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Dear Boys and Girls:

This Activity Sheet is a compilation of performance tasks and graphic

organizers under the five major subjects for you to study within a span of ten
weeks while you are at home and schools are on lockdown.

Answer the tasks as best as you can. Use the graphic organizers to
organize your concepts. Ask your parent or guardian anytime to help you use
this workbook and have them check your learning progress.

Using the Learn at Home workbooks, you will encounter an in-depth

learning of ideas as you engage in challenging problems; build your
understanding of concepts; test and sharpen your knowledge as well as your
critical thinking skills; connect learning to other disciplines and everyday
experiences; deepen the knowledge you acquired in every lesson; and enrich
yourself as you work on challenging activities by doing the exercises.

Stay safe and enjoy learning at home!

Learn at Home Editorial Team


English Performance Tasks.........................2

English Graphic Organizers...................... 19

Filipino Performance Tasks...................... 26

Filipino Graphic Organizers.................... 36

Araling Panlipunan Performance Tasks.44

Araling Panlipunan Graphic Organizers.54

Math Performance Tasks......................... 68

Math Graphic Organizers.........................78

Science Performance Tasks..................... 86

Science Graphic Organizers.................... 98

1st Quarter
Performance Task 1
Writing a Creation Myth
Damian Eugenio, a Filipino author and professor specializing in Philippine folklore, defined myth
as a story that explains how things came to be and why things are the way they are. Examples of
a myth are stories that explain how land formations, bodies of water, animals, and plants were
created and why animals and plants possess certain characteristics. Myths, in other words, are
stories about creation, such as the Tagalog and Bilaan versions of how the world came to be.
How do you think the world came to be? Write your own creation myth by following the
given steps below.
I. Prewriting. Plan your creation story by filling out the myth outline graphic organizer below.
Think about the events you will include in your story and how you plan to end it.


Character: Character: Character:

What will be created?



II. Drafting. Write a draft of your creation myth on a sheet of paper. Make sure that the events
in your myth are connected with each other. Use descriptions that will allow your readers to
picture the events in your myth. Read an excerpt from the Tagalog version of the creation
story below.

When the world first began, there was no land, but only the sea and the sky, and between
them was a kite (something like a hawk). One day, the bird which had nowhere to land, grew
tired of flying about, so she stirred up the sea until it threw its waters against the sky. The sky, in
order to restrain the sea, showered upon it many islands until it could no longer rise, but ran back
and forth. Then, the sky ordered the bird to alight on one of the islands to build her nest, and
to leave the sea and the sky in peace.

III. Revising and Sharing. Show your draft to your family. Ask them to comment on your choice
of words and the relationship of the events in your myth. Then, revise your draft based on
the comments you will receive.
IV. Proofreading. After you have rewritten your draft, check your work for errors in grammar,
spelling, usage, capitalization, and punctuation. Use the checklist below. Answer the given
questions by checking Yes or No.

Proofreading Checklist YES NO

1. Did I write in complete sentences?

2. Did I use the correct verb tense?

3. Did I follow the rules of subject-verb agreement?

4. Did I use the correct antecedent for the pronouns?

5. Did I use capital letters where necessary?

6. Did I spell the words correctly?

7. Did I use the correct punctuation marks?

8. Did I group ideas correctly?

9. Did I indent each paragraph?

10. Did I write neatly and legibly?

V. Preparing the Final Copy. Make corrections to your myth. Then, write your final draft on a
separate sheet of paper.
VI. Sharing. Let others read your work, and ask them for feedback.

Performance Task 2
Writing a Script
A script is the written text of a play or a movie. Its key feature is the lines of dialogue uttered
by the characters. Below is an example of a script. It is from Alberto S. Florentino’s play titled,
The World Is an Apple. Read it to familiarize yourself with the other features of a script.

Characters: Gloria, Mario, and Pablo

(An improvised home behind a portion of the Intramuros walls. Two wooden boxes flank the
doorway. On the left side is an acacia tree with a wooden bench under it.)
Mario enters from the street on the left. He is in his late twenties, shabbily dressed and with hair
that seems to have been uncut for weeks. He puts his lunch bag on the bench, sits down, removes
his shoes and puts them beside his lunch bag.
Gloria: (Calls from inside) Mario! Is that you, Mario?
Mario: Yes . . .
Gloria: (A small woman about Mario’s age, with long hair, comes out wiping her hands on her
dress.) I’m glad you’re home early.
Mario: How is Tita? (Without waiting for an answer, he enters the dwelling.)
Gloria: (Crosses to the bench) Don’t wake her up, Mario. She’s tired. She cried the whole day.
Mario: (Reappears and crosses to the bench and sits on one end) Has she been eating well?
Gloria: She wouldn’t eat even a mouthful of lugao. But I’ll buy her some biscuits. Maybe she’ll eat
them. (She slips her fingers into his breast pocket) I’ll take some of the money!
Mario: (Rises, annoyed) Gloria! Can’t you wait a minute?
Gloria: (Taken aback) Hey, what’s the matter? Why are you suddenly so touchy?
Mario: Who wouldn’t be? I’m talking to you about the child and you bother me by ransacking my
pockets! I wish you’d think more of our daughter.
Gloria: (Crosses at the center) My God! Wasn’t I thinking of her? Why do you think I need some
money? To buy me a pretty dress? Or see a movie?

Everyone can write and develop a good script. The easiest way to start is by conceptualizing
your story and breaking it down into scenes before writing the lines of dialogue to be used in
each of them.

Think of another story that you would like to convert into a play. Then, figure out the
number of scenes that you will need to tell the whole story. Using the scriptwriting graphic
organizer below, write a script for the first scene of your story. You may write the script for the
rest of the scenes on sheets of paper.

Setting of the Scene:

Characters: What the Scene Actions Involved

Is About: in the Scene:

Script for the Scene:

Performance Task 3
Writing an Alternate Ending to a Story
Have you read the story of Florante at Laura by Francisco Balagtas? If you have, write down its
ending in the space provided. If you have not, read the story before writing down your answer

Are you satisfied with how the story of Florante at Laura ended? You may or may not be
satisfied with it, but in this activity, you will write an alternate or a different ending to their
story. Before you begin writing, familiarize yourself first with the types of endings listed below.
1. Explicit Ending
This type of ending is the most typical of all types. It leaves no stone unturned and questions
unanswered. It will give you an impression that a story has truly come to an end. This type
of ending is for those who would like to sleep peacefully at night, knowing exactly what
happens to the major characters.
2. Implicit Ending
If you are the kind of person who enjoys cliffhangers, then this type of ending suits you best.
Implicit endings are vague and subject to multiple interpretations. They give you something
to speculate on, so do not expect to fall asleep anytime soon after reading a story with this
type of ending.

3. Twist Ending
As its name suggests, this type of ending is unexpected. Everything you think you know
about the characters and the story itself gets thrown out the window the moment the twist
is revealed. This revelation completely changes a story’s atmosphere and momentum, which
can either impress or disappoint you.
4. Long View Ending
An ending like this one will take you far into the future. The characters you love might be five
or ten years older than they were when the story took place. They would also probably be
living a different life, considering the amount of time that passed. This type of ending tells you
how the main characters’ lives and they themselves change years after the story ends.

Choose one type of ending to focus on. Once you have decided on the type you want, write
an alternate ending for the story of Florante at Laura in the space provided below.

