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FILED JUL ~ 2 2000 cuERK Us oisTRICT WESTER ‘oF UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CRIMINAL COMPLAINT CECILY ANN AGUILAR case NuMBER: U)ZO- 14 |, the undersigned complainant being duly sworn, state the following is true and correct to the best of my knowladge and belief. From on or about April 23, 2020 through June 30, 2020, in Bell County, in the Westem District of Texas, defendant(s), did unlawfully and willfully combine, ire, confederate and agroo together and with others to corru : mutilate, and conceal an object, or attempt to do so, with the intent to availability for use in an official jing, in violation of Title 48, United States Code, Sections 1542(c)(4) and (k) | further state that | am a(n) Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and that this complaint is based on the following facts: ‘SEE ATTACHED AFFIDAVIT continued on the attached sheet and made a part hereof YES ‘Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, duly 2.2020 ‘Waco, Texas, Dae ‘Gay ard Gn Jeffrey C. Manske U.S, Magistrate Judge. Nene 2 The uses Onen gre ahaa United States District Court (Western District of Texas, Wace Divsion 411, Jonathan W. Varga, having been duly sworn, depose and say the folowingls true according to ‘my knowledge and betef: 2 Your Affiant isa Special Agent (SA) of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FB), United States Department of ustice. Ihave been employedas aSA of the FBI for over 16 years andam currently assigned tothe San Antonio Division, Waco Resident Agency (WRA) in Waco, Texas. | far currently assigned to@ violent crime squed where my resporsibities incude enforcing, {federal criminal statutes, including investigating violent crimes (to include murder, witness tampering, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy to commit crime) occurring within the Fort Hood miltary installation. Fort Hood isa place of special maritime and territorial jurisdiction for the federal goverrment, As part ofthese duties, our Affant has become involvedin the investigation of suspected violations of Tle 18, United States Code, §1512(c) and (kl, that is, conspiracy to corruptly ater, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an objec, or attempts to do so, with ‘the intent to impair the cbjec’s integrity or availabilty for use in an offical proceeding. The {act in this affidavit come from your Afiant’s personal observations, his training and experience, and information obtained trom other law enforcement officers and witnesses, 3. Your Atfiant is currently involved with US Army Criminal investigative Command (USACID), Texas Rangers, US Marshal's Service (USMS), and other agencies regarding the activities US Army ‘Specialist Aaron Robinson and Cecily Agullar, 4. The statements contained inthis affidavit are based on information provided to your Affant by ‘other law enforcement officers who investigate these types of crimes and through his personal Investigation. Your Affiant has set forth herein the facts relieve are necessary t0 establish probable cause that sad violation does exis. ‘5. Since this affidavit is being submitted forthe limited purpose of securing an arrest warrant, your Affiant has not included each and every fact known to him concerning ths investigation. Your affiant has set forth only facts that| believe are necessary to establish probable cause. ‘Baciaround ofthe Investigation 1. On 04/23/2020, USACIO was notified by a Captain inthe Regimental Provost Marshal, 3rd Cavalry Regiment, Fort Hood, TX (FHTX, that Priate Fret Class (PFC) Vanessa Guillen had been reported missing by her unit 2. Awiness stated that PFC Guillen left the arms room where she was working to vst the arms ‘room at another location at Fort Hood, one controlled by Specials (SPC) Aaron Robinson, in ‘order to confirm serial numbers for weapors and equipment. The wanesses verfed that PFC Glen left the arms room without her US Army Kentfication card, bankcard or car keys with her barracks key attached. The witness teted that her ropety wesstillin the ars room when he secured the arms room forthe day [A search of PFC Guller's hone records revealed the lst outgoing text message from her phone ‘as a message to SPC Robinson's phone. SPC Robinson was ce of the lst people known to have seen PFC Guilen. On 04/22/2020, SPC Robinson stated fe texted PFC Gullen to inform her he was inthe arms room. He sid she read zrial number for equipment ard afterward he Rave her paperwork and the seal number fora SO calnr machine gun which needed to bo serviced. He sald se left the arms room and he believedshe would have next gone tothe motor pool. Witnesses a the motor poo! prepared to receive the paperwork from PFC Gallen stated ‘he not areve with the papers ‘On 04/28/2020, USACID interviewed SPC Robinsen. Ameng the things he sid concerning his ‘actives on 4/22/2020, SPC Robinson stated that after he finshed hs work he wen this off- post residence he shared with his gfrend Cecly Aguila, and id not leave the rest ofthe right, except around 6:30pm when he had to come on pat osign on toa government ‘computer to enrol in traning. (0n 05/18/2020, two witnesses were interviewed who stctedtnat on 4/22/2020, they observed ‘PC Rebinson pulinga lane “tough box” with wheels, tat appeared very heavy in weight, coming out the arm room, the same room where SPC Rebinson worked, The two witnesses ‘observed SPC Robinson load the “tough box" Into his venice and cre away. (00/19/2020, SPC Robinson consented toa search of Hs cellar phone by UFED extraction. A review ofthe phone cll gs revealed SPC Robinson called Agullar multiple times during the right of 04/22/2020, nd as late as 03:30am on 04/23/2C20 SPC Robinson abo received calls from Aguiar throughout the day Cecily Agula,gfiend oF PC Robinson, was interviewed en 06/19/2020, Aguilar steted she ‘was ith SPC Robinson alright on 04/22/2020. She was asted why SPC Robinson would cal her ster midnight if he was atthe residence with he. She stated she could not find her phone and had SPC Robinson cl the phone to help her find it. This statement, however. I inconsistent ‘th the lengths of the cals. SPC Robinson called Aguilar everal times throughout the right and the calls after midnight were for lengths greater than ore minute. ‘guar, daring re-etervew, stated that she lie in her previous statement. She stated that she di leave her residence because one ofthe ways she copes iy taking long drives. Aguilar stated that she was with SPC Robinson on the night of 08/27/2020 where they took lng eve toaperk in Beton, Texas tolook atthe “stars.” Agulla stated thet after ging tothe park they returned home. 9. An analysis of phone records pertaining to SPC Robinson's telephone was conducted. A review ofthe location data revealed that at approximately 1:58am, 04/23/2020, SPC Robinson's cell phone was identified in the vicinity of FM 436 and West Main St, in Belton. TX: specifically, on or around a bridge. SPC Robinson's cell phone then tracked along the Leon Riverina “northward direction.” SPC Robinson's cell phone remained in the area for approximately hours. 