 0.20mm x 0.20mm.), circular or

squarish tablet, which at places, shows segregation. The maximum grain size is 3.60mm
x 2.40mm. Apart from occurring interstitial to calcites, diopside granules arc
occasionally present as poikiloblastic inclusions in calcite.
Actinolite-tremolite (size range. 0.36mm x 0.16mm to 4.80mm x 1.44mm), wherever
present, occur in minor amount. Grains are subidioblastic, short or long prismatic and
occur in association with epidote-diopside.
Epidote-zoisite (average size: 0.24mm x 0.24mm) are accessories, subidioblastic, fine,
to medium in grain-size and are generally intimately associated with diopside.
Quartz (size range varying between 0.20mm x 0.13mm and 0.60mm x 0.52mm),
plagioclase and microcline (size range: 0.20mm x 0.16mm to 0.60mm x 0.48mm.) are
medium-sized, granoblastic and occur in close association with one another to form a

granular mosaic within aggregates of calcite.

Muscovite (average size: 0.80mm x 0.12mm) is rare but whenever present, occurs as
tiny laths. Sometimes it occurs along the cleavage planes in calcite.
Phlogopite occurs as clusters and may show a general preferred orientation parallel to
the gneissosity defined by alternate thicker calcite-rich band and thinner phlogopitc-
diopside rich layer.
Opaques are also rare and occur as medium-sized xenomorphic aggregate associated
with diopside in diopside-rich bands.

Petrochemistry .
1. Calc - silicate gneiss
Major and trace element analyses of 3 representative .samples of calc-silicate gneiss are
shown in Table 4.2. The range of variation of major element composition of calc-
silicate rocks from Belamu-Jaipur sector (given by Baidya and Chakravarty, 1988) is
also shown. The major element composition suggests impure magnesian'limestone to be
the parent material. The ACF plots lie in the carbonate-bearing 'clays and shale' field or
marls containing 35 to 65% carbonate (Fig. 4.13) suggesting calc-magnesian'parent
sediments. In the amphibolite facies ACF diagram the plots of the calc-silicate gneisses
(Fig. 4.14) demand the presence of diopside-actinolite-tremolite-scapolite-epidote-
zoisite which agree with the petrographic finding, thus suggesting attainment of
chemical equilibrium during metamorphism.

2, Crystalline limestone
Ghosh-Dastidar (1977), while exploring ihc viability of use of Jhalida calc-silicate
rocks-crystalline limestone for use in cement industry, classified the carbonate bands
from a large number of samples of the Jabar area, NNE of Jhalida, into 5 grades (Fig.
4.2), from determination of CaCCb on acid insoluble basis:
Grade 1 : CaCC>3 content above 75%( not about 75%. personal communication with
Ghosh-Dastidar, 2002)
Grade II: CaC03 content between 75% and 65%
Grade III : CaCC>3 content between 65% and 55%
Grade IV : CaCCb content between 55% and 40%
Grade V : CaC03 content below 40%
From analyses of CaO% (fusion method) of 50 samples of carbonate rocks
(Ghosh-Dastidar, op.cit.,p 105) it is found that barring one sample(225 ), the CaO%
varies from 29.60 to 49.56%. The MgO content determined from a few samples varies
from about 3% to 7%. The good quality of crystalline limestone bands of Digardih-
Kudagara area to the N of Tulin have average CaO% 39.52, MgO% 1 and insoluble %
26.78; in the Belamu hill the average CaO% in good bands varies from 34.93% to
41.27%, MgO 0.72% to 1.22% and insoluble 28.72% to 20.16% respectively (GSI,
1977, p. 36-37).


Table 4.1

Modes (volume%) of Calc-silicate rocks and Crystalline limestones


Assemblage No. a b

Serial No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Diopside 28.9 21.4 16.1 12 10.3

Actinolite+T remolite 56.6 34.7 29 27.8 41.2 24 27.2 39.5 22.5
Quartz 15.8 28 30 32.9 14.3 27.2 23.9 21 20.2
Microcline 17.3 21.3 27.4 30.3 5.6 16.9 19.8 24 19.8
Plagioclase(AN26-30) 9.4 10.1 2 6.1 8 8.6 0.4 13.9
Sphene 5.2 3.1 2 3 1 2.1 2.5 . 1.2
Calcite 1.2 0.9 1 0.9
Biotite 1.1 0.3
Opaque 3.2 1.8 0.5 4.7. 0.2 . 1 0.1
Tourmaline 0.3 0.3 0.4
Apatite 1.3 P 1.9 1 P 0.6
Epidote+Zoisite P
Garnet 11.9

Total 100.5 99.9 99.9 99.6 100.1 100.3 • 100 100 99.9

p: present in very minor proportion but did not come into count

1 :AD21, about 11.2km NNE of Tulin (NE of Sutharpur).