Performance Task 4
Dramatic Reading of a Script
A script may be fun to read silently, but what makes it more interesting is reading it out loud
with emotion. The words and the characters in a play who utter them come alive through
dramatic reading.
Do you remember the play The World Is an Apple by Alberto S. Florentino featured in the
scriptwriting activity? Below is the continuation of that excerpt. Find a partner, then practice
reading your lines to each other for 15 minutes. Make sure that you use the proper emotion in
reading your lines. After rehearsing, do a dramatic reading of the play in front of your family.

Mario: Tone down your voice. You’ll wake the child up.
Gloria: (Low but intense) All I want is a little money to buy her something to eat! She hasn’t eaten
anything all day! That was why I was “bothering” you!
Mario: (Repentant) I’m sorry, Gloria . . . (Grips her arm)
Gloria: It’s all right, Mario. Now, may I have some of the money?
Mario: (Turns to her) Money? I . . . don’t have any . . . not now.
Gloria: Today is payday, Mario.
Mario: Yes . . . but . . .
Gloria: But what? Where’s your pay for the week?
Mario: I don’t . . . have it.
Gloria: What? I waited for you the whole day and you tell me . . .
Mario: (Angry) that I have nothing! Nothing! What do you want me to do—steal?
Gloria: I’m not asking you to do a thing like that! All I want to know is what you did with your
Mario: (Sits on the bench) Nothing is left of it.
Gloria: Nothing? What happened?
Mario: Oh, I had a few drinks with my friends. Before I knew it, I had spent every centavo of it.
Gloria: (Eyeing him intently) Mario, do you think you can make a fool of me? Haven’t I seen
you drunk before: crawling home like a wounded snake and reeking of alcohol like a
hospital? You don’t smell or look drunk.
Mario: All right, so I didn’t go drinking.

Gloria: But your pay—what happened to it?
Mario: It’s better if you don’t know, Gloria
Gloria: Look, Mario I’m your wife. I have the right to half of everything you get. If I can’t have my
share, I have the right to know at least where it went!
Mario: All right. (Rises.) I spent it all on another woman.
Gloria: Another woman? I don’t believe it. I know you wouldn’t do such thing.
Mario: I didn’t know you had so much faith in me.
Gloria: No, Mario, what I mean is . . . you wouldn’t spend all your money when you know your
daughter may need some of it. You love her too much to do that.
(Mario sits down and buries his head in his hands. Gloria crosses to him and lays a hand on his
Gloria: What’s wrong, Mario?
Mario: (Turns his face away) Nothing, Gloria, nothing.
Gloria: (Sits beside him) I know something is wrong, Mario. I can feel it. Tell me what it is.
Mario: (Stares at the ground) Gloria, I’ve lost my job.
Gloria: (Rises, shocked) Oh, no!
Mario: (Looks up at her) It’s true, Gloria.
Gloria: What about your pay for the whole week?
Mario: I lost my job a week ago.
Gloria: And you never even told me!
Mario: I thought I could get another, without making you worry.
Gloria: Do you think you can get another in five months? It took you that long to get the last one.
Mario: It won’t take me as long to get another.
Gloria: But how did you lose it? Mario! Have your sinful fingers brought you trouble again?
Mario: Now, now, Gloria! Don’t try to accuse me, as they did!
Gloria: What did they accuse you of?
Mario: Just what you meant to say, Pilfering, they call it.
Gloria: What else would you call it? (Pause.) What, according to them, did you steal?
Mario: (Low) It was nothing much, really nothing at all.
Gloria: What was it?
Mario: It was an apple.
Gloria: An apple! You mean—
Mario: An apple! Don’t you know what an apple is?
Gloria: You mean, you took one apple.
Mario: Yes, and they kicked me out for it: for taking one, single apple. Not a dozen,
not a crate.

Performance Task 5
Writing a Thematic Essay
A thematic essay is a piece of writing wherein a central theme is explored and developed using
literary devices. These literary devices include foreshadowing, imagery, personification, among
others. They are used by a writer in conveying a message to his or her readers.
Write your own thematic essay. Follow the steps below.
I. Prewriting
Choose a literary work. Read it to find out its central theme and main subject. Summarizing
the story will help you pick the most prevalent theme and subject.
II. Drafting
Write a draft of your thematic essay on a sheet of paper. Provide an introduction and a
conclusion. Do not forget to give it an appropriate title, too.
III. Revising and Sharing
Read your draft. Assess your work and look for errors. You may ask a family member to read
and comment on it to help you improve your work. Use the checklist below to proofread
your work. Check Yes or No to answer the questions.

Proofreading Checklist YES NO

1. Did I write in complete sentences?

2. Did I use the correct verb tense?

3. Did I follow the rules of subject-verb agreement?

4. Did I use the correct antecedent for the pronouns?

5. Did I use capital letters where necessary?

6. Did I spell the words correctly?

7. Did I use the correct punctuation marks?

8. Did I group ideas correctly?

9. Did I indent each paragraph?

10. Did I write neatly and legibly?

IV. Preparing a Final Copy
Make necessary corrections to your essay. Afterward, rewrite it in the space provided below.

IV. Sharing
Read your essay to your family. You may also post your work on social media.

Performance Task 6
Writing a Haiku
A haiku is a Japanese poem with three lines. The first and last lines of this poem have five
syllables, whereas the second line has seven. A haiku does not follow capitalization and
punctuation rules. It also does not need to rhyme. Below is an example of a haiku written by
African-American haiku poet Richard Wright.

Whitecaps on the bay;

A broken signboard banging
In the April wind.

Using what you have learned about a haiku, write one that captures a scene about nature
on the lines provided below. In the box above your haiku, draw the scene it describes. Present
your work to your family.

Performance Task 7
A Summer Sonnet
Every summer vacation surely creates memories for you to remember. Try to reminisce your
summer experiences by writing a sonnet about it. A sonnet is a poem of 14 lines written in
iambic pentameter. It is considered a classic form of poetry and yet, until today we enjoy many
sonnets written way before our time.
First, think of what exactly it is that you want to write about. Is it the view you saw while on
a summer roadtrip? How about the feel of the sun and water when you and your family went
to the beach? Whatever it may be, write down thoughts, images, and feelings about it on your
notes. This will help you bring out ideas that you can add to your sonnet.
After narrowing down your main topic, it is now time to start writing your sonnet. Your
sonnet is expected to adhere to the form and structure of a Shakespearean or Spenserian
sonnet. It must make good use of symbolisms, metaphors, allusions, and grammar concepts such
as gerunds, gerund phrases, and the present participle of verbs. Upon finishing your sonnet, you
may share it with your family for their evaluation.
The rubric below will help you in writing and checking your sonnet.

Score 4 3 2 1
Criteria (Very Good) (Good) (Fair) (Poor)

Lines and The poem has The poem has 14 The poem has The poem does
Stanzas 14 lines, three lines consisting of 14 lines but does not have 14 lines.
quatrains, and three quatrains not make three
a couplet. but the last two quatrains nor a
are not a couplet. couplet.

Meter The poem Two to four lines Five to seven lines More than seven
uses iambic of the poem do of the poem do lines of the poem
pentameter not use iambic not use iambic do not use iambic
in all the lines. pentameter. pentameter. pentameter.

