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Metamodeling with Gaussian

Bertrand Iooss


Uncertainties in energy production systems

Many uncertainties for the energy production and the safety due to:
• hazards (demand, weather, …),
• incomplete system knowledge (ageing, physics, …),
• internal agressions (failures, …)
• external agressions (earthquake, …)

In order to better understand, prove the safety and optimize its industrial
processes, EDF R&D develops some physical
numerical simulation codes

Problems of uncertainty management in computer experiments

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Example: Simulation of thermal-hydraulic accident
Pressurized water nuclear reactor

Scenario : Loss of primary coolant

accident due to a large break in cold
leg [ De Crecy et al. 2008 ]

K ~ 10-
10-50 input random variables X:
geometry, material properties,
environmental conditions, …

Computer code Y =f (X)

1-10 h - n ~ 100 - 500
Time cost ~ 1-

Interest output variable Y :

Peak of cladding temperature

Goals: numerical model exploration,

sensitivity analysis, uncertainty analysis
Source: CEA
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Main problems in global sensitivity analysis

P0a) f (.) is complex (interactions, non monotonic, discontinuous, …)

Sobol (variance), entropy, distribution-based distances, …

P0b) f (.) is costly (nb of simulations : n << 1000)

screening, metamodels

P1) The dimension of Y is large or Y have a functional (temporal/spatial) nature

functional decompositions

P2) The dimension of X is large (K >> 10) or X have a functional nature

screening, groups of inputs, using the derivatives [ see Sergeï’s lecture ]

P3) The quantity of interest is linked to rare events (failure probability, high
quantile) [ see Lemaître et al., 2014 and Paul Lemaître PhD thesis (2014) ]

P4) The inputs are dependent [ see Thierry’s lecture ]

P5) f (.) is stochastic [ see Marrel et al., 2012 ]

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Global sensitivity analysis: Identifying influent inputs

The model :
Y = f (X1, …, XK)
Calculations of all types of indices
(Sobol, distribution-based, …)
+ main effects E(Y | Xi )

of model f Screening Variance
Morris Metamodel Sobol
Monotonic +
Design of Monte-Carlo sampling
Monotonic experiment
interaction Rank regression
Super screening
Linear 1st Linear regression
Number of model
0 K 2K 10K 1000K evaluations
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Metamodeling steps

Design of Metamodeling :
Simulation :
experiments: Approximation of
Points to perform the computer code

Computer code

Different type of metamodels: [ Simpson et al. 2001 ] [ Storlie & Helton 2008 ]
Linear regression - Polynomials - Splines – Additive models/GAM
Regression trees - Neural networks – Support Vector Machines
Chaos polynomials – Kriging/Gaussian process
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Using kriging metamodels to estimate Sobol’indices
Var[E(Y X i )] Var[E(Y X -i )]
Main effects : Si = ; Total effects : ST i = 1 -
Var(Y ) Var(Y )
Many methods to estimate Sobol’ indices: Sampling (Monte Carlo, quasi-MC,
spectral approaches), smoothing methods, metamodels, …

To reduce the cost (number of model evaluations), the kriging metamodel is

efficient and allows to propagate the metamodel error on Si and STi estimates

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Gaussian process
(kriging) metamodel

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Kriging metamodel
Kriging [ Matheron 63 ] for computer codes relies on the idea to interpolate the
code outputs in dimension K [ Sacks et al. 89 ] as a spatial cartography

Kriging (or Gaussian process) is interesting because:

• it interpolates the outputs,
• it gives predictor associated with confidence bands

Example in 1D :

Theoretical function (K =1) :

Y = f ( X ) = sin( X )

Simulation of n = 7 computation

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[ Chevalier, 2011 ]
Spatial statistics: kriging interpolation
Linear combination of N data: Y (u) =
i =1
l i Y( u i )

Kriging can take into account the data configuration, the distance between
data and target, the spatial correlations and potential external information
Y *(u)
u7 u3 u8

Probabilistic framework

Estimation without bias: E [ Y *(u) – Y (u) ] = 0

the mean of the errors is zero

Estimation Y *(u) is optimal: Var [ Y *(u) – Y (u) ] is minimal

the dispersion of the errors is reduced
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Stochastic model for Y(x)
The random field Y (x), with YÎÂ and x ÎÂp, is characterized by
its mean and its covariance

Y (x) is stationary of second order:

