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Air Pollution: Air pollution refers to the release of pollutants

into the air that are detrimental to human health and the planet
as a whole.

The Causes of Air Pollution can be summarized under the

following points

1. Particulate Matter: Air pollution is characterized by the

presence of particulate matter in the air of the atmosphere.
2. Poisonous Gas: Air is also said to be polluted when there is a
presence of poisonous gases in the air we breathe.
3. Emission from Vehicles: The vehicle exhaust fumes in cities
form the largest source of air pollution.Carbon monoxide which is
the principle bearer of air pollution is emitted from the exhaust of
the vehicles.
4. Combustion of Fossil Fuels: Burning of fossil fuel leads to
the formation of these poisonous orderless colorless gases called
carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is an extremely harmful gas.
5. Pollution from Air Conditioners: The filters in air
conditioners when not changed regularly combines with air along
with its dirt and pollutants leading to the pollution inside
house.This makes us breathe disease causing air inside our
houses too.
6. Dust & Dirt: Air Pollution from dust and dirt is also a popular
form of air pollution. Every day labour in agricultural and
construction industry lifts up dirt and dust that goes airborne in
the atmosphere leading to air pollution.

7. Household Pollution: Household chemicals that is being used

without proper ventilation is also a major source of indoor air
pollution. And this type of indoor air pollution is very harmful for
babies and infants.
8. Pollution from Natural Events: Natural events like volcanic
eruption, dust storms and forest fires are natural causes of air
9. Deforestation: Trees are responsible for absorption of many
harmful gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide etc and
returning oxygen in exchange.
10. Pollution from Factories: The end products of certain
factories are harmful gases like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide.
These factories carelessly excrete these gases in the atmosphere
contributing to air pollution.

Effect of Air pollution 

1. human health by irritation in the eyes, lungs, nose, and

2. It creates respiratory problems and exacerbates
existing conditions such as asthma and emphysema.
3. When continually exposed to air pollution, humans
become at higher risk for cardiovascular disease.
4. It is also responsible for climate change through
temperature increase.
5. Depletion of Ozone Layer and Global Warming
6. Acid Rain

Remedial Measures:

1. Use of Alternative Sources of Energy like Solar Energy, Wind

Energy, Thermal Energy
2. reduce our consumption of energy by adopting responsible
habits and using more efficient device
3. Create Awareness among the masses through Electronic,
Digital and Print Media
4. Use of Modern Technology in Industries, transportation and
5. Afforestation and Reforestation
6. Strict rules and regulations at National and International

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