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Predrag D. RANČIĆ, Dragan D. VUČKOVIĆ


Radiated luminous flux, its spatial distribution and colour temperature of light sources (lamps) are
basic parameters for photometric characterization of electric light sources (lamps). Due to this reason,
possibilities of simple integrating photometer systems creation, using closed spaces in the shape of
cube, parallelepiped or cylinder (instead of the Ulbricht’s sphere) in order to measure the luminous flux
are analyzed in this paper. The System of Interreflection Equations of the Luminous Flux and known
characteristics of luminous flux etalons (references) are used for the theoretical analysis of the
experimental model. The cube is used as the closed integrating space for the experimental model.
LMT Photometer B 510 with photometer head P 30 SC0 is used for illuminance measurement on the
experimental model.

Key words: Integrating Photometer Systems, Integrating cube, Integrating cube factor, Luminous
flux, Light source, Direct and indirect illuminance, Lambertian surface.


Measurement of the lamps’ radiated flux is one of the basic measurements which is
unavoidable in the research and development phases as well as in regular controlling
phases of electric light sources producing processes. Luminous flux measurement is
also significant for indirect measurement of the materials’ reflectance parameters.
Various systems for direct luminous flux measurement are created for this purpose
consisting of:
 Closed space which interior is illuminated by the light source;
 Photometer whose sensor is mounted in the wall of the closed space;
 Screen; and
 Power supply and equipment for control measurements of electric parameters
Interior surface of closed space is ideally uniformly diffuse painted, i.e. represents
Lambertian surface. The most known and the most used Luminous fluxmeter
systems are systems that are using the integrating spheres (Ulbricht’s sphere) of
different radiuses for closed space. It is obvious that problem of the Integrating
photometer system construction is considered a lot in the technical literature ([1], [2]).
The construction of the Integrating photometer system (Luminous fluxmeter) has
started in Laboratory for Electrical installation and Illumination engineering at the
Faculty of Electronic Engineering of Niš. LMT Photometer B 510 with photometer
head P 30 SC0 was acquired for that purpose. For the last few months it has been
worked on the cube, parallelepiped and cylinder closed space models, due to the
lack of funds and a lot of difficulties for precise integrating sphere construction.
The aim of this paper is to present some experiences in measurement of the
luminous flux with developing laboratory model of the measuring system which is
using the cube as the closed integrating space.

Closed space consisting of N Lambertian parts, each of surface S i and of

reflectance  i , i  1, 2, ..., N , is considered. Closed space is illuminated with point
light source with total luminous flux  0 . According to the luminous flux conservation
law the System of Interreflection Equations of Luminous Flux (SIE-LF, [3]), can be
written in the following form
 k   0k   ρ i f ik  i , k  1, 2, ..., N (1)
i 1

where:  k - is the total luminous flux which is falling on the k-th surface (i.e. the sum
of the direct  0 k and indirect luminous flux  ind k ,  k   0k   ind k , k  1, 2, ..., N ),
 i - is the reflectance of the i-th surface, i  1, 2, ..., N , and f ik  ( S k / S i ) f ki - are form
factors of i-th and k-th surfaces which satisfy following condition:

k 1
ik  1 , i  1, 2, ..., N . (2)

If the closed space is cube and its interior surface is uniformly ideally diffuse painted,
i.e.  i   , i  1, 2, ..., 6 , then:
 Form factors are directly reciprocal, f ik  f ki as well as f kk  0 ;
 Form factors of any contiguous surfaces are equal, f ik  f  0.200043776 ;
 Form factors of any opposite surfaces are equal, f ik  F  0.199824897 .
For coefficients f and F equation (2) becomes
4 f  F 1. (3)
Using (1) - (3), solutions for total and indirect luminous flux distribution are:
1  C ( F/f  1) C 1 C
k  2 2
0   0k 
1  C ( F/f  1) 1   1  C ( F/f  1) 2