1. E[Y (x)] = m does not depend on x
[ ] - E[Y (x + h)] E[Y (x)] = C(h)
2. Covariance: Cov[Y ( x),Y ( x + h)] = E Y ( x + h)Y ( x)
does not depend on x

variance Covariance

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In practice N ( h)
C(h) = å[Y ( xi + h)Y ( xi )] - m 2

i =1
+ + + + +
Var[Y(x)] = C(0)
+ + + + + + + +
Y(x) Y(x+h)
+ + + + + + + + +
Y(x) Y(x+2h)
+ + + + + + + + + +


Nugget effect Covariance

(measure error or function

Range = maximal distance of correlation = correlation length

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Examples of stochastic processes (Gaussian)

1D [ from: Marcotte ]



[ from: Baig, 2003 ]

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Simple kriging (known mean)
Y (u) =
åi =1
l i ( u ) [ Y( u i ) - m ] + m (m = known constant)

Min { E [ Y *(u) – Y (u) ]2 }

li multiple linear regression by least squares

Best Linear Unbiased Predictor (BLUP)

Kriging weights li (u ) for Y (ui ) are obtained by:

ì N
í å l j ( u ) C( u i - u j ) = C ( u i - u ) " i = 1K N
î j =1
System of N linear equations with N unknowns which have an unique solution
(for non singular covariance matrix)
Kriging variance (estimation error): s (u ) = C (0) -
K å l (u ) C (u
i i - u)
does not depend on the Y values i =1

=> Visualisation of regions with imprecise estimations

=> Put new observation points in these regions
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Example : cartography of air pollution

73 measures of benzene
concentration (Rouen, France)
[ from: Bobbia, Mietlicki & Roth, 2000 ]

g (h) = C(0) – C(h)

Kriging mean
Kriging standard deviation

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Gaussian process metamodel (1/2)
Idea: Computer code results are interpolated with the kriging technique
Necessary hypothesis: Gaussian process
Stochastic process Z with :
Definition: E[Z(x)] = 0
Y(x) = bF(x) + Z(x) Cov(Z(x), Z(u)) = σ ²R(x, u)
where σ ² is the variance
Regression stochastic part and R the correlation function
Z~N(0, σ ²R)

Parametric choices: K
– F : polynomial of degree 1 bF (x) = b 0 + å b i xi
i =1
– R : stationary => covariance function

æ K 2ö
Example: Gaussian covariance R(x, u) = R (x - u ) = exp ç - å q i xi - u i ÷
è i =1 ø
Anisotropy: qi s are not equal (correlation length of each input variable)
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Gaussian process metamodel (2/2)
Joint distribution :
– Gaussian process (GP) model : Y(x) = bF(x) + Z(x), xÎÂp

– Learning sample (LS) of N simulations : (XLS,YLS)

( ) ((
X LS = x (1) ,..., x ( N ) , FLS = F ( X LS ) , RLS = R x ( i ) , x ( k ) ))
i ,k
YLS ~ N ( bFLS , s ² RLS )
– Conditional GP metamodel :

Y ( x ) X LS ,YLS ~ GP

[ ]
Mean : Yˆ( x ) = E Y ( x ) X LS ,YLS = b F ( x ) + r ( x ) RLS
[YLS - bFLS ]
[( ) (
with r ( x) = R x (1) , x ,..., R x ( N ) , x )]
( ) (
Covariance : Cov Y (u ) X LS ,YLS , Y (v) X LS ,YLS = s ² R (u , v) + t r (u ) RLS
r (v ) )
Þ Variance Þ Mean Square Error (MSE)
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2 code runs 3 code runs

X x* X
mean 95% confidence Y law
intervals (from MSE)

5 code runs

Conclusion: Given a sufficient number of points, we obtain an accurate metamodel

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Hyperparameters estimation
Maximum likelihood method
– Likelihood maximisation on the learning basis (Xs,Ys):

(β ,θ,σ ) = Argmax
* * *

( )
ln L(Y

LS , β,θ, σ )
– with
N 1 1 t
ln L(YLS , β,θ
,σ ) = - ln(2πσ² ) - ln(det RLS ) - σ ² [YLS - bFLS ]RLS
[YLS - bFLS ]
2 2 2

– Joint estimation of β and σ : ï LS LS LS [

ì β * = t F R -1 F -1 t F R -1Y
í * 1t
ïσ ² =
î N
YLS - β * FLS ] [ ]
– Estimation of correlation parameters θ:
(θ) = Argmin y (θ)
with y (θ) = RLS
s ²*

