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Samuel Christian Hahnemann was by any standards a glorious eccentric, and his restless life story
is mirrored in the chronological headlines.
10 April 1755- Hahnemann was born at Meissen, in southeast Germany, at approximately midnight.
So, at least, Hahnemann himself always maintained; but the entry in the church register at Meissen records
the birth as having occurred on the morning of 11 th April, and this later date was adopted by some
homeopaths and gave rise to disagreement about the right day to celebrate the Master’s birthday. It is
curiously appropriate that the inventor of homeopathy should have arrived in this world already equipped
with a future occasion for controversy.
Hahnemann’s father was a craftsman who worked in the famous Meissen pottery trade. He was not very
well off, so that it was with some difficulty that the young Samuel persuaded him to allow him to become a
medical student. As a boy he was put briefly to work for a Leipzig grocer.

Summary of Hahnemann’s life and main publications

1755 Born at Meissen.
1799 Qualifies in medicine at Erlangen.
1782 First marriage.
1782-1805 Years of wandering.
1790 Cinchona experiment.
1806 Publishes ‘Medicine of Experience’.
1810 Publishes first edition of “The Organon”.
1811 Settles in Leipzig. Provings which result in publication of ‘Materia Medica
1821 Moves to Kothen. Period of semi-retirement. Publication of ‘The Chronic
1830 Death of first wife.
1835 Marriage to Melanie. Moves to Paris.
1843 Death in Paris.

Here, I am giving astrological analysis of our master Samuel Hahnemann, taking birth date 10th April
1755 at 11:55 pm at Leipzig.

Name Samuel Hahnemann

Sex Male
B’ Date 10-04-1755 (Thursday)
Time of Birth (Standard) 23.55.00 (Ishta- Kala 46.02.13 Ghatis)
Time Zone/Country Germany
B’ Place Leipzig
Latitude 051:20 North
Longitude 012:23 East
Standard Longitude 015:00 East
Local Time Correction -00:10:28
War/Summer Time Correction +00:00:00
Local Birth Time 23:44:32
Siderial Time 12:59:47
Sun Rise (Local) 05:19:39
Sun Set (Local) 18:38:59
Sun Rise (Standard) 05:30:07
Sun Set (Standard) 18:49:27

Tithi Amavasya
Paksh Krishna
Shalivan Shak Samvat 1676-1677
Vikram Samvat 1811-1812
Yog Vadhriti
Ayanamsa (N.C.Lahiri) 20:26:26
Sun Sign (Sayan) Areis
Lagna- Lagna Lord Scorpio- Mars
Rashi- Rashi Lord Pisces- Jupiter
Nakshatra- Charan Revti-2
Nakshatra Lord Mercury
Balance of Dasha (Vimsottari Mahadasha) Mercury 9 yrs 2 Months 14 Days

Avkahda Chakra

Varna Brahmin
Hansak Vaari
Vashya Jalchar
Nakshatra Revati
Charan 2
Varg Sarp
Akshar Do
Yoni Gaj
Gana Dev
Yunja Purva
Nadi Antya
Ayan Uttar
Gol Uttar
Ritu Basant

Nirayan Planetary Longitudes

Planet Rashi Degrees Dir. Nakshatra Pad Rashi Lord Nak. Lord
Asc. Scorpio 24:25:58 18 Jyestha 3 Mars Mercury
Sun Aries 00:16:37 01 Ashwini 1 Mars Ketu
Moon Pisces 22:46:54 27 Revati 2 Jupiter Mercury
Mars Aquarius 16:47:39 Dir. 24 Shatabhisaj 4 Saturn Rahu
Mercury Pisces 10:46:21 Ret. 26 Uttara Bhadrapad 3 Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter Leo 19:09:52 Ret. 11 Purva Falguni 2 Sun Venus
Venus Aquarius 14:33:35 Dir. 24 Shatabhisaj 3 Saturn Rahu
Saturn Capricorn 07:52:10 Dir. 21 Uttara Asadha 4 Saturn Sun
Rahu Virgo 08:52:03 Ret. 12 Uttara Falguni 4 Mercury Sun
Ketu Pisces 08:52:03 Ret. 26 Uttara Bhadrapad 2 Jupiter Saturn
Uranus Aquarius 13:12:27 Dir. 25 Uttara Bhadrapad 1 Saturn Jupiter
Neptune Cancer 15:29:45 Ret. 08 Pushya 4 Moon Saturn
Pluto Scorpio 26:48:18 Ret. 18 Jyeshtha 4 Mars Mercury

Aspects Considerations

Sun Conjunction Moon

It makes oneself very subjective. He tends to overtext physically. He may have states of depression. Desires
peace and harmony around him.