1 C
 C ( F/f  1)  0, k* , i  1, 2, ..., 6 , (4a)
1  C ( F/f  1) 2

1  C ( F/f  1) C 1 C
 ind k  2 2
0  (  1)  0k 
1  C ( F/f  1) 1   1  C ( F/f  1) 2

1 C
 C ( F/f  1)  0, k* , i  1, 2, ..., 6 , (4b)
1  C ( F/f  1) 2

where  0, k * represents direct luminous flux on the opposite surface related to the k-
th surface, and C is the factor given by the expression C  f /(1  f ) .
Due to ( 1  F / f )  0 , equations (4a) and (4b) can be simplified as:
k   0  (1  C )  0 k , k  1, 2, ..., 6 , (5a)
1 
 ind k   0  C  0 k , k  1, 2, ..., 6 . (5b)
1 
If (5) is divided by S k  S  a 2 , the following
3 equations are obtained:
C/S 1 C
Ek   k / S k  0   0 k , k  1, 2, ..., 6 , (6a)
P2 a 1  S
2 C/S C
5 Eind k   ind k / S k   0   0 k , k  1, 2, ..., 6 , (6b)
6 1  S
where E k and E ind k are mean values of the total and
Fig. 1: Illustration of the
integrating cube indirect illuminances of the k-th surface, respectively.
Expressions (6a) and (6b) show the light source
luminous flux  0 measurement possibility, using the illuminance measurement in the
privileged points (e.g. the vicinity of the point P2 , i.e. the center of the second surface
according to Fig. 2).
 Total illuminance of the point P2 vicinity, E2 ( P2 ) , is proportional to the mean value
of E 2 . This value is, according to (6a), proportional to the total flux  0 as well as to
the direct flux  02 . The direct flux  02 is also unknown and during the measurement
is creating the methodical error that is proportional to the constant (1  C ).
 Indirect illuminance component of the point P2 vicinity, E ind 2 ( P2 ) , is also
proportional to the mean indirect illuminance of the second surface E ind 2 . This
illuminance is proportional to the total flux  0 as well as to the direct flux  02 , but in
this case it is proportional to the constant C , C  1 . During this measurement
additional methodical error has been included by placing screen in front of the
photometer sensor. This error can be minimized by the selection of the screen size
as well as of the screen place.
Based on the previous theoretical consideration, the equation (6b) can be simplified
further and approximately expressed by the following expression
1 
0  S [C 2 Eind 2 ( P2 )]  C c Eind 2 ( P2 ) , (7)
where: C 2 - is a new unknown factor, and C c - is the Integrating Cube Factor (ICF).
Last expression represents the base for the experimental model of the integrating
cube and the whole fluxmeter system.


Integrating cube is made of wooden panels and has dimensions 1m  1m  1m . Interior

surface is uniformly painted with the white mat colour, with unknown structure as well
as with unknown reflectance  . Photometer head P 30 SC0 of the LMT Photometer
B 510 is mounted in the center of the second surface using the plastic adapter. Light
sources (etalons-references produced by OSRAM and standard lamps produced by
TESLA Pančevo) are placed in the center of the cube using the aluminum pipe
holder   10 mm and the ceramic socket E-27. Electrical supplying of light sources is
performed by DC-source, together with the voltage and the current control
measurement. Round metal screens, with thickness of 0.5 mm, are painted also with
the mat white colour and they are suspended by the inflexible wire,   2 mm. Two
screens with diameters of 10 cm and 6 cm were used, and they were placed on
different distances in experiment. Screen distances, measured from the light source
were l z  25 cm and l z  33.6 cm . System is shown schematically on Fig. 2.
The measuring procedure is, in principle, identical to the measurement with the
integrating sphere:
 By measurements using light sources which are etalons of luminous flux, the
determination of the ICF for each etalon according to expression (7) was
performed. After that the mean value of ICF, C c sr , was determined for each
group of measurements;
 For the light sources with unknown luminous flux, the flux is determined also
according to the expression (7), based on the previously determined mean
value of ICF as well as on measured indirect illuminance component of the
point P2 vicinity.

PP 2 x 1.5 mm2

50 cm

2 mm 10 mm
100 cm

P2 dz

50 cm

LMT B 510
100 cm
lx _
U =110 : 230 Vdc

Fig. 2: Schematic illustration of the laboratory model of the fluxmeter system with
integrating cube.


For the experiment performing authors had on the disposal the etalons (references)
of light sources OSRAM, on which control measurements were performed in the
Laboratory of the Federal Bureau of Measures and Precious Metals (FBM-PM, [4]).
For experiment performing authors also had standard lamps produced by TESLA
Pančevo, on which luminous flux measurements were performed in the Laboratory
for photometry of the lamps factory TESLA Pančevo ([5]).

