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Calculation of Longitudinal Forces

Horizontal force at bearing level in the longitudinal direction at fixed bearing, Free Bearing (For Continuous Spans)

Fixed Bearing Free bearing

(μR-μL) +ve Fh acting in +ve direction
(a) If , Fh > 2 μR
Fh - ( μR + μL ) μRx
(b) If , Fh < 2 μR
- ( μR - μL )
1 + ∑ nR
(μR-μL) +ve Fh acting in -ve direction
(a) If , Fh > 2 μL
Fh - ( μR + μL ) μRx
(b) If , Fh < 2 μL
- ( μR - μL )
1 + ∑ nR

Fh = Applied Horizontal force
nL or nR = Number of free bearings to the left or right of fixed bearing respectively.
μR or μL =
The total horizontal force developed at the free bearings to the left or the right of the fixed bearing respectively
μRx =
The net horizontal force developed at any one of the free bearings considered to the left or right of the fixed bearings
μ = Coefficent of Friction at movable bearing = 0.03 or 0.05 which ever govern

* Fh (breaking force) is considered 20 % of the first train load + 10 % of the load of the succeeding trains or part thereof in longitudinal

Reaction due to dead load and SIDL at free end of left & right span
PL2 AN2 P2 P3
Load description
kN kN kN kN
DL 2277 5639 5706 2238
SIDL 208 540 547 205
Surfacing 148 386 391 147
Permanent Load 2633 6565 6644 2590
LL 444 637 543 440

Live load reaction

Live load Load case R11 R12 R21 R22
1) Maximum Reaction case 0 0 0 0
2) Maximum Moment case 0 0 0 0

Left span Right span

A) Maximum Reaction case Fh Fh Rq Rg Rq Rg Flongitudinal
Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne

a) Assuming Left span fixed 22.77 0 2633 0 6644 22.77

b) Assuming Right span fixed 16.62 0 2633 0 6644 16.62
20% of 100t
Left span Right span
B) Maximum Moment case LL over spaFh Rq Rg Rq Rg Flongitudinal
Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne

a) Assuming Left span fixed 0 22.77 0 2633 0 6644 22.77

b) Assuming Right span fixed 0 22.77 0 2633 0 6644 22.77

Left span Right span

C) Without Live load LL over spaFh Rq Rg Rq Rg Flongitudinal
Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne

a) Assuming Left span fixed 0 0 0 2633 0 6644 0

b) Assuming Right span fixed 0 0 0 2633 0 6644 0

Left span Right span

D) Left span dislodge condition LL over spaFh Rq Rg Rq Rg Flongitudinal
Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne

a) Assuming Left span fixed 0 0 0 0 0 6644 0

b) Assuming Right span fixed

Summery of Live load Longitudinal forces Fh Lever arm from pile c Moment about transverse axis MTT
Tonne m T-m

A) Maximum Reaction case 0 0 0

B) Maximum moment case 0 0 0

C) No Live load condition 0 0 0

D) Left span dislodge condition 0 0 0

E) Right span dislodge condition 0 0 0

Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of


Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of


Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Table of Contents

Ch. Description Page No.


1 Introduction 1

2 Reference And Design Philosophy

2.1 Reference 3
2.2 Design Philosophy 3

3 Design Data
3.1 Units and Sign Convention 5
3.2 Arrangement of Super Structure 5
3.3 Concrete and Steel Material 5

4 Loading Detail
4.1 Loads 7
4.2 Load Combination 8

5 Super Structure Loading Effect

5.1 Support Reaction for Super Structure Loading Effect 9
5.2 Critical Live Load Effect 12
5.3 Braking Force 13
5.4 Horizontal Force Calculation 13
5.5 Centrifugal Force

6 Design of Free Pier

6.1 Levels and Dimensions 31
6.2 Super Structure Load Effect 31
6.3 Load Calculation for Foundation Checking - Combination 1 31
6.4 Seismic Effect Calculation 32
6.5 Load Calculation for Foundation Checking - Combination Seismic 33
6.6 Foundation Checking 34
6.7 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination 1 36

Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Ch. Description Page No.


6.8 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination 2 37

6.9 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination Seismic 37
6.1 Foundation Design 38
6.11 Load Calculation for Sub Structure Design - Combination Basic 43
6.12 Load Calculation for Sub Structure Design - Combination Accidental 43
6.13 Load Calculation for Sub Structure Design - Combination Seismic 44
6.14 Shaft Design 45
6.15 Design of Pier cap 46
6.16 Design of Pedestal and Seismic Stopper 47
6.17 Pedestal for longitudinally guided bearing 48
6.18 Pedestal for free bearing 49

7 Design of Abutment (A1)

7.1 Levels and Dimensions 49
7.2 Super Structure Load Effect 49
7.3 Load Calculation for Foundation Checking - Combination 1 50
7.4 Seismic Effect Calculation 51
7.5 Load Calculation for Foundation Checking - Combination Seismic 52
7.6 Foundation Checking 53
7.7 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination 1 56
7.8 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination 2 56
7.9 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination Seismic 57
7.10 Foundation Design 58
7.11 Load Calculation for Sub Structure Design - Combination Basic 61
7.12 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination Accidental 62
7.13 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination Seismic 62
7.14 Abutment Design 63
7.15 Design of Seismic Stopper 64

8 Design of Return Wall 65

9 Design of Dirt Wall 66


A1 Design of Pile and Column for Longitudinally Free Pier

A1.1 Design of Pile
A1.2 Design of Column

A2 Design of Pile and Shaft for Abutment

A2.1 Design of Abutment Pile 81
A2.2 Design of Abutment Shaft 84

Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in
the district of Patna.

Chapter - 1

Design Note has been prepared for designing of sub structure and foundation for Preparation of
DPR for the newly Proposed Bridge for Construction of Major Bridge

Sub Structure and Foundation design presented in this booklet will be adopted for "3x25m span".
PSC Voided Slab type super structure has been adopted at said locations. Reinforced Concrete
Sub Structure and Pile Foundation has been used to support the PSC Voided Slab type super

Overall width of super structure has been kept to accommodate TWO lane carriageway for
vehicular traffic and crash barrier at each end. Structure has been Analyzed and Designed as per
latest Indian Codal Provisions and Recommendations.

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in
the district of Patna.

Chapter - 2
Reference And Design Philosophy

For analysis and design of PSC-Voided Slab the codal references and design philosophy are
discussed briefly in following sections.

2.1 Reference

Structures has been designed using "Indian Road Congress (IRC) and Indian Standard
(IS)" guidelines and "Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways (MORT&H)"
specifications. List of codes used in the designing of structure is as follows but is not
limited to that.

IRC:5-2015 Standard Specification & Code of Practice for Road Bridges,

Section I - General Features of Design (Seventh Revision)

IRC:6-2017 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,

Section II - Loads and Stresses (Fifth Revision)
Standard Specifications & Code of Practice for Road ridges,
Section VI – Composite Construction (First Revision)

IRC:24-2010 Standard Specifications & Code of Practice for Road ridges

Section V – Steel Road Bridges (Limit State Method)

IRC:78-2014 Standard Specifications & Code of Practice for Road Bridges,

Section VII – Foundations & Substructure Second Revision)
IRC:83-2002 Standard Specifications & Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
(Part III Section IX – Bearings, Part-III : POT POT-Cum-PTFE,
Codeandof Metallic
PracticeGuided Bearing)
for Concrete Road Bridges
IRC: 112-2011
IRC:SP:65-2005 Guidelines for Design & Construction of Segmental Bridges
IRC:SP:66-2005 Guidelines for Design of Continuous Bridges
IRC:SP:69-2005 Guidelines & Specifications for Expansion Joints
MORT&H Specification for Road and Bridge Works (Ministry of Road
Transport & Highways)
CPWD Central Public Works Department Specifications
IS 2911 (Part 1/ Sec Indian Standard - Code of Practice for Design and Construction
2) : 2010 of Pile Foundations

2.2 Design Philosophy

PSC-Voided Slab type Super Structure has been adopted. Super Structure has been
supported on bearings at pier locations.

The super structure has been analyzed for different loadings e.g. DL, SIDL, Support
Settlement and LL etc as per IRC recommendations and combinations. Detailed super
structure analysis may be referred from super structure design booklet. For designing
of sub structure and foundation, support reaction has been taken from super structure

3 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR The super
for the structure
Construction hassuspension
of Cable been analyzed forPUNPUN
bridge across different
river loadings e.g. DL,
located at eastern side ofSIDL,
bridge in
the district of Patna.
Settlement and LL etc as per IRC recommendations and combinations. Detailed super
structure analysis may be referred from super structure design booklet. For designing
of sub structure and foundation, support reaction has been taken from super structure

Design of sub structure and foundation has been done with super structure loading
effect in combination with dead load of sub structure, braking & friction and seismic
etc. as per latest IRC recommendations.

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Chapter - 3
Design Data

3.1 Units and Sign Convention

unless specified following units shall be applicable:

measurement m
pressure load kN/m2
uniformly distributed load UDL kN/m
forces kN
moment KNm
stress N/mm2
modulus of elasticity N/mm2
temperature o
angular measurement radian

unless specified following sign convention shall be applicable:

force -
tensile -ve
compressive +ve
longitudinal moment ML -
anti clockwise -ve
clockwise +ve
transverse moment MT -
anti clockwise -ve
clockwise +ve
stress -
tensile stress -ve
compressive stress +ve

3.2 Arrangement of Super Structure

type of super structure PSC Girder

total length of continuous module (exp joint to exp joint) 75 m
25 25 25

C.L. of Fix Free C.L. of

Exp Jt Exp Jt

overall width of deck = 11.50

carriage way width = 7.50
footpath width = 1.50
width of crash barrier on each side = 0.50
thickness of wearing coat = 0.065

3.3 Concrete and Steel Material

3.3.1 Concrete for RCC component

foundation = M 35
substructure = M 40

3.3.2 Untensioned steel

high strength deformed steel bars confirming to IS 1786
grade = Fe 500
modulus of elasticity = 200000

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Chapter - 4
Loading Detail

4.1 Loads

Structure has been analyzed for loads as per latest IRC recommendations and the same is stated
in next sections.

4.1.1 Self weight (DL)

Unit weight of structural steel = 78.5 Kn/m3
Unit weight of reinforced concrete = 25.0 Kn/m3

4.1.2 Super imposed dead load (SIDL)

UDL for each crash barrier = 10 Kn/m
Total UDL for all crash barrier = 20 Kn/m
UDL for wearing coat = 22 Kn/m
Total UDL for SIDL = 42 Kn/m

4.1.3 Footpath live load (FPLL)

Uniform pressure = 4.0 Kn/m2
Design uniform pressure (deduction as per IRC:6) = 3.7 Kn/m2
UDL for FPLL = 5.0 Kn/m

4.1.4 Support Settlement

Conservatively, 10mm support settlement load has been considered for analysis and designing of
sub structure

4.1.5 Live load (LL)

Live load considered for design -

Two lane of Class B
Impact factor -
70RT = 10 %
70RW = 20 %
Class A/B = 20 %

single vehicles - dimensions are in mm and loads are in kN

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

4.1.6 Longitudinal forces

Calculation as per IRC at different support location

4.1.7 Centrifugal forces

Calculation as per IRC at different support location falling on curve portion

4.1.8 Seismic forces

Zone = IV
Zone factor Z = 0.24
Importance factor I = 1.20
Response reduction factor R = 3.00
Avr response acceleration cofficient Sa/g = 2.50

Longitudinal seismic cofficient ah = (Z/2) x (I/R) x (Sa/g) = 0.120

(Fixed)Transverse seismic cofficient ah = (Z/2) x (I/R) x (Sa/g) = 0.102
(Non exp)Transverse seismic cofficient ah = (Z/2) x (I/R) x (Sa/g) = 0.116
Vertical seismic cofficient av = (2/3) x (ah) = 0.080

For designing of foundation -

Horizontal seismic cofficient ah = 0.162
Vertical seismic cofficient av = 0.108

Note:- As per IRC:6 2017 For Design of short and rigid Abutments
Avr response acceleration cofficient Sa/g = 1.0
Zone = IV
Zone factor Z = 0.24
Importance factor I = 1.20
Response reduction factor R = 1.00

Horizontal seismic cofficient ah = = 0.14

For design = 0.19
Vertical seismic cofficient av = = 0.13

4.1.9 For designing seismic stopper

Zone = IV
Zone factor Z = 0.24
Importance factor I = 1.20
Response reduction factor R = 1
Avr response acceleration cofficient Sa/g = 2.50
Coeff = 0.36

4.2 Load Combination

Effect of loads on structural members has been calculated using appropriate load factor given in
IRC code for Limit State Method design.

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Chapter - 5
Super Structure Loading Effect

Detailed super structure analysis has been presented in super structure design booklet and may be
reffered from the same. Support reaction tabulated below for super structure loading effect has been
taken from super structure design and analysis.

