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Lecture 3: Measure of Central Tendency

Donglei Du

Faculty of Business Administration, University of New Brunswick, NB Canada Fredericton

E3B 9Y2

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Table of contents

1 Measure of central tendency: location parameter

Arithmetic Mean
Weighted Mean (WM)
Geometric Mean
Mean for grouped data
The Median for Grouped Data
The Mode for Grouped Data

2 Dicussion: How to lie with averges? Or how to defend yourselves from

those lying with averages?

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Section 1

Measure of central tendency: location parameter

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Subsection 1


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Characterize the average or typical behavior of the data.

There are many types of central tendency measures:
Arithmetic mean
Weighted arithmetic mean
Geometric mean

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Subsection 2

Arithmetic Mean

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Arithmetic Mean

The Arithmetic Mean of a set of n numbers

x1 + . . . + xn
AM =

Arithmetic Mean for population and sample

µ =
x̄ =

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Example: A sample of five executives received the following bonuses

last year ($000): 14.0 15.0 17.0 16.0 15.0
Problem: Determine the average bonus given last year.
14 + 15 + 17 + 16 + 15 77
x̄ = = = 15.4.
5 5

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Example: the weight example (weight.csv)

The R code:
weight <- read.csv("weight.csv")
# Mean
## [1] 155.8548

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Will Rogers phenomenon
Consider two sets of IQ scores of famous people.

Group 1 IQ Group 2 IQ
Albert Einstein 160 John F. Kennedy 117
Bill Gates 160 George Washington 118
Sir Isaac Newton 190 Abraham Lincoln 128
Mean 170 Mean 123

Let us move Bill Gates from the first group to the second group

Group 1 IQ Group 2 IQ
Albert Einstein 160 John F. Kennedy 117
Bill Gates 160
Sir Isaac Newton 190 George Washington 118
Abraham Lincoln 128
Mean 175 Mean 130.75

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Will Rogers phenomenon

The above example shows the Will Rogers phenomenon:

"When the Okies left Oklahoma and moved to California,
they raised the average intelligence level in both

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Properties of Arithmetic Mean

It requires at least the interval scale

All values are used
It is unique
It is easy to calculate and allow easy mathematical treatment
The sum of the deviations from the mean is 0
The arithmetic mean is the only measure of central tendency where
the sum of the deviations of each value from the mean is zero!
It is easily affected by extremes, such as very big or small numbers in
the set (non-robust).

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The sum of the deviations from the mean is 0: an

Values deviations
3 -2
4 -1
8 3
Mean 5 0

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How Extremes Affect the Arithmetic Mean?

The mean of the values 1,1,1,1,100 is 20.8.

However, 20.8 does not represent the typical behavior of this data set!
Extreme numbers relative to the rest of the data is called outliers!
Examination of data for possible outliers serves many useful purposes,
Identifying strong skew in the distribution.
Identifying data collection or entry errors.
Providing insight into interesting properties of the data.

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Subsection 3

Weighted Mean (WM)

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Weighted Mean (WM)

The Weighted Mean (WM) of a set of n numbers

w1 x1 + . . . + wn xn
WM =
w1 + . . . + wn
This formula will be used to calculate the mean and variance for
grouped data!

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Example: During an one hour period on a hot Saturday afternoon

Cabana boy Chris served fifty drinks. He sold:

five drinks for $0.50

fifteen for $0.75
fifteen for $0.90
fifteen for $1.10

Problem: compute the weighted mean of the price of the drinks

5(0.50) + 15(0.75) + 15(0.90) + 15(1.10) 43.75

WM = = = 0.875.
5 + 15 + 15 + 15 50

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Example: the above example

The R code:
## weighted mean
wt <- c(5, 15, 15, 15)/50
x <- c(0.5,0.75,0.90,1.1)
weighted.mean(x, wt)
## [1] 0.875

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Subsection 4


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The Median is the midpoint of the values after they have been
ordered from the smallest to the largest
Equivalently, the Median is a number which divides the data set into
two equal parts, each item in one part is no more than this number,
and each item in another part is no less than this number.