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æ K 2ö
Estimation and validation R(u, v) = R (u - v ) = expç - å q i ui - vi ÷
è i =1 ø
Hyperparameters (qi )i=1…K estimated by likelihood maximization

Simplex method, stochastic algorithms

Problems in high dimensional context (K > 10), can be solved by sequential
fitting algorithms [ Marrel et al. 2008 ]

Predictor validation:
Predictivity coefficient
å (Y )
- Yˆi
i 1 code run (test point)
Q 2 ( Y , Yˆ) = 1 - i =1

å (Y - Yi )

i =1
- Test sample
- or leave-one-out
- or k-fold cross validation 3 code runs

MSE validation: Percentage of predicted values inside confidence bounds

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Effects of the hyperparameters θand σ
f (x ) = sin (4px )

s = 1;q = 0.2
2 s 2 = 1;q = 10 -4

s 2 = 4 ;q = 0.2 s 2 = 4 ;q = 10 -4 [ Le Gratiet, 2011 ]

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Effects of the covariance structure

[ Chevalier, 2011 ]

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[ Le Gratiet, 2014 ]
GP metamodel in summary
The unkown function


Main hypothesis: z(x) is the realization of a

Gaussian process (defined by its mean and cov)

observations 95%-confidence

GP metamodel is given by the the probability law

of Z(x) conditionally to the observations Its mean gives the GP predictor
Its variance gives the error
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The best way to build GP: Model-based adaptive designs
Example: criterion of the Gaussian process MSE (Mean Square Error)

MSE ( x) = s ² + t r ( x) RLS
r ( x) + u ( x)(t ( bFLS ) RLS
bFLS )t u ( x)
u ( x) = bF ( x)- t k ( x) RLS
xnew = arg max MSE ( x)

2 code runs 3 code runs

xnew X xnew X
Remark: other criteria are possible (e.g. focusing to active variables)

Conclusion: Model-based adaptive designs are the most efficient ones,

but are not always applicable
In practice, we need to initiate the process with a space-filling design
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Estimation of rare events probability using GP
[ Bect et al. 2012 ]
Industrial problems: safety analysis with computer code (nuclear, transport, …)

Problem: find Pf = Prob [ f (X ) > T ] with X = random inputs ; T = treshold

Reasonable variance everywhere

Large errors in the target region

T J New adaptive design

X * = arg min ( IMSET )


IMSET = ò MSE ( x)1X T ( x )dx

X T is a small tube around T
[ from: Picheny et al. 2010 ]

Large variance in non-target region

Good accuracy in target region

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estimation using
Gaussian process

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Sobol indices

Definitions for a deterministic function Y = f ( X 1 , K , X K )

Vi Var X i [ E ( f ( X 1 , K , X K ) X i )]
First order : S i = =
V-i Var [ E ( f ( X 1 , K , X K ) X - i )]
Total : S Ti = =
Notation : V = Var (Y ) ; X -i = X 1 , K , X i -1 , X i +1 , K , X K ]
Hypothesis: independent inputs

Classical approach estimation: replace f (X) by Ŷ (GP mean)

J + Computationally cheap (possible to perform analytical calculations)

N - Do not infer from the metamodel error

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Sensitivity analysis with GP model : 2 analytical approaches
Gp model conditionally to LS points :

Y ( x, w) X LS ,YLS ~ GP
Yˆ( x ) = EW Y ( x, w ) X LS ,YLS ]
CovW Y (u , w ) X LS ,YLS , Y (v, w ) X LS ,YLS )
Computation of Sobol indices :

From full GP model Y ( X , w ) X LS ,YLS

From predictor formula [ Chen et al. 2005 ]
[ ]
Yˆ( X ) = EW Y ( X , w ) X LS ,YLS
ìïa( X i , w ) = E X -i Y ( X , w ) X LS ,YLS / X i]
[ (
ïîVi (w ) = Var X i E X -i Y ( X , w ) X LS ,YLS / X i )]
ì a ( X i ) = E X Yˆ( X ) / X i
ïï -i
a(Xi,ω) : stochastic process of Xi
í Var X i [ E X -i (Yˆ( X ) / X i )]
ïSi = Vi : random variables
ïî Var X (Yˆ)