5.1 Support Reaction for Super Structure Loading Effect

C.L. of C.L. of C.L. of C.L. of

PL1/PL2 AN1/AN2 P1/P2 A1/P3
( EJ Pier ) ( Fixed Pier ) ( Free Pier ) ( EJ Pier )

Support reaction for super structure loading effect has been taken from super structure design and to
represent reaction values following legends has been taken:

DL - Self weight of PSC-Voided Slab

CB - Crash barrier
WC - Wearing coat
SS - Support settlement
LL - Live load
Factored Reactions
Load PL2
Node 1 2 3 0 0 0
sw girder 1482 0 1592 0 0 0
sw deck 0 0 0 0 0 0
CB 135 0 146 0 0 0
WC 124 0 135 0 0 0
LL max
0 0 0 0 0 0
(with SV)
LL min
0 0 0 0 0 0
(with SV)
LL max
167 0 500 0 0 0
(w/o SV)
LL min
-27 0 -54 0 0 0
(w/o SV)

Load AN2
Node 4 5 6 0 0 0
sw girder 3548 0 4065 0 0 0
sw deck 0 0 0 0 0 0
CB 338 0 392 0 0 0
WC 313 0 362 0 0 0
LL max
0 0 0 0 0 0
(with SV)
LL min
0 0 0 0 0 0
(with SV)
LL max
228 0 728 0 0 0
(w/o SV)
LL min
-30 0 -119 0 0 0
(w/o SV)

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Load P2
Node 7 8 9 0 0 0
sw girder 3572 0 4131 0 0 0
sw deck 0 0 0 0 0 0
CB 342 0 397 0 0 0
WC 317 0 368 0 0 0
LL max
0 0 0 0 0 0
(with SV)
LL min
0 0 0 0 0 0
(with SV)
LL max
-11 0 825 0 0 0
(w/o SV)
LL min
0 0 0 0 0 0
(w/o SV)

Load P3
Node 10 11 12 0 0 0
sw girder 1357 0 1665 0 0 0
sw deck 0 0 0 0 0 0
CB 122 0 155 0 0 0
WC 114 0 144 0 0 0
LL max
0 0 0 0 0 0
(with SV)
LL min
0 0 0 0 0 0
(with SV)
LL max
164 0 497 0 0 0
(w/o SV)
LL min
0 0 0 0 0 0
(w/o SV)

Unfactored Reactions
Load PL2
Node 1 2 3
sw girder 1098 0 1179
sw deck 0 0 0
CB 100 0 108
WC 71 0 77
LL max
0 0 0
(with SV)

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

LL min
0 0 0
(with SV)
LL max
111 0 333
(w/o SV)
LL min
-18 0 -36
(w/o SV)

Load AN2
Node 4 5 6
sw girder 2628 0 3011
sw deck 0 0 0
CB 250 0 290
WC 179 0 207
LL max
0 0 0
(with SV)
LL min
0 0 0
(with SV)
LL max
152 0 485
(w/o SV)
LL min
-20 0 -79
(w/o SV)

Load P2
Node 7 8 9
sw girder 2646 0 3060
sw deck 0 0 0
CB 253 0 294
WC 181 0 210
LL max
0 0 0
(with SV)
LL min
0 0 0
(with SV)
LL max
-7 0 550
(w/o SV)
LL min
254 0 -57
(w/o SV)

Load P3
Node 10 11 12
sw girder 1005 0 1233
sw deck 0 0 0
CB 90 0 115
WC 65 0 82
LL max
0 0 0
(with SV)
LL min
0 0 0
(with SV)
LL max
109 0 331
(w/o SV)
LL min
-19 0 -19
(w/o SV)

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Support reaction for super structure loading effect

Loading \ Location PL1/PL2 AN1/AN2 P1/P2 A1/P3 P5 Total
sw girder 2277 5639 5706 2238 0 15860
sw deck 0 0 0 0 0 0
CB 208 540 547 205 0 1500
WC 148 386 391 147 0 1072
LL max (with SV) 0 0 0 0 0 0
LL min (with SV) 0 0 0 0 0 0
LL max (w/o SV) 444 637 543 440 0 2064
LL min (w/o SV) -54 -99 197 -38 0 6

5.2 Critical Live Load Effect

8.00 12.00 12.00 17.00 17 17 17

8.276 5.124
Trans eccn.

A e1 = 2.2 B
e2 = 0
Rkn. At end B = 0 Kn

PL2 location
V max Case V= 333 MT = 733
V min Case V= -36 MT = 79

AN2 location
V max case V= 485 MT = 1067
V min case V= -79 MT = 174

P2 location
V max case V= 550 MT = 1210
V min case V= -57 MT = 125

P3 location
V max case V= 331 MT = 728
V min case V= -19 MT = 42

5.3 Braking Force

max force for 2 lane of Class B = 127
max force for 2 lane of 70RW = 0
max force for 1 lane of 70RW + 2 lane of Class A = 0
for design purpose say braking force Fh = 128

5.4 Horizontal Force Calculation

horizontal force as per clause 211.5.2 - IRC:6-2017--

PL2 AN2 P2 P3

5.4.1 For Foundation Check

for combination 1 - PL2 AN2 P2 P3

total vertical load V = 3077 7202 7187 3030
12 482427523.xlsx
horizontal force µ V = 154 359 152
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern
side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Fixed Pier

Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Chapter - 8
Design of Expansion Pier

8.1 Levels and Dimensions

all the levels given in this section are for design purpose only.
formation = 60.250 m
WC thickness = 0.065 m
girder depth = 1.800 m
deck depth = 0.000 m
bearing top = 58.385 m
cap top = 57.985 m
Pier cap thickness = 1.000 m
cap bottom = 56.985 m
River bed level = 55.570 m
Soil above pile cap = 0.500 m
pile cap top = 55.070 m
pile cap bottom = 52.070 m
dia. of column = 2.000 m
height from bearing top to pile cap bottom = 6.315 m
height from bearing top to column bottom = 3.315 m
total clear height of column = 1.915 m
LA for braking = 9.380 m
Intensity of FPLL (Left span) = 3.922 Kn/m2
Intensity of FPLL (Right span) = 3.922 Kn/m2

8.2 Super Structure Load Effect

vertial load caused by S/W of girder = 2277 0
vertial load caused by S/W of deck = 0 0
vertial load caused by CB = 208 0
vertial load caused by WC = 148 0
vertial load caused by FPLL max = 294 0
min = 147 0
vertial load caused by LL (with SV) max = 0 0
min = 0 0
vertial load caused by LL (w/o SV) max = 444
min = -54

braking force = 128

8.3 Load Calculation for Foundation Checking - Combination 1

load at pile cap bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 2485 0 0 0 0
WC 148 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 444 0 0 0.0 0
braking etc 0 154 58 972 434
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 38.4 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 118 0 0 0 0
pier cap 318.8 0 0 0 0
column 86 0 0 0 0
pile cap 5167 0 0 0 0
soil above pile cap 0 0 0 0 0
total load = 9099 154 58 972 434
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 2633 0 0 0 0

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FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 154 58 972 434

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other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 5728 0 0 0 0
total load = 8508 154 58 972 434

8.4 Seismic Effect Calculation

seismic cofficient for designing of sub structure -

ah = 0.120 av = 0.080

longitudinal seismic effect

load effective HL acting ML @ ML @
mass level pile cap pile cap
top bottom
55.07 52.07
sw girder 0 0 58.39 0 0
sw deck 0 0 58.39 0 0
CB 0 0 58.39 0 0
WC 0 0 58.39 0 0
other 0 0 58.39 0 0
bearing & pedestal 38.4 5 58.19 14 28
reaction blocks 118 14 58.19 44 87
Pier cap 318.8 38 57.49 92 207
column 86 10 56.03 10 41
other 0 0 58.39 0 0
total for sub structure design HL = 67 ML = 161
total for foundation design HL = 91 ML = 489

transverse seismic effect

load effective HT acting ML @ ML @
mass level pile cap pile cap
top bottom
55.07 52.07
sw girder 2277 263 59.29 1110 1900
sw deck 0 0 59.29 0 0
CB 208 24 59.29 101 174
WC 148 17 59.29 72 124
LL 89 10 59.29 43 74
other 0 0 59.29 0 0
sub struc & found. 67 161 363
total for sub structure design HT = 382 MT = 1488
total for foundation design HT = 516 MT = 3556

vertical seismic effect

total for sub structure design V= 255
total for foundation design V= 344

total force for seismic effect

seismic condition V HL HT ML MT
total seismic force for sub structure design at pile cap top level -
longitudinal 76 67 115 161 446
transverse 76 20 382 48 1488
vertical 255 20 115 48 446
total seismic force for foundation design at pile cap bottom level -
longitudinal 103 91 155 489 1067
transverse 103 27 516 147 3556
vertical 344 27 155 147 1067

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

8.5 Load Calculation for Foundation Checking - Combination Seismic

load at pile cap bottom - longitudinal seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 2485 0 0 0 0
WC 148 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 89 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 31 12 194 87
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 38 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 118 0 0 0 0
pier cap 319 0 0 0 0
column 86 0 0 0 0
pile cap 5167 0 0 0 0
seismic 103 91 155 489 1067
total load = 8847 122 166 684 1154
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 2633 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 31 12 194 87
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 5728 0 0 0 0
seismic 103 91 155 489 1067
total load = 8611 122 166 684 1154

load at pile cap bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 3016 31 12 194 87
sub struc & found. 5728 0 0 0 0
seismic 103 27 516 147 3556
total load = 8847 58 527 341 3643
Min reaction:
super struc. 2780 31 12 194 87
sub struc & found. 5728 0 0 0 0
seismic 103 27 516 147 3556
total load = 8611 58 527 341 3643

load at pile cap bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 3016 31 12 194 87
sub struc & found. 5728 0 0 0 0
seismic 344 27 155 147 1067
total load = 9087 58 166 341 1154
Min reaction:
super struc. 2780 31 12 194 87
sub struc & found. 5728 0 0 0 0
seismic 344 27 155 147 1067
total load = 8852 58 166 341 1154

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8.6 Foundation Checking

load at pile cap bottom

loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination 1
Vmax 9099 154 58 972 434 164
Vmin 8508 154 58 972 434 164
for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
Vmax 8847 122 166 684 1154 206
Vmin 8611 122 166 684 1154 206
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
Vmax 8847 58 527 341 3643 531
Vmin 8611 58 527 341 3643 531
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic
Vmax 9087 58 166 341 1154 176
Vmin 8852 58 166 341 1154 176
N =4

Ordinates of pile
Pile RL RT
1 -1.80 1.80

2 -1.80 -1.80
3 1.80 1.80
4 1.80 -1.80
L L 5

4 10
∑ 12.96 12.96

Combination 1
Case 1 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8
2200.0 2079.5 2469.9 2349.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Case 2 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8

2052.2 1931.7 2322.1 2349.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic

Case1 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8
2276.9 1956.5 2466.9 2146.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

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Case2 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8

2218.0 1897.5 2407.9 2087.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic

Case1 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8
2670.3 1658.3 2765.0 1753.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Case2 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8

2611.3 1599.3 2706.1 1694.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic

Case1 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8
2384.7 2064.3 2479.5 2159.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Case2 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8

2325.8 2005.3 2420.5 2100.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Max/Min load on Pile

loading condition Max Min H per Pile
Combination 1 case 1 2470 0 41
case 2 2349 0 41
Longi. Seismic case 1 2467 0 52
case 2 2408 0 52
Trans. Seismic case 1 2765 0 133
case 2 2706 0 133
Verti. Seismic case 1 2479 0 44
case 2 2421 0 44

Use 2 dia pile of length 30m (EGL to FL) having following characteristics -
refer Geotechnical Report -
vertical load carrying capacity = 5500 ok
uplift capacity = -2830 ok
horizontal load carrying capacity = 360 ok
moment factor for unit horizontal force = 0.82

Pile dia. = 1.2

Scour Depth L1 = 9.1 m
Moment of Inertia of Pile = 0.1018 m4

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E, = 32 Gpa
= 32000 Mpa or MN/m2
= 32000000 Kn/m2

From Geotechnical Report

Depth (m) SPT (N)

3 3
6 7
9 12
12 16
15 11
18 18
21 20
24 17
27 18
28 18
Average N value = 14.000

N value from Geotechnical Report = 14.000

hh = 8.500 Mn/m3

T = 3.286 m
L1/T = 2.8
For given value of L1/T the Ratio Lf/T from IS:2911 (Part1/Sec2) Pg. 15

Lf/T = 2.00
length of fixity (m) Lf = 6.57 m
L1+ Lf = 15.7

8.7 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination 1

load at pile cap bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 3355 0 0 0 0
WC 259 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 231 87 1457 651

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other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 52 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 159 0 0 0 0
pier cap 430 0 0 0 0
column 116 0 0 0 0
pile cap 6975 0 0 0 0
total load = 11640 231 87 1457 651
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 3614 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 231 87 1457 651
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 7732 0 0 0 0
total load = 11493 231 87 1457 651

8.8 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination 2

load at pile cap bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 2485 0 0 0 0
WC 148 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 200 75 1263 564
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 38 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 118 0 0 0 0
pier cap 319 0 0 0 0
column 86 0 0 0 0
pile cap 5167 0 0 0 0
total load = 8655 200 75 1263 564
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 2633 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 200 75 1263 564
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 5728 0 0 0 0
total load = 8508 200 75 1263 564

8.9 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination Seismic

load at pile cap bottom - longitudinal seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 3355 0 0 0 0
WC 259 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 67 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 23 9 146 65
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 52 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 159 0 0 0 0
pier cap 430 0 0 0 0
column 116 0 0 0 0

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pile cap 6975 0 0 0 0

seismic 155 136 232 734 1600
total load = 11862 159 241 880 1665
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 3614 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL -8 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 23 9 216 65
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 7732 0 0 0 0
seismic 155 136 232 734 1600
total load = 11640 159 241 951 1665

load at pile cap bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 3975 23 9 146 65
sub struc & found. 7732 0 0 0 0
seismic 155 41 774 220 5334
total load = 11862 64 783 366 5400
Min reaction:
super struc. 3753 23 9 216 65
sub struc & found. 7732 0 0 0 0
seismic 155 41 774 220 5334
total load = 11640 64 783 437 5400

load at pile cap bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 3975 23 9 146 65
sub struc & found. 7732 0 0 0 0
seismic 516 41 232 220 1600
total load = 12223 64 241 366 1665
Min reaction:
super struc. 3753 23 9 216 65
sub struc & found. 7732 0 0 0 0
seismic 516 41 232 220 1600
total load = 12001 64 241 437 1665

8.10 Foundation Design

load at pile cap bottom
loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination 1
Vmax 11640 231 87 1457 651 246
Vmin 11493 231 87 1457 651 246
for combination 2
Vmax 8655 200 75 1263 564 214
Vmin 8508 200 75 1263 564 214
for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
Vmax 11862 159 241 880 1665 289
Vmin 11640 159 241 951 1665 289
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
Vmax 11862 64 783 366 5400 785
Vmin 11640 64 783 437 5400 785
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic
Vmax 12223 64 241 366 1665 249
Vmin 12001 64 241 437 1665 249

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Load on Pile
N= 4.0
Combination 1
loads pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8
case 1 2798 2617 3203 3022 0 0 0 0
case 2 2761 2580 3166 2985 0 0 0 0

pile 9 pile 10 pile 11 pile 12

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

Combination 2
loads pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8
case 1 2067 1910 2417 2261 0 0 0 0
case 2 2030 1873 2381 2224 0 0 0 0

pile 9 pile 10 pile 11 pile 12

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

Longi. Seismic
loads pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8
case 1 3074 2612 3319 2856 0 0 0 0
case 2 3009 2547 3273 2811 0 0 0 0

pile 9 pile 10 pile 11 pile 12

2965 2965 2965 2965
2910 2910 2910 2910

Trans. Seismic
loads pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8
case 1 3664 2165 3766 2266 0 0 0 0
case 2 3599 2099 3721 2221 0 0 0 0

pile 9 pile 10 pile 11 pile 12

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

Verti. Seismic
loads pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8
case 1 3236 2774 3338 2875 0 0 0 0
case 2 3171 2708 3292 2830 0 0 0 0

pile 9 pile 10 pile 11 pile 12

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

8.10.1 Structural Design of Piles

dia of pile = 1.2

max pile load = 3766
Max. Hz. Force = 196
min pile load = 0
moment = 1261

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reinforcement -
provide Dia. Nos.
20 20
32 0
design of pile -
refer Annexure - A2 for design of pile for above said vertical load and moment.

