Chapter 2

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Chapter II


Stated in this chapter are the research procedures to be

followed during the conduct of the study, research instruments and

design adapted, selection of the respondents as well as the process

of analyzing and gathering data through the data gathering method

to be used by the researchers.


The present study which aims to determine underlying factors

is set to employ the grounded theory research design. It is

understood that this type of research design aims to develop a

theory based on interpretation and analysis existing facts and data

derived from the study’s conduct.

Seeing how the current problem of the study is crucial and

necessary to be addressed, the researchers deemed proper to

employ the research design aforementioned to generate a new

solution, or by any means change the present solution given to the

issue at hand, to prevent the adversity of effects to the subjects.

The research design is also set to help the study in solving its
problems through thorough analysis of data that would bring forth a

new solution or remedy to the underlying cause.


Figure 1. Map of Tacloban City

Figure 1. Map of Leyte National High School

The present study which is set to undermine the different

factors affecting academic performance will include student-

respondent currently enrolled in Grade 12 Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand for S.Y. 2017-2018.

Furthermore, the present study is set to take place at Leyte National

High School. The respondents participating should be taking up the

specialized subject General Physics I to further ensure quality results

from the study.

The school’s STEM strand has five (5) sections and the

researchers will be employing 10 student-respondents from each

section, making a grand total of 50 respondents. This is to ensure

that the sample size chosen would best represent the population.

The selection of the respondents shall be done through random

sampling wherein they will be randomly selected by the researchers.

Information security and anonymity of the respondents shall

be taken into great consideration, ensuring that their safety and

protection of rights will be observed. Should there be any need for

the respondent to stop and discontinue the conduct of the survey,

the decision shall be granted upon to them.


The study is founded with the primary goal of determining

factors affecting student performance. Hence, survey questionnaires

containing statements related to the topic, as shown in Figure 3 of

the present study shall be made and distributed to the chosen

respondents by the time of the study’s conduct. The researchers

shall ensure that all problems being addressed in the present study

shall be given answers through responses gained in the survey


Various materials are projected to be used in the conduct of

the study. Documentation as proof of carrying out the study is a

must, hence, a camera will be used for picture-taking. All

instruments and equipment mentioned pertain to the validation of

responses gathered. Conditions shall also be taken into

consideration, however, to protect the respondents. Rest assured

that any form of media recording will not be taken without prior

consent from the respondent himself.

Data Gathering Procedure

Prior to the goal of the study, survey questionnaires will be

utilized in gathering data and information. Surveys shall be

conducted by following a specific schedule or date which the

researchers have set in coordination with the chosen respondents.

During the survey proper, questionnaires with statement in relation

to the topic undertaken by the present study shall be given.

Responses to questions will be classified and tallied

accordingly. Data will be presented in a tabular manner, provided

that responses to the same statement are the same. Responses will

be segregated and tallied according to the number of respondents

having the same answer. Central findings and generalizations

formulated will also be recorded and interpreted in an outline and


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