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Two-step process to find the median

Step 1. Sort the data in a nondecreasing order

Step 2. If the total number of items n is an odd number, then
the number on the (n+1)/2 position is the median;
If n is an even number, then the average of the two
numbers on the n/2 and n/2+1 positions is the median.
(For ordinal level of data, choose any one on the two
middle positions).

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Example: The ages for a sample of five college students are: 21, 25,
19, 20, 22
Arranging the data in ascending order gives: 19, 20, 21, 22, 25.
The median is 21.
Example: The heights of four basketball players, in inches, are: 76,
73, 80, 75
Arranging the data in ascending order gives: 73, 75, 76, 80. The
median is the average of the two middle numbers
75 + 76
Median = = 75.5.

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One more example

Example: Earthquake intensities are measured using a device called a

seismograph which is designed to be most sensitive for earthquakes
with intensities between 4.0 and 9.0 on the open-ended Richter scale.
Measurements of nine earthquakes gave the following readings:

4.5, L, 5.5, H, 8.7, 8.9, 6.0, H, 5.2

where L indicates that the earthquake had an intensity below 4.0 and
a H indicates that the earthquake had an intensity above 9.0.
Problem: What is the median earthquake intensity of the sample?
Step 1. Sort: L, 4.5, 5.2, 5.5, 6.0, 8.7, 8.9, H, H
Step 2. So the median is 6.0

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Example: the weight example (weight.csv)

The R code:
weight <- read.csv("weight.csv")
# Median
## [1] 155

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Properties of Median

It requires at least the ordinal scale

All values are used
It is unique
It is easy to calculate but does not allow easy mathematical treatment
It is not affected by extremely large or small numbers (robust)

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Subsection 5


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The number that has the highest frequency.

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Example: The exam scores for ten students are: 81, 93, 84, 75, 68,
87, 81, 75, 81, 87
The score of 81 occurs the most often. It is the Mode!

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Example: the weight example (weight.csv)

The R code:
weight <- read.csv("weight.csv")
# Mode
## [1] "155"

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Properties of Mode

Even nominal data have mode(s)

All values are used
It is not unique
Modeless: if all data have different values, such as 1,1,1
Multimodal: if more than one value have the same frequency, such as
It is easy to calculate but does not allow easy mathematical treatment
It is not affected by extremely large or small numbers (robust)

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Subsection 6

Geometric Mean

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Geometric Mean (GM)

Given a of a set of n numbers x1 , . . . , xn , the geometric mean is given

by the following formula:

GM = n
x1 · · · xn

If we know the initial and final value over a certain period of n

(instead of the individual number sin each period), then
n final value
GM =
initial value

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Example: The interest rate on three bonds was 5%, 21%, and 4%
percent. Suppose you invested $10000 at the beginning on the first
bond, then switch to the second bond in the following year, and
switch again to the third bond the next year.
Problem: What is your final wealth after three years?
Your final wealth will be

10000 × GM 3 = 10, 000 × 1.0973 = 13213.2,

where √
GM = 1.05 × 1.21 × 1.04 ≈ 1.097

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Example: the above example

The R code:
#geometric mean: R does not have a built-in function for t

#You can install and use another package

## Warning: package ’psych’ was built under R version
rates<-c(1.05, 1.21,1.04)
## [1] 1.097327

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Example: The total number of females enrolled in American colleges

increased from 755,000 in 1992 to 835,000 in 2000.
Problem: What is your the geometric mean rate of increase?.
The geometric mean over these 8 years is
835, 000
GM = 8 ≈ 1.0127.
755, 000

Therefore the geometric mean rate of increase is 1.27%.

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Arithmetic Mean vs Geometric Mean: the AM-GM

If x1 , . . . , xn ≥ 0, then
x1 + x2 + · · · + xn √
AM = ≥ n x1 x2 . . . xn = GM,
with equality if and only if x1 = x2 = · · · = xn .