Shear design
shear force = 196 Kn
grade of steel = 500 Fe
grade of concrete = 35 M
depth (as per L A Clarke, depth of equivalent rectangular section = πD/4) = 0.942
effective depth = 0.857
width = 0.942
area of main steel = 6283 mm2

calculation of shear strength of member -

K = 1.4830
ρ1 = 0.008
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.49
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.33
V Rdc = 268 R/F not req
provide 16 dia bars no of legs 2
Asw = 402 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 100 mm
V Rdc = 1241 R/F safe

8.10.2 Design of Pile Cap

design in longitudinal direction -

Max force in pile = 6225
lever arm = 2.116
moment = 13172
width of pile cap in transverse direction = 8.30
moment per m width = 1587
deduction for S/W of pile cap per m width = -34
design moment per m width = 1553

grade of steel = 500 Fe

grade of concrete = 35 M

width = 1.0
overall depth = 3.0
effective depth = 2.91
provide 20 dia bars at spacing 125
+ 0 dia bars at spacing 150
Ast = 2513 mm2
steel percent pt = 0.0009
xu/d = 0.0298
xu/d (lim) = 0.4560
limiting value of steel percent pt lim = 0.0132
min (B/W actual and limiting) % of steel = 0.0009
area of steel = 2513 mm2
moment of resistance = 3141 ok

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

shear force = 6225 Kn

calculation of shear strength of member -
K = 1.262206
ρ1 = 0.001 ok
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.20
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.26
V Rdc = 590 R/F req
provide 12 dia bars no of legs 32
Asw = 3619 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 125 mm
V Rdc = 30321 R/F safe

αcw for бcp = 0 = 1

bw min. breadth of section over depth = 8300.00 mm
Z = 2700.00 mm
v1 = 0.60
fcd =0.44fck = 15.4 Mpa
cotӨ = 1
tanӨ = 1
Vrd max. = 103534.2 Kn
Therefore, Shear Resistance = 30321 Kn
Since critical section lies beyond d distance, no need to provide shear r/f.

Design in transverse direction -

Max force in pile = 7431
lever arm = 1.093
moment = 8122
width of pile cap in longitudinal direction = 5.10
moment per m width = 1592
deduction for S/W of pile cap per m width = -73
design moment per m width = 1520

grade of steel = 500 Fe

grade of concrete = 35 M

width = 1.0
overall depth = 3.0
effective depth = 2.91
provide 20 dia bars at spacing 125
+ 0 dia bars at spacing 150
Ast = 2513 mm2
steel percent pt = 0.0009
xu/d = 0.0298
xu/d (lim) = 0.4560
limiting value of steel percent pt lim = 0.0132
min (B/W actual and limiting) % of steel = 0.0009
area of steel = 2513 mm2
moment of resistance = 3145 ok

shear force = 0 Kn
Since critical section lies beyond d distance, no need to provide shear r/f.

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

punching shear -
max pile load = 3766
punching shear = 0.07
permissible shear calculation -
K = 1.262206
ρ1 = 0.001
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 (2d/a) = 0.34
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 (2d/a) = 0.44
shear resistance = 0.34 safe

Calculation of Crack Width Longi. Trans.

grade of concrete = 35 35
Ec = 29580 29580 N/mm2
grade of steel = 500 500
Ec = 200000 200000 N/mm2

width = 1000 1000 mm

depth h = 1800 1800 mm
clear cover c = 75 75 mm
dia of bar = 20 20 mm
dia of bar below main bar = 0 0 mm
spacing of bar = 125 125 mm
no of layers = 1 1

available effective depth d = 1715 1715 mm

neutral axis depth x = 821 821 mm
2.5(h-d) = 213 213 mm
h-x/3 = 1526 1526 mm
h/2 = 900 900 mm
hc,eff = 213 213 mm

kc = 0.40 0.40
k = 0.65 0.65
fct,eff = 2.8 2.8 N/mm2
Act = 979153.0945 979153.1 mm2
σs = fyk = 500 500 N/mm2
Asmin = kc k fct,eff Act/σs = 1639 1639 mm2
As provided = 2513 2513 mm2
steel provided is = ok ok

5(c+Ф/2) = 425 425 mm

spacing is = close close
Ac eff = 212500 212500 mm2
ρp,eff = 0.01 0.01
Sr,max = 542 542 mm
spacing provided is = ok ok

design bending moment = 503 50 kNm

σsc = 139 14 N/mm2
kt = 0.50 0.50
αe = 6.76 6.76
εsm - εcm = 0.0004 0.0000
crack width = 0.23 0.02 ok

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

8.11 Load Calculation for Sub Structure Design - Combination Basic

load at column bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 3355 0 0 0 0
WC 259 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 346 87 2186 391
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 52 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 159 0 0 0 0
pier cap 430 0 0 0 0
column 116 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
total load = 4665 346 87 2186 391
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 3614 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 346 87 2186 391
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 757 0 0 0 0
total load = 4518 346 87 2186 391

8.12 Load Calculation for Sub Structure Design - Combination Accidental

load at column bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 2485 0 0 0 0
WC 148 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 115 43 729 196
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 38 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 118 0 0 0 0
pier cap 319 0 0 0 0
column 86 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
total load = 3488 115 43 729 196
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 2633 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 115 43 729 196
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 561 0 0 0 0
total load = 3341 115 43 729 196

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

8.13 Load Calculation for Sub Structure Design - Combination Seismic

load at column bottom - longitudinal seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 3355 0 0 0 0
WC 259 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 52 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 159 0 0 0 0
pier cap 430 0 0 0 0
column 116 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
seismic 115 101 172 241 670
total load = 4780 101 172 241 670
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 3614 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 757 0 0 0 0
seismic 115 101 172 241 670
total load = 4633 101 172 241 670

load at column bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 3908 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 757 0 0 0 0
seismic 115 30 573 72 2232
total load = 4780 30 573 72 2232
Min reaction:
super struc. 3761 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 757 0 0 0 0
seismic 115 30 573 72 2232
total load = 4633 30 573 72 2232

load at column bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 3908 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 757 0 0 0 0
seismic 382 30 172 72 670
total load = 5047 30 172 72 670
Min reaction:
super struc. 3761 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 757 0 0 0 0
seismic 382 30 172 72 670
total load = 4900 30 172 72 670

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8.14 Column Design

load at column bottom

loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination Basic
Vmax 4665 346 87 2186 391 357
Vmin 4518 346 87 2186 391 357
for combination Accidental
Vmax 3488 115 43 729 196 123
Vmin 3341 115 43 729 196 123
for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
Vmax 4780 101 172 241 670 199
Vmin 4633 101 172 241 670 199
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
Vmax 4780 30 573 72 2232 574
Vmin 4633 30 573 72 2232 574
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic
Vmax 5047 30 172 72 670 175
Vmin 4900 30 172 72 670 175

Loads and Moments are calculated using software for single column.
reinforcement -
provide Dia. Nos.
32 40
40 0
design of column -
refer Annexure - A2 for design of pier for above said vertical load and moment.

Shear design

dia of pier shaft = 2m

shear force = 287 Kn
grade of steel = 500 Fe
grade of concrete = 40 M
depth (as per L A Clarke, depth of equivalent rectangular section = πD/4) = 1.571
effective depth = 1.521
width = 1.571
area of main steel = 32170 mm2

calculation of shear strength of member -

K = 1.363
ρ1 = 0.013
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.57
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.31
V Rdc = 745 R/F not req
provide 25 dia bars no of legs 1
Asw = 491 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 100 mm
V Rdc = 2687 R/F safe

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8.15 Design of Pier cap

Loads (Unfactored) Brng1 Brng2 Brng3 Brng4 Brng5 Brng6

DL 0.00 0.00 1098.00 1179.00 0.00 0.00
WC 0.00 0.00 71.00 77.00 0.00 0.00
CB 0.00 0.00 100.00 108.00 0.00 0.00
LL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Factored Loads
Loads (Unfactored) Brng1 Brng2 Brng3 Brng4 Brng5 Brng6
DL 1.35 0.0 0.0 1482.3 1591.7 0.0 0.0
WC 1.75 0.0 0.0 124.3 134.8 0.0 0.0
Railing 1.35 0.0 0.0 135.0 145.8 0.0 0.0
LL 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Design Moment in Longitudinal Direction

Longitudinal Moment = 419.2 Kn-m

Due to self weight of pier cap = 32.2 Kn-m
Longitudinal direction = 451.4 Kn-m

grade of steel = 500 Fe

grade of concrete = 50 M

width = 3.2
overall depth = 1.5
effective depth = 1.44
provide 32 dia bars at spacing 150
+ 0 dia bars at spacing 130
Ast = 17157 mm2
steel percent pt = 0.0037
xu/d = 0.0897
xu/d (lim) = 0.4560
limiting value of steel percent pt lim = 0.0189
min (B/W actual and limiting) % of steel = 0.0037
area of steel = 17157 mm2
moment of resistance = 10377 ok

shear force = 3798 Kn

calculation of shear strength of member -
K = 1.372161464
ρ1 = 0.004 ok
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.40
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.35
V Rdc = 1628 R/F req
provide 16 dia bars no of legs 8
Asw = 1608 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 100 mm
effective depth at face of outer pedestal = 1.159
V Rdc = 6711 R/F safe

αcw for бcp = 0 = 1

bw min. breadth of section over depth = 3200.00 mm
Z = 1350.00 mm
v1 = 0.60
fcd =0.44fck = 22 Mpa

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

cotӨ = 1
tanӨ = 1
Vrd max. = 28512 Kn
Therefore, Shear Resistance = 6711 Kn

Design Moment = 5719 Kn-m

Transverse direction
grade of steel = 500 Fe
grade of concrete = 40 M

width = 10.40
overall depth = 1.5
effective depth = 1.44
32 dia bars at spacing 150
+ 0 dia bars at spacing 125
Ast = 55761 mm2
steel percent pt = 0.0037
xu/d = 0.1126
xu/d (lim) = 0.4560
limiting value of steel percent pt lim = 0.0151
min (B/W actual and limiting) % of steel = 0.0037
area of steel = 55761 mm2
moment of resistance = 33279 ok

shear force = 3249 Kn

calculation of shear strength of member -
K = 1.372807466
ρ1 = 0.0037 ok
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.37
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.32
V Rdc = 4720 R/F not req
provide 16 dia bars no of legs 8
Asw = 1608 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 100 mm
effective depth at face of outer pedestal = 1.159
V Rdc = 6711 R/F safe

αcw for бcp = 0 = 1

bw min. breadth of section over depth = 10400.00 mm
Z = 1350.00 mm
v1 = 0.60
fcd =0.44fck = 17.6 Mpa
cotӨ = 1
tanӨ = 1
Vrd max. = 74131.2 Kn
Therefore, Shear Resistance = 6711 Kn

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Chapter - 6

Design of Fix Pier

6.1 Levels and Dimensions

all the levels given in this section are for design purpose only.
formation = 57.417 m
WC thickness = 0.065 m
girder depth = 1.800 m
deck depth = 0.000 m
bearing top = 55.552 m
cap top = 55.152 m
Pier cap thickness = 1.000 m
cap bottom = 54.152 m
River bed level = 53.561 m
Soil above pile cap = 0.500 m
pile cap top = 53.061 m
pile cap bottom = 51.261 m
dia. Of column = 2.000 m
height from bearing top to pile cap bottom = 4.291 m
height from bearing top to column bottom = 2.491 m
total clear height of column = 1.091 m
LA for braking = 7.956 m
Intensity of FPLL (Left span) = 3.922 Kn/m2
Intensity of FPLL (Right span) = 3.922 Kn/m2

6.2 Super Structure Load Effect

vertial load caused by S/W of Girder = 5639 0
vertial load caused by S/W of deck = 0 0
vertial load caused by CB = 540 0
vertial load caused by WC = 386 0
vertial load caused by FPLL max = 294 0
min = 147 0
vertial load caused by LL (with SV) max = 0 0
min = 0 0
vertial load caused by LL (w/o SV) max = 637 1067
min = -99 174

braking force = 128 Kn

6.3 Load Calculation for Foundation Checking - Combination 1

load at pile cap bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
About TT About LL
Max reaction:
DL+CB 6179 0 0 0 0
WC 386 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 400 58 3180 317
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 24.3 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 144.5 0 0 0 0
pier cap 366.0 0 0 0 0
column 86 0 0 0 0
pile cap 1997 0 0 0 0
soil above pile cap 412 0 0 0 0
total load = 9889 400 58 3180 317

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 6565 0 0 0 0
SS 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 400 58 3180 317
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 3029 0 0 0 0
total load = 9742 400 58 3180 317

