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Physical Education



My physical education philosophy is built on
the core values of respect, integrity,
perseverance, and compassion.

I believe that students are most successful in

a learning environment where they are able
to be themselves. Students in my class do not
need to have experience playing a certain
sport or be in good physical condition, but
they do have to be willing to try.

Through the skills we learn and the habits we

practice, I will prepare and encourage my
students to be healthy and active for the rest
of their lives.

Assessment will involve a combination of formative and
summative assessments. Each unit will have one or two
summative assessments, but depending on how long the unit is,
those assessment(s) may be relatively short, and students may
have a choice of the two. Formative assessment, including
observation of students by myself, will be continuous. Students
will be expected to play an active role in their own assessment,
and we will make regular use of exit slips and logbooks.

Assessment will be solely based on general and specific learning

outcomes, and as such factors such as attendance and use of gym
strip will simply be a condition of the class.

Assessment will be based on a combination of the four general

learning outcomes – Activity, Benefits, Cooperation, and Do it
Daily.  Therefore skill, participation, sportsmanship, and effort are all
elements that will be assessed regularly. A balance of these elements
will be struck in order to ensure marks are reflective of the four
general learning outcomes, and that every student, regardless of
physical fitness and prior skill and experience, is able to be

My Teaching Style
My teaching style will be dependent on the general and specific learning outcomes, what
students are already able to do, and the environment and attitude of students in the class.

If the class, as a whole, is still settling in to PE routines, and needs multiple reminders on
the general expectations of the class, including listening to instructions, participation,
and good sportsmanship, I will use Direct Instruction.

As we transition from learning the skill to learning the game, I will use Teaching Games
for Understanding to ensure students learn the strategy as well as the skill of the game,
creating game-forms to bridge the skills they have learned to the game.

I will dedicate at least one unit to Sport Education, during which students will be
able to vote on the sport that they would like to learn and participate in for this unit.

Classroom Management
My expectations for physical education class are based on two key concepts: respect and participation. If you are
respectful and participate to the best of your ability in everything that we do, then we are not going to have any issues.

Expectations for Respect: Expectations for Participation:

Respect for yourself: You are willing to try new things, Every day you are prepared to participate, in
to expand and grow your abilities, but you do not do gym strip and proper foot wear, with a water
things that are unsafe or that will get you injured. bottle and any other required materials (a
Respect for others: You show good sportsmanship, sweater or jacket if we are going outside, for
willingly work with others in your class, encourage your example). 
peers to also do their best, and never put them in an You change into your gym strip quickly and
unsafe position. start the warm up activity on the whiteboard so
Respect for the teacher: You listen to instructions that we can get started on our main activity right
when I am talking. You follow my rules and expectations. away. 
Respect for guests: You treat guests in our class with You are willing to try new things.
the same respect you give myself and your peers.  You put your best effort into every activity we
Respect for the space: You clean up the space after we do.
are done using it. You do not damage or mistreat You will let the teacher know if you are
equipment. You do not litter. unable to do something, for whatever reason.

The Three Strike Rule:

What happens if there is an issue? We work with a three strike system in my physical education class. If you are not showing
respect to someone or something, or are not participating to the best of your ability, that is a strike. I’ve got a clipboard in my
office for strikes – first strike, no problem, we all make mistakes. All you have to do is head to my office, write down what
caused the strike on the clipboard, and what you are going to do to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Second strike, again you are going to write down on the clipboard what the strike was and what you are going to do to
ensure it doesn’t happen again, but we are also going to have a conversation about how to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Third strike, same process, but we get your parents and administration involved. We have lots of supports and strategies to
ensure you don’t get to the third strike, and as long as you are respectful and participate, we are all going to have a great year
in physical education class!

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