Rhyme The poem The poem has one The poem has The poem
Scheme uses the to four mistakes three to four has more than
Shakespearean in rhyme scheme. mistakes in rhyme four mistakes
or Spenserian scheme. in rhyme scheme.
rhyme scheme

Content The three The stanzas The stanzas fail The stanzas are
quatrains of the poem show in many parts incoherent and
develop an idea, a clear attempt to develop an disorganized with
metaphor, to develop an idea, metaphor, no clear idea,
or image leading idea, metaphor, or image, and metaphor, or
toward a shift or image leading the shift is hardly image conveyed,
or twist in the toward a shift evident. and no shift
couplet. or twist, but fail is evident.
to do so in some

Poetic Quality The poem makes The poem makes The poem does The poem makes
very good use good use of not make good poor use of words
of words words and shows use of words in and hardly shows
(e.g., symbolisms creativity and most parts, and creativity
and allusions). imagination it shows little or imagination.
It is fresh, in many parts. creativity
imaginative, or imagination.
and creative.

Language and The writing shows The writing shows The writing shows The writing shows
Writing evident mastery adequate mastery some mastery little mastery
Conventions of spelling of spelling, of spelling, of spelling,
and previously grammar, grammar, grammar,
learned concepts agreement, agreement, agreement,
of grammar and usage. and usage. and usage.
(e.g., gerund,
gerund phrases,
and present
and usage.

Performance Task 8
Literary Reflection
Sometimes, we come across books which we think speak to us. That is, it somehow feels very
relatable or more engaging than usual to us as we read it. Given that description, what book
comes to your mind? In this activity, you will write a literary reflection of sorts with the follow-
ing question as a prompt:

How does this book reflect who I am?

This requires you to first choose a book that you have read which you think reflects who you
are. It could be that the plot of the book closely or loosely relates to something that happened
to you at some time. It could also be that a character in it is someone that you relate to in
some way.

I. Prewriting
Answer the prompt first in your mind. Be sure that the book you will choose is something
that you really resonate with, so you can write a lot about it. Then, make an outline of your
composition using a mind map. Put your main idea (i.e. your foremost answer to the question)
in the middle, while the surrounding clusters can be the supporting ideas for your answer.

II. Drafting
Refer to your outline and start writing your draft. Start with a direct answer to the prompt,
then explain from there how that book or any element in it indeed reflects who you are. You
can be as personal and subjective here as you want.

III. Revising
After finishing your draft, you may show it to a family member and hear his or her thoughts
about your work. Did he or she understand the connection you have with the book through
your composition or is the explanation still lacking?

IV. Editing
Taking into account your partner’s comments, make the necessary corrections and revisions.
Reread your work as well to ensure that there are no misspellings, grammar errors, and
wrong punctuation marks.

Performance Task 9
Writing a Persuasive Speech
You are the current president of the student speech club. During the school’s welcome cere-
monies for new students which will be held two days from now, you will be given five minutes
to deliver a speech to encourage more students to join your club. Write a one-page persuasive
speech for this.
I. Prewriting. Think of several points to raise to encourage new students to join your club. List
them down on a sheet of paper.
II. Drafting. Write the first draft of your persuasive speech. Consider how to incorporate your
list of points to raise to your draft.
III. Revising and Sharing. Ask a family member to comment on your work. Take note of the
comments and incorporate these during editing. You may use the following rubric to check
for errors:

4 (VERY GOOD) 3 (GOOD) 2 (FAIR) 1 (POOR)
Content • Speech is • Speech is • Speech • Speech
insightful and mostly lacks insight lacks insight
shows careful insightful and and careful and careful
thought. shows careful thought in thought in
• All comments thought in many parts. most parts.
and state- many parts. • Many of the • Comments
ments are • Most of the comments and and state-
supported by comments and statements are ments are
sound and statements not supported hardly sup-
solid evidence. are supported by evidence. ported by
• It contains by sound • It hardly evidence.
valid sug- evidence. contains • It does not
gestions and • It contains suggestions or contain sug-
recommenda- some valid recommenda- gestions or
tions. suggestions or tions. recommenda-
recommenda- tions.

4 (VERY GOOD) 3 (GOOD) 2 (FAIR) 1 (POOR)
Organiza- • The • The • The • The
tion and introduction, introduction, introduction, introduction,
Structure body, and body, and body, and body, and
conclusion conclusion are conclusion conclusion are
are clearly fairly defined. are not clearly difficult to
defined. • Most parts defined. discern.
• All parts are are connected • Many parts are • Most parts are
connected logically. not connected not connected
logically. logically. logically.

Use of • The words • The words • The words • The words

Language used in the used in used in the used in
speech put the speech speech are the speech
across the put across not clear or are mostly
writer’s points most of the effective in unclear and
and ideas very writer’s points many parts. ineffective.
clearly and and ideas • The writing • The writing
effectively. clearly and shows some shows little
• The writing effectively. mastery of mastery of
shows evident • The writing spelling, spelling,
mastery of shows grammar, and grammar, and
spelling, adequate usage. usage.
grammar, and mastery of
usage. spelling,
grammar, and

IV. Editing. Review the draft again and make sure that the comments have been included in the
V. Publishing. Encode or write your finished persuasive speech for sharing to your family or on
social media.

Performance Task 10 8
Composing a Nonlinear Text
It is the beginning of the school year. As a member of the Art Club, you have been assigned
to redesign the art bulletin board in your school. With Art being one of your favorite subjects,
the task should not be that difficult. The new content, however, should be approved by the
high school art coordinator. Your task is to prepare a nonlinear text explaining an art concept
or an art style you wan. Write the first draft of your persuasive speech below. Consider how to
incorporate your list of points to raise to your draft.

You may use the following checklist to evaluate your output:

1. Did the linear text and the nonlinear text match accurately?
2. Did the write-up explain the concept completely and accurately?
3. Did the write-up include other significant information such as definitions and examples?
4. Did the write-up explain the concept in a logical order?
5. Did the write-up show evident mastery of spelling and previously learned concepts
of grammar and usage?
6. Did the illustration show all the necessary parts or help explain the concept further?
7. Were the ideas and their relationships clearly presented?
8. Was the overall presentation pleasing to the senses?
9. Was attention to detail and careful thought evident in the output?
10. Did the bulletin board design make up for its intended purpose?

graphic organizer 1 9
Cause-and-Effect Diagram



graphic organizer 2 9
Puzzle Pieces

graphic organizer 3
Paragraph Sandwich

Topic Sentence:

Supporting Detail 1:

Supporting Detail 2:

Supporting Detail 3:


graphic organizer 4 6
KWLH Chart

What do I What have How can

What do I know?
want to know? I learned? I learn more?

graphic organizer 5
Sequence Ride



graphic organizer 6
Story Detective
Title of the Story:




tti :
Se iew

1st Quarter
Performance Task 1
Pagpapaliwanag ng Sanhi at Bunga ng Isang Pangyayari
Kumuha ng kapareha. Gamit ang telepono, mag-interbyu ng mga kakilala sa inyong
barangay. Hingin ang kanilang opinyon o palagay sa maaaring sanhi at bunga ng isyu
sa bigas na kinakaharap ng ating bansa. Itala ang mga makakalap na sagot. Sa huli, ibigay
rin ang inyong sariling opinyon at palagay sa usaping tinatalakay.

Kakulangan sa suplay ng bigas,



Performance Task 2
Pagbabahagi ng Pananaw sa Paggamit ng Hayop Bilang Tauhan sa Pabula
Ang pabula ay isang uri ng kathang-isip na ang gumaganap na mga tauhan ay mga hayop.
Bumuo ng pangkat na may limang kasapi.

Pagdebatehan kung karapat-dapat ba o hindi karapat-dapat ang paggamit ng mga hayop

bilang tauhan sa pabula. Ang dalawang miyembro ang magtatanggol sa panig ng karapat-dap-
at, dalawang miyembro rin ang magtatanggol sa panig ng hindi-karapat-dapat, at ang isa ang
tatayong tagapamagitan sa debate. Itatanghal ito sa harap ng inyong magulang.