2: SBG142, about 3.75km NE of Tulin (NE of Guridih).
3:SBG133b, about 6.75km N of Tulin (SSE of Beldih).
4: AD300f, about 7km NNE of Tulin (E of Kiribera).
5 : AD275b, about 9km NNW of Tulin (NE of Harinatoli).
6:SBG133a, about 6.75km N of Tulin (SSE of Beldih).
7:SBG132b, about 6km NNE of Tulin (SSE of Beldih).
8: AD247, about 6.75km NNW of Tulin (W of Brajapur).
9 : SBG132a, about 6km NNE of Tulin (SSE of Beldih).

Table 4.1 contd.


Assemblage No c d e

Serial No 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Diopside 13.1 7.6 45.2 36.3 85.1 60.5 51.6

Actinolite+T remolite 66.3 62.9 14.7 26.7 3.6
Quartz 11.7 24.6 4.8 13.2
Microcline 3.2 30.7 17.7 10.4 7.2
Plagioclase(AN26-3o) 2.1 2.8 .
Sphene 2.8 0.9 0.6 2.2 1.5
Calcite 3.3 2.5 15.3
Phlogopite 10.6 17.2 24
Opaque 1.9 0.9 3.3 2.1
Epidote+Zoisite 0.8 1.3 1 4.3 '

Total 99.1 100 100 100 99.9 99.9 99.6

10:KB12, about 6km NW of Jaipur (E of Sulunglahar).

11 : KB159, about 9km WNW of Jaipur (NW of Khatanga).
12:AD158, about 12.2km WNW of Jaipur (W of Maramu). .
13:AD360, about 11.2km NW of Jaipur (E of Nayadih).
14 : AD12a, about 10.2km N of Tulin (N of Digardih).
15 : AD7b, about 10km N of Tulin (N of Ichatu).
16 : AD6c, about 10km N of Tulin (0.8km N of Ichatu).

Table 4.1 contd.


Assemblage No f g h I

Serial No 17 15 19 20 21 22 23 24

Diopside 47.9 83.2 60.1 59.6 59.2 60.5 39.2 82.2

Actinolite+T remolite 1.3
Quartz 1.4 11.3 ■ 15.5 16.6 P
Microcline 34.1 2.6 24.2 17.4 12.8 8.4
Plagioclase(AN26-30) 15.1 3.8 2.7 34 48.6
Sphene 0.9 1 0.5
Calcite 2.' 8.1
Phlogopite 4.4 2.2
Opaque 2.2 3.6 6 4.8 4.3
Apatite 2.2 0.2
Epidote+Zoisite 2.9 4.7
Garnet 6.3
Hornblende 1.3

Total 100 100 100 99.7 100 99.8 99.9 100

17 : KB143, about 12km NW of Jaipur (0.8km E of Maramu).

18 : AD11b, about 10km N of Tulin (0.8km N of Ichatu).
19 : AD5a, same location as AD11b.
20 : AD158b, about 12.2km WNW of Jaipur (W of Maramu).
21 : AD17, about 9.75km N of Tulin (E of Uparbarga).
22 : KB223, about 7km N of Jaipur.
23 : IB100, about 6.25km ENE of Jaipur.
24 : KB57, about 13km NW of Jaipur.

Table 4.1 contd.


Serial No 25 26 27 28

Diopside 4.2 4.7 19.3 38.4

Actinolite+T remolite
Quartz 1.2 9.2
Microcline 1.5 2
Plagioclase(AN26-3o) 1.3
Sphene 1 4.8
Calcite 90.5 82.5 69 57.1
Phlogopite 1.1
Opaque 0.5 4.1
Epidote+Zoisite 0.9 0.7
Muscovite 1.2 1.7 3.1

Total 100 100.5 100.2 99.3

25 : AD6b, about 10km N of Tulin (0.8km N of Ichatu).

