Real Traffic

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During this last year I have given a HUGE amount of thought to the subject of search engines.

After a lot of
thought, I have determined to distinguish a single factor that will increase my bottom line more than any other
factor. Arent we all looking for new and interesting ways to get more free traffic from search engines? I am I can
tell you that.

So I had to consider all different kinds of factors. I thought about my product selection. I considered my domain
names. I considered my page content, and the overall look of my sites. I thought about my selection of keywords. I
thought about on-page optimization. I couldnt distinguish any of these as the single most important thing that I
did this last year.

If there is one thing I did this last year that raised my rankings and increased my traffic, it was the development of
one way links. Now Im not talking about trading links with other sites. Im talking about getting sites to link to
mine WITHOUT linking to theirs. I think weve all noticed that search engines are giving a lot of credit for this, and
Ive noticed it big time.

So I figured out this last year that there are really easy ways to make this happen. At first, I heard about an article
directory from a friend that would publish articles for free. I like writing articles, and have always written the
content for my sites, but give away free website content? I decided to take one of my articles and have it
published. Sure enough, the article directory let me add some information in a resource box that appeared at the
bottom of my article, and I placed a link back to my site using the anchor text of one of my keyword phrases.

Sure enough, I had made a nice one way link to myself. I had no idea that this was only the beginning. I then
started searching for more article directories where I could publish my article, and was able to find a list of about
100. I spent a day and submitted my article to all of them, and checked a few days later to find out which ones
accepted it. Almost all of them did, and so I had created about 100 one way links back to my site.

It wasnt until last week that a friend told me about They are a service that will submit your
article to a bunch of sites. They real traffic will even do it for free. I donated to tell about $20 and they submitted
my article to around 200 article directories. Submitting my article to that many directories would have taken me
about 2 days, so $20 to me is nothing.

I would pay a lot more than that to get a few hundred one way links to my site. Are you kidding me? I love it. Not
to mention that I get to use whatever anchor text I want, and write whatever content I want for the page that it
appears on.

My friends; harness the power of articles. Right now, one way linking is the way to the money.

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