Do not infer from ~ Vi ~

N metamodel error Si = Þ m i = EW ( S i )
E WVar X Y ( X , w ) X LS ,YLS

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Analytical sensitivity indices from full GP model
Sobol indices: [ Oakley & O’Hagan 2004; Marrel et al. 2009 ]

mi =
( [ (
E W VarX i E X -i Y X LS ,YLS ( X , w ) X i )])
E W VarX Y ( X , w ) X LS ,YLS

si =
( [ (
Var W Var X i E X - i Y X LS ,Y LS ( X , w ) X i )]) J Infer from the
E W Var X Y ( X , w ) X LS ,Y LS ]
2 metamodel error


Analytical calculations
Simple and double numerical integrals => computationally expensive N

Other limits:
Additional hypothesis : GP covariance is product of one-dimensional covariance
This estimator is not the “true”expectation of the Sobol’index
Not possible to estimate the total Sobol’indices

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GP-simulation based Sobol’indices (1/2)
[ Le Gratiet et al. 2014 ]

Si =
[ (
VarX i E X -i Y X LS ,YLS ( X , w ) X i )] is a random variable
VarX Y ( X , w ) X LS ,YLS

We want to build an unbiased Monte Carlo estimator Sˆi , m where m represents

the number of Monte Carlo particles

and an estimator of the variance of Sˆi , m

1. Generate 2 m -size ^ matrices (X1, X2) and compute the pick-freeze matrix X
(the one which used in Sobol’ indices estimation formula)

2. For k=1, …, nsim

• Perform a conditional simulation y*k of the GP at points in X

• Compute Sˆi , m , k

• Bootstrap procedure (b = 1, …, B replicas) gives Sˆi , m , k , b

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GP-simulation based Sobol’indices (2/2)
[ Le Gratiet et al. 2014 ]

nsim B
Sˆi , m = å å Sˆ
The estimator of Sobol’ index: i , m , k ,b
nsim ´ B k =1 b =1

å å (Sˆ )
nsim B
- Sˆi , m
The variance of this estimator: sˆ =
i ,m , k ,b
nsim ´ ( B - 1) k =1 b =1

It integrates the metamodeling error + the Monte Carlo integration error

( ù
B nsim
1 1 ˆ
sˆ ( PG) =

å ê å i ,m , k ,b i , m ,b úû
b =1 ë nsim - 1 k =1
S - S

é 1
( ù
nsim B
1 ˆ
sˆ ( MC) =

å ê å i , m ,k ,b i ,m , k úû
k =1 ë B - 1 b =1
S - S

Remark: Same algorithm for total Sobol’ indices

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Example: Ishigami function (K = 3)
Learning sample: space filling design (n = 40 to 200)

Gaussian process with 5/2 Matérn cov.

m = 10000 coef.
nsim = 500
B = 300

X1 X2 X3

In practice, n is fixed and m can be calibrated in order to balance the error

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Spatial output

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Sensitivity analysis when model ouputs are functions

Thermal-hydraulic example
Hydrogeological application

2 elementary cases: sensitivity analysis on each scalar output (q pixels):

– Very small CPU time consuming model
– Linear regression model => use of standardized regression coef. (SRC)

Difficult case:
– Complex/Non linear model need of Sobol indices (for example)
– and CPU time expensive model need of metamodel
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Sensitivity analysis for spatial outputs: Methodology
• Computer code f (.) : [ Marrel et al. 2011 ]
Input: X = ( X 1 , … , XK ) random vector
Output for input x* : y = f (x* , z ) , z Î Dz Ì R2
In practice, Dz is discretized in q points (here: 64 x 64 = 4096 points)
(X,Y (X,z) ) = input-output sample of size N

• Decomposition of Y (z) on a functional basis, for example:

– Principal component analysis PCA) gives ^ functions fitted on the data,
– A wavelet basis is well-suited if there are discontinuities

• Modeling of the decomposition coefficients by a GP metamodel

Selection procedure of the most important coefficients

• Prediction: x* => prediction of coeff. => spatial output map reconstruction

Sensitivity analysis :
metamodel Spatial maps of sensitivity indices

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Metamodel fitting: Methodology for spatial output (map)
Step 1 : Decomposition in basis functions of each map

Step 2 : Kriging metamodeling of the main coefficients (the most

variables) in fonction of X ; constant for the other coef.
Computational challenge: we have to fit as many GP as main coefficients

