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Voice Acting References

d100 Voice d100 Voice

1 Speaks fast with a small lisp 51 Dark and ominous tone
2 Deep voice with rolling R's 52 American accent
3 Pronounces most S's like Z's 53 Smacks lips whilst talking
4 French accent 54 Monstrous and snarling
5 Low and grunting. 55 Gruff and masculine
6 High pitched and excited 56 Vocalizes in the front of the mouth
7 Often laughs before speaking 57 Tuts and clicks tongue a lot
8 Relaxed with a lot of content humming 58 Adds syllables to words to emphasize
9 Spanish accent 59 Vocalizes with a squeezed throat.
10 Scratchy and weak 60 Squeaky
11 Posh accent 61 Pirate accent
12 Mostly speaks with clenched teeth 62 Speaks like their tongue is numb
13 Soft and melodious 63 Classic creaky witch voice
14 Pronounces most O's like U's 64 Spits and sputters whilst talking
15 Eastern European accent 65 Thin and often mumbling
16 Old and thin voice 66 Speaks with their lower jaw jutted out
17 Farmer's accent 67 Irish accent
18 Puts emphasis on the wrong part of words 68 Soothing and warm
19 Slow speaker 69 Keeps vowels as short as possible
20 Russian accent 70 Low rumbling, the words strung together
21 Whispering most of the time 71 Strong lisp
22 Yelps nervously whilst speaking 72 Cold and demanding tone
23 Sighs with exhaustion a lot 73 Mid range voice
24 Frivolous and kind 74 German accent
25 Scottish accent 75 Speaks with lips slightly pursed.
26 Uses the word 'Darling' a lot 76 Speaks in third person about themselves
27 Loud with a lot of bravado 77 Relaxed voice
28 Dutch accent 78 Sensual and smooth
29 Often pauses mid-sentence to think 79 Low range voice
30 Australian accent 80 Switches between two types of voices
31 Prepubescent and boyish 81 Mumbles notes to self in between sentences
32 Notes of animalistic growling and snarling 82 Indian accent
33 Smooth and feminine 83 Aggressive tone
34 Raspy 84 Draws out most vowels when speaking
35 Italian accent 85 Nasal tone
36 Excited and jittery 86 High range voice
37 Warm and comforting 87 Often pronounces difficult words wrong
38 Middle-eastern accent 88 Forgets to breathe when speaking
39 Inhaling and exhaling with a thin wheeze 89 Hollow sounding voice
40 Voice often breaking 90 Switches between three voices
41 Half singing most sentences 91 Uses sign language.
42 Speaks in the back of the mouth 92 Slurs words
43 Scandinavian accent 93 Voice like an elderly individual.
44 Speaks like royalty, uses complex vocabulary 94 Speaks as if they have a cold/blocked nose
45 Words like 'its' and 'is' become 'eats' and 'ease' 95 Uses figure of speech often
46 Vocalizes with an open throat 96 Often spits out words with contempt
47 Skittish 97 Uses the words/sounds 'uh' and 'uhm' a lot
48 Jamaican Accent 98 Rhymes sentences often
49 Frightful 99 Sore throat, coughing a lot.
50 Hard of hearing, loud 100 High pitched and slightly raspy

Voice Acting References

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