4.1. Determination of the Integrating cube factor

Three groups of measurements were performed, using the screen of 10 cm diameter

placed on the distance l z  25 cm from the light source (etalon), with different general
ambient conditions in the Laboratory for Electrical installation and Illumination
engineering. One of the measurements group was performed on the experimental
model using the smaller screen of diameter 6 cm, placed on the distance
l z  33.6 cm .
Etalon light sources were supplied by DC voltage, while measurements in the
Laboratory of FBM-PM were performed with adjusted supplying current of the etalons
for which the colour temperature of all light sources was kept constant on
TCE  2800 K . The consequence of this was changing of the nominal supplying
voltages, which were somewhat different from 110 Vdc. The same supplying
conditions were kept in the experimental model, while ambient conditions were
different and not controlled during the measurements. Authors do not have the data
of ambient conditions in the Laboratory of FBM-PM.
The ICF is calculated for each etalon using measured the indirect illuminance value
and adopting  0 of etalon as the known value. After that the mean value of the ICF
was calculated for each group of measurements. Using the mean value of the ICF as
well as the measured value of the indirect etalon illuminance the value of the etalon
luminous flux was calculated as well as its relative error.
Experimental results arranged in Table 1, confirm the accuracy of conclusions that
are based on the theoretical review. Maximum of the etalon’s luminous flux
measurement error, using the cube as an integrating space, is 1.05 % according to
arranged results in Table 1.

4.2. Measuring of the luminous flux of the standard bulbs (lamps)

Authors have addressed the Laboratory for photometry of the lamps factory TESLA
Pančevo, to perform the measurements of the luminous flux of the sample lamps
from production process and get sample lamps for the experiment. For
measurements performed in the Laboratory TESLA, the integrating sphere was used,
as well as the DC voltage U = 230 Vdc. Measurements of the same sample lamps
were performed using the proposed experimental model, with the same supplying
conditions. Calculated mean values of the ICF (values from Table 1) were used for
luminous flux calculation of the sample lamps. Measured values of the luminous flux
in the Laboratory TESLA were considered as exact and the relative error was
calculated based on these values.
From values arranged in Table 2 it can be concluded that relative error in those
cases is substantially greater, but
does not exceed 15%. For the error
increasing, for sure can be
emphasized some important reasons:
- the ICF is determined for the etalon
colour temperature of TCE  2800 K
(supplying voltage  110 Vdc); - colour
temperature of the sample light
sources is unknown; - considering that
the different supplying voltage of the
sample light sources (=230 Vdc),
causes that their colour temperature is
most probably different from the colour
Fig. 3: Photo of the experimental model temperature of the etalons.
Table 1: Experimental determination of the ICF for two positions of different screens using the light source etalons and the
calculation of the luminous flux of the etalons based on the mean value of ICF as well as on the measured values of the
indirect illuminance of the point P2 vicinity. Colour temperature of all etalon light sources is TCE  2800 K .

Etalon data dz = 10 cm, lz = 25 cm dz = 6 cm, lz = 33.6 cm

Eind 2 Cc CcsrEind 2 0 Eind 2 Cc CcsrEind 2 0 Eind 2 Cc CcsrEind 2 0 Eind 2 Cc CcsrEind 2 0
No. P [W] 0 [lm]
[lx] [lm/lx] [lm] [%] [lx] [lm/lx] [lm] [%] [lx] [lm/lx] [lm] [%] [lx] [lm/lx] [lm] [%]
7/903 25 242.0 215.7 1.1219 240.9 0.470 215.2 1.1245 240.6 0.593 216.5 1.1178 239.7 0.930 216.8 1.1162 240.3 0.702
8/904 25 237.4 213.0 1.1146 237.8 0.189 211.8 1.1209 236.8 0.267 213.3 1.1130 236.2 0.503 212.9 1.1151 236.0 0.599
21/129 40 446.4 399.7 1.1168 446.3 0.016 396.0 1.1273 442.7 0.834 403.0 1.1077 446.3 0.027 401.6 1.1116 445.1 0.283
22/130 40 451.5 403.5 1.1190 450.6 0.205 403.6 1.1187 451.2 0.072 407.6 1.1077 451.4 0.028 407.8 1.1072 452.0 0.112
73/131 100 1,202.5 1,084.0 1.1093 1,210.5 0.662 1,087.0 1.1063 1,215.1 1.050 1,096.0 1.0972 1,213.7 0.931 1,095.0 1.0982 1,213.7 0.932
27/917 150 1,985.1 1,775.0 1.1184 1,982.1 0.153 1,789.0 1.1096 1,999.9 0.744 1,803.0 1.1010 1,996.6 0.580 1,801.0 1.1022 1,996.2 0.561
Ccsr= 1.116660479 [lm/lx] Ccsr= 1.117871452 [lm/lx] Ccsr= 1.107389187 [lm/lx] Ccsr= 1.108403721 [lm/lx]

Table 2: Determination of the luminous flux of standard lamps based on the determined mean value of ICF from Table 1 and the
measured values of the indirect illuminance of the point P2 vicinity. Colour temperature of etalons is TCE  2800 K .
Colour temperature of the samples is unknown.