26 : AD12b, about 10.2km N of Tulin (N of Digardih).
27 : AD378, about 10.4km NW of Jaipur.
28 : AD7a, about 10km N of Tulin (0.7km N of Ichatu).
Table 4.2

Chemical analyses of Calc-silicate gneisses

1 2 3 4

Si02 53.33 . 61.1 45.45 55..00-58.00

TiOz 0.46 0.28 0.53 0.30r0.40
ai2o3 12.13 8.79 10.3 07.50-10.00
Fe203* 4.32 6.76 3.07 2.40-2.60
MnO 0.15 0.24 0.12 0.03-0.04
MgO 8.37 6.13 6.81 7.10-10.30
CaO 19.33 14.12 20.63 13.50-17.00
NazO 0.43 0.03 0.79 1.00-1.20
K20 0.14 0.24 1.6 3.50-4.70
p2o5 0.1 0.18 0.16 0.04-0.14
L.O.I 0.7 1.79 9.66

Total 99.46 99.66 99.12

Trace elements (ppm)

Pb <5 8 18
As 4 2 <2
Zn 36 35 17
Cu <5 <5 24
Ni 46 21 28
Co 10 ' 15 8
Cr 37 15 23
V 49 41 59

Fe203* : total iron as Fe203 except in si no. 4 in which Fe203.

ranges from 2.40 to 2.60 and FeO, 2.20 to 2.40.

1 : AD189, about 8km NNE of Tulin (0.9km SE of Jalambili).

2 : AD325b, about 5.4km N of Tulin (0.75km SE of Brajapur).
3 : AD335, about 6.75km N of Tulin (0.5km E of Piprajara).
4 : Nil, Diopside-tremoiite-plagioclase-bearing calc-silicate rock

Baidya and Chakravarty, 1988. Na20 is 1.00, not 0.10,

a misprint (personal communication with Baidya, 2002).
Pegmatites and quartz veins (width exaggerated) Basic rock and mylonites
Hh + Granite !-1_! Calc-silicate rocks f- Foliation di|
Phyllites and mica schist

Fig. 4.1. Geological map around Belamu hill (after Das, 1977a).

1 |Grade I ^ Grade II j Grade III v? Grade IV

|H Grade V Mica schist jet

Fig. 4.2. Sketch geological map of the Jabarban crystalline limestone deposit (after
Ghosh - Dastidar, 1977). Simplified for clarity.
Fig. 4.3. Colour - compositional banding in calc-silicate rocks, about 250m ESE of
Beldih (about 6km NNE of Tulin).

Fig. 4.4. Colour - compositional banding in calc-silicate rocks on the hillock at

Beldih. Location same as in Fig 4.3.
Fig. 4.5. The general gneissic-granoblastic texture in calc-silicate gneiss. Gneissosity
in diopside-rich calc-silicate gneiss is defined by phlogopite-diopside rich thinner
bands alternating with diopside rich thicker band. Note both the phlogopite laths and
tablets of diopside show a general elongation parallel to the gneissosity (AD6c).
Plane polarised light. Length of the photograph represents 2.06mm.

Fig. 4.6. General texture of calc-silicate rock with aggregates of equant tablets of
diopside with interstitial microcline, plagioclase and quartz (AD6a). Plane polarised
light. Length of the photograph represents 0.82mm.
Fig. 4.7. Same as 4.6. Crossed polars.

Fig. 4.8. Segregation of randomly oriented laths of phlogopite in a diopside-rich

calc-silicate rock (AD6b). Plane polarised light. Length of the photograph represents
Fig. 4.9. Subidioblastic poikiloblasts of garnet with few diopside grains within the
quartzofeldspathic groundmass in calc-silicate suite of rock. Most of the inclusions in
garnets are sphene (SBG132a). Plane polarised light. Length of the photograph
represents 0.82mm.

Fig. 4.10. Gneissosity in garnet-bearing calc-silicate suite of rock defined by garnet-

rich band (with few diopside grains, lower R.l.) alternating with quartzofeldspathic
band (SBG132a). Plane polarised light. Length of the photograph represents 0.82mm.
Fig. 4.11. General texture of impure crystalline limestone. Fine diopside tablets are
interstitial to aggregates of coarse calcite (AD378). Plane polarised light. Length of
the photograph represents 0.82mm.

Fig. 4.12. Strongly oriented lenticular, deformed calcites are enclosed in a very fine
grained groundmass of mainly crushed calcite with sporadic diopside. The crushed
groundmass material, giving rise to mortar texture, in places, intrudes across the
deformed calcite lenticles (AD 12b). Plane polarised light. Length of the photograph
represents 0.82mm.

1 A: Al-rich clays and shales; IB: Clays and shales either free of carbonate or
containing upto 35% carbonate; between arrows: marls containing 35% - 65%
carbonate; II: Greywackes.

Fig. 4.13. Plots of the calc-silicate rocks in ACF diagram showing the fields
of some sedimentary rocks (in Winkler, 1988, p. 45).

Fig. 4.14. Plots of the calc-silicate rocks in ACF diagram for amphibolite facies.

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