FANUC Robotics Documentation V

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FANUC Robotics Documentation

Full Document Search 2.22 V


Name: AccuPath Status Variable Structure

FANUC Robotics SYSTEM R-J3iB Description: This is the AccuPath status variable. Refer to the descriptions of the individual fields that follow.
About This Manual
Safety Power Up: N/A
1. GENERAL INFORMATION Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.
Glossary $VC_MORGRP[1].$hist_cdist[1-20]

Minimum: 0    Maximum: BUFFER_NUM    Default: 0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: BOOLEAN   
Memory: CMOS

Name: Maintain CD value indicator

Description: If the motion option CDy is used and the system can maintain y(mm) corner distance, it is TRUE; otherwise, it is FALSE. If the motion
option CDy is not used, it is TRUE. The history buffer is updated if it is set to FALSE.

Power Up: N/A

Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.

See Also: $hist_index, $hist_progid[], $hist_lineno[],


Minimum: 0    Maximum: BUFFER_NUM    Default: 0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: BOOLEAN   
Memory: CMOS

Name: Constant corner speed indicator

Description: It is TRUE if constant corner speed can be maintained; otherwise, it is set to FALSE. It is TRUE if the location travel time is greater
than orientation travel time; otherwise, it is set to FALSE. The history buffer is updated if this is set to FALSE.

Power Up: N/A

Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.

See Also: $hist_index, $hist_progid[], $hist_lineno[],


Minimum: 0    Maximum: BUFFER_NUM    Default: 0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: INTEGER   
Memory: CMOS

Name: Current index of history buffer

Description: All $hist_XXXX variables are used together as a history buffer to inform the user concerning various warning status of AccuPath that
occurs during program motion. It is implemented as a ring buffer. The total size is 20. The value of $hist_index points to the latest recorded data.
Data is recorded only when certain events occur, such as when it is a short segment, when corner speed cannot be maintained, when corner
distance specified cannot be maintained, and so forth. Refer to the individual $hist_XXXX variables for details on warning events.

Power Up: N/A

Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.

See Also: $hist_progid[], $hist_lineno[],$hist_short[], $hist_cspeed[], $hist_cdist[], $hist_orndom[]


Minimum: 0    Maximum: BUFFER_NUM    Default: 0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: INTEGER   
Memory: CMOS

Name: Program line number field of history buffer

Description: When the history buffer is updated, this field records the current program line number.

Power Up: N/A

Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.

See Also: $hist_index, $hist_progid[],$hist_short[], $hist_cspeed[], $hist_cdist[], $hist_orndom[]


Minimum: 0.0    Maximum: 100000.0    Default: 0.0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: Not available    CRTL: Not available    Data Type:
Array of Real     Memory: Not available

Name: maximum acceleration values

Description: Internal use only. Record maximum acceleration values for debug purpose

Power Up: Takes effect immediately


Minimum: 0.0    Maximum: 10000000.0    Default: 0.0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: Not available    CRTL: Not available    Data Type:
Array of Real     Memory: Not available

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FANUC Robotics Documentation

Name: maximum jerk values

Description: Internal use only. Record maximum jerk values for debug purpose

Power Up: Takes effect immediately


Minimum: 0.0    Maximum: 2000.0    Default: 0.0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: Not available    CRTL: Not available    Data Type:
Array of Real     Memory: Not available

Name: minimum corner speeds

Description: Internal use only. Record minimum corner speeds for debug purpose

Power Up: Takes effect immediately


Minimum: 0    Maximum: BUFFER_NUM    Default: 0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: BOOLEAN   
Memory: CMOS

Name: Orientation dominant indicator

Description: It is TRUE if orientation travel time is greater than location travel time, else FALSE. History buffer is updated if TRUE.

Power Up: N/A

Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.

See Also: $hist_index, $hist_progid[], $hist_lineno[],


Minimum: 0    Maximum: BUFFER_NUM    Default: 0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: INTEGER   
Memory: CMOS

Name: Program ID field of history buffer

Description: When the history buffer is updated, this field records the current program ID. The program ID is a unique number assigned internally to
each program.

Power Up: N/A

Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.

See Also: $hist_index, $hist_lineno[],$hist_short[], $hist_cspeed[], $hist_cdist[], $hist_orndom[]


Minimum: 0    Maximum: BUFFER_NUM    Default: 0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: BOOLEAN   
Memory: CMOS

Name: Short segment indicator

Description: It is TRUE if short segment; otherwise, it is set to FALSE. The history buffer is updated if it is set to TRUE.

Power Up: N/A

Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.

See Also: $hist_index, $hist_progid[], $hist_lineno[],


Minimum: 0.0    Maximum: 10000.0    Default: 0.0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: REAL    Memory:

Name: TCP speed information

Description: TCP speed in mm/sec is updated dynamically when AccuPath is active.