Sun Semisquare Mars

It makes very quarrelsome and argumentative. Impulsive in actions and at times reckless.

Sun Square Saturn

It indicates that one may have faced hardship and oppression. As a result, ego may be affected and one may
become self pitying and pessimistic.

Sun Trine Pluto

Progressive and reformatory urge. After any crisis one is always able for self regeneration.

Moon Trine Neptune

Lot of personal popularity. Love for travel. Makes imaginative and artistic abilities.

Moon Trine Pluto

Gives success and achievements. Many a times, makes the words turn out to be true and prophetic. Vision
of future becomes realistic.

Mars Opposite Jupiter

May have gambing instinct. May be reckless and extravagant at times. Makes rebellious and at times prone
to exaggerate.

Mars Conjunction Uranus

May be high strung, nervous, stubborn and irritable. Needs freedome of thought and action, makes
energetic and will develop original working methods.

Mercury Sextile Saturn

Makes one approach all work very methodically. Has a very orderly mind and able to organize with great
detail. Has sense of responsibility and very cautious.

Mercury Trine Neptune

Visionary, very sympathetic and compensative. Refined and may has artistic and poetic interests and

Jupiter Opposite Uranus

Head Strong, rebellious and opinioned. May exaggerate a lot and be tactless. Will experience losses
because of premature actions.

Jupiter Square Pluto
Makes arrogant and fanatical. Will have conflicts with those in authority. May get extravagant and tend to

Venus Conjunction Mars

Strong vitality. Charismatic and self-confident. Loves excitement and sports and is by nature very

Venus Opposite Jupiter

Self conceit. Intensely driven to seek a partner and very demonstrative of one’s charms. Will tend to has
self indulgent habit.

Saturn Semisquare Uranus

Restless, argumentative and grustrated at times. Has philosophical ideas. Indicates lack of concentration
and illogical reasoning. At times,. May be very impulsive and aggressive.

Saturn Opposite Neptune

Makes one inhibited, self-deluding and moody. May tend to be hypochondriacal. Will be subjected to
criticism and mat develop an inferiority complex.

Saturn Semisquare Pluto

Makes very harsh disciplinarian. May become egoistical and unsympathetic. At times, may have depression
and must guard against self destructive tendencies.

Uranus Square Pluto

Subjects one to upsets, great changes, upheavals and violence. May even has fanatical and destructive

General Predictions

General Characteristics
Due to lord ship of Mars, they are particularly determined individual. They have strong likes and dislikes.
They like rational thinking, convincing argument and scientific explanation. They cannot keep idle and hate
gossip. Do not interfere with others matters unless it concerns them. They are short tempered. Can be
revengeful if their friends try to harm them. Being a watery sign they have sharp intelligence and dynamic
energy to complete their job. They are very reliable. They keep secrets though they appear frank, plain and
blunt. They may have unusual interest in mysteries of nature as well as in psychic subjects. They have
intense feelings and emotions. They are able to diagnose correctly. They can be very good in medical field
or export/import. They will enjoy life to their entire satisfaction.

Specific Characteristics
You are likely to experience a lot of changes in life. May have a lot of energy and should try to be more
constructively engaged, else you may squander it unproductively.

Physical characteristics
The native has a well proportioned body, hands are generally long. The stature is above average. They have
a broad face commanding appearance, short and curly hair and muscular body. They have a very good

Wealth Characteristics
General indications for wealth are very good. You will be very lucky in money matters and will gain
through an inheritance. You should try to budget and save, as there are indications that you may become

You are likely to inherit. You are sure to have a very peaceful later life.

The general indications for education are very good. You are likely to be serious and studious. Your hard
work is liable to bear fruits. You may achieve some form of distinction in your educational career.

Career Opportunities
Scientific careers- limited.
Commerce- Good
Arts, Social works ,Home science etc.- excellent

Business Opportunities
You will be successful in business or political fields. You are likely to have good influence and contacts in
the right places. You will also be interested in social and professional works.

Due to influence of Shukra, you will most probably get married early. You will have a harmonious and
happy married life. You love children and indications are towards a large family.

You will normally have good health. But due to position of Ravi, you may have a weak constitution.

You have friends who will be very helpful in times of need. You are likely to be involved in some kind of
group or social service, which will give you great personal satisfaction.

Thus we can see Dr. Hahnemann’s astrological analysis is very similar to his real life span.

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