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No, Cricket should not be declared as the national game of India:-

 Cricket basically originated in England and gained popularity in the colonial

countries as the English masters used to play. The fine Englishmen used to bat all day
and the tiring bowling work was done by the locals of the colonies. This game is a sign
of the presence of colonialism.
 We were champions of hockey even when we were not independent . We have
won Olympic 8 gold medals in Hockey, highest in any sport. We had a glorious past,
and we should work towards restoring it. Making Cricket as a national game may
overshadow Hockey.

 If cricket is made as national game of India then it will directly discourage the inclination
towards other game.

• It will greatly hurt the sentiments of the hockey players. It will give a wrong message to the
other sports too.

• Future can never be known by anyone. Today cricket is famous but if tomorrow some other
sport will be famous then again people can demand to change the national game.

• It is the media, government and people who are responsible to make other games popular. It is
not that hockey and football have no fans, they do have, but there is no proper source to
encourage the other games.

• Cricket is the national game of England. So in one way are we making ourselves the complete
slaves of British culture?


If cricket is made the national game of India then there will be no additional benefit that cricket
will get. Also, it will not have any impact on the cricket fans. But definitely making cricket as a
national game will attract a lot of criticism from many other areas. It will give a wrong message
to the youngsters and will hurt the spirit of game. Therefore, it makes no sense in making
Cricket as our national game.

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