Ang mga magulang at ibang kamag-anak ang magiging hurado at pipili kung aling panig
ang magwawagi. Maaaring gamitin ang kahon sa ibaba sa pagsulat ng iskrip sa debate.

Performance Task 3
Pagsuri ng Isang Dokyu-film
Humanap sa YouTube o manood sa telebisyon ng isang dokyu-film tungkol sa tao, lugar,
o pangyayari sa Mindanao. Ipagpalagay na ikaw ay kasapi ng samahan ng manunuri
ng mga pelikulang Filipino. Suriin ang dokyu-film na iyong napanood batay sa gabay
sa pagsusuri. Iulat sa harap ng iyong magulang ang iyong ginawang pagsusuri.

Pormat sa Pagsusuri ng Pelikula

I. Pamagat

II. Mga Tauhan

III. Buod ng Pelikula

IV. Mga Pangyayari

a. Tagpuan

b. Suliranin

c. Mga Kaugnay na Pangyayari o Mga Pagsubok sa Paglutas ng Suliranin

d. Mga Ibinunga

V. Paksa o Tema

VI. Mga Aspektong Teknikal

a. Sinematograpiya

b. Musika

VII.Kabuoang Mensahe ng Pelikula

Performance Task 4
Paglalarawan ng Gawi at Kilos ng mga Kalahok sa Dulang Panlansangan
Humanap sa YouTube ng isang dulang panlansangan katulad ng Panunuluyan, Senakulo,
Salubong, at Tibag. Panoorin at obserbahang mabuti ang pagganap ng mga tauhan
sa kanilang karakter. Itala ang mga tauhan sa dulang panlansangan na pinanood at ilarawan
ang kanilang kilos at galaw.

(Dulang panlansangan na napanood)

Mga Tauhan Kilos at galaw

Performance Task 5
Pagbibigay-kahulugan sa Matatalinghagang Pahayag
Maraming matatalinghagang salita o pahayag ang wikang Filipino. Ang mga ito ay
kadalasang may malalim na kahulugan. Sa pagsasanay na ito, bibigyang-kahulugan mo ang
mga matatalinghagang pahayag na naka-limbag sa ibaba. Isulat sa kahon ang kahulugan ng
matalinghagang pahayag.

Matalinghagang Pahayag Kahulugan

1. “Ubos-ubos biyaya
Bukas nakatunganga”

2. “Anak na di paluhain
Ina ang patatangisin”

3. “Kung ano ang bukambibig

Siyang laman ng dibdib”

4. “Ang binabait ng bata

Sa magulang nagmumula”

5. “Walang naninira sa bakal

kundi ang sarili niyang kalawang”

Performance Task 6
Pagsulat ng Sariling Bugtong, Salawikain at Sawikain,
o Kasabihan na Angkop sa Kasalukuyang Kalagayan
Bumuo ng pangkat na may tatlong kasapi. Sumulat ng sarili ninyong bugtong, salawikain, at
sawikain o kasabihan. Kailangang ang gagawin ninyo ay angkop sa kasalukuyang kalagayan
ng ating bansa o lipunan. Isusulat ang bawat isa sa short bond paper. Maaaring sundin ang
format sa ibaba para sa inyong gagawin.

Bugtong Salawikain

Mga kasapi ng pangkat: Mga kasapi ng pangkat:

Salawikain o kasabihan

Mga kasapi ng pangkat:

Performance Task 7
Maikling Akda Mula sa Timog-Silangang Asya

I. Magbigay ng isang maikling akda mula sa Timog-Silangang Asya at tukuyin ang mga

a. Uri ng akdang tuluyan:

b. Aral na nakapaloob:

c. Simula:

d. Ilang mahahalagang pangyayari:

e. Wakas:

f. Kaisipan:

g. Pag-uugnay ng mga pangyayari sa lipunang pandaigdig:

Performance Task 8
Maikling Kuwento, Ano ang Napagtanto?

I. Sumulat ng isang maikling kuwento na binubuo ng diyalogo o pag-uusap ng mga

tauhan. Gawing gabay o halimbawa ang kuwentong “Sa Burma Lahat na Lang Ipinagbibili” ni
Maria Sanda.

Sa pagsulat ng iyong sariling kuwento, tandaan na anomang kuwento ay may

tung­galian (conflict), kasukdulan, resolusyon, at wakas.

II. Gumawa ng Literary Poster tungkol sa iyong sinulat na kuwento. Iguhit ito sa isang bond

Performance Task 9
Salawikain o Sawikain
I. Magbigay ng tatlong salawikain (proverb) na iyong nagustuhan mula sa Bibliya. Magbigay
ng maikling paliwanag kung bakit mo napili ang bawat salawikain.




II. Magbigay naman ng tatlong sawikain (maxims). Magbigay ng maikling paliwanag kung
bakit mo napili ang bawat sawikain.




Performance Task 10
Mga Mitolohiya
I. Bumuo ng dalawang grupo. Ang unang grupo ay magsasaliksik at mag-uulat tungkol sa
12 Titans ng mitolohiyang Griyego. Ang pangalawang grupo naman ay magsasaliksik at
mag-uulat tungkol sa 12 Olympians. Newscasting ang magiging uri ng pag-uulat. Maaaring
gumamit ng iba’t ibang kasuotan, props, video, at larawan sa gagawing pagbabalita.

Ang 12 Titans (Mga sinaunang diyos)

Mga gabay na tanong:
1. Saan nagmula ang mga Titan?
2. Sino-sino sila at ano-ano ang kakayahan ng bawat isa?
3. Sino si Cronus? Paano siya naging pinuno ng mga Titan?
4. Ano-ano ang mga mabuting nagawa ng mga Titan?

Ang 12 Olympians na pinamumunuan ni Zeus

Mga gabay na tanong:
1. Sino-sino ang mga diyos at diyosa ng Olympus sa mitolohiyang Griyego?
2. Ano-ano ang kakayahan ng bawat isa?
3. Paano tinalo ng mga olympian ang mga titan? Ano ang naging bunga ng pagwawagi
ng mga olympian?
4. Ano-ano ang mga mabuting nagawa ng mga Olympian?

II. Matapos magsaliksik at makinig sa ulat ng dalawang grupo, sino ang paborito mong titan
at olympian? Ipaliwanag kung bakit mo sila napili.

graphic organizer 1
Word Network
Mga salitang maiuugnay sa salitang nakabilog.


graphic organizer 2 9
Episodal Webbing (Habi ng Mahahalagang Pangyayari)


1 2

1-A 1-B 2-A 2-B

graphic organizer 3
KWL (Known, Want to Know, Learned)


graphic organizer 4 10
Discussion Web

Mga Kadahilanan

Oo Hindi
Dapat bang...


graphic organizer 5
Fishbone Diagram
Sanhi at Bunga ng Paninigarilyo



graphic organizer 6 5
Story Grammar (Another Version)


Panimula Katawan Wakas

Tagpuan Panahon

Tauhan Suliranin Kinalabasan Kakalasan

Tunggalian Kasukdulan

graphic organizer 7
Fan-Fact Analyzer



Epekto Solusyon

1st Quarter

Performance Task 1
May bisitang dayuhan ang iyong ama. Galing siya sa isang bansa sa Europa at unang beses
niyang makarating sa Asya. Nais niyang samahan mo siyang mamasyal sa maraming bansa
sa Asya. Nasabi niyang interesado siya sa mga anyong lupa at anyong tubig na matatagpuan
dito. Anong kaaya-ayang anyong lupa at anyong tubig ang ipakikita mo sa kaniya?