Step 3 : Prediction for a new input x*

x* => prediction of the coefficients => spatial output map reconstruction

Sensitivity analysis (spatial map of Sobol’ indices)

The estimation of Sobol indices require a large number of simulations

computation of the Sobol indices by the way of the metamodel

Computational challenge to manage thousand of calls of the functional


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Description of CERES-MITHRA test case

Complex spatio-temporal dynamics analysis by model

reduction and sensitivity analysis (2010-2014)

Assessment of the consequences on human

health of radionuclide accidental or
routine releases (atmospheric releases)

Modelling of radionuclide
atmospheric dispersion based on
Gaussian puff model

Developpement of an atmospheric dispersion

Þ impact calculations relative to CEA facilities

[ CEA application: Marrel & Perot, 2012 ]

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Description of the scenario
Release parameters
2D maps of time integrated activity
Ø 2 release locations (uncertain heights)
Ø Radionuclide quantity (uncertain)
concentrations (Bqsm-3) for different instants
Ø Deposition velocity (uncertain) (=> 2 hours)
Ø Release duration (1h)
Ø Radionucleide: Cesium 137

Meteorological parameters
Ø Wind speed & direction
Ø Atmospheric stability Simulator
Ø Rain
Ø Temperature CPU time from 30s
to 30min Cs137+ concentration map after 20 minutes
Identify the influence of each uncertain parameters

Ø CPU time required for each simulation Þ limited number of
available simulations
Ø Spatio-temporal outputs (very large dimension of model outputs)
Summer school SAMO – B. Iooss - 26/06/14 38 of the release
Cs137+ concentration map at the end
Uncertainty quantification

Ø Uncertain parameters (K = 6)

Reference Probability
Parameters Variation Interval
Value distribution

A 15 [7.5 ; 22.5] Uniform

Release heigth (m)
B 45 [22.5 ; 67.5] Uniform
Deposition velocity
Cs137+ 5.10 -3 [5.10 -4 ; 5.10 -2] Log-Uniform

Quantity released
Cs137+ 10 9 [10 8 ; 10 10] Log-Uniform

Wind direction (WD) Truncated AR(1)

291 [249 ; 333]
(degree azimuth) process

Wind speed (WS) Truncated AR(1)

5.3 [0 ; 12.5]
(m.s-1) process

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Experimental design and learning sample
Numerical experimental design :
Space filling design in order to have a good coverage of the input space
=> Optimized Latin hypercube Sampling (LHS)

Number of C-M simulations : n = 200 simulations

Compromise between CPU time and investigation of uncertain parameter domain

Simulations with C-M : Learning sample creation

Ø Notations
learning sample
X s = ( x(i ) )i=1,L,n
Y (i ) ( z) = y( x(i ) , z)i=1,Ln C-M outputs
(q = 4000 pixels)

Examples of Cs137+ integrated activity maps (logarithmic scale)

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Approximation by a metamodel
Spatial metamodel : Proper Orthogonal Decomposition + Gaussian Process

Step A : Spatial decomposition on a functional basis (Chatterjee [2000])

Selection of the h main coefficients of the decomposition
Yh ( X , z) = m(z) + åa j ( X ) fj ( z) with a j ( X ) = ò (Y ( X , z) - m(z)) f j (z)dz
j =1 D
Step B : Modeling of the k main PCA coefficients in function of X
Gaussian Process metamodel
POD GP Metamodel
Computer code decomposition
Input parameters Simulated Selection of Modeling of coefs
X = [X1, ... XK ] maps main coefficients in function of X

Step C : Prediction for any new input x*

GP Metamodel POD
New parameters Prediction of the h Predicted
X* = [X*1, ... X*K ] main coefficients map

Spatial surrogate model

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Basic principle of principal component analysis (PCA)
Transformation of dependent numerical variables to independent variables
information reduction

PCA: sequential search of new variables = linear combinations of Yi with a

maximal dispersion (variance or inertia) on each axis

V =t Yc Yc variance-covariance matrix of Yc (matrix of centered functions)

Diagonalisation of the variance-covariance matrix to obtain ordered eigen

vectors (inertia axes)

Eigen values are principal component variances and give the total inertia
(percentage of explained variance)

The matrix (N x q ) of principal component is H = Yc L

with L the eigen vector matrix

Remark: data adaptive basis while the wavelet bases are fixed

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Selection of PCA coefficients

