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1. Select a tourism business.

Sky Mirror Malaysia beach at Kuala Selangor. It is located 1.74 nautical miles off the
coast of the fishing village of Jeram, Selangor, in the middle of the Straits of Malacca
Sea. Kuala Selangor Beach is better known as “Mirror of the Sky “as the shallow waters
of this “Secret Island” reflects the sky in all its going, thus creating many unique
photography opportunities. The Island makes a perfect travel destination for holiday, it is
also a habitat for many marine agricultures. The most common are the sea and baby crab
scattered abundantly in the sand.

2. List all promotional tools used by this business.

Sky Mirror makes sales promotion to promote and create awareness about the uniqueness of the
beach to grab attention of new customer. It’s also to give the rewards to the existing customer and
to increase consumption of occasional users.

Sky Mirror Malaysia advertise their uniqueness through social media, tourism agency and
website. Besides, they also get free advertising from tourist who came to the beach with post the
pictures to their social media. Sky Mirror put the beautiful and amazing’s picture that have been
taken to their media platform that they have. They also put video to attract more people to come.
Sky Mirror Malaysia build a relation with Kuala Selangor District Council where they
build a new tourism attraction to get the attention of Malaysians and outsiders on the
beaches in Selangor. Sky Mirror Malaysia also get attention from TV station, reporters
and newspaper writer.

3. Make your comments on their promotional strategy. Do you think it is suffice? If

not, how do we improve?

I think their promotional strategy is not sufficed. They need to use more platform
that mostly used by peoples nowadays. They also need to give more efforts to promote
the beach until it goes viral and be a viral marketing. This is because, when I asked my
friends about this place, they don't know about the existence of this place and they asked
me back with “do Selangor have beach?”. So here I think they effort in promotional
strategy is not enough. I just rate at 3/5. Besides, they need to know and do a research
about competitors’ promotional strategy. They need to exposed more in tourism agency’s
website. Their social media also lack of followers, they need to find a way how they will
gain followers so then peoples will get information through they social media. Next,
since this beach is only accessible to tourists twice a month, during the new moon and
full moon periods, they need to make an amazing promotion within that season because
its can be categorized as a limited beach.

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