6.4 Seismic Effect Calculation

seismic cofficient for designing of sub structure -

ah = 0.120 av = 0.080
longitudinal seismic effect
load effective HL acting ML @ ML @
top bottom
53.06 51.26
sw girder 5287 634 55.55 1580 2722
sw deck 0 0 55.55 0 0
CB 500 60 55.55 149 257
WC 357 43 55.55 107 184
other 0 0 55.55 0 0
bearing & pedestal 24.3 3 55.35 7 12
reaction blocks 144.5 17 55.35 40 71
cap 366.0 44 54.65 70 149
column 86 10 53.61 6 24
Pile cap 1997 240 55.55 597 1028
total for sub structure design HL = 1051 ML = 2555
total for foundation design HL = 1419 ML = 6004

transverse seismic effect

load effective HT acting ML @ ML @
mass level pile cap top pile cap bott
53.06 51.26
sw girder 5639 574 56.45 1946 2979
sw deck 0 0 56.45 0 0
CB 540 55 56.45 186 285
WC 386 39 56.45 133 204
LL 127 13 58.62 72 95
other 0 0 55.55 0 0
sub struc & found. 314 719 1284
total for sub structure design HT = 995 MT = 3056
total for foundation checking HT = 1343 MT = 6544

vertical seismic effect

total for sub structure design V= 663
total for foundation checking V= 896

total force for seismic effect

Combinations : 100%LL+30%Trans+30% Vert. and others
seismic condition V HL HT ML MT
total seismic force for sub structure design at pile cap top level -
longitudinal 199 1051 299 2555 917
transverse 199 315 995 767 3056
vertical 663 315 299 767 917
total seismic force for foundation design at pile cap bottom level -
longitudinal 269 1419 403 6004 1963

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transverse 269 426 1343 1801 6544

vertical 896 426 403 1801 1963

6.5 Load Calculation for Foundation Checking - Combination Seismic

load at pile cap bottom - longitudinal seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 6179 0 0 0 0
WC 386 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 127 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 26 12 204 63
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 24.3 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 145 0 0 0 0
pier cap 366 0 0 0 0
column 86 0 0 0 0
pile cap 1997 0 0 0 0
seismic 269 1419 403 6004 1963
total load = 9872 1445 415 6208 2027
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 6565 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 26 12 204 63
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 2617 0 0 0 0
seismic 269 1419 403 6004 1963
total load = 9598 1445 415 6208 2027

load at pile cap bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 6987 26 12 204 63
sub struc & found. 2617 0 0 0 0
seismic 269 426 1343 1801 6544
total load = 9872 451 1355 2005 6607
Min reaction:
super struc. 6712 26 12 204 63
sub struc & found. 2617 0 0 0 0
seismic 269 426 1343 1801 6544
total load = 9598 451 1355 2005 6607

load at pile cap bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 6987 26 12 204 63
sub struc & found. 2617 0 0 0 0
seismic 896 426 403 1801 1963
total load = 10499 451 415 2005 2027
Min reaction:
super struc. 6712 26 12 204 63
sub struc & found. 2617 0 0 0 0
seismic 896 426 403 1801 1963
total load = 10225 451 415 2005 2027

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6.6 Foundation Checking

load at pile cap bottom

loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination 1
Vmax 9889 400 58 3180 317 404
Vmin 9742 400 58 3180 317 404
for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
Vmax 9872 1445 415 6208 2027 1503
Vmin 9598 1445 415 6208 2027 1503
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
Vmax 9872 451 1355 2005 6607 1428
Vmin 9598 451 1355 2005 6607 1428
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic
Vmax 10499 451 415 2005 2027 613
Vmin 10225 451 415 2005 2027 613

N =6
T Ordinates of pile
Pile RL RT
1 -3.60 1.80
2 0.00 1.80

2 3 3.60 1.80
4 -3.60 -1.80
5 0.00 -1.80
6 3.60 -1.80

5 6

∑ 51.8 19.44
Combination 1
Case 1
Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9
1456.6 1677.5 1898.3 1397.9 1618.7 1839.6 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Case 2
Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9
1432.1 1652.9 1873.8 1373.4 1594.2 1815.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9
1401.9 1833.0 2264.2 1026.6 1457.8 1888.9 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9
1356.2 1787.3 2218.4 980.9 1412.0 1843.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9
2117.9 2257.2 2396.4 894.4 1033.6 1172.9 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9
2072.2 2211.4 2350.7 848.6 987.9 1127.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9
1798.3 1937.5 2076.8 1423.0 1562.2 1701.5 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9
1752.5 1891.8 2031.0 1377.3 1516.5 1655.7 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Max/Min load on Pile

loading condition Max Min H per Pile
Combination 1 case 1 1898 1398 67
case 2 1874 1373 67
Longi. Seismic case 1 2264 1027 251
case 2 2218 981 251
Trans. Seismic case 1 2396 894 238
case 2 2351 849 238
Verti. Seismic case 1 2077 1423 102
case 2 2031 1377 102

Use 1.2 dia pile of length 30m (EGL to FL) having following characteristics -
refer Geotechnical Report - BH-06
vertical load carrying capacity = 2713 ok
uplift capacity = -3760 ok
horizontal load carrying capacity = 200 ok
moment red. factor for unit horizontal force = 0.82
Pile dia. = 1.2
Scour Depth L1 = 0.0 m
Moment of Inertia of Pile = 0.1018 m4
E, = 32 Gpa

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= 32000 Mpa
= 32000000 Kn/m2

From Geotechnical Report

Depth (m) SPT (N)

3 3
6 7
9 12
12 16
15 11
18 18
21 20
24 17
27 18
28 18
Average N value = 14.00

N value from Geotechnical Report = 14.00

hh = 1.98 Mn/m3

T = 4.40 m
L1/T = 0.0
For given value of L1/T the Ratio Lf/T from IS:2911 (Part1/Sec2) Pg. 15

Lf/T = 2.25
length of fixity (m) Lf = 9.90 m
L1+ Lf = 9.90 m

6.7 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination 1

Load at pile cap bottom

Loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 8342 0 0 0 0
WC 676 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 558 87 4438 476
other 0 0 0 0 0

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bearing & pedestal 33 0 0 0 0

reaction blocks 195 0 0 0 0
pier cap 494 0 0 0 0
column 116 0 0 0 0
pile cap 2695 0 0 0 0
total load = 12844 558 87 4438 476
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 9017 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 558 87 4438 476
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 3533 0 0 0 0
total load = 12697 558 87 4438 476

6.8 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination 2

Load at pile cap bottom

Loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 6179 0 0 0 0
WC 386 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 421 75 3346 412
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 24 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 145 0 0 0 0
pier cap 366 0 0 0 0
column 86 0 0 0 0
pile cap 1997 0 0 0 0
total load = 9476 421 75 3346 412
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 6565 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 421 75 3346 412
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 2617 0 0 0 0
total load = 9329 421 75 3346 412

6.9 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination Seismic

load at pile cap bottom - longitudinal seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 8342 0 0 0 0
WC 676 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 96 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 19 9 82 48
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 33 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 195 0 0 0 0
pier cap 494 0 0 0 0
column 116 0 0 0 0
pile cap 2695 0 0 0 0
seismic 403 2129 605 9007 2945
total load = 13343 2148 613 9089 2992

21 482427523.xlsx
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Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 9017 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 19 9 82 48
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 3533 0 0 0 0
seismic 403 2129 605 9007 2945
total load = 13100 2148 613 9089 2992

load at pile cap bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 9407 19 9 82 48
sub struc & found. 3533 0 0 0 0
seismic 403 639 2015 2702 9816
total load = 13343 658 2024 2784 9863
Min reaction:
super struc. 9164 19 9 82 48
sub struc & found. 3533 0 0 0 0
seismic 403 639 2015 2702 9816
total load = 13100 658 2024 2784 9863

load at pile cap bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 9407 19 9 82 48
sub struc & found. 3533 0 0 0 0
seismic 1343 639 605 2702 2945
total load = 14283 658 613 2784 2992
Min reaction:
super struc. 9164 19 9 82 48
sub struc & found. 3533 0 0 0 0
seismic 1343 639 605 2702 2945
total load = 14041 658 613 2784 2992

6.10 Foundation Design

load at pile cap bottom
loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination 1
Vmax 12844 558 87 4438 476 564
Vmin 12697 558 87 4438 476 564
for combination 2
Vmax 9476 421 75 3346 412 427
Vmin 9329 421 75 3346 412 427
for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
Vmax 13343 2148 613 9089 2992 2234
Vmin 13100 2148 613 9089 2992 2234
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
Vmax 13343 658 2024 2784 9863 2128
Vmin 13100 658 2024 2784 9863 2128
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic
Vmax 14283 658 613 2784 2992 899
Vmin 14041 658 613 2784 2992 899

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Load on Pile
Combination 1 N= 6.0
case 1
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9
1877 2185 2493 1789 2097 2405 0 0 0

pile 10 pile 11 pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0 0 0 0 0 0

case 2
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9
1852 2160 2468 1764 2072 2380 0 0 0

pile 10 pile 11 pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0 0 0 0 0 0

Combination 2
case 1
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9
1385 1618 1850 1309 1541 1774 0 0 0

pile 10 pile 11 pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0 0 0 0 0 0

case 2
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9
1361 1593 1825 1284 1517 1749 0 0 0

pile 10 pile 11 pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0 0 0 0 0 0

Longi. Seismic
case 1
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9
1870 2501 3132 1316 1947 2578 0 0 0

pile 10 pile 11 pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0 0 0 0 0 0

case 2
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9
1829 2460 3092 1275 1906 2538 0 0 0

pile 10 pile 11 pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0 0 0 0 0 0

Trans. Seismic
case 1
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9
2944 3137 3330 1117 1311 1504 0 0 0

pile 10 pile 11 pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0 0 0 0 0 0

case 2
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9
2903 3097 3290 1077 1270 1463 0 0 0

pile 10 pile 11 pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0 0 0 0 0 0

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Verti. Seismic
case 1
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9
2464 2658 2851 1910 2103 2297 0 0 0

pile 10 pile 11 pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0 0 0 0 0 0

case 2
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9
2424 2617 2811 1870 2063 2256 0 0 0

pile 10 pile 11 pile 12 Pile 13 Pile 14 Pile 15

0 0 0 0 0 0

6.10.1 Structural Design of Piles

dia of pile = 1.2 m

max pile load = 3330
Max. Hz. Force = 372 Kn
min pile load = 1077
moment = 1511 Kn-m

Reinforcement -
Minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement required = 0.004Ac = 4524 mm2
Maximum Area of longitudinal reinforcement = 0.025*Ac = 28274 mm2

Dia. Nos.
Provide 25 16

Longitudinal reinforcement provided = 7854 mm2 OK

= 0.69 %

Design of pile -
refer Annexure - A1 for design of pile for above said vertical load and moment.

Shear design
shear force = 372 Kn
grade of steel = 500 Fe
grade of concrete = 35 M
depth (as per L A Clarke, depth of equivalent rectangular sec = 0.942
effective depth = 0.830
width = 0.942
area of main steel = 7854 mm2

calculation of shear strength of member -

K = 1.491
ρ1 = 0.010
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.54
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.33
V Rdc = 261 R/F req
Provide 12 dia bars No of legs 2
Asw = 226 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 100 mm
V Rdc = 676
R/F safe

6.10.2 Design of Pile Cap

Design in longitudinal direction -

max force in (pile 1+4) or (3+6) = 5710 Kn
lever arm = 2.893 m
max force (pile2+pile6) = 0 Kn
LA = 0m
moment = 16519 Kn-m
width of pile cap in transverse direction = 5.10
moment per m width = 3239

24 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

deduction for S/W of pile cap per m width = -237

design moment per m width = 3003 Kn-m

25 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

grade of steel = 500 Fe

grade of concrete = 35 M

width = 1.0
overall depth = 1.8
effective depth = 1.71
provide 32 dia bars at spacing 125
+ 0 dia bars at spacing 125
Ast = 6434 mm2
steel percent pt = 0.0038
xu/d = 0.1300
xu/d (lim) = 0.4560
limiting value of steel percent pt lim = 0.0132
min (B/W actual and limiting) % of steel = 0.0038
area of steel = 6434 mm2
moment of resistance = 4526

Distribution steel = 0.12 of Ast.main (Refer clause 16.6.1 of IRC :112-2011)

= 772.08 mm2

Provide distribution steel as 16 f @ 125 c/c

= 1608.50 mm2/m OK
= 0.094 %

Shear force = 4441 Kn

Calculation of shear strength of member -
K = 1.34209283
ρ1 = 0.004 ok
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.35
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.29
V Rdc = 487 R/F req
provide 10 dia bars no of legs 16
Asw = 1257 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 150 mm
V Rdc = 5154
R/F safe

αcw for бcp = 0 = 1

bw min. breadth of section over depth = 5100.00 mm
Z = 1620.00 mm
v1 = 0.60
fcd =0.44fck = 15.4 Mpa
cotӨ = 1
tanӨ = 1
Vrd max. = 38170.44 Kn
Therefore, Shear Resistance = 5154 Kn

Design in Transverse direction -

Max force in pile = 9411
lever arm = 1.093
max force in pile = 0
lever arm = 0
moment = 10287
width of pile cap in longitudinal direction = 8.70
moment per m width = 1182
deduction for S/W of pile cap per m width = -18
design moment per m width = 1165

grade of steel = 500 Fe

grade of concrete = 35 M

width = 1.0
overall depth = 1.8
effective depth = 1.68

26 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

provide 20 dia bars at spacing 125

+ 0 dia bars at spacing 125
+ 0 dia bars at spacing 125
Ast = 2513 mm2
steel percent pt = 0.0015
xu/d = 0.0517
xu/d (lim) = 0.4560
limiting value of steel percent pt lim = 0.0132
min (B/W actual and limiting) % of steel = 0.0015
area of steel = 2513 mm2
moment of resistance = 1794 ok

Check For Punching Shear : (Refer clause 10.4.5 of IRC :112-2011)