Ø Application to C-M data & results :

• h = 15 selected PCA components = 99% of information explained

Þ 15 coefficients to be modelled
by GP metamodels

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Validation of the spatial metamodel accuracy

v Predictivity coefficient :
-Q² estimated by cross validation

å [Yˆ(x , z ) - Y ]
(i ) (i ) 2
Q ²( z ) = 1 - i =1
é (i ) 1 n (i ) ù
å êY ( z ) - n å Y ( z ) ú
i =1 ë i =1 û

- Average value of Q2 on the map ≈ 92 %

Q² map with 15 PCA components
modelled with GP, for t = 40min

v Global and local analysis of the metamodel predictivity

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Metamodel quality for the various moments

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Sensitivity Analysis
Use of the metamodel POD+GP to perform 10000 simulations required for Sobol
indices estimations (RBD-FAST method)

First order Sobol indices for t = 40min

Input influence :

Predominant :
- Wind direction
- Release quantity : located in the
center of the plume
- Wind speed : located at the edges
of the plume
Negligible : deposition velocity, release

Sum of 1er order indices ≈ 75%

Interactions : ≈ 25% of model


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Total Sobol indices for t=40mn

Differences between 1st order and total indices :

- An average of 25% of difference for wind direction and
=> Strong interaction Wind direction x Wind speed?
=> 2nd order indices:
(located on the edges of the dispersion plume)

CONCLUSION : An average of 97% of the C-M output variance explained by :

Wind Direction (34%) - Wind Direction x Wind Speed (23%)
Cs137+ released quantity (20%) - Wind Speed (20%)
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Time evolution of Sobol indices

Significant augmentation of interaction wind direction x wind speed

Less than 10% at the release beginning and more than 40% at the end

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Conclusion: proposed methodology

Ø Uncertainty quantification :
Uncertainty quantification : input parameters Construction of a realistic simulator
+ associated probability distributions of weather conditions

Sampling design : N simulations Ø Sampling design :

Latin Hypercube Sample (LHS) with
optimal recovering properties
Simulator (C-
(C-M code)

Ø Metamodel :
Learning sample Spatial decomposition with PCA
metamodelling of PCA coefficients
Metamodel Statistical modelling : with Gaussian processes
validation Metamodel or Surrogate model

Ø Sensitivity analysis :
Sensitivity analysis Uncertainty propagation
Computation of Sobol indices

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Sensitivity analysis
in R

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Uncertainty studies: several packages
In R = software environment for statistical computing (Open Source)

Sampling: randtoolbox, DiceDesign

Uncertainty propagation: mistral

Sensitivity analysis: sensitivity, CompModSA, planor

Gaussian process metamodeling: DiceKriging

Optimization using metamodel: DiceOptim, KrigInv

Functional outputs: multisensi, modelcf

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R package « sensitivity » - Demo on Ishigami function (K=3)

Sampling method (n = 1000 - 100 boostrap rep. - N = n(K+2) = 5e4 model runs)
X1 = data.frame(matrix(runif(3*n,-pi,pi),nrow=n)) ; X2 = …
sa1 = sobol2002(model =, X1, X2, nboot = 100); plot(sa1)

GP metamodel from a Monte Carlo sample (X,Y) (n = 100 model runs):

x = data.frame(matrix(runif(3*n,-pi,pi),nrow=n)) ; y =
PG = km(formula=~1,x,y) ; print(PG) ; plot(PG)

GP validation using metamodel predictivity (Q2 coefficient with ntest=1000):

Xtest = … ; ytest =
Q2 = 1 - (mean(ytest-predict(PG,xtest,type="UK")$mean)^2)/var(ytest)

Sensitivity indices computed via the GP predictor:

sa2 = sobol2002(model = NULL, X1, X2, nboot = 100)
Y = predict(PG,sa2$X,type="UK")$mean ; tell(sa2,y) ; plot(sa2)

Sensitivity indices computed via the full GP:

sa3=sobolGP(model=PG,type="UK",MCmethod="sobol2002",X1,X2,candidate=x); plot(sa3)

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Stakes of uncertainty management in computer experiments
• Modeling phase
– Improve the model
– Explore the best as possible different input combinations
– Identify the predominant inputs and phenomena in order to priorize R&D

• Validation phase
– Reduce prediction uncertainties
– Calibrate the model parameters

