Nama: Linda Trivana NIM: F251190601 / IPN

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Nama : Linda Trivana

NIM : F251190601 / IPN

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) was a high quality coconut oil, which was extracted
from fresh coconut kernel. VCO is rich in medium chain fatty acid (MCFA) C6-C12
compared than other vegetable oils, especially lauric acid. Virgin coconut oil is
categorized as the healthiest oil and functional food oil. Virgin coconut oil (VCO) has
many advantages for the health. VCO can retains all fatty acids component and its
naturally occurring phytochemicals, which are known to have heart protective and
anticancer. VCO can strengthen the body’s immune system as it contains a high
proportion of the antivirus and antimicrobial for lauric acid, capric acid as
antimicrobial, and caprylic acid for yeast fighter. Medium chain fatty acid of VCO can
be digested rapidly for use as energy nor saved as fat in body. VCO is produced
through coconut milk or extracted from copra. VCO can be produced by the
fermentation, heating, sentrifugal, and direct micro expelling (DME) process.
Composition of fatty acid in coconut oil is caprylic acid 11,9%, capric acid 8,2%, lauric
acid 49,5%, myristic acid 17,1%, palmitic acid 8,1%, stearic acid 2,3%, oleic acid 3,0%,
and linoleic acid 0,1%. Virgin coconut oil can be consumed directly but some consumer
don’t like consumed directly because the aroma of coconut and greasiness.
Diversification of coconut oil utilization can be a solution of these problem by using
VCO in the processing of food products such as virgin coconut oil in ice cream product,
biscuits, and chocolate so consumer stiil get a benefit from VCO. VCO into dairy
products even though it has many documented health benefits.

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