A) Check at Control Perimeter 2d 1.81
Pile cap thickness d = 1.8 m
Density of RCC = 25 kN/m3 0.55
= 1.90
Grade of Concrete fck = 35 Mpa
fcd = 15.63 Mpa 1.2
0.75 = Ved - DVED
max pile load VEd = 3330 kN
Down ward weight of pile cap = 151.33 kN Unfactored
Load factor = 1.35
DVED = 204.30 kN = 3126.16 kN = / ud

u = Length of perimeter
= 3.31 m = 0.52 N/mm2
K = 1+ Ö 200/d ≤ 2
= 1.11
nmin = 0.031 * K 3/2 fck 1/2
= 0.21
vRd = Max 0.12 K (80 rl fck )1/3 *2d/a
nmin * 2d/a

a = 0.55
rly = 0.38 %
rlz = 0.09 %
rl = Örly *rlz
= 0.19 %
vRd = Max 7.00 Mpa
1.40 Mpa
= 7.00 Mpa
vRdmax = 1/2 * n *fcd
n = 0.6 [ 1- fck/310 ]
= 0.53
vRdmax = 4.16 Mpa
Check < vRdc
0.52 Mpa < 7.00 Mpa OK

B) Check at face of pile = Ved - DVED
max pile load VEd = 3330 kN
vEd = / uo d
= 3.77 m
vEd = 0.49 Mpa
Check < vRdc
0.49 Mpa < 4.16 Mpa OK

Calculation of Crack Width Longi. Trans.

grade of concrete = 35 35

27 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Ec = 29580 29580 N/mm2

grade of steel = 500 500
Ec = 200000 200000 N/mm2

width = 1000 1000 mm

depth h = 1800 1800 mm
clear cover c = 75 75 mm
dia of bar = 32 20 mm
dia of bar below main bar = 0 0 mm
= 0 0 mm
spacing of bar = 125 125 mm
no of layers = 1 1

available effective depth d = 1709 1715 mm

neutral axis depth x = 821 821 mm
2.5(h-d) = 228 213 mm
h-x/3 = 1526 1526 mm
h/2 = 900 900 mm
hc,eff = 228 213 mm

kc = 0.40 0.40
k = 0.65 0.65
fct,eff = 2.8 2.8 N/mm2
Act = 979153 979153 mm2
σs = fyk = 500 500 N/mm2
Asmin = kc k fct,eff Act/σs = 1639 1639 mm2
As provided = 6434 2513 mm2
steel provided is = ok ok

5(c+Ф/2) = 455 425 mm

spacing is = close close
Ac eff = 227500 212500 mm2
ρp,eff = 0.03 0.01
Sr,max = 447 542 mm
spacing provided is = ok ok

28 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

design bending moment = 1570 582 kNm

σsc = 170 161 N/mm2
kt = 0.50 0.50
αe = 6.76 6.76
εsm - εcm = 0.0006 0.0005
crack width = 0.25 0.26 ok

6.11 Load Calculation for Sub Structure Design - Combination Basic

load at column bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 8342 0 0 0 0
WC 676 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 558 87 4438 320
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 33 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 195 0 0 0 0
pier cap 494 0 0 0 0
column 116 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
total load = 10149 558 87 4438 320
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 9017 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 558 87 4438 320
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 838 0 0 0 0
total load = 10002 558 87 4438 320

6.12 Load Calculation for Substructure Design - Combination Accidental

load at column bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 6179 0 0 0 0
WC 386 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 382 43 3041 160
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 24 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 145 0 0 0 0
pier cap 366 0 0 0 0
column 86 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
total load = 7480 382 43 3041 160
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 6565 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 382 43 3041 160
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 620 0 0 0 0
total load = 7333 382 43 3041 160

29 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

6.13 Load Calculation for Substructure Design - Combination Seismic

load at column bottom - longitudinal seismic condition
loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 8342 0 0 0 0
WC 676 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 33 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 195 0 0 0 0
pier cap 494 0 0 0 0
column 116 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
seismic 299 1577 448 3833 1375
total load = 10447 1577 448 3833 1375
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 9017 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 838 0 0 0 0
seismic 299 1577 448 3833 1375
total load = 10300 1577 448 3833 1375

load at column bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 9311 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 838 0 0 0 0
seismic 299 473 1493 1150 4584
total load = 10447 473 1493 1150 4584
Min reaction:
super struc. 9164 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 838 0 0 0 0
seismic 299 473 1493 1150 4584
total load = 10300 473 1493 1150 4584

load at column bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 9311 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 838 0 0 0 0
seismic 995 473 448 1150 1375
total load = 11144 473 448 1150 1375
Min reaction:
super struc. 9164 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 838 0 0 0 0
seismic 995 473 448 1150 1375
total load = 10997 473 448 1150 1375

30 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

6.14 Pier Shaft Design

load at pile cap top

loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination Basic
Vmax 10149 558 87 4438 320 564
Vmin 10002 558 87 4438 320 564
for combination Accidental
Vmax 7480 382 43 3041 160 385
Vmin 7333 382 43 3041 160 385
for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
Vmax 10447 1577 448 3833 1375 1639
Vmin 10300 1577 448 3833 1375 1639
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
Vmax 10447 473 1493 1150 4584 1566
Vmin 10300 473 1493 1150 4584 1566
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic
Vmax 11144 473 448 1150 1375 651
Vmin 10997 473 448 1150 1375 651

Reinforcement :
Minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement required = 0.0024Ac = 7540 mm2
Maximum Area of longitudinal reinforcement = 0.04*Ac = 125664 mm2

provide Dia. Nos.

20 40
0 0

Longitudinal reinforcement provided = 12566 mm2 OK

= 0.40 %
Design of column -

refer Annexure - A2 for design of pier for above said vertical load and moment.

Shear design

Dia of pier shaft = 2.00 m

shear force = 820 Kn
grade of steel = 500 Fe
grade of concrete = 40 M
depth (as per L A Clarke, depth of equivalent rectangular sec = 1.571
effective depth = 1.521
width = 1.571
area of main steel = 12566 mm2

calculation of shear strength of member -

K = 1.363
ρ1 = 0.005
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.42
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.31
V Rdc = 745 R/F req
provide 20 dia bars no of legs 1
Asw = 314 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 125 mm
V Rdc = 1376 R/F safe

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

6.15 Design of Pier cap

Brng1 Brng2 Brng3 Brng4 Brng5 Brng6

Loads (Unfactored) Node 7 Node 8 Node 9 Node 10 Node 11 Node 12
DL 2646.0 0.0 3060.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WC 181.00 0.00 210.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CB 253.0 0.0 294.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
LL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Factored Loads
Brng1 Brng2 Brng3 Brng4 Brng5 Brng6
Loads (Unfactored) Node 7 Node 8 Node 9 Node 10 Node 11 Node 12
Lever Arm (Longit.) 0.000 0
Lever Arm (Trans) 1.05 0
DL 1.35 3572.1 0.0 4131.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WC 1.75 316.8 0.0 367.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Railing 1.35 341.6 0.0 396.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
LL 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Design Moment = 5228.6 Kn-m

Longitudinal direction
grade of steel = 500 Fe
grade of concrete = 40 M

width = 2.4
overall depth = 1.0
effective depth = 0.94
provide 32 dia bars at spacing 125
+ 0 dia bars at spacing 125
Ast = 15442 mm2
steel percent pt = 0.0068
xu/d = 0.2059
xu/d (lim) = 0.4560
limiting value of steel percent pt lim = 0.0151
min (B/W actual and limiting) % of steel = 0.0068
area of steel = 15442 mm2
moment of resistance = 5801 ok

shear force = 4895 Kn

calculation of shear strength of member -
K = 1.460
ρ1 = 0.007 ok
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.48
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.35
V Rdc = 784 R/F req
provide 16 dia bars no of legs 10
Asw = 2011 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 125 mm
effective depth at face of outer pedestal = 1.2385
V Rdc = 7172 R/F safe

αcw for бcp = 0 = 1

bw min. breadth of section over depth = 2400.00 mm
Z = 900.00 mm
v1 = 0.60
fcd =0.44fck = 17.6 Mpa
cotӨ = 1
tanӨ = 1
Vrd max. = 11404.8 Kn
Therefore, Shear Resistance = 7172 Kn

Side Face Reinforcement: = 0.05% of cross-sectional area

= 1100 mm2

Required Asv = 1100 mm2 (both side)

No. of legs = 2
No of rows = 10
Dia of links = 16 mm
Area of links provided = 4021 mm2 > 1100

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Safe. mm2

Check for Torsion ( At the face of Pier)

Left Span Right Span Load Diff e Torsion (kNm)

Reaction at Bearings 3080.0 3564.0 484 0 0

Width of section = 7.40 m Top width

Min width of section = 2.40 m Bottom width

Depth consider for torsion design = 1.80 m

Clear cover used = 50 mm

Dia of stirrups = 16 mm
Spacing of stirrups (Sv) = 150 mm
Grade of concrete = 40 Mpa
Grade of steel = 415 Mpa
hmin = 1800 mm
hmax = 2400 mm

Smaller centre line dimension of stirrups (X1) = 1684 mm

Larger centre line dimension of stirrups (Y1) = 2284 mm

Torsional shear stress (vt) = 0 N/mm2

Vt min = 0.42 N/mm2

Ast required = 0 mm2

provided dia = 16 mm
provided As = 201 mm2 OK
Total shear stress (Normal shear + Torsional shear ) = 0 Mpa OK

6.16 Design of Seismic Stopper

If av < d considered to be brackets or, corbels
If av > d designed as a cantilever beam

The section at the face of support shall be designed to resist simultaneously

a factored shear force Vu, and a concurrent factored horizontal tensile force
Nuc .
(Unless special provisions are made to prevent the tensile force,Nuc from
developing , it shall not be taken to be less than 0.2Vu )

Transverse Stopper

Grade of steel = Fe 500

Grade of concrete = M 40
perm. Stress in steel, fy = 435.0 Mpa
perm. Strs. In concr., fck = 17.87 Mpa
total longitudinal force on stopper = 3614
no. of stoppers = 1
force on each stopper = 3614
Vu 33 = 3614 Kn 482427523.xlsx
Nuc = 0 Kn
Nuc design = 722.78 Kn
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern
side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Free Pier
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Chapter - 6

Design of Free Pier

6.1 Levels and Dimensions

Design has been done for P1 pier and this design will be applicable for P2 and P3 also.

all the levels given in this section are for design purpose only.
formation = 59.150 m
WC thickness = 0.065 m
Voided Slab depth = 1.800 m
deck depth = 0.000 m
bearing top = 57.285 m
cap top = 56.885 m
Pier cap thickness = 1.000 m
cap bottom = 55.885 m
EGL = 54.427 m
Soil above pile cap = 0.500 m
pile cap top = 53.927 m
pile cap bottom = 52.127 m
dia. Of column = 2.000 m
height from bearing top to pile cap bottom = 5.158 m
height from bearing top to column bottom = 3.358 m
total clear height of column = 1.958 m
LA for braking = 8.223 m
Intensity of FPLL (Left span) = 3.922 Kn/m2
Intensity of FPLL (Right span) = 3.922 Kn/m2

6.2 Super Structure Load Effect

vertial load caused by S/W of girder = 5706 0
vertial load caused by S/W of deck = 0 0
vertial load caused by CB = 547 0
vertial load caused by WC = 391 0
vertial load caused by FPLL max = 294 0
min = 147 0
vertial load caused by LL (with SV) max = 0 0
min = 0 0
vertial load caused by LL (w/o SV) max = 543 1210
min = 197 125

braking force = 128

6.3 Load Calculation for Foundation Checking - Combination 1

load at pile cap bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 6253 0 0 0 0
WC 391 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 543 0 0 0.0 0
braking etc 0 359 58 1854 367
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 48.6 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 36.13 0 0 0 0
pier cap 366.0 0 0 0 0
column 154 0 0 0 0
pile cap 1170 0 0 0 0
soil above pile cap 260 0 0 0 0
total load = 9516 359 58 1854 367
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 6644 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 359 58 1854 367

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other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 2035 0 0 0 0
total load = 8826 359 58 1854 367

6.4 Seismic Effect Calculation

seismic cofficient for designing of sub structure -

ah = 0.120 av = 0.080

longitudinal seismic effect

load effective HL acting ML @ ML @
mass level pile cap pile cap
top bottom
53.93 52.13
sw girder 5287 0 57.29 0 0
sw deck 0 0 57.29 0 0
CB 500 0 57.29 0 0
WC 357 0 57.29 0 0
other 0 0 57.29 0 0
bearing & pedestal 48.6 6 57.09 18 29
reaction blocks 36.125 4 57.09 14 21
Pier cap 366.0 44 56.39 108 187
column 154 18 54.91 18 51
Pile cap 1170 140 57.29 472 724
total for sub structure design HL = 213 ML = 630
total for foundation design HL = 288 ML = 1368

transverse seismic effect

load effective HT acting ML @ ML @
mass level pile cap pile cap
top bottom
53.93 52.13
sw girder 5706 685 57.59 2505 3737
sw deck 0 0 57.59 0 0
CB 547 66 57.59 240 358
WC 391 47 57.59 172 256
LL 109 13 60.35 84 107
other 0 0 57.29 0 0
sub struc & found. 213 630 1013
total for sub structure design HT = 1023 MT = 3630
total for foundation design HT = 1381 MT = 7387

vertical seismic effect

total for sub structure design V= 682
total for foundation design V= 921

total force for seismic effect

seismic condition V HL HT ML MT
total seismic force for sub structure design at pile cap top level -
longitudinal 205 213 307 630 1089
transverse 205 64 1023 189 3630
vertical 682 64 307 189 1089
total seismic force for foundation design at pile cap bottom level -
longitudinal 276 288 414 1368 2216
transverse 276 86 1381 410 7387
vertical 921 86 414 410 2216

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

6.5 Load Calculation for Foundation Checking - Combination Seismic

load at pile cap bottom - longitudinal seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 6253 0 0 0 0
WC 391 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 109 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 72 12 371 73
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 49 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 36 0 0 0 0
pier cap 366 0 0 0 0
column 154 0 0 0 0
pile cap 1170 0 0 0 0
seismic 276 288 414 1368 2216
total load = 9098 359 426 1738 2290
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 6644 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 72 12 371 73
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 1775 0 0 0 0
seismic 276 288 414 1368 2216
total load = 8842 359 426 1738 2290

load at pile cap bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 7047 72 12 371 73
sub struc & found. 1775 0 0 0 0
seismic 276 86 1381 410 7387
total load = 9098 158 1393 781 7460
Min reaction:
super struc. 6791 72 12 371 73
sub struc & found. 1775 0 0 0 0
seismic 276 86 1381 410 7387
total load = 8842 158 1393 781 7460

load at pile cap bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 7047 72 12 371 73
sub struc & found. 1775 0 0 0 0
seismic 921 86 414 410 2216
total load = 9743 158 426 781 2290
Min reaction:
super struc. 6791 72 12 371 73
sub struc & found. 1775 0 0 0 0
seismic 921 86 414 410 2216
total load = 9487 158 426 781 2290