Power Up: N/A

Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.


Minimum: 0.0    Maximum: 100000.0    Default: 0.0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: REAL    Memory:

Name: maximum acceleration value

Description: Internal use only. Record maximum acceleration value for debug purpose

Power Up: Takes effect immediately


Minimum: 0.0    Maximum: 10000000.0    Default: 0.0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: REAL    Memory:

Name: maximum jerk value

Description: Internal use only. Record maximum jerk value for debug purpose

Power Up: Takes effect immediately


Minimum: 0.0    Maximum: 2000.0    Default: 2000.0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: REAL    Memory:

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FANUC Robotics Documentation


Name: minimum corner speed

Description: Internal use only. Record minimum corner speed for debug purpose

Power Up: Takes effect immediately


Name: AccuPath Parameter Group Variable Structure

Description: This is the AccuPath setup parameter, which is robot or application tool dependent. Refer to the descriptions of the individual fields that

Power Up: Takes effect immediately

Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.


Minimum: 0    Maximum: 1    Default: 0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: BOOLEAN    Memory: CMOS

Name: Constant speed switch

Description: This variable controls the use of constant speed feature for CNT100 termtype motion. When the variable is FALSE, the system will not
maintain constant speed when moving around path corner. When the variable is TRUE, the system will maintain constant speed when moving
around a path corner by default, but might slow down if it is not possible. In order to do so, the corner distance might be increased compared to the
case of when $cnstnt_spd = FALSE. This variable is set by the application tool. It is set to TRUE for the P-200 robot.

Power Up: Takes effect immediately

Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.


Minimum: 0.0    Maximum: 1.0    Default: 1.0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: REAL    Memory: CMOS

Name: Corner distance ratio

Description: Internal use only. This variable is set by the application tool. It is used when $shortmo_imp is TRUE.

Power Up: Takes effect immediately

Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.


Minimum: 0    Maximum: 100    Default: 100    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: INTEGER    Memory:

Name: Threshold of speed limit

Description: Internal use only. This variable is set by the application tool. When the planned speed is slower than the rate of program speed
specified by this variable, system detect speed slowdown and history buffer in $VC_MORGRP[] is updated.

Power Up: Takes effect immediately

Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.


Minimum: 0    Maximum: 1    Default: 0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: BOOLEAN    Memory: CMOS

Name: Short motion improvement switch

Description: Internal use only. This variable is set by the application tool. Default: FALSE. If TRUE, short motion is improved when half distance rule
is applied.

Power Up: Takes effect immediately

Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.


Minimum: 0.0    Maximum: 1.0    Default: 1.0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: REAL    Memory: CMOS

Name: Short ratio

Description: Internal use only. This variable is set by the application tool. It is used when $shortmo_imp is TRUE.

Power Up: Takes effect immediately

Screen: SYSTEM Variables screen.


Minimum: 0    Maximum: 1    Default: 0    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: BOOLEAN    Memory: CMOS

Name: Warning message enable switch

Description: FALSE: Warning message for AccuPath is not displayed. When the variable is TRUE, the warning message for AccuPath is displayed.
This has to be set to FALSE during the production cycle.

Power Up: Takes effect immediately

Screen: SYSTEM Variable screen


Minimum: 0    Maximum: 0x7FFFFFFF    Default: 251    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: RW    CRTL: RW    Data Type: INTEGER   

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FANUC Robotics Documentation

Memory: CMOS

Name: Compatibility switch

Description: This variable is used to switch among different versions of Accupath software for comparison purpose. Default value is 251, which
means V5.20P Accupath is used. To use V5.11P Accupath software, set the value to be 123.

Power Up: Takes effect immediately


Minimum: ""    Maximum: ""    Default: "06/17/2004 "     KCL/Data: RO    Program: RO    UIF: RO    CRTL: RO    Data Type: STRING   
Memory: CMOS

Name: Software Release Date

Description: Displays the application software release date.

Power Up: N/A

Screen: STATUS Version IDs screen


Minimum: ""    Maximum: ""    Default: "V6.4047 06/17/2004"     KCL/Data: RO    Program: RO    UIF: RO    CRTL: RO    Data Type: STRING   
Memory: RAM

Name: Software Build Version

Description: Displays the software build version and build date.

Power Up: N/A

Screen: STATUS Version IDs screen


Minimum: 0    Maximum: 0x7FFF    Default: 3000    KCL/Data: RW    Program: RW    UIF: Not available    CRTL: Not available    Data Type:
INTEGER     Memory: Not available

Name: Vision Timeout

Description: Not currently used.

Power Up: N/A

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FANUC Robotics Documentation

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