Cordova Catholic Cooperative School (Formerly Cordova Academy) Poblacion, Cordova Cebu

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(formerly Cordova Academy)

Poblacion, Cordova Cebu


TITLE: Getting to Know The Subject!

Name: Date Received:

Grade and Section: Date Submitted: July 01, 2020
Subject: Business Ethics And Social Responsibility Teacher’s Name: Mr. Andrew L. Bomediano
Teacher’s Signature:


Content: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the nature and forms of business organizations.

Performance: The learners shall be able to identify forms of business organizations and their characteristics

Formation: The learners should be able to embrace diversity of different forms of business organizations to recognize its role in
socioeconomic development and apply business values, principles, practices and philosophies to identify and address social
problems that cross paths with the business.

Learning Outcome/Objectives
1. differentiate the forms of business organizations
2. give examples of different forms of business organizations
3. demonstrate respect in the diversified forms of business and its role in socioeconomic development

PVMGOV: Teamwork, Relationship, Service, Respect, Commitment

21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Skills, Technology Literacy


Welcome to the new school year 2020-21. The modality of the delivery of instruction has changed drastically but this would not
hinder us to persevere and continue to learn. I would like you to have an overview of our subject.

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility deals with the fundamental concepts, principles, and practices of ethical standards in
the business environment. Combined with theoretical foundations of setting up business enterprises with the conduct of
entrepreneurial activities, learners will make ethical business decisions and will be guided with their ethical values, to choose the
right direction. The values of innovation and commitment to uphold the practices of business organization will also be developed
by the learners.

The course aims provide you with a basic understanding of the mechanisms whereby companies can be made to act in the best
interest of shareholders, other stakeholders, and society as a whole; provide you with knowledge of general ethical principles as
applied to the special situations of business and the ability to make informed judgments through case analyses; and equip you
with the ability to formulate basic strategies, in relation to corporate ethics and governance to achieve excellence.

Day 1:

Hello my dear students! I am your subject teacher for this subject Business Mathematics (I would like you to state it in your
mind and plant it in your heart because it is quite long :) My name is Mr. Andrew L. Bomediano. I am glad to meet you!


Activity number 1- Anticipation Reaction Guide

Direction: Before the topic study. Place a check mark (/) on the Before the Topic Study column if you agree with the statement
and cross (X) if you do not agree.

After the topic Study. Place a check mark (/) on the After the Topic Study column if you agree with the statement and a cross
mark (X) if you do not agree.

Before the Statements After the

Topic Study Topic Study

Business organizations are seen only as profit generators that have

no regard for ethics.

Business organizations are an important component of modern


Business organizations exist to serve consumers’ needs, and in

return, they make profits when people patronize their products and

Changes in the economic and the political system can have an impact
on certain industries or the whole business system.

A business system describes how a society distributes its resources to

produce goods and services.

Note: Please use a separate sheet for your answers in the succeeding activities. Make sure to indicate the day, the number and
title of activity. Place the answer sheet at the last page and fasten or staple properly to avoid loss.


Activity number 2 – Let’s Compare

Direction: Compare the following business terms by filling in the table with its respective definitions and answer the guide
questions after.





Guide Question:
1. What do businesses do?
2. Name at least 5 businesses that you know of and describe its activities.


Business organizations exist to serve consumers’ needs, and in return, they make profits when people patronize their products
and services. A business organization is an entity that aims to earn a profit by providing products to satisfy the needs of the

Profit is the amount of money a business takes in after the expenses needed to operate the business (e.g. salaries, cost of raw
materials, etc.)

Revenue is the total amount of money a business earns during a given period of time by offering products to the market.

For-profit organizations have the right to keep and use their profits as they choose – within legal limits – because profit is the
reward for the risks they take in making and selling their products.

Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) are formed for a specific purpose to serve the common good of the public. These
organizations do not have the fundamental purpose of earning profits, but they may initiate activities that can help them raise
funds for their advocacy.

PVMGOV Integration

Identify some shared value/s that you are observing inside the school or inside your classroom and relate it in our school’s

Learning Outcomes/Objectives Check

If you were to choose a nonprofit organization to support, which would it be? What is its advocacy? How did you come up with
your choice? Why do you want to support your chosen nonprofit organization?

Closure: Business organization is an important component of the modern society as they contribute to the economy’s growth,
provide products for consumption, and offer employment to people.

Day 2:

We already know what is business and what do they do. We have learned that various businesses are found everywhere with
different activities. Let us now have another activity that will introduce us to different business organization.

Firm-Up/Deepen Activities

Activity number 1: Picture-Analysis

a. Analyze the pictures that show daily scenes of a business world. You can see different business activities.
You can also see different names of business with the products and services they are offering.
b. Observe the picture carefully and let them write their observations.
c. Based on their observations, create a conclusion of what type of business organizations are shown in the


Forms of Business Organization!

How do the following forms of business organizations differ?