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

6.6 Foundation Checking

load at pile cap bottom

loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination 1
Vmax 9516 359 58 1854 367 364
Vmin 8826 359 58 1854 367 364
for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
Vmax 9098 359 426 1738 2290 557
Vmin 8842 359 426 1738 2290 557
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
Vmax 9098 158 1393 781 7460 1402
Vmin 8842 158 1393 781 7460 1402
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic
Vmax 9743 158 426 781 2290 454
Vmin 9487 158 426 781 2290 454
N =4

Ordinates of pile
Pile RL RT
1 -1.80 1.80

2 -1.80 -1.80
3 1.80 1.80
4 1.80 -1.80


∑ 12.96 12.96

Combination 1
Case 1 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8
2172.6 2070.6 2687.5 2585.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Case 2 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8

2000.1 1898.1 2515.0 2585.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic

Case1 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8
2351.0 1715.1 2834.0 2198.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Case2 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8

2287.1 1651.1 2770.0 2134.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic

Case1 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8
3202.2 1129.9 3419.2 1346.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Case2 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8

3138.3 1065.9 3355.2 1282.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic

Case1 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8
2645.2 2009.2 2862.1 2226.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Case2 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8

2581.3 1945.3 2798.2 2162.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Max/Min load on Pile

loading condition Max Min H per Pile
Combination 1 case 1 2687 0 91
case 2 2585 0 91
Longi. Seismic case 1 2834 0 139
case 2 2770 0 139
Trans. Seismic case 1 3419 0 350
case 2 3355 0 350
Verti. Seismic case 1 2862 0 114
case 2 2798 0 114

Use 1.2 dia pile of length 30m (EGL to FL) having following characteristics -
refer Geotechnical Report - BH-06
vertical load carrying capacity = 2713 ok
uplift capacity = -3760 ok
horizontal load carrying capacity = 360 ok
moment factor for unit horizontal force = 0.82
Pile dia. = 1.2
Scour Depth L1 = 0.0 m
Moment of Inertia of Pile = 0.1018 m4

35 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

E, = 32 Gpa
= 32000 Mpa or MN/m2
= 32000000 Kn/m2

From Geotechnical Report

Depth (m) SPT (N)

3 3
6 7
9 12
12 16
15 11
18 18
21 20
24 17
27 18
28 18
Average N value = 14.000

N value from Geotechnical Report = 14.000

hh = 1.98 Mn/m3

T = 4.400 m
L1/T = 0.0
For given value of L1/T the Ratio Lf/T from IS:2911 (Part1/Sec2) Pg. 15

Lf/T = 2.00
length of fixity (m) Lf = 8.80 m
L1+ Lf = 8.8

6.7 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination 1

load at pile cap bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 8442 0 0 0 0
WC 684 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 539 87 2780 551

36 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 66 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 49 0 0 0 0
pier cap 494 0 0 0 0
column 208 0 0 0 0
pile cap 1580 0 0 0 0
total load = 11816 539 87 2780 551
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 9126 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 539 87 2780 551
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 2396 0 0 0 0
total load = 11669 539 87 2780 551

6.8 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination 2

load at pile cap bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 6253 0 0 0 0
WC 391 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 467 75 2410 477
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 49 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 36 0 0 0 0
pier cap 366 0 0 0 0
column 154 0 0 0 0
pile cap 1170 0 0 0 0
total load = 8713 467 75 2410 477
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 6644 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 467 75 2410 477
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 1775 0 0 0 0
total load = 8566 467 75 2410 477

6.9 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination Seismic

load at pile cap bottom - longitudinal seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 8442 0 0 0 0
WC 684 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 81 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 54 9 278 55
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 66 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 49 0 0 0 0
pier cap 494 0 0 0 0
column 208 0 0 0 0

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

pile cap 1580 0 0 0 0

seismic 414 431 622 2052 3324
total load = 12312 485 630 2330 3379
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 9126 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 30 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 54 9 443 55
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 2396 0 0 0 0
seismic 414 431 622 2052 3324
total load = 12113 485 630 2495 3379

load at pile cap bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 9501 54 9 278 55
sub struc & found. 2396 0 0 0 0
seismic 414 129 2072 615 11081
total load = 12312 183 2081 894 11136
Min reaction:
super struc. 9302 54 9 443 55
sub struc & found. 2396 0 0 0 0
seismic 414 129 2072 615 11081
total load = 12113 183 2081 1059 11136

load at pile cap bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 9501 54 9 278 55
sub struc & found. 2396 0 0 0 0
seismic 1381 129 622 615 3324
total load = 13279 183 630 894 3379
Min reaction:
super struc. 9302 54 9 443 55
sub struc & found. 2396 0 0 0 0
seismic 1381 129 622 615 3324
total load = 13080 183 630 1059 3379

6.10 Foundation Design

load at pile cap bottom
loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination 1
Vmax 11816 539 87 2780 551 546
Vmin 11669 539 87 2780 551 546
for combination 2
Vmax 8713 467 75 2410 477 473
Vmin 8566 467 75 2410 477 473
for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
Vmax 12312 485 630 2330 3379 795
Vmin 12113 485 630 2495 3379 795
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
Vmax 12312 183 2081 894 11136 2089
Vmin 12113 183 2081 1059 11136 2089
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic
Vmax 13279 183 630 894 3379 656
Vmin 13080 183 630 1059 3379 656

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Load on Pile
N= 4.0
Combination 1
loads pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8
case 1 2644 2491 3417 3264 0 0 0 0
case 2 2608 2455 3380 3227 0 0 0 0

pile 9 pile 10 pile 11 pile 12

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

Combination 2
loads pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8
case 1 1910 1777 2579 2447 0 0 0 0
case 2 1873 1741 2542 2410 0 0 0 0

pile 9 pile 10 pile 11 pile 12

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

Longi. Seismic
loads pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8
case 1 3224 2285 3871 2932 0 0 0 0
case 2 3151 2212 3844 2905 0 0 0 0

pile 9 pile 10 pile 11 pile 12

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

Trans. Seismic
loads pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8
case 1 4501 1407 4749 1655 0 0 0 0
case 2 4428 1335 4722 1629 0 0 0 0

pile 9 pile 10 pile 11 pile 12

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

Verti. Seismic
loads pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8
case 1 3665 2726 3913 2975 0 0 0 0
case 2 3592 2654 3886 2948 0 0 0 0

pile 9 pile 10 pile 11 pile 12

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

6.10.1 Structural Design of Piles

dia of pile = 1.2

max pile load = 4749
Max. Hz. Force = 522
min pile load = 0
moment = 1884

Reinforcement -
Minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement required = 0.004Ac = 4524 mm2

39 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Maximum Area of longitudinal reinforcement = 0.025*Ac = 28274 mm2

Dia. Nos. Ast (mm2) % Ast
32 16
12868 1.14 % OK From pile cutoff level to 10.2m
0 0
20 16 5027 0.44 % OK From 10.2m to end of pile

design of pile -
refer Annexure - A2 for design of pile for above said vertical load and moment.

Shear design
shear force = 522 Kn
grade of steel = 500 Fe
grade of concrete = 35 M
depth (as per L A Clarke, depth of equivalent rectangular section = 0.942
effective depth = 0.857
width = 0.942
area of main steel = 12868 mm2

calculation of shear strength of member -

K = 1.4830
ρ1 = 0.016
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.62
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.33
V Rdc = 268 R/F req
provide 12 dia bars no of legs 2
Asw = 226 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 100 mm
V Rdc = 698 R/F safe

6.10.2 Design of Pile Cap

design in longitudinal direction -

Max force in pile = 6888 Kn
lever arm = 1.093 m
moment = 7528 Kn-m
width of pile cap in transverse direction = 5.10 m
moment per m width = 1476
deduction for S/W of pile cap per m width = -62
design moment per m width = 1414

grade of steel = 500 Fe

grade of concrete = 35 M

width = 1.0
overall depth = 1.8
effective depth = 1.71
provide 25 dia bars at spacing 125
+ 0 dia bars at spacing 125
Ast = 3927 mm2
steel percent pt = 0.0023
xu/d = 0.0793
xu/d (lim) = 0.4560
limiting value of steel percent pt lim = 0.0132
min (B/W actual and limiting) % of steel = 0.0023
area of steel = 3927 mm2
moment of resistance = 2824 ok

Distribution steel = 0.12 of Ast.main (Refer clause 16.6.1 of IRC :112-2011)

= 471.24 mm2

Provide distribution steel as 16 f @ 125 c/c

= 1608.50 mm2/m OK
= 0.094 %

40 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

shear force = 6888 Kn

calculation of shear strength of member -
K = 1.342093
ρ1 = 0.002 ok
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.30
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.29
V Rdc = 487 R/F req
provide 12 dia bars no of legs 16
Asw = 1810 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 125 mm
V Rdc = 8906 R/F safe

αcw for бcp = 0 = 1

bw min. breadth of section over depth = 5100.00 mm
Z = 1620.00 mm
v1 = 0.60
fcd =0.44fck = 15.4 Mpa
cotӨ = 1
tanӨ = 1
Vrd max. = 38170.44 Kn
Therefore, Shear Resistance = 8906 Kn
Since critical section lies beyond d distance, no need to provide shear r/f.

design in transverse direction -

Max force in pile = 9249
lever arm = 1.093
moment = 10109
width of pile cap in longitudinal direction = 5.10
moment per m width = 1982
deduction for S/W of pile cap per m width = -18
design moment per m width = 1965

grade of steel = 500 Fe

grade of concrete = 35 M

width = 1.0
overall depth = 3.0
effective depth = 2.91
provide 25 dia bars at spacing 125
+ dia bars at spacing 125
Ast = 3927 mm2
steel percent pt = 0.0013
xu/d = 0.0465
xu/d (lim) = 0.4560
limiting value of steel percent pt lim = 0.0132
min (B/W actual and limiting) % of steel = 0.0013
area of steel = 3927 mm2
moment of resistance = 4880 ok

shear force = 0 Kn
Since critical section lies beyond d distance, no need to provide shear r/f.

Check For Punching Shear : (Refer clause 10.4.5 of IRC :112-2011)

A) Check at Control Perimeter 2d 2.38
Pile cap thickness d = 1.8 m
Density of RCC = 25 kN/m3 0.91
= 2.26
Grade of Concrete fck = 35 Mpa
fcd = 15.63 Mpa 1.2
0.75 = Ved - DVED
max pile load VEd = 4749 kN
Down ward weight of pile cap = 210.36 kN Unfactored
Load factor = 1.35

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DVED = 283.99 kN = 4464.74 kN = / ud

u = Length of perimeter
= 3.88 m = 0.64 N/mm2
K = 1+ Ö 200/d ≤ 2
= 1.11
nmin = 0.031 * K 3/2 fck 1/2
= 0.21
vRd = Max 0.12 K (80 rl fck )^1/3 *2d/a
nmin * 2d/a

a = 0.91
rly = 0.23 %
rlz = 0.09 %
rl = Örly *rlz
= 0.15 %
vRd = Max 3.91 Mpa
0.85 Mpa
= 3.91 Mpa
vRdmax = 1/2 * n *fcd
n = 0.6 [ 1- fck/310 ]
= 0.53
vRdmax = 4.16 Mpa
Check < vRdc
0.64 Mpa < 3.91 Mpa OK

B) Check at face of pile = Ved - DVED
max pile load VEd = 4749 kN
vEd = / uo d
= 3.77 m
vEd = 0.70 Mpa
Check < vRdc
0.70 Mpa < 4.16 Mpa OK

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Calculation of Crack Width Longi. Trans.

grade of concrete = 35 35
Ec = 29580 29580 N/mm2
grade of steel = 500 500
Ec = 200000 200000 N/mm2

width = 1000 1000 mm

depth h = 1800 1800 mm
clear cover c = 75 75 mm
dia of bar = 25 25 mm
dia of bar below main bar = 0 0 mm
spacing of bar = 125 125 mm
no of layers = 1 1

available effective depth d = 1713 1713 mm

neutral axis depth x = 821 821 mm
2.5(h-d) = 219 219 mm
h-x/3 = 1526 1526 mm
h/2 = 900 900 mm
hc,eff = 219 219 mm

kc = 0.40 0.40
k = 0.65 0.65
fct,eff = 2.8 2.8 N/mm2
Act = 979153.094 979153.1 mm2
σs = fyk = 500 500 N/mm2
Asmin = kc k fct,eff Act/σs = 1639 1639 mm2
As provided = 3927 3927 mm2
steel provided is = ok ok

5(c+Ф/2) = 438 438 mm

spacing is = close close
Ac eff = 218750 218750 mm2
ρp,eff = 0.02 0.02
Sr,max = 492 492 mm
spacing provided is = ok ok

design bending moment = 880 924 kNm

σsc = 156 164 N/mm2
kt = 0.50 0.50
αe = 6.76 6.76
εsm - εcm = 0.0005 0.0005
crack width = 0.23 0.24 ok

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

6.11 Load Calculation for Sub Structure Design - Combination Basic

load at column bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 8442 0 0 0 0
WC 684 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 809 87 4170 395
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 66 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 49 0 0 0 0
pier cap 494 0 0 0 0
column 208 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
total load = 10236 809 87 4170 395
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 9126 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 809 87 4170 395
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 816 0 0 0 0
total load = 10089 809 87 4170 395

6.12 Load Calculation for Sub Structure Design - Combination Accidental

load at column bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 6253 0 0 0 0
WC 391 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 270 43 1390 197
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 49 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 36 0 0 0 0
pier cap 366 0 0 0 0
column 154 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
total load = 7543 270 43 1390 197
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 6644 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 270 43 1390 197
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 605 0 0 0 0
total load = 7396 270 43 1390 197

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6.13 Load Calculation for Sub Structure Design - Combination Seismic

load at column bottom - longitudinal seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 8442 0 0 0 0
WC 684 0 0 0 0
FPLL 294 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 66 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 49 0 0 0 0
pier cap 494 0 0 0 0
column 208 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
seismic 307 319 460 945 1633
total load = 10543 319 460 945 1633
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 9126 0 0 0 0
FPLL 147 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 816 0 0 0 0
seismic 307 319 460 945 1633
total load = 10396 319 460 945 1633

load at column bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 9420 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 816 0 0 0 0
seismic 307 96 1535 283 5445
total load = 10543 96 1535 283 5445
Min reaction:
super struc. 9273 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 816 0 0 0 0
seismic 307 96 1535 283 5445
total load = 10396 96 1535 283 5445

load at column bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 9420 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 816 0 0 0 0
seismic 1023 96 460 283 1633
total load = 11259 96 460 283 1633
Min reaction:
super struc. 9273 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 816 0 0 0 0
seismic 1023 96 460 283 1633
total load = 11112 96 460 283 1633

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6.14 Column Design

load at column bottom

loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination Basic
Vmax 10236 809 87 4170 395 813
Vmin 10089 809 87 4170 395 813
for combination Accidental
Vmax 7543 270 43 1390 197 273
Vmin 7396 270 43 1390 197 273
for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
Vmax 10543 319 460 945 1633 560
Vmin 10396 319 460 945 1633 560
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
Vmax 10543 96 1535 283 5445 1538
Vmin 10396 96 1535 283 5445 1538
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic
Vmax 11259 96 460 283 1633 470
Vmin 11112 96 460 283 1633 470

Reinforcement :
Minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement required = 0.0024Ac = 7540 mm2
Maximum Area of longitudinal reinforcement = 0.04*Ac = 125664 mm2

provide Dia. Nos.

