Flavored Macaroons by Jo Repollo - Doc Version 1.doc Version 1

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By: Joanne Repollo


1/3 cup melted butter

3/4 cup white sugar

2 large eggs

1 can (14 oz) condensed milk

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 cup all purpose flour

2 cups dessicated coconut

Add flavors: ferna food flavoring & Cheese for toppings


In a bowl, add melted butter and sugar, using hand mixer, beat together until well blended.

Add eggs one at a time, beating continuously.

Add condensed milk and vanilla extract.

In a separate bowl, combine flour & dessicated coconut.

Then add the dry ingredients into wet ingredients, mix until well combined.

You may now add your flavor / food coloring, then mix well.

Place paper cup liners in a macaroons tray, pour at least 1 tbsp of the batter.

Bake in 180℃ for about 15 to 20 minutes in the oven.

*Don't forget to tag me once you did the recipe right. God bless & happy baking everyone! 💕

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