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Arithmetic Mean vs Geometric Mean: the AM-GM

If x1 , . . . , xn ≥ 0, then
x1 + x2 + · · · + xn √
AM = ≥ n x1 x2 . . . xn = GM,
with equality if and only if x1 = x2 = · · · = xn .

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Case: GM vs AM in fund reporting

A fund manager tries to convince you to invest in their fund by

showing you the annual returns over the last five years

10%, −20%, 30%, 12%, 10%

and the average return per year realized in the last five years is 8.4%
as calculated as follows.
(1 + 0.1) + (1 − 0.2) + (1 + 0.3) + (1 + 0.12) + (1 + 0.1)
AM =
= 1.084

This is misleading sometimes. It is much better to say that the

average return realized over the last fives with us is approximately 7%
per year:

GM = 5 1.10 × 0.80 × 1.30 × 1.12 × 1.10 − 1 ≈ 0.07104408

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Example: the above example

The R code:
#geometric mean: R does not have a built-in function for t

#You can install and use another package

rates<-c(1.10, 0.80, 1.30, 1.12, 1.10)
## [1] 0.084
## [1] 0.07104408

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Properties of Geometric Mean

Similar to arithmetic mean, except used in different scenario

It requires interval level
All values are used
It is unique
It is easy to calculate and allow easy mathematical treatments

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Subsection 7

Mean for grouped data

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Mean for grouped data

The mean of a sample of data organized in a frequency distribution is

computed by the following formula:
f1 x1 + . . . + fk xk
x̄ = ,
f1 + . . . + fk

where fi is the frequency of Class i and xi is the class mid-point of

Class i.

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Example: Recall the weight example from Chapter 2:

class freq. (fi ) mid point (xi ) fi xi

[130, 140) 3 135 405
[140, 150) 12 145 1740
[150, 160) 23 155 3565
[160, 170) 14 165 2310
[170, 180) 6 175 1050
[180, 190] 4 185 740
62 9810

The mean for the grouped data is:

x̄ = ≈ 158.2258.
The real mean for the raw data is 155.8548.
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Subsection 8

The Median for Grouped Data

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Median for grouped data: Two-step procedure

Step 1: identify the median class, which is the class that contains the
number on the n/2 position.
Step 2: Estimate the median value within the median class using the
following formula:
2 − CF
median = L + C × ,

L is the lower limit of the median class
CF is the cumulative frequency before the median class
f is the frequency of the median class
C is the class interval or size

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Example: Recall the weight example from Chapter 2:

class freq relative freq. cumulative freq.

[130, 140) 3 0.05 3
[140, 150) 12 0.19 15
z }| {
[150, 160) 23 0.37 38
[160, 170) 14 0.23 52
[170, 180) 6 0.10 58
[180, 190] 4 0.06 62

2 − 15
median = 150 + 10 × ≈ 156.9565.

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An explanation of the median formula

CF 2
1 2 3 f

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Subsection 9

The Mode for Grouped Data

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Mode for grouped data: Two-step procedure

Step 1: Identify the modal class, which is the class(es) that has the
highest frequency(ies).
Step 2: Estimate the modal(s) within the modal class (es) as the
class midpoint(s).

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Example: Recall the weight example from Chapter 2:

class freq. (fi ) mid point (xi )

[130, 140) 3 135
[140, 150) 12 145
[150, 160) 23 155
[160, 170) 14 165
[170, 180) 6 175
[180, 190] 4 185

mode = 155.

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Section 2

Dicussion: How to lie with averges? Or how to defend

yourselves from those lying with averages?

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Lie with averages

There are many different interpreations of averages:

Arithemtic Mean vs Geometric mean: be careful of investment fund
Mean vs Median: be careful of the accounting statements
[Huff, 2010]

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References I

Huff, D. (2010).
How to lie with statistics.
WW Norton & Company.

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