dz = 10 cm, lz = 25 cm dz = 6 cm, lz = 33.6 cm

Lamps data
Ccsr=1.116660479 [lm/lx] Ccsr=1.120761895 [lm/lx] Ccsr=1.107389187 [lm/lx] Ccsr=1.108403721 [lm/lx]
Eind 2 CcsrEind 2 0 Eind 2 CcsrEind 2 0 Eind 2 CcsrEind 2 0 Eind 2 CcsrEind 2 0
No. P [W] 0 [lm]
[lx] [lm] [%] [lx] [lm] [%] [lx] [lm] [%] [lx] [lm] [%]
1/200 200 3,171.0 2,715.0 3,031.7 4.392 2,662.0 2,983.5 5.914 2,743.0 3,037.6 4.208 2,621.0 2,905.1 8.385
1/150 150 2,167.0 1,845.0 2,060.2 4.927 1,844.0 2,066.7 4.629 1,879.0 2,080.8 3.979 1,894.0 2,099.3 3.123
1/100 100 1,459.0 1,197.0 1,336.6 8.386 1,186.0 1,329.2 8.895 1,210.0 1,339.9 8.160 1,206.0 1,336.7 8.380
1/75 75 1,040.0 809.0 903.4 13.137 811.0 908.9 12.602 822.0 910.3 12.474 822.0 911.1 12.393
1/60 60 714.0 553.6 618.2 13.420 558.5 625.9 12.333 559.6 619.7 13.208 564.6 625.8 12.352
1/40 40 401.0 349.0 389.7 2.814 347.6 389.6 2.849 354.9 393.0 1.992 341.6 378.6 5.578
1/25 25 214.0 175.3 195.8 8.528 173.8 194.8 8.977 176.1 195.0 8.873 173.0 191.8 10.395
Authors did not have data about colour temperature of the sample light sources,
neither the possibility (due to the lack of the equipment) to measure the colour
temperature on the proposed experimental model.


In this paper theoretically is analyzed the possibility of construction of the

experimental system model for light sources luminous flux measurements, which
uses the cube instead of sphere for an integrating space. Theoretical considerations
gave positive answer together with the statement that this model incorporates
methodical error that is not estimated in this paper.
The laboratorial experimental model of cube ( a  1 m ) has been created. Interior
surface of the cube is painted by white mat colour with unknown structure and with
unknown reflectance, but with feature of Lambertian surfaces. Two round screens, of
diameters 10 cm and 6 cm, were used. Their position related to light source were
changed from value l 2  25 cm to 33.6 cm during the experiment.
Basing on the performed measurements the mean value of the ICF is determined.
After that it is established that the maximal relative error for measurement of the
etalons’ luminous flux is 1,05%, and in other cases is less than 1%, Table 1.


This paper is financed by the Ministry on Science, Technologies and Developing of

the Republic of Serbia. Authors are expressing their thanks to Dr. Predrag Vukadin
for the help and for performed control measurements of the etalons in the Laboratory
FBM-PM. Authors are also expressing their thanks to B.Sc. Danko Jotanović, Head
of the Laboratory for photometry of the lamps factory TESLA Pančevo, for the
cooperation and for the help in scope of obtaining the etalons and sample lamps.


[1] CIE Publication: “The measurement of Luminous Flux”, CIE Technical Report, CIE Pub. No. 84, -
1st Edition, 1989.
[2] IESNA, Ed.: Rea M.S.: Lighting Handbook - Reference & Application, IESNA 8th Edition, New
York, 1993, Reprinted 1995.
[3] RANČIĆ P.D.: “Supplements to the Lighting Engineering Characterizations - Illumination of
Closed Spaces”, University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Eng., Niš, 1997. (in Serbian).
[4] Federal Bureau of Measures and Precious Metals (FBM-PM): “Data of the control luminous flux
measurements of the etalons OSRAM”, July, Beograd 2002.
[5] Laboratory for photometry of the lamps factory TESLA Pančevo: “Data of the luminous flux
measurements of light sources”, July, Pančevo 2002.

Prof.dr Predrag D. RANČIĆ; University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Laboratory

for Electrical installation and Illumination engineering,
P.O. Box 73, 18000 Niš, Srbija
Tel: +381 18 529305; Fax: +381 18 46180; E-mail:
Dragan D. VUČKOVIĆ; University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering,
Laboratory for Electrical installation and Illumination engineering,
P.O. Box 73, 18000 Niš, Srbija
Tel: +381 18 529305; Fax: +381 18 46180; E-mail:

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