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Isentropic Flow with Area Change

WEC-ME 406
Gas Dynamics
Dr Sajid Hussain
Isentropic Flow with Area Change

Differential form of Continuity Equation

Continuity Equation

Differential form of Momentum Equation

Momentum Equation
Isentropic Flow with Area Change

• If Flow is Subsonic (M < 1)

– For V to increase (dV positive) area must decrease (dA negative)
– Note that this is consistent with Euler’s equation for dV and dp

• If Flow is Supersonic (M > 1)

– For V to increase (dV positive) area must increase (dA positive)

• If Flow is Sonic (M = 1)
– M = 1 occurs at a minimum area of cross-section
– Minimum area is called a throat (dA/A = 0)
Isentropic Flow with Area Change
Isentropic Flow with Area Change

Nozzle dv < 0
dv > 0 dp > 0
dp < 0
Isentropic Flow
with Area Change
Continuity Equation
Isentropic Flow with Area Change
For air ( k = 1.4), the area ratio becomes:
For Air
Minimum Area (Throat)

For given stagnation conditions, maximum flow passes thru the duct when the
throat is at sonic speed (M=1) or is “CHOKED”
Flow Thru Variable Area Nozzles



Jet expands outside the
nozzle thru a series of
shocks/expansion waves to
reduce p* to Pb
Converging Nozzle

For (a) and (b), throat pressure is

Sonic Throat higher than P* and Pe=Pb. Flow
throughout is subsonic
 For ( c), back pressure Pb=p*.
Pe=Pb. Throat is choked. Jet exit flow
is sonic. Mass flow is max. Flow
upstream the throat is subsonic.
For (d) and (e) , throat remains
choked with pe=p*.
Exit jet expands supersonically
(complex wave structure) to reduce
jet pressure from p* to pb. Nozzle
remains choked.
Converging Nozzle
Converging –Diverging Nozzle


Design Pressure Ratio

Pe=Pb for exit flow A,B,C,D,E,F and H
At C throat is choked and flow jet is
For D to F, normal shock is in diverging
portion to create subsonic diffuser condition
behind the shock to match Pe=Pb
At F normal shock stands at the exit
For G the flow is compressed thru complex
series of sock waves out sides the exit to
Design Press Ratio achieve Pb at the edge of the jet
At H the flow expands outside the nozzle in
a complex series of shocks/expansions to
match Pb. Flow in the entire nozzle including
jet flow is supersonic.
For I, Pb is lower than design pressure H.
Flow is expanded in a series of complex
waves to match Pb.
Converging –Diverging Nozzle
Converging –Diverging Nozzle
Converging –Diverging Nozzle

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