WHO-Global-COVID-19-Health-Literature-Database - Searching-Guide-2020.05.22

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WHO Global research on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) quick guide

(Updated on 22.05.20)

Important: From Monday 25 May 2020 daily files will not be uploaded any longer. Please read this
guide carefully.

Welcome to the Quick Guide to WHO’s Global research on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) database.
The Guide notes the database’s features and provides basic search and export instructions. Please note
the database contents description and disclaimer. The database is updated at 19:00 (Geneva local time).


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1. Dropdown menu of search types: Title, abstract and subject combined, title only, author only,
and abstract only.
2. Enter search terms in the search box and hit enter or click the magnifying glass.
3. Use the advance search form to build more complex searches.
4. Select from the dropdown menu to order search results by entry date increasing or decreasing,
relevance, or year increasing or decreasing.
5. Refine search results by using an optional filter. Select from the full list of filters or select the
desired filter type from the dropdown Add filter menu and click Apply to select only certain filter
types. Filter types include full text, main subject, type of study, clinical aspect, language, year
and journal. Click the Filter button at the top, or the right-facing arrow button at the bottom of
the filter list to filter results.
6. Slide dot left to display abstracts when available. Slide right to display citation information only.
7. Click buttons to email, export, or print results, create an RSS feed, or generate an XML.

Search tips
The WHO Global COVID-19 health literature database is a composite of other databases and citations
captured directly from publishers' websites. Most citations have NOT been standardized and there are
variations in journal titles, author names etc. While some citations have been enhanced with MeSH and
other keywords, this is a work in progress.

 Use expansive key word searches.

 Use parentheses ( ) for nesting search terms: vaccine (China OR Italy).
 Use Boolean operators AND, OR, and AND NOT: (cough OR fever) AND NOT pneumonia.
 Use variant spelling: foetus OR fetus.
 Use * or $ for truncation: antibod* or antibod$ for antibody OR antibodies.
 Enclose search phrases in quotation marks: “coronavirus disease”.
 To search for entries from a specific date, 27 April 2020 for example, use the entry_date tag:
 To search for entries from a certain date range, 27-28 April 2020 for example, use: (entry_date:
[20200427 TO 20200428]).
 Combine keywords, dates and truncation, for example, to find titles including ventilator from
April 2020, use: ti:(“ventilator”) AND entry_date:(202004*).

Common search tags (area highlighted in yellow are under development and are NOT yet functional)

Tag Description Search syntax

TI Original Title and Translated Title of citations By words or “phrases”
TI:”coronavirus disease”
TW Text Words (words) Title + Abstract + DeCS/MeSH terms By words or “phrases”
TW:”acute hepatitis”
AB Abstract of journal articles and documents By words or “phrases”
AB:”respiratory symptoms”
MH DeCS/MeSH terms Trilingual Descriptors Portuguese, Spanish, English. MH:”renal dialysis”
To explode the category of Descriptor use * after the category number = MH:”dialise renal”
= MH:”dialisis renal”
= MH:E02.870.300
Explode = MH:E02.870.300*
MJ Primary DeCS/MeSH terms. MJ:Vaccines
Descriptors that reflect the major points of the article MJ:”renal dialysis”
PT Publication type is included in DeCS/MeSH PT:”clinical trial”
= PT:”ensayo clinico”
= PT:”ensaio clinico”
DA Year of Publication Year and month (yyyymm)
DA:202001 - retrieves articles
published in January 2020
DA:202003 OR DA:202004 - retrieves
March and April 2020
DA:2020$ - all 2020
AU Author Name AU:”Bouaziz, J D”
AU:”Wei, Xiao-Shan”
TA Journal TA:Jama
Title of the journal
LA Language LA:es
Retrieve documents by selected language

Export tips
The database offers five options for exporting citations: email, export, print, RSS and XML. For all
options, first run the search and refine results. If only certain citations are desired, click on the boxes in
front of their numbers, making a checkmark appear. Then click the button for the desired export mode.

Email Fill in the email form. Clicking on Selected References will email only citations with
checkmarks. Citations may also be emailed by page or all citations (limit 300).
Export Citations may be exported in RIS, CSV or Citation formats, by page, selected references
(those with checkmarks) or all references (all search results).
Print By page or selected references only.

To export the entire database, clear the search box and run a blank search. The results will include all
citations in the database. Click Export, select the export format, then click All references.

If you have any questions or suggestions or would like to request a working document of the search
strategies, please email: library@who.int.

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