10, Aguila’ colular telephone location data was alco analyzed later and it revealed she and SPC Robinson were near the Leon River together on 04/23/2020 and 04/26/2020. 411, Based upon this data, personel from USACID, Bel County Sheriff's Office (BCSO), and Texas Rangers, searched the Leon River ste in Belton, Texas on June 22, 2020. A burn site with disturbed earth was identified. What appeared to be the burned remains of a plastlc tote or ‘tough box were found nearby in an area near where SPCRobinson's phone pinged. The soil ‘beneath the burn site was remarkably softer and moister than the soll found at similar depths ‘merely feet away and had an odor of decomposition, However, no remain were located, 12, About 1:00pm, 06/30/2020, USACID was notified that contractors working ona fence acjacent tothe Leon River in Betton, TX, dscovered what appeared to be human remains. USACID, along \with FB, CSO, USMS, and TX Rangers, searched the area, and identified scattered human ‘remains that appeared to have been placed into aconcrete-ke substance and buried. 13, About 8:30pm, 30 June 2020, Aguilar was interviewee! and admitted that SPC Rotinson told her that on 4/22/2020, hestruck female soldier inthe head with ahammer multiple times at his arms room, killing her on Fort Hood. Afian: knows that this arms room is located within the Special martime and terrkoria jurisdiction of the United States and in an area of exclusive federal jurisdiction, Aguilar advised the female soldier never made it out ofthe Army alive (efering to Fort Hood). SPC Robinson then placed her ina tox and moved the box to allocation near the Leon River in Beton, Texas. Paragraphs 14 through 19 area summary of Aguila’s statements to law enforcement on 30 une 2020. 14, On the evening of 4/22/2020 or the early morning of 4/23/2020, SPC Robinson picked Aguilar up ata gas station she worked at and tookher out toa site near the Leon River and near a bridge, ‘Abox with wheels and handles was already at ths site. SPC Robinson walked Aguilar over to the ‘woods and opened upa box for Aguilar and she saw adead female nse the box. Aguilar, on a later date, identified the dead female as Vanessa Guillen. 15. To more easily dispose of and to conceal the body ofthe dead female, SPC Robinson and Aguilar proceeded to dismember the dead female's body. They useda hatchet or 2x anda machete type kcrife. They removed the limbs and the head from the body. SPC Robinson and Aguilar attempted to burn the body; however, the body would not burn completely They placed the dead fervalein three separate holes ané covered up the remains. 416. SPC Robinson and Aguilar returned to the ite on a later date. This date was believed to be on (04/26/2020 according to cellular telephore site analysis. Prior totheir return, they obtained hhaienets and gloves. Aguiler purchased a bog of what she referred to 8s concrete from someone utilizing Facebook messenger. 117. Onthat date, SPC Robinson and Aguilar uncovered the remains of the dead female, removed them, and continued the process of breaking down the remains of the dead female. The remains ‘were then burned again along with their gloves and hairnets. SPCRobinson and Aguilar placed the remains back in the three holes with the concrete purchased earlier. 18, SPC Robinson and Aguilar burned their clethes later that night at their residence, 19. SPC Robinson and Aguilar concocted the story about Aguilar and Robinson takinga long drive to «8 park in Belton (see paragraph 8) as an ali 20. Prior to June 30, 2020, SPC Robinson had been confined to his barracks room on Fort Hood; however, he absconded from Fort Hood that night. At the request of law enforcement, Aguilar placed a controlled telephone callto SPC Robinson wherein he never denied anything they did to Vanessa Guillen and her body. SPC Robinson texted Aguilar pictures of the news articles ‘advising of recovered human remains. Ina later controlled telephone call, PC Robinson advised, “baby they found pieces, they found pieces”. This was referring to the human remains recovered near the Leon River. 21. Aguilar continued to assist aw enforcement with locating SPC Robinson as he was on foot in Killen, Texas. SPCRobinson was approached by law enforcement; however, he brandished a pistol and shot himself in the head, killing himself 22. The identification of the human remains recovered is still pending, Sonclusion 1. Based upon the aforementioned facts, there is probable cause to believe that a vieaton of Tile 18, United States Code, § 1512 (c) and [k, that, conspiracy to corruptly alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object, or attempt to do 50, withthe intent to impairthe object's integrity or availabilty foruse in an official proceeding was committed by Cecily Aguilar. Addttonally the orginal offense of murder was committed onthe For Hood military hstallaton, located within the Waco Division ofthe Wester District of Texas, «place of special martime ané terol jurisdetion ‘ofthe federal government. A murder a Fort Hood, and any related obstruction offenses, would be pursued as a criminal proceeding in United states District Court, Western District of Texas 2 Accordingly, your Affant respectfully requests that an arrest warrant be isued for Cecly Aguilar, FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. J Special Agent Federal Bureau of investigation ‘SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before meonthe_Z day of July, 2020. Fiber HONORABLE JEFFREY Cz MANSKE UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE

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