Iguhit sa isang bond paper ang mapa ng bansang nakasasakop sa napili mong mga an-
yong lupa at anyong tubig. Ipakita sa mapa ang lokasyon ng anyong lupa at anyong tubig
na napili mo sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng mga arrow. Gumawa ng monologo na nag-
bibigay-katuwiran kung bakit napili mo ang mga ito. Bigyang-diin ang lokasyon at kapakina-
bangang dulot ng mga ito sa mga tao.

Tingnan sa ibaba ang mga anyong lupa at anyong tubig na makikita sa bahagi ng mapa
ng Asya. Gawing gabay ito sa paggawa ng mapa ng bansa o mga bansa na nakasasakop sa
mga anyong lupa at anyong tubig na ipakikita mo sa inyong bisitang dayuhan.


Performance Task 2
Isiping ikaw ay volunteer ng isang samahan na ang pangunahing layunin ay ang pagtalakay
sa mga tungkulin ng tao sa pangangalaga sa kalikasan. Naimbitahan kang ilahad ang iyong
adbokasiya sa isang pangdaigdigang pagpupulong na may temang, “Kalikasan at Yamang Tao:
Susi tungo sa Maunlad na Pamumuhay.” Bago ka tumungo sa nasabing komperensiya ay sin-
abihan ka ng mga opisyal na dumalo sa pagpupulong upang maipakita ang iyong video pres-
entation. Ilalahad mo ito sa mga guro, mga opisyal ng komperensiya, at mga piling direktor ng

Sa paghahanda ng iyong video presentation, maaari kang gumawa ng diagram upang maging
maayos ang paglalahad mo sa pagpupulong. Gawing gabay ang diagram sa ibaba.


Interaksyon ng tao
sa kaniyang kalikasan

Pananaw ng tao
sa kaniyang kalikasan

Mga hazard kaugnay

sa tao at kapaligiran

Performance Task 3
Taong Papel
Gumupit ng hugis ng tao gamit ang cardboard. Ito ang kakatawan sa iyong sarili bilang yamang
tao. Isulat sa mga bahagi ng pigura ang mga katangiang dapat taglayin ng isang yamang tao
upang mapaunlad niya ang kaniyang sarili at ang bansa. Sa ulo, isulat ang mga nararapat isip-
in; sa kamay at paa, ang mga nararapat gawin at isakatuparan; at sa puso, ang mga nararapat
na maging damdamin ng isang huwaran at produktibong tao.

Performance Task 4
Ethnolinguistic Show
Bumuo ng isang grupo. Pumili ng isang pangkat etnolingguwistiko sa Asya. Isagawa ang isang
pagtatanghal pangkultura na magpapakita ng pamumuhay ng piniling pangkat. Ilahad ang
pagpapahalaga bilang mga Asyano sa isasagawang palabas.

Tingnan sa ibaba ang isang halimbawa ng sayaw ng mga Ifugao na nagpapakita ng kanilang
mga hangarin, paniniwalang panrelihiyon, at pagpapahalaga.

Performance Task 5
World Tour Map
Nagpaplano ka para sa iyong mga susunod na bakasyon. Sa pagkakataong ito, nais mong
makita ang mga anyong lupa at anyong tubig sa iba-ibang bahagi ng mundo. Gawin ang su-

1. Gumuhit ng isang blangkong mapa sa isang bond paper.

2. Sa likod ng papel, isulat ang layunin ng paggawa mo ng world tour map.
3. Punan ang mapa ng mga simbolo o larawan ng mga anyong lupa at anyong tubig na nais
mong makita. Siguraduhing hindi bababa sa lima ang mga ito.
4. Lagyan ng ruta ang mapa upang ipakita ang pagkakasunod-sunod ng mga anyong lupa at
anyong tubig na iyong pupuntahan.
5. Itala sa gilid ng mapa ang maikling impormasyon tungkol sa mga destinasyong nais mong
6. Makikita sa ibaba ang isang halimbawa ng world tour map na maaaring tularan sa iyong
paggawa. Inaasahang magiging malikhain ka sa paggawa ng sariling world tour map.
7. Mamarkahan ang iyong world tour map batay sa mga pamantayang ibibigay ng magulang
o tagapag-alaga.

Performance Task 6
Pagsulat ng Balita
1. Isipin na ikaw ay isang reporter ng isang pahayagan. Bilang reporter, isa sa iyong tungkulin
ay ang sumulat ng balita.
2. Isipin din na ikaw ay napunta sa isang lugar kung saan natagpuan mo ang guho, artifact, o
fossil. Ang mga ito ay maaaring may kaugnayan sa sinaunang tao noong Panahong Paleoli-
tiko o Neolitiko.
3. Sumulat ng balita tungkol sa iyong mga natagpuan.
4. Upang makasulat ng balita sa kunwaring iyong mga natagpuan, maaaring magsaliksik mula
sa mga academic journal, pahayagan, science magazine, o Internet.
5. Kumalap ng mga karagdagang impormasyon na maaaring makapukaw ng interes ng mga
makababasa ng iyong isinulat na balita.
6. May kalayaan kang umisip ng nakatatawag pansing pamagat ng iyong balita.
7. I-type ang iyong nakalap na mga impormasyon na magsisilbing balita. Gumamit ng font na
katulad ng karaniwang ginagamit sa mga pahayagan.
8. Pagkatapos mabuo ang balita, i-print ito sa isang bond paper.
9. Basahin ang nabuong balita sa harap ng iyong magulang o tagapag-alaga.
10. Mamarkahan ang iyong pagsulat ng balita batay sa mga pamantayang ibibigay ng magu-
lang o tagapag-alaga.


Performance Task 7
Ang Aking Pamilya at ang Ekonomiya
1. Magdikit ng larawan ng inyong pamilya sa isang bond paper. Maglaan ng espasyo sa bond
paper na iyong pagsusulatan.
2. Sumulat ng sanaysay na binubuo ng tatlo o higit pang talata na tumatalakay sa
kahalagahan ng ekonomiks sa pang araw-araw na pamumuhay ng bawat pamilya at
ng lipunan.
3. Tukuyin sa sanaysay ang halaga ng ekonomiks sa pang-araw-araw na pamumuhay ng
iyong sariling pamilya.
4. Ipaliwanag din sa iyong sanaysay kung paano nakatutulong sa inyong pamilya ang
wastong kaalaman sa ekonomiks.
5. Magbigay ng partikular na mga halimbawa ng kaugnayan ng ekonomiks sa pagdedesisyon
ng inyong pamilya sa pang-araw-araw na pamumuhay.
6. Gawing kahika-hikayat ang iyong sanaysay para sa mga mambabasa upang kanila ring
pahalagahan ang kaalaman sa ekonomiks.
7. Ibahagi sa iyong pamilya ang ginawang sanaysay.
8. Lagumin ang iyong sanaysay gamit ang graphic organizer sa ibaba.

wastong kaalaman
sa ekonomiks

Epekto sa Lipunan Epekto sa Aking Pamilya

Performance Task 8
Hirarkiya ng Pangangailangan sa Ekonomiks, Ito Ba ay Kailangan?
1. Magtatakda ang iyong magulang ng iyong kapareha sa pagsasaliksik at paggawa
ng aktibidad.
2. Magsaliksik kasama ang kapareha ukol sa iba’t ibang impormasyon na may kinalaman sa
hirarkiya ng pangangailangan.
3. Aayusin ang mga nakalap na impormasyon upang mas madali itong maunawaan kapag
nailapat na sa gagawing brochure.
4. Gumawa ng isang pahinang brochure na magiging madali para sa mambabasa na maunawaan
ang impormasyon sa hirarkiya ng pangangailangan at ang kaugnayan nito sa ekonomiks.
5. Gamit ang angkop na aplikasyon sa computer, ilapat ang nakalap na impormasyon.
6. Maaari ding gumamit ng mga artwork o disenyo tulad ng nasa larawan sa ibaba upang
mas maging maganda ang gagawing brochure.
7. Ibahagi sa iyong pamilya ang ginawang brochure.
8. I-post sa social media ang natapos na brochure.