20 40
0 0

Longitudinal reinforcement provided = 12566 mm2 OK

= 0.40 %

design of column -
refer Annexure - A2 for design of pier for above said vertical load and moment.

Shear design

dia of pier shaft = 2m

shear force = 769 Kn
grade of steel = 500 Fe
grade of concrete = 40 M
depth (as per L A Clarke, depth of equivalent rectangular section = 1.571
effective depth = 1.521
width = 1.571
area of main steel = 12566 mm2

calculation of shear strength of member -

K = 1.363
ρ1 = 0.005
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.42
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.31
V Rdc = 745 R/F req
provide 16 dia bars no of legs 1
Asw = 201 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 100 mm
V Rdc = 1101 R/F safe

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

6.15 Design of Pier cap

Loads (Unfactored) Brng1 Brng2 Brng3 Brng4 Brng5 Brng6

DL 2646.00 0.00 3060.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WC 181.00 0.00 210.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CB 253.00 0.00 294.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
LL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Factored Loads
Loads (Unfactored) Brng1 Brng2 Brng3 Brng4 Brng5 Brng6
DL 1.35 3572.1 0.0 4131.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WC 1.75 316.8 0.0 367.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Railing 1.35 341.6 0.0 396.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
LL 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Design Moment in Longitudinal Direction

Longitudinal Moment = 5140 Kn-m

Due to self weight of pier cap = 245 Kn-m
Longitudinal direction = 5385 Kn-m

grade of steel = 500 Fe

grade of concrete = 40 M

width = 2.4
overall depth = 1.0
effective depth = 0.94
provide 32 dia bars at spacing 125
+ 0 dia bars at spacing 125
Ast = 15442 mm2
steel percent pt = 0.0068
xu/d = 0.2059
xu/d (lim) = 0.4560
limiting value of steel percent pt lim = 0.0151
min (B/W actual and limiting) % of steel = 0.0068
area of steel = 15442 mm2
moment of resistance = 5801 ok

shear force = 5385 Kn

calculation of shear strength of member -
K = 1.46
ρ1 = 0.007 ok
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.48
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.35
V Rdc = 784 R/F req
provide 20 dia bars no of legs 8
Asw = 2513 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 125 mm
effective depth at face of outer pedestal = 1.159
V Rdc = 8389 R/F safe

αcw for бcp = 0 = 1

bw min. breadth of section over depth = 2400.00 mm
Z = 900.00 mm
v1 = 0.60
fcd =0.44fck = 17.6 Mpa

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

cotӨ = 1
tanӨ = 1
Vrd max. = 11404.8 Kn
Therefore, Shear Resistance = 8389 Kn

Side Face Reinforcement: = 0.05% of cross-sectional area

= 1200 mm2

Required Asv = 1200 mm2 (both side)

No. of legs = 2
No of rows = 10
Dia of links = 16 mm
Area of links provided = 4021 mm2 > 1200
Safe. mm2

Check for Torsion ( At the face of Pier)

Left Span Right Span Load Diff e Torsion (kNm)

Reaction at Bearings 3080.0 3564.0 484 0 0

Width of section = 7.40 m Top width

Min width of section = 2.40 m Bottom width

Depth consider for torsion design = 1.80 m

Clear cover used = 50 mm

Dia of stirrups = 16 mm
Spacing of stirrups (Sv) = 200 mm
Grade of concrete = 40 Mpa
Grade of steel = 415 Mpa
hmin = 1800 mm
hmax = 2400 mm

Smaller centre line dimension of stirrups (X1) = 1684 mm

Larger centre line dimension of stirrups (Y1) = 2284 mm

Torsional shear stress (vt) = 0 N/mm2

Vt min = 0.42 N/mm2

Ast required = 0 mm2

provided dia = 16 mm
provided As = 201 mm2 OK
Total shear stress (Normal shear + Torsional shear ) = 0 Mpa OK

6.16 Design of Seismic Stopper

If av < d considered to be brackets or, corbels
If av > d designed as a cantilever beam

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

The section at the face of support shall be designed to resist simultaneously

a factored shear force Vu, and a concurrent factored horizontal tensile force
Nuc .
(Unless special provisions are made to prevent the tensile force,Nuc from
developing , it shall not be taken to be less than 0.2Vu )

Transverse Stopper

Grade of steel = Fe 500

Grade of concrete = M 40
perm. Stress in steel, fy = 435.0 Mpa
perm. Strs. In concr., fck = 17.87 Mpa
total transverse force on pedestal = 3646
no. of pedestals = 1
force on each pedestal = 3646
Vu = 3646 Kn
Nuc = 0 Kn
Nuc design = 729.28 Kn
h = 900 mm
d = 860 mm
width of pedestal (bv) = 900 mm
av = 720 mm

design as corbel

Flexural Reinforcement (As)

Reinforcement As to resist the factored force effects shall be determined as
for ordinary members subjected to flexure and axial load
Design moment, Mu = 2654.58 Kn-m
[Mu=Vu.av + Nuc(h-d) ]
design moment (Kn-m) 2654.58
width of comp. flange mm 900
width of tension flange 900
overall depth mm 900
effective depth mm 860
bar dia. provided mm 32 dia.
no. of layer 2
no. of bar 6
spacing mm 150.0
Ast. Provided mm2 9650.97
steel percent provided pt 0.0125
xu/d 0.377
Xu (depth of NA) mm 323.98
xu/d lim. 0.456
limiting steel percentage pt lim. 0.015
Moment of resistance (MR) Kn-m 3044.6 okay
Area of primary tension reinforcement As , shall satisfy :-

As >= 2.Avf/3 + An = 1737.0 mm2

As = 9650.97 mm2
okay Shear Check

Shear force Vu = 3646 Kn

say provided shear reinf. Av
16 dia. 6 legged 0 nos. spacing 125
0 dia. 0 legged 0 nos.
0 dia. 0 legged 0 nos.
Av 1206.4 mm2
check for min. shear reinf. ok

Min. shear reinf. Av >= 0.083*√f'

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

min. Shear reinf. Reqd. = 90.73 mm2

Shear stress on concrete τc = (Vu-ФVp)/Ф.bv.dv
= 4.7 Mpa
% Ast provided σ1 = 1.25 % Nominal Shear Resistance AASHTO

Vn1 = Vc+Vs+Vp with shear reinf.

Vn2 = 0.25fc'.bv.dv +Vp

without shear reinf.

Shear resistance without Shear Reinf.

Vn2 = 3457.2 shear reinf. Required

Shear resistance with Shear Reinf.

Vc = 0.083β.√f' β ɵ α
= 543.1 kn 2 45 90

Vs = Av.fy.dv.cotɵ = 3610.43 Kn
Nominal Shear Resistance = Vc + Vs
= 4153.52 Kn

Reinforcement An or Ah, (resisting Hz. Tensile force Nuc)

Force = 729.28 Kn
fy perm. = 435.0 Mpa
An reqd. (Nuc/fy) = 1676.51 mm2

Reinforcement Reqd. due to Cable Curvature (In Plane Force Effect)

Fu-in = Pu/R (R = 8.394

= 434.41 n/mm
Ast reqd. (Asp) = 998.63 mm2
Ast per meter = 1.11
Ast upto 2/3d = 0.00 mm2

Therefore reinf. Ah reqd. below As = Avf+An+Asp

(within 2d/3 distance = 1767.24
Area of closed stirrups or ties placed within a distance equal to 2de/3 from the
primary reinforcement shall satisfy :-
Ah >= 0.5(As-An) = 3987.2 mm2
say 25 dia. 6 nos. layer

Provided = 5890.49

6.17 Pedestal for longitudinally guided bearing

Design in Transverse direction

Grade of steel = Fe 500
Grade of concrete = M 40
perm. Stress in steel, fy = 435.0 Mpa
perm. Strs. In concr., fck = 17.87 Mpa
total transverse force on pedestal = 3646
no. of pedestals = 1
force on each pedestal = 3646
Vu = 3646 Kn
Nuc = 0 Kn
Nuc design = 729.28 Kn
h = 900 mm
d = 860 mm
width of pedestal (bv) = 900 mm
av = 400 mm

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design as corbel

Flexural Reinforcement (As)

Reinforcement As to resist the factored force effects shall be determined as
for ordinary members subjected to flexure and axial load
Design moment, Mu = 1487.73 Kn-m
[Mu=Vu.av + Nuc(h-d) ]
design moment (Kn-m) 1487.73
width of comp. flange mm 900
width of tension flange 900
overall depth mm 900
effective depth mm 860
bar dia. provided mm 25 dia.
no. of layer 2
no. of bar 5
spacing mm 180.0
Ast. Provided mm2 4908.74
steel percent provided pt 0.0063
xu/d 0.192
Xu (depth of NA) mm 164.78
xu/d lim. 0.456
limiting steel percentage pt lim. 0.015
Moment of resistance (MR) Kn-m 1690.0 okay
Area of primary tension reinforcement As , shall satisfy :-

As >= 2.Avf/3 + An = 1749.1 mm2

As = 4908.74 mm2
okay Shear Check

Shear force Vu = 3646 Kn

say provided shear reinf. Av
20 dia. 4 legged 0 nos. spacing 150
0 dia. 0 legged 0 nos.
0 dia. 0 legged 0 nos.
Av 1256.6 mm2
check for min. shear reinf. ok

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Min. shear reinf. Av >= 0.083*√f'
min. Shear reinf. Reqd. = 108.88 mm2

Shear stress on concrete τc = (Vu-ФVp)/Ф.bv.dv
= 4.7 Mpa
% Ast provided σ1 = 0.63 % Nominal Shear Resistance AASHTO

Vn1 = Vc+Vs+Vp with shear reinf.

Vn2 = 0.25fc'.bv.dv +Vp

without shear reinf.

Shear resistance without Shear Reinf.

Vn2 = 3457.2 shear reinf. Required

Shear resistance with Shear Reinf.

Vc = 0.083β.√f' β ɵ α
= 543.1 kn 2 45 90

Vs = Av.fy.dv.cotɵ = 3134.05283 Kn
Nominal Shear Resistance = Vc + Vs
= 3677.14 Kn

Reinforcement An or Ah, (resisting Hz. Tensile force Nuc)

Force = 729.28 Kn
fy perm. = 435.0 Mpa
An reqd. (Nuc/fy) = 1676.51 mm2

Reinforcement Reqd. due to Cable Curvature (In Plane Force Effect)

Fu-in = Pu/R (R = 8.394

= 434.41 n/mm
Ast reqd. (Asp) = 998.63 mm2
Ast per meter = 1.11
Ast upto 2/3d = 0 mm2

Therefore reinf. Ah reqd. below As = Avf+An+Asp

(within 2d/3 distance = 1785.39
Area of closed stirrups or ties placed within a distance equal to 2de/3 from the
primary reinforcement shall satisfy :-
Ah >= 0.5(As-An) = 1616.1 mm2
say 20 dia. 4 nos. layer

Provided = 2513.3

6.18 Pedestal for free bearing

Design in transverse direction

Grade of steel = Fe 500
Grade of concrete = M 40
perm. Stress in steel, fy = 435.0 Mpa
perm. Strs. In concr., fck = 17.867 Mpa
total transverse force on pedestal = 1013
no. of pedestals = 2
force on each pedestal = 506
Vu = 506 Kn
Nuc = 0 Kn
Nuc design = 101.289 Kn
h = 900 mm

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d = 860 mm
width of pedestal (bv) = 900 mm
av = 400 mm

design as corbel

Flexural Reinforcement (As)

Reinforcement As to resist the factored force effects shall be determined as
for ordinary members subjected to flexure and axial load
Design moment, Mu = 206.63 Kn-m
[Mu=Vu.av + Nuc(h-d) ]
design moment (Kn-m) 206.63
width of comp. flange mm 900
width of tension flange 900

53 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

overall depth mm 900

effective depth mm 860
bar dia. provided mm 16 dia.
no. of layer 1
no. of bar 6
spacing mm 150.0
Ast. Provided mm2 1206.37
steel percent provided pt 0.0016
xu/d 0.047
Xu (depth of NA) mm 40.50
xu/d lim. 0.456
limiting steel percentage pt lim. 0.015
Moment of resistance (MR) Kn-m 442.5 okay
Area of primary tension reinforcement As , shall satisfy :-

As >= 2.Avf/3 + An = 305.4 mm2

As = 1206.37 mm2
okay Shear Check

Shear force Vu = 506 Kn

say provided shear reinf. Av
12 dia. 2 legged 0 nos. spacing 150
0 dia. 0 legged 0 nos.
0 dia. 0 legged 0 nos.
Av 226.2 mm2
check for min. shear reinf. ok

Min. shear reinf. Av >= 0.083*√f'
min. Shear reinf. Reqd. = 108.88 mm2

Shear stress on concrete τc = (Vu-ФVp)/Ф.bv.dv
= 0.7 Mpa
% Ast provided σ1 = 0.16 % Nominal Shear Resistance AASHTO

Vn1 = Vc+Vs+Vp with shear reinf.