1. Number of Only one person At least two or more At least five persons At least 15 persons
Persons (natural and juridical (natural persons can be
persons can be members of primaries;
Required for Formation stockholders at the while juridical persons can
same time) be members of federations
and/or unions)
1. Grant Juridical No separate juridical Mere agreement of Must be registered Must be registered with
Personality personality from owner partners can be a with SEC CDA
but business name partnership.
should be registered However, it is better
with DTI if registered under
the SEC
1. Registration Application Form Contract of Articles of Articles of Co-operation,
Requirements for Partnership Incorporation,  By- By-laws, Economic
Documentation laws and Bank survey, Bonds and
Statement Treasure, Affidavit
1. Capitalization Only owner contributes Partners contribute Stockholders pay for Members contribute
Contributions capital cash or services amount of shares they (limited to ten percent of
want to buy subscribed capital)
1. Management Only one person Partners make a Board of directors General Assembly final
Structure decides collective decision make final decision decision
1. Voting Rights No voting rights as it Vote proportional to Vote proportional to One member, one vote; no
concerns only one interest interest; Proxy voting proxy voting in primary
person allowed co-ops
1. Liability Unlimited as to owner Unlimited as to Limited until Limited until subscribed
partner except authorized capital share capital
limited partnerships
1. Taxability Income tax of owner Partners pay tax as Profits taxable; Net Surplus non-taxable,
share on partners Stockholders pay tax interests of members’
on dividends received deposit are not subject to
(Art. 61, RA 9520)
1. Effect of End of business Partnership Corporation Co-operative continues;
Death  operations unless heirs automatically continues; Heirs heirs become members
can take over business dissolves inherit shares qualified
1. Motive for Profit Profit or Service Profit Profit and Service

Firm-Up/Deepen Activities

Activity number 2: Simply Explain.

Which among the four business organizations that you liked best? Why? Cite its advantages. (5 points)

PVMGOV Integration

Activity number 3: I Know Your Secret!

In the CHRIST SECRET Values which one is best developed as you go along with the discussion and the different activities

Learning Outcomes/Objectives Check

If you were to create your own business, what would it be? How will your business contribute to socio-economic development?

Closure: One of the first decisions you’ll make as a business owner is how your business will be structured. You need to know
the advantages and disadvantages of each of the different forms of business organization to make sure you make the right
decision for your new business.

Day 3:

Economic conditions affect how businesses fare in the market. Changes in the economic and the political system can have an
impact on certain industries or the whole business system.

Explore Activities
(Use separate sheet of paper)

Activity 1: Picture Analysis

▪ Let the learners analyze pictures of major economic developments:

Guide Questions:
1. What role does a business play in each of the pictures shown?
2. How does business contribute to the development of society as depicted in the pictures?


Activity 2: What have I Learned So Far?

1. What do you think is the economic system in the Philippines? Explain.

2. What are the main differences between communism and socialism?

PVMGOV Integration)
Let us assess your learnings by answering the following questions:
1. Am I fair?
2. Am I accountable?
3. How can I be a good steward of my home, my school, the environment?

Learning Outcomes/Objectives Check

As you look back to the different activities given to you, which of these would lead you to achieve the learning outcomes or
objectives? Explain your answer.

Closure: Business ethics examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that can arise in a business environment. It
applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations.

Day 4-5:

We always hear the saying “Life is not fair” when we encounter some disappointments in our lives. However, in business,
fairness is one of the requirements to make it successful.


There are certain rights that individuals and business organizations must have in order for the free-enterprise system to work.

● Right to own private property. Individuals must have the right to own property and be able to pass it on to their heirs.
● Right to own a business and keep all profits. Individuals and business organizations must have the right to earn profits
and be able to use the profits as they wish, within the limits of the society’s laws, principles, and values.
● Right to freedom of competition. Individuals and business organizations must have the right to make decisions on how
to operate businesses and compete with other businesses within the limits of the laws, principles, and values.
● Right to freedom of choice. Individuals must have the right to choose the career to pursue, the place to live in, the goods
and services to purchase or take advantage of, and other benefits that are necessary for their business.


Activity 1: The Different Economic Systems

Compare and contrast the different economic systems by filling in the table with its respective categories and answer the guide
question below.


Business Ownership
Product Availability and
Employment Options

Guide Question:
What do you think is the ideal economic system? Explain your choice. Cite also the advantages and disadvantages of your
chosen economic system.

Note: Please use long bond paper for your answers.

PVMGOV Integration

Which part of our school’s PVMGOV is being developed in this lesson? Explain your answer.

Note: Go back to the activity 1 of day one and answer the Anticipation Reaction Guide after the topic study column.

Learning Outcomes/Objectives Check

Have we achieved the learning outcome? In what manner?

As part of dynamic society, business organizations fulfill an important role in advancing socioeconomic development.

Note: If you have any concerns or questions with regards to the activities and instructions of this learning package you can reach
me through my messenger chat box with the profile name Andrew Bomediano or call/text me at 09553707244.
You could also contact me through the school’s telephone number 496-8456.


DepEd Commons

Roa, Floriano C. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

DIWA Textbook, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

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