Performance Task 9
Gumawa ng slogan na nagpapakita ng epekto ng climate change sa kapaligiran, lipunan, at
kabuhayan ng tao sa bansa at sa daigdig. Sa likod ng ginawang slogan, ipakita sa pamamagitan
ng ilustrasyon o pangungusap ang kailangang gawin o solusyon upang labanan ang epekto ng
climate change. Sa paggawa ng solusyon, maaaring gamitin ang sumusunod na mga salita o
grupo ng mga salita na nasa kahon sa ibaba.

iwasan pangalagaan katubigan

likas na yaman butil

bote at baso magtanim liwanag

reduce, reuse, recycle magsunog

koryente uri ng lupa basura

magtipid paggamit

kalikasan maglakad sasakyan

mamamayan henerasyon

tungkulin Maykapal kapaligiran

anyong lupa responsibilidad

kagubatan karapatan hangin

Performance Task 10
Ikaw ay naatasang gumawa ng panayam sa isang mataas na opisyal ng Climate Change Com-
mission ng pamahalaan. Kakapanayamin mo siya tungkol sa mga programa, polisiya, at mga
patakaran ng pamahalaan para sa climate change.
Sa paggawa ng panayam, may ilang mahahalagang bagay na kailangan mong sundin. Ang
mga ito ay makikita sa tseklist sa ibaba. Pagkatapos ng panayam, mamarkahan mo ito ng tsek
kung ang bawat aytem ay nagawa mong sundin at ekis kung hindi mo ito nasunod.

Mga Dapat KOng Gawin Nagawa ko Hindi Nagawa

1. Dumating sa itinakdang oras.

2. Magpakilala nang maayos sa taong kakapanayamin.

Banggitin ang sumusunod:
a. Pangalan
b. Paaralan
c. Organisasyon
d. Layunin ng panayam

3. Tiyaking nakahanda ang lahat ng tanong. (Maaaring

gumawa ng listahan ng mga katanungan.)

4. Makinig nang mabuti sa sasabihin o ibabahaging kaala-

man ng taong kinakapanayam.
5. Kapag nagpapaliwanag ang kinakapanayam, iwasang
magsalita kung hindi kinakailangan.
6. Magpakita ng paggalang sa mga opinyon ng kinakap-

7. Gawing masaya ang panayam.

Ibahagi sa iyong pamilya ang ginawang panayam. Bigyang-pansin ang mga programa,
polisiya, at mga patakaran na ibinahagi ng opisyal ng Climate Change Commission.

graphic organizer 1
Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect Chart

graphic organizer 2
Concept Map Figure 1

graphic organizer 3 3
Concept Map Figure 2

Double Bubble Map

Cycle Map

1 3

graphic organizer 4
Fishbone Diagram
Fishbone Diagram

Column Venn Diagram

Idea Map

graphic organizer 5
Observation Tree

Nasabi Ko

Nalanghap Ko

Nadama Ko Na

Narinig Ko Na

Nakita Ko Na

graphic organizer 6 6


graphic organizer 7
Ice Cream Cone Ice Cream Cone






graphic organizer 8 8
Idea Wheel Figure 1






Idea Wheel fig. 2

Idea Wheel Figure 2




Pangunahing ideya


94 Isang Bansa, Isang Lahi 5

graphic organizer 9 9
tory Board fig.Board
Story 1 Figure 1

Story Board fig. 2
Story Board Figure 2


4 3

5 6

1st Quarter
Performance Task 1
Sports Scene
Analyze the given situation and answer the following questions using Venn diagram.
A group of 100 students were surveyed about their favorite sports. Out of the 100 students,
28 students like to play basketball, 31 students like to play badminton, 42 students like to play
volleyball, 9 students like to play both basketball and badminton, 10 students like to play bas-
ketball and volleyball, 6 students like to play badminton and volleyball, and 4 students like to
play the three sports.
Show your Venn diagram here:


1. How many students like to play basketball only?

2. How many students like to play badminton only?

3. How many students like to play volleyball only?

4. How many students like to play basketball but not badminton or volleyball?

5. How many students like to play badminton and basketball but not volleyball?

Performance Task 2
Create Your Own Board Game
Create your own integer board game by using the operations on integers to create a problem. Fill
the board game below with integer problems or you may create your own layout.



After finishing your board game, try to play it with a partner.

Performance Task 3
Converting to Scientific Notation
Complete the table below by writing each number in scientific notation.

number scientific notation

a. 0.00763

b. 0.00021

c. 123 000 000

d. 0.0000324

e. 3 987 000 000

f. 0.000000657

g. 0.00000000778

h. 0.00000000000367

i. 0.0000000076

j. 0.00000000000088

How will scientific notation help when writing numbers and equations? Write your
answer below.

Performance Task 4
Do the following with your group.

• variety of circular objects (paper plates, cans, etc.)
• measuring tape
• calculator

1. Look for circular objects in the classroom.
2. Measure the diameter and the circumference of each circular object that you found. (Use
centimeters as your units.)
3. Record your data using the chart below. Use your circumference and diameter measurements
from each circle to find the sum, difference, product, and quotient of each set of data.

circumference diameter
name of object C+d C–d C•d C÷d
(C) (d)

What do you notice about the data in your chart? Explain your reasoning.

Performance Task 5
Matching Factors
Find the factors of the following polynomials below with the factors written in the box.

2x + 2y x2 – 4x + 3 x2 + x – 20 x2 – 6xy + 5y2
6x2 + 13x + 6 6x2 – 5x – 4 2x2 – 5x + 2 x2 + x – 6 x2 – 25
4x2 – 9 9x2 – 49 x2 + 2xy – 15y2 4x2 –11x – 3


(2x – 1)(x – 2) (4x + 1)(x – 3) (3x – 7)(3x + 7) (x – 5y)(x – y)

2(x + y) (3x – 4)(2x + 1) (x + 5y)(x – 3y) (x + 5)(x – 4) (x + 5)(x – 5)

(x – 3)(x – 1) (x + 3)(x – 2) (2x – 3)(2x + 3) (2x + 3)(3x + 2)

Write your answers here:

1.  6.
2.  7.
3.  8.
4.  9.
5. 10.

How is the factoring of polynomials related to the multiplication of polynomials?

Performance Task 6
Remember to follow all factoring rules. Assume all expressions are defined.

5 x 3a + 5 x 2a y a
1. Simplify the rational expression:
x 2a – y 2a

x – y
y – x
2. Divide:
x – y

3. For ,
(8 x – 16)
a. Simplify the expression.

b. For which value of x is the expression undefined?

c. Explain why the expression is undefined for this value.

Performance Task 7
Quadratic Equation vs. Quadratic Function

Answer the following:

1. Based on your own understanding, what is the difference between a quadratic equation
and a quadratic function? Provide examples if necessary.

