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Pronoun Referents 1

Task 1: read the passage below and fill-in the following table

Smallpox, also known by its Latin name variola, is a serious, contagious disease. (1) It is
often fatal. There is no specific treatment for smallpox, and the only prevention is
vaccination. The name smallpox comes from the Latin word for “spotted” and refers to the
raised bumps that appear on the face and body of an infected person. Even if a victim of
smallpox survives, (2) these can lead to permanent scarring. There are two main types of
smallpox. Variola major is the more severe and more common form of smallpox.
Historically, (3) it has an overall fatality rate of about 30%. Variola minor is the less
common form of smallpox, and (4) this a much less severe disease, with death rates
historically of 1% or less.

Pronoun-type word refers to.....

1) It Variola

2) these Bumps

3) it Variola major

4) this Variola minor

Task 2: read the passage below and fill-in the following table
Usually only found in tropical areas, malaria is spread by female Anopheles mosquitoes,
and (1) they have a very developed system for finding people and animals to bite. The
female mosquito which carries the malaria parasite has a variety of sensors designed to
track (2) its  prey. These include chemical sensors, visual sensors and heat sensors.
Using the first of (3) these, mosquitoes can sense, almost smell, carbon dioxide and lactic
acid up to 36 metres away. Mammals and birds give off these gases as part of (4)
their normal breathing, and the mosquitoes home in on them. (4a) It seems that certain
chemicals in human sweat also attract mosquitoes. People who do not sweat very much
tend to get bitten much less than people who do.

Mosquitoes do not only smell their human prey, they also see (5) them. If a person is
wearing clothing that contrasts with their background, and especially if that person moves
while wearing that clothing, mosquitoes can notice the colour contrast and the movement
and are drawn to (6) this. Anything that moves is probably alive and therefore full of blood,
so this is a good technique for the mosquito. These terrible insects can also feel their prey
by using a kind of heat sensor. Mosquitoes are able to detect heat, so (7) they can find
warm-blooded creatures easily once (8) their sight and sense of smell have brought (9)
them close enough.

As you can see, evolution has unfortunately equipped the mosquito with a highly effective
system of prey location.
Pronoun-type word refers to.....

1) they Anopheles mosquitoes

2) its Prey

3) these Chemical sensors

4) their Mammals and birds

5) them Human prey

6) this Clothing

7) they Mosquitoes

8) their Sight and sense of smell

9) them Mosquitoes


A boycott is an organized refusal by people to deal with a person or group in order to
reach a certain goal. An example is the famous boycott that began in 1955 when Mrs.
Rosa Parks of Montgomery, Alabama, refused to obey a law requiring black people to sit
at the back of city buses. Mrs. Parks was arrested, and her arrest sparked a boycott of the
city bus system by African Americans. The boycott was organized and led by Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. Rather than continue to lose money needed to run the bus system, the city
changed the law. 
A) definition and example
B) cause and effect
C) comparison-contrast
D) time order
The story of the city mouse and the country mouse is one version of the age-old debate
between the people who prefer city life and those who prefer country life. In the city there
is always something to do. But in the country, you can always find peace and quiet. In the
city, you are constantly exposed to new and different kinds of people. On the other hand,
in the country, you are always among familiar faces. These are the images we have. The
reality is less clear-cut. Rural towns do have their night spots, and even New York City has
places to escape to and be alone with your thoughts.
2. The main pattern of organization is:

A) definition and example

B) cause and effect
C) comparison-contrast
D) time order
Many people say rapid population growth is the reason why nearly one billion people go
hungry every day. However, political factors are also among the causes of hunger. Firs,
many countries with hungry citizens actually export crops to other countries. Exporting the
crops offers greater profits than selling them at home. Secondly, surpluses that could feed
many people are often destroyed in order to keep the price of products high. For example,
some crops are allowed to rot, and extra milk is fed to pigs or even dumped.

3. The main pattern of organization is:

A) definition and example

B) cause and effect
C) comparison-contrast
D) time order

 Yellowstone National Park is mainly located in Wyoming, although three percent is

located in the state of Montana.  The Continental Divide of North America runs diagonally
through the southwestern part of the park.  The park sits on the Yellowstone Plateau,
which is an average elevation of 8,000 feet above sea level.  This plateau is bounded on
nearly all sides by mountain ranges.  There are 290 waterfalls that are at least fifteen feet
in the park, the highest being the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, which falls 308

Summarize this paragraph in one sentence.  Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.

Yellowstone national park, a short description.

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