Assignment 1 Submission Date: 10.3.2020: Question 1: Write The Differences Between Vacuum Tube & Transistor

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Assignment 1

Submission date: 10.3.2020

name:Luo yanfei.

Student’s number:201620060413

class number:1720607

Question 1: Write the differences between vacuum tube & transistor.

The vacuum tube is an electron tube from which all or most of the gas has been removed, permitting
electrons to move with no or low interaction with any remaining gas molecules.

A transistor is a device that conducts a variable amount of electricity through it, depending on how
much electricity is input to it. In other words, it is a digital switch. However, unlike the vacuum tube, it is
solid state.Solid state means that it doesn't change its physical form as it switches. There are no moving
parts in a transistor.

Question 2: What are the different types of memory devices? Write the differences between

flip-flop 、register 、SRAM, DRAM, ROM, EEPROM

A flip-flop is basically a bi-state circuit in which either a 0 or 1 state can resides. Because of its simplicity,
the flip-flop is extremely fast. As a basic element, the flip-flop is used in digital circuits and ICs. A flip-flop
will lose its state when the supply voltage is removed. Therefore, it is volatile.

A register is a set of flip-flops in parallel. Typically a register is 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits wide. Often a register
is used to hold data, address pointers etc. A register is volatile and very fast just like the flip-flop.
SRAM: Static Random Access Memory
An SRAM is an array of addressable flip-flops. The array can be configured as such that the data comes
out in single bit, 4-bit, 8bit and etc. format. SRAM is simple, fast and volatile just like the flip-flop, its
basic memory cell.

DRAM:Dynamic Random Access Memory

The word ‘dynamic’ indicates that the data is not held in a flip-flop but rather in a storage cell. The data
in a storage cell must be refreshed (read out and re-written) regularly because of leakage.

ROM: Read Only Memory

ROMs are also called mask-ROMs or mask programmed ROMs. This is because a ROM needs to be
programmed by setting its cells to either 0 or 1 at the time of manufacture.

EEPROM:Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM

This means that the chip can be programmed like an EPROM, but can be erased electrically. As a result,
no UV source is required.

RAM stands for random-access memory. RAM contains bytes of information and the microprocessor can
read or write to those bytes depending on whether the RD or WR line is signaled.

One problem with today's RAM chips is that they forget everything once the power goes off. That is why
the computer needs ROM.

ROM stands for read-only memory. A ROM chip is programmed with a permanent collection of pre-set

The address bus tells the ROM chip which byte to get and place on the data bus.

When the RD line changes state, the ROM chip presents the selected byte onto the data bus.

Question 3: Explain transducer, signal conditioner & op-amp.

transducer:A substance or device, such as a piezoelectric crystal, microphone or photoelectric cell,

that converts input energy of one form into output energy of another.

humidity transducer

impedance transducer

signal conditioner :In electronics, signal conditioning means manipulating an analog signal in such a
way that it meets the requirements of the next stage for further processing.

signal conditioner 

signal conditioning

air conditioner

power conditioner

water conditioner

Op amp :- the heart of the analog computer

perform many mathematical operations such as multiplication, addition, subtraction, division,

integration and differentiation

Op amps in signal conditioning applications

Op amp survived…

the analog computers lost favor to digital computers

the demand for op amps increased as measurement applications increased.

Question 4: Explain second order low pass filter with block diagram.
Pole-zero diagram: A pole-zero plot shows the location in the complex plane of the poles and zeros of
the transfer function of a dynamic system, such as a controller, compensator, sensor, equalizer, filter or
communications channel.
Question 5: Draw the block diagram of flash ADC & sigma delta converter.

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