1 3
2. Write quadratic equation with roots x = – x and x = .
5 5

3. Sketch a quadratic function with zeros of 3 and –2. Then sketch a second quadratic function
with the same zeros.

How many possible quadratic functions could you sketch? Justify your answer.

Performance Task 8
Using the Discriminant
Complete the table below using the discriminant.

Number and nature of

Quadratic Equation b2 – 4ac
the roots

 1. x2 + 6x + 4 = 0

 2. 2x2 – 3x+ 2 = 0

 3. 3x + 7 = –5x2 – 4

 4. 25x2 – 15x – 64 = 5x – 10

 5. x2 – 5x – 34 = 0

 6. 3x2 – 6x + 2 = 0

 7. –3x2 + 17x – 2 = 3

 8. 9x2 – 3x – 8 = –10

 9. –2x2 – 8x – 14 = –6

10. 8x2 – 6x + 3 = 5x2

Answer the following:

1. Describe the roots of the quadratic equation when the value of b2 – 4ac is:
• zero -
• positive and perfect square -
• positive but not perfect square -
• negative -

2. How do you determine the quadratic equation having roots that are:
• real numbers and equal -
• rational numbers -
• irrational numbers -
• not real numbers -

Performance Task 9
Long and Synthetic Divisions
Find each quotient of the given polynomials below by using long division and synthetic divi-
sion. Show your solution.

1. (2x5 + x4 – 15x3 – 2x2 + 10x – 24) ÷ (x2 – x – 4)

Long Division: Synthetic Division:

2. (3x6 – 7x5 – 53x3 – 26x2 – 43x – 34) ÷ (3x + 2)

Long Division: Synthetic Division:

3. (3h3 – 4h2 + 2h + 4) ÷ (h2 – 2h + 2)

Long Division: Synthetic Division:

Which is easier and more convenient to use, long division or synthetic division? Explain.

Performance Task 10
How Many Sons Will Be Born?
My name is Arnel Quiming and I was born in 1989. In 2019, I have 4 sons with Quiming as their
last name. By 2049, each of my 4 boys will have exactly 4 sons of their own. And after a 30-year
period, the pattern of each of my son having exactly 4 sons of their own continued. How many
Quiming sons were born between 1989 and 2079?

Do the following:
1. Show the pattern by creating a diagram.

2. If the pattern continues, make a prediction on how many Quiming sons will be born be-
tween 2079 and 2109? Show in a diagram.

3. Write an equation that will help you in predicting the number of Quiming sons that will be
born between 2109 and 2139. If you can’t provide the equation, explain it in words.

graphic organizer 1
The Frayer Model
The Frayer Model can help you learn new words or concepts in math. You can use this version
of the model to break down a word or concept.

1. Write the word or concept in the middle box.

2. In the outer four boxes, explain the word or concept in four different ways.

Write the definition. Use it in a sentence

or in a word problem.

Word / Concept

Draw a picture or Describe it in your

give an example. own words.

graphic organizer 2 6
Combining Similar Terms

6 + 2ab + 5ab – 3b + 6b + 7

graphic organizer 3
Graph It Out
To graph a line, you have to solve a graphic problem. The most important step is to find the
ordered pairs of x and y that solve the equation in the problem.

1. Write the equation to be graphed at the top of the left column.

2. Write down at least 3 numbers for x.
3. Plug in the numbers for x into the equation to find y. The x and y values become your or-
dered pairs.
4. Plot the ordered pairs as points on the graph, and connect with a line.

Equation to be graphed:

x y Ordered Pairs

graphic organizer 4
Line It Up
Sometimes it’s hard to line up numbers and symbols in math problems. This grid of boxes
can help.
• Use one box for most numbers and symbols.
• If solving for an equation, make sure the equal sign of the equation stays in the same column
as you start each new row.
• For other problems, line up each new row by place values (ones, tens, hundreds, etc.).

graphic organizer 5
Real Number System

Rational Numbers


Whole Numbers

Natural Numbers

Irrational Numbers

graphic organizer 6
Types of Quadrilaterals

Polygon Picture Attributes







1st Quarter

Performance Task 1
Designing a Simple Experiment

1. Design a simple experiment based on the following situation:
One breakfast time, the following were on the table: dried fish, egg, vinegar, a glass of
milk, rice, saucer, plate, spoon, and fork. The milk accidentally spilled on the vinegar. The
spilled milk curdled; you were surprised at what happened. Devise a simple experiment to
explain what happened.
2. Illustrate your experiment setup below.

Experiment setup

1. What is the problem in the given situation above?
2. Give some hypotheses to answer the problem.
3. How will you test the hypotheses?
4. What can you conclude from the results of your experiment?

Performance Task 2
Saturation of a Solution

alcohol lamp test tube rack
test tube holder salt
three test tubes (label them 1 to 3) stirrer

A. Unsaturated Solution
1. Fill test tube 1 with water to about 1/4 full.
2. Dissolve a pinch of salt in the test tube. This is called unsaturated solution.
3. Add a big crystal of salt and stir. Did it dissolve?

B. Saturated Solution
4. Add more salt to the solution in the test tube 1 until no more salt dissolves or more crys-
tals are left at the bottom of the solution.
5. Transfer half of the clear solution to test tube 2. This is called a saturated solution.
6. Add a big crystal of salt to the solution and stir. Did the salt dissolve? Did it increase in

C. Supersaturated Solution
7. Heat test tube 1 (solution with crystals).
8. Add more crystals while heating and stirring until the crystals can no longer be dissolved.
9. Transfer the clear liquid in test tube 1 to test tube 3.
10. Let the solution cool down. The liquid is called supersaturated solution.
11. Add a big crystal of salt to the solution. Observe the size of the crystal after several hours
to days.

1. Did the salt crystal added dissolve in the unsaturated solution? Why?
2. Did the salt crystal added dissolve or increase in size in the saturated solution? Why?
3. Did the salt crystal added in the supersaturated solution increase or decrease in size? Why?
4. How would you test if a solution is saturated, unsaturated, or supersaturated?

Performance Task 3
Kinds of Mixtures

alcohol lamp tripod
gawgaw/cornstarch water
small flashlight white sugar
three beakers wire gauze

Preparation of Mixtures
1. Solution
a. Measure 100 mL of tap water in one beaker.
b. Add a teaspoon of sugar. Stir the water until all sugar particles dissolve. Label this as
system 1.

2. Colloid
a. Boil a 100 mL water on another beaker.
b. Stir a teaspoon of gawgaw in tap water in a separate cup.
c. Pour the mixture into the beaker containing 100 mL of boiling water. Allow the mixture
to cool and set aside. Label this system 2.

3. Coarse mixture or suspension

a. Measure 100 mL of tap water in the third beaker.
b. Add a teaspoon of uncooked gawgaw. Label this system 3.

Tyndall Effect Test

1. To each beaker, direct a beam of light from a small flashlight in a dark room.
Note: You may use a big black cloth to cover yourself in lieu of a dark room.
2. Look at the ray of light focused at right angle with the direction of the light. The mixture
that scatters light is said to exhibit Tyndall Effect.


1. What are the similarities and differences among the systems in the experiment?

2. Which of the three mixtures is/are homogeneous? Heterogeneous?

3. Which system is clear and transparent, meaning, no particles are observable?

4. Which system has fine particles that do not settle? Are these particles visible to the

naked eye?

