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Travelling Personnel #1
Salutation: ☒Mr. ☐ Ms.
Name Alfredo L. Comendador
Birthday Mobile 09178300492
Department QA/QC PC-BU Email Address
Job Level ☐Executive ☐Non-executive
Passport Information (if needed)
Passport Number Click or tap here to enter text Date of Issue
Issuing Authority Click or tap here to enter text Valid Until

Travelling Personnel #2
Salutation: ☐Mr. ☐ Ms.
Name LN, FN, MI
Birthday Mobile <Country Code + No.>
Department Click or tap here to enter text Email Address Click or tap here to enter text
Job Level ☐Executive ☐Non-Executive
Passport Information (if needed)
Passport Number: Click or tap here to enter text Date of Issue:
Issuing Authority: Click or tap here to enter text Valid Until:

PREFERRED TRAVEL INFORMATION DETAILS (to be filled up by the requesting personnel)

Travel date Travel date
Flying from NAIA Flying from Mactan Cebu
Flying to Mactan Cebu Flying to NAIA
Flight schedule 11/11/2019 Flight schedule 11/16/2019
Flight number Click or tap here to enter text Flight number Click or tap here to enter text
Check in Baggage ☒ Yes ☐ No
If yes, ☐ 15kgs ☒ 20kgs

QC work related for all precast projects in Cebu

Charge to Click or tap here to enter text

Prepared by Noted by Approved by

Signature over printed name Department Head, PM, AM (VP / AVP)

CONFIRMED TRAVEL INFORMATION DETAILS (to be filled up by the Admin Supervisor)
 Date:  Date:
 From:  From:
 To:  To:
 Flight schedule:  Flight schedule:
 Flight number:  Flight number:

Form No.: F-EOS001 Rev 1 Apr 15 2019

Privacy Notice: Megawide Construction Corporation (“Company”) shall be processing (which includes collecting,
using, sharing, retaining, and disposing) the foregoing personal and/or sensitive personal information (“Personal
Data”) to facilitate the travel arrangements of its employees. The Personal Data indicated may be shared by the
Company with your consent and strictly in accordance with the purpose provided herein or when the Company is
legally required to do so. The Company shall ensure the integrity and security of the processing of the Personal Data.

Your signature below signifies that you understand and expressly consent to the purpose of the processing of the
Personal Data (or that you have explained the purpose to and have obtained the express consent of the employees
whose Personal Data is signified above) as described in this Privacy Notice. Further, you agree that the Company
shall keep your Personal Data for the entire duration of your itinerary and five (5) years thereafter.

Employees’ Signature over Printed Name

Date: __________________________

Employees’ Signature over Printed Name

Date: __________________________

Form No.: F-EOS001 Rev 1 Apr 15 2019

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