• Practical use of a model

– Safety studies: assess a risk of failure (rare events)
– Conception studies: optimize system performances and robustness

Advantages of a probabilistic approach

• to propagate the uncertainties, to perform global sensitivity analysis
• to design/optimize the system taking into account uncertainties
• to give rigorous safety margins, …

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Uncertainty management - The generic methodology
Step C : Propagation of
uncertainty sources

Step B: Step A : Problem specification

Model Quantity
of uncertainty Quantity of
Input (or VVariables
sources (or measurement
measurement interest
variables process)
process) of
process) Ex:
Ex: variance,
Uncertain :: xx
Uncertain interest
interest probability
Modelisation with
f(f(xx,,uu)) probability ....
Fixed :: uu
Fixed YY == f(f(xx,,uu))

Direct methods, Step C’: Sensitivity analysis,

statistics, expertise

Step B’: Quantification of sources

Inverse methods, calibration, assimilation YYobs

Feedback Decision criterion

Summer school SAMO – B. Iooss - 26/06/14 55
process Ex: Probability < 10-b
Open TURNS – The software implementation of the
uncertainty methodology
•TURNS : Treatments of Uncertainties, Risk’n Statistics
• Since 2005
• Open : Open source : LGPL (code), FDL (doc.)
– Environment : Linux, Windows
– Languages : C++ (libraries), Python (command scripts)
– IHM “Eficas”

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Main features in OpenTURNS
• Use of non-intrusive techniques generic

• Wrapping of external codes, considered as mathematical

functions in OpenTurns

• Step B: modeling uncertainty of inputs

– With data: parametric & non-parametric stats
– Assessing experts’ advice
– Dependence: definition by marginals + copula

• Step C: Uncertainty propagation

– Standard and advanced Monte Carlo techniques
(Importance sampling, directional sampling …)
– FORM-SORM method

• Metamodels: Polynomials, polynomial chaos expansion,

Gaussian processw

• Step C’: Sensitivity analysis - Linear & rank regression, Sobol,

polynomial chaos, reliability importance factors
Summer school SAMO – B. Iooss - 26/06/14 57
On the Gaussian process metamodel
• Valuable tool when computer code is cpu-time expensive (n ~ hundreds runs)

• GP model construction is possible for moderate dimensional cas (K < 50)

• Main advantage of GP: probabilistic metamodel which gives confidence bands in

addition to a predictor
Full interest in sensitivity analysis

• Fitting quality is dependent of the initial design

GP model is well adapted to sequential and adaptative designs

• Caveats: it can require a large amount of effort during the fitting process and
cases with more than 1000 points begin to be difficult (matrix inversion)

• Designs for specific objectives (optimization, quantile, probability, etc.)

• Other hot topics: calibration and validation of computer codes

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Books: - Chilès & Delfiner, Geostatistics, Wiley, 1999
– Fang, Li & Sudjianto, Design and modeling for computer experiments, Chapman, 2006
Simpson, Peplinski, Koci & Allen, Metamodels for computer-based engineering design: Survey
and recommendations, Engineering with computers, 17, 2001
Storlie, Swiler, Helton & Salaberry, Implementation and evaluation of nonparametric
regression procesures for sensitivity analysis of computationally …, RESS, 94, 2009
Gaussian process:
Koehler & Owen, Computer experiments, In Handbook of Statistics (Ghosh & Rao), 13, 1996
Marrel, Iooss, Van Dorpe & Volkova. An efficient methodology for modeling complex
computer codes with Gaussian processes. Computational Stat. and Data Analysis, 52, 2008
Le Gratiet, Cannamela, Iooss. A Bayesian approach for global sensitivity analysis of
(multifidelity) computer codes. SIAM/ASA Journal of Uncertainty Quantification, in press
Functional input and output:
Marrel et al., Global sensitivity analysis for models with spatially dependent outputs.
Environmetrics, 22, 2011
Marrel, Iooss, da Veiga & Ribatet. Global sensitivity analysis of stochastic computer models
with joint metamodels. Statistics and Computing, 22, 2012
Auder, de Crecy, Iooss & Marquès. Screening and metamodeling of computer experiments
with functional outputs. Application to thermal-hydraulic computations. RESS, 107, 2012
Marrel and Perot. Development of a surrogate model and sensitivity analysis for an
atmospheric dispersion computer code. Proceedings of ESREL 2012 Conf, Helsinki, 2012
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