5. Which system has big particles that tend to settle at the bottom of the container?

6. Which system exhibits Tyndall Effect?

7. What can you conclude from the results of your experiment?

Performance Task 4
Basic Microscopy
Microscopes are indispensable tools of biologists when it comes to studying microorganisms.
This device lets us peer into the seemingly small, yet large world of microorganisms.

cover slip glass slide microscope tissue paper
cutter medicine dropper newspaper

1. Cut a letter e from the newspaper that you have. Make sure that you cut it cleanly without
any other letters.
2. Place the letter e on the center of the slide and add a drop of water on it.
3. Hold the cover slip at a 45º angle on top of the slide. Let it touch the glass slide and gently
lay it flat on the mound to avoid air bubbles on the specimen. Blot out any excess water
using a tissue or paper towel.
4. Put the slide on the stage and select the low power objective on the revolving nosepiece.
5. Focus your specimen using the coarse adjustment knob. Note your observations.
6. Repeat step 5, but this time use the high power objective and fine adjustment knob.

Letter e, newsprint Letter e, newsprint
Magnification (LPO): ____ Magnification (HPO): ____

Performance Task 5
Physics in Your Own Olympics
Note: This is a group activity.

1. Brainstorm with your group and enumerate as many games or activities, which you observe
around, that demonstrate Newton’s three laws of motion. Write them below. Explain how
each game demonstrates the law/s of motion.

Name of the Game Relation to Newton’s Laws of Motion

2. From these, develop a written plan and conduct a Newton’s Olympics.

3. Write the outline of your plan and implementation on another sheet of paper.

Performance Task 6
Dynamic Cart in Motion
dynamic cart
platform balance
set of weights (coins or marbles)
weight hanger (plastic cups)

A. Effect of Varying Force
1. Measure the mass of the cart using a
platform balance. Record its mass.
2. Place the cart near the edge of the ta- weight (coins)
ble. Measure the distance between the
cart and the opposite edge of the table. cart
Record your data in Table 1. Load the
cart with three pieces of 100-g mass.
3. Pass a piece of string with a weight
hanger on one end over a pulley. At-
tach the end to the cart so that when
the weight hanger is released, it causes weight hanger
the cart to accelerate. See to it that the (with marbles)
length of the string is enough for the
weight hanger not to touch the ground
until the cart reaches the pulley.
4. Offset the friction between the wheels of the cart, the table and the pulley by adding
small masses to the weight hanger to allow the cart to move steadily across the table
when the weight hanger is released.
5. Hold the cart in place and add a 50-g mass of the weight hanger. This serves as the force
and you may obtain its value by multiplying it with 980 cm/s2.

6. Release the weight hanger and measure the time it takes the cart to move across the
distance. Do three trials and get the average. Record your final data in Table 1.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 using 100-g and 150-g mass.
8. Calculate the ratio of the net force to the total mass of each setup.

B. Effect of Varying Mass

1. Repeat steps 5 and 6 of part A, but this time vary the mass by removing 100-g mass from
the cart at a time, until there is no more load in the cart. Use 100-g mass on the weight
hanger. Record your final data in Table 2.
2. Calculate the ratio of the net force to the total mass for each setup.
Table 1 Effect of Varying Force

Force Distance Acceleration

Mass of Load (g) Time (s)
(mass x 980 cm/s2) (cm) (cm/s2)

Table 2 Effect of Varying Mass

Force Distance Acceleration

Mass of Load (g) Time (s)
(mass x 980 cm/s2) (cm) (cm/s2)

1. What happens to the acceleration of the system as the force increases?
2. What happens to the acceleration of the system as the mass decreases?
3. What can you say about the ratio of the force and the mass for each setup?
4. Derive an equation relating all the three variables in this experiment (force, mass,
and acceleration).
5. What relationship exists among net force, mass, and acceleration?
6. Does your equation apply to Newton’s law of inertia? Explain your answer.

Performance Task 7 3
Circulatory and Respiratory: Working Together
The respiratory and circulatory system work together to provide oxygen to all the cells in our
body. Oxygen is harvested by the lungs from the environment and is collected by the red blood
cells and is transported throughout the body.

Using an anatomical model, trace the path that the oxygen takes and how it is delivered to all
cells of the body by the red blood cells. Make sure to discuss how the respiratory and circulatory
system are related not only in function but also morphologically. Illustrate a draft of the flow
chart of the pulmonary and systemic circulation below.

Performance Task 8
Technology and Evolutionary Patterns of Living Things

Read different reference materials to gain more insights on the impact of technology or man’s
intervention on the evolutionary pattern of life. Work with a family member and fill in the table
below. Prepare a presentation based on the data that you have gathered.

Technology/ two examples

useful or harmful
human intervention (at least one local)

1. 1.

Selective Breeding


Induced Mutation


Genetic Engineering


Industrial Pollution

Performance Task 9 2
Volcanic Mapping
The Philippines sits on a region known as the Pacific Ring of Fire. This region is notorious for
having active tectonic and volcanic activities. As a result, the Philippines has several active volca-
noes on it. Some are known for its beauty like the Mayon volcano and some for its devastating
power like the Mt. Pinatubo.

Create an interactive volcanic map that shows the active volcanoes in the Philippines. The map
should show the location of the volcano, characteristics, and most recent activity. You will pres-
ent this to the class. Discuss how these volcanoes have affected the lives of people living near it
and how they have coped with the volcanoes’ hazards and risks. You may use the space below
to write a draft or summary of the information that you will present to your family.

Performance Task 10
Report How the Plates Sort
The theory of plate tectonics suggests that the Earth’s crust is divided into large plates, moving
very slowly in particular directions with respect to one another. This movement is referred to as
tectonics. It is explained by the convection currents in the mantle. The areas where two plates
meet are characterized by geologic activities such as mountain formation, volcanic activity, and

Browse reference books on geology or the Internet to identify five plate boundaries in the
world. Read thoroughly about their location, type, and the particular geological activities that
occur in the area and how it affects the landmass, continent, countries, or islands near it. Write
a report about the information you have gathered and share it with the class. You may use the
table below to form a summary of your report.

Location Type Geological Activity in the Area

graphic organizer 1
Instruction: This organizer aims to encourage students to become advanced readers. It provides
background knowledge and questionnaires about the lesson. The students will write down,
what they know, what they want to know, and what they have learned.

graphic organizer 2
Flower Power
Instruction: This organizer aims to help students enumerate the things they have learned about
a topic. The students will put the main topic at the center and put the sub-topics or information
about the main topic on the petals of the flower.

graphic organizer 3
Burble/Turtle Chortle
Instruction: This organizer aims to help students collect, evaluate, and record information
about a topic’s important attributes. The students will record the collected information in the
turtle’s shell.

graphic organizer 4
Leaf Sheaf
Instruction: This organizer aims to help students make decisions regarding classification and to
visualize the data that they have collected and sorted. The students will sort topics or objects
into groups and they will label or name each group and write them on the leaves.

graphic organizer 5
Instruction: This organizer aims to help students organize and analyze information in a variety
of ways, such as identifying characteristics of people, plants, and animals. The students will
write the topic in the center of circle and categorize subtopic analysis on the blades of the mill.

graphic organizer 6
Something’s Fishy
Instruction: This organizer aims to help students recognize the main concept and supporting
details of a certain topic. After reading or discussion, the students will write the main concept
on the fish’s spine and the supporting details on the minor bones.

graphic organizer 7
Instruction: This organizer aims to help students organize the ideas they have learned in the
lesson. They will write the important concept on the body of the peacock and the supporting
details on its wings.

graphic organizer 8
Hand Lens
Instruction: This organizer aims to help students recall, organize, and visualize the sequential
steps to a process. The students will draw pictures and write labels to show a cycle in nature
inside the lens.


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