Vn2 = 0.25fc'.bv.dv +Vp

without shear reinf.
Shear resistance without Shear Reinf.
Vn2 = 3457.2 provide nominal shear reinf.

Shear resistance with Shear Reinf.

Vc = 0.083β.√f' β ɵ α
= 543.1 kn 2 45 90

Vs = Av.fy.dv.cotɵ = 564.12951 Kn
Nominal Shear Resistance = Vc + Vs
= 1107.22 Kn

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern
side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Chapter - 7

Design of Abutment (A1)

7.1 Levels and Dimensions

all the levels given in this section are for design purpose only.
formation = 58.326 m
WC thickness = 0.065 m
Voided Slab depth = 1.800 m
deck depth = 0.000 m
bearing top = 56.461 m
cap top = 56.061 m
Abutment cap thickness = 0.48 m
Abt. width = 8.50 m
cap bottom = 55.579 m
EGL = 55.480 m
Soil above pile cap Lvl = 0.500 m
pile cap thickness = 1.800 m
pile cap top = 54.98 m
pile cap bottom = 53.18 m
width of Abutment = 1.63 m
height from bearing top to pile cap bottom = 3.28 m
height from bearing top to column bottom = 1.48 m
total clear height of Abutment = 0.60 m
LA for braking = 6.35 m
pile cap thickness = 1.80 m
pile cap width = 5.10 m
pile cap length = 8.70 m

7.2 Super Structure Load Effect

vertial load caused by S/W of Superst. = 2238 0
vertial load caused by S/W of deck = 0 0
vertial load caused by CB = 205 0
vertial load caused by WC = 147 0
vertial load caused by SS max = 0 0
min = 0 0
vertial load caused by LL max = 440 728
min = -38 42

braking force = 128 Kn

7.2 b Earth Pressure Calculations

Soil Data :-
degree radians
Angle of wall a 90.0 1.57 With respect
Slope of filling b 0.0 0 to horizontal
Angle of wall friction d 20.0 0.35
Angle of internal friction f 30.0 0.52

Coefficient of active earth pressure

Ka = sin2(a+f)
sin a sin(a-d)[ 1 + {sin(f+d)sin(f-b)/(sin(a-d)sin(a+b))}0.5]2

= 0.297

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At pile
At pile cap
density of soil ϒ = 0 0 Kn/m3
Coefficient of active earth pressure Kah = 0.297 0.297
Height of earth on back side H = 2.98 4.78 m
Horizontal Pressure P= K ah
x g x H^2/2 = 0.00 0.00 Kn/m
Hz. Force on entire Abut. = 0.00 0.00 Kn
LA = 0.99 1.59 m
Due to surcharge of 1.2m of ht. Soil = 0.00 0.00 Kn/m
Hz. Force on entire Abutment = 0.0 0.0 Kn
LA = 1.49 2.39 m

Seismic case
Dynamic Active Earth Pressure

Av (vertical Seismic Coefficient) = 0.08 (factor 1.35 not taken)

φ (Angle of internal friction of soil) = 0.52 rad
λ = tan-1 Ah/(1+- Av) a) λ = 0.11 rad
b) λ = 0.13 rad
α (angle which earth face of wall makes with vertical) = 0.00 rad
β (slope of earthfill) = 0.00
δ (angle of friction between wall & earthfill) = 0.35 rad
Ah (Hz. Seismic coeff.) Ah= Z/2 = 0.12
At pile
At pile cap
Ca1 = 0.422 0.422
Ca2 = 0.359 0.359
Dynamic Earth Pressure coeff. = 0.422 0.422
Ca-Ka = 0.124 0.124
Hz. Pressure due to Ca 1/2.(Ca-Ka).ϒH = 0.00 0.00 Kn/m2
Force acting at H/2 = 0.00 0.00 Kn
L.A = 1.491 2.391 m

7.3 Load Calculation for Foundation Checking - Combination 1

load at pile cap bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
About TT About LL
Max reaction:
DL+CB 2443 0 0 0 0
WC 147 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 440 0 0 0 728
braking etc 0 152 58 497 259
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 24.3 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 36.13 0 0 0 0
Abt Cap 167.0 0 0 0 0
Abutment 0 0 0 0 0
EP 0 0 0.00
LL Surcharge 0.0 0 0.00
Soil above pile cap 0 0 0.00
pile cap 1997 0 0 0 0
total load = 5254 152 58 497 987

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Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 2590 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL -38 0 0 0 42
braking etc 0 152 58 497 259
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 2224 0 0 0 0
total load = 4776 152 58 497 301

7.4 Seismic Effect Calculation

seismic cofficient for checking of sub structure -

ah = 0.1200 av = 0.0800

longitudinal seismic effect

load effective HL acting ML @ ML @
mass level pile cap pile cap
top bottom
54.98 53.18
sw super 2238 269 56.46 398 881
sw deck 0 0 56.46 0 0
CB 205 25 56.46 36 81
WC 147 18 56.46 26 58
other 0 0 56.46 0 0
bearing & pedestal 24.3 3 56.26 4 9
reaction blocks 36.13 4 56.26 6 13
Abt cap 167.0 20 55.82 17 53
Abt 0 0 55.28 0 0
at pile cap
EP 0 0 0
at pile cap
bottom 0 0 0

Dynamic at pile cap

0 0 0
E.P top
at pile cap
bottom 0 0 0

LL Surcharge 0 0 0 0
Soil above pile cap 0 0 0
pile cap 0 0 0
other 0 0 56.46 0 0
total for sub structure design HL = 338 ML = 486
total for foundation checking HL = 456 ML = 1478

transverse seismic effect

load effective HT acting ML @ ML @
mass level pile cap pile cap
top bottom
54.98 53.18
sw superst. 2238 269 57.36 639 1123
sw deck 0 0 57.36 0 0
CB 205 25 57.36 59 103
WC 147 18 57.36 42 74
LL 88 11 59.53 48 67
other 0 0 56.46 0 0
sub struc & found. 27 26 75
total for sub checking HT = 349 MT = 814
total for foundation checking HT = 471 MT = 1946

vertical seismic effect

total for sub structure design V= 232
total for foundation checking V= 314

total force from seismic effect

Combinations : 100%LL+30%Trans+30% Vert. and others

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seismic condition V HL HT ML MT
total seismic force for sub structure design at pile cap top level -
longitudinal 70 338 105 486 244
transverse 70 101 349 146 814
vertical 232 101 105 146 244
total seismic force for foundation design at pile cap bottom level -
longitudinal 94 456 141 1478 584
transverse 94 137 471 443 1946
vertical 314 137 141 443 584

7.5 Load Calculation for Foundation Checking - Combination Seismic

load at pile cap bottom - longitudinal seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 2443 0 0 0 0
WC 147 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 88 0 0 0 146
braking etc 0 30 12 99 52
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 24 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 36 0 0 0 0
pier cap 167 0 0 0 0
Abt 0 0 0 0 0
EP 0 added added
added added
Dynamic E.P 0 added previously previously
LL Surcharge 0 added 0 0 0
pile cap 1997 0 0 0 0
seismic 94 456 141 1478 584
total load = 4996 487 153 1578 781
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 2590 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL -8 0 0 0 8
braking etc 0 30 12 99 52
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 2224 0 0 0 0
seismic 94 456 141 1478 584
total load = 4901 487 153 1578 644

load at pile cap bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 2678 30 12 99 197
sub struc & found. 2224 0 0 0 0
seismic 94 137 471 443 1946
total load = 4996 167 482 543 2144
Min reaction:
super struc. 2582 30 12 99 60
sub struc & found. 2224 0 0 0 0
seismic 94 137 471 443 1946
total load = 4901 167 482 543 2006

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load at pile cap bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 2678 30 12 99 197
sub struc & found. 2224 0 0 0 0
seismic 314 137 141 443 584
total load = 5216 167 153 543 781
Min reaction:
super struc. 2582 30 12 99 60
sub struc & found. 2224 0 0 0 0
seismic 314 137 141 443 584
total load = 5120 167 153 543 644

7.6 Foundation Checking

load at pile cap bottom

loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination 1
Vmax 5254 152 58 497 987 162
Vmin 4776 152 58 497 301 162
for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
Vmax 4996 487 153 1578 781 510
Vmin 4901 487 153 1578 644 510
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
Vmax 4996 167 482 543 2144 510
Vmin 4901 167 482 543 2006 510
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic
Vmax 5216 167 153 543 781 226
Vmin 5120 167 153 543 644 226

N =6 ZL = 19.4 ZT = 51.8

Ordinates of pile
T Pile RL RT
1 -1.80 3.60
2 -1.80 0.00
3 -1.80 -3.60
4 4 1.80 3.60
5 1.80 0.00
6 1.80 -3.60
L L 9

∑ 19.4 51.8

Combination 1
Case 1
Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10
898.2 829.6 761.1 990.2 921.7 853.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 11 Pile 12
0.0 0.0

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Case 2
Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10
770.9 750.0 729.1 862.9 842.0 821.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 11 Pile 12
0.0 0.0

for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10
740.9 686.6 632.4 1033.0 978.8 924.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 11 Pile 12
0.0 0.0

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10
715.4 670.7 626.0 1007.6 962.8 918.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 11 Pile 12
0.0 0.0

for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10
931.3 782.4 633.6 1031.8 883.0 734.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 11 Pile 12
0.0 0.0

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10
905.8 766.5 627.2 1006.4 867.0 727.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 11 Pile 12
0.0 0.0

for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10
873.3 819.0 764.8 973.8 919.6 865.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 11 Pile 12
0.0 0.0

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10
847.8 803.1 758.4 948.4 903.6 858.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pile 11 Pile 12
0.0 0.0

Max/Min load on Pile

loading condition Max Min H per Pile
Combination 1 case 1 990 761 27
case 2 863 729 27
Longi. Seismic case 1 1033 632 85
case 2 1008 626 85
Trans. Seismic case 1 1032 634 85
case 2 1006 627 85
Verti. Seismic case 1 974 765 38
case 2 948 758 38

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Use 1.2 dia pile of length 20m (EGL to FL) having following characteristics -
refer Geotechnical Report - BH-01
vertical load carrying capacity = 1535 ok
uplift capacity = -900 ok
horizontal load carrying capacity = 200 ok
moment red. factor for unit horizontal force = 0.91
Pile dia. = 1.2
Scour Depth L1 = 0.0 m
Moment of Inertia of Pile = 0.10179 m4
E, = 32 Gpa
= 32000 Mpa or MN/m2
= 32000000 Kn/m2

From Geotechnical Report

Depth (m) SPT (N)

3 3
6 13
9 22
12 22
15 25
18 38
21 13
24 33
27 38
30 25
Average N value = 23.200

N value from Geotechnical Report = 23.200

hh = 3.301 Mn/m3

T = 3.970 m
L1/T = 0.0
For given value of L1/T the Ratio Lf/T from IS:2911 (Part1/Sec2) Pg. 15

Lf/T = 2.25
length of fixity (m) Lf = 8.9 m
L1+ Lf = 8.9

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7.7 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination 1

load at pile cap bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 3298 0 0 0 0
WC 257 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 660 0 0 0 1092
braking etc 0 227 87 746 388
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 33 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 49 0 0 0 0
Abt cap 225 0 0 0 0
Abt 0 0 0 0 0
EP 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
LL Surcharge 0.00 0 0.00 0
Soil above pile cap 0 0 0 0.00 0
pile cap 2695 0 0 0 0

total load = 7218 227 87 746 1480

Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 3555 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL -57 0 0 0 63
braking etc 0 227 87 746 388
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 3002 0 0 0 0
total load = 6501 227 87 746 451

7.8 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination 2

load at pile cap bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 2443 0 0 0 0
WC 147 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 572 0 0 0 947
braking etc 0 197 75 646 336
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 24 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 36 0 0 0 0
pier cap 167 0 0 0 0
column 0 0 0 0 0
pile cap 1997 0 0 0 0
total load = 5386 197 75 646 1283
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 2590 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL -49 0 0 0 54
braking etc 0 197 75 646 336
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 2224 0 0 0 0
total load = 4765 197 75 646 391

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

7.9 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination Seismic

load at pile cap bottom - longitudinal seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 3298 0 0 0 0
WC 257 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 66 0 0 0 109
braking etc 0 23 9 75 39
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 33 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 49 0 0 0 0
Abt cap 225 0 0 0 0
Abt shaft 0 0 0 0 0
pile cap 2695 0 0 0 0
seismic 141 685 212 2217 876
total load = 6765 707 220 2292 1024
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 3555 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL -6 0 0 0 6
braking etc 0 23 9 75 39
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 3002 0 0 0 0
seismic 141 685 212 2217 876
total load = 6693 707 220 2292 921

load at pile cap bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 3621 23 9 75 148
sub struc & found. 3002 0 0 0 0
seismic 141 205 706 665 2919
total load = 6765 228 715 740 3067
Min reaction:
super struc. 3550 23 9 75 45
sub struc & found. 3002 0 0 0 0
seismic 141 205 706 665 2919
total load = 6693 228 715 740 2965

load at pile cap bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 3621 23 9 75 148
sub struc & found. 3002 0 0 0 0
seismic 471 205 212 665 876
total load = 7094 228 220 740 1024
Min reaction:
super struc. 3550 23 9 75 45
sub struc & found. 3002 0 0 0 0
seismic 471 205 212 665 876
total load = 7023 228 220 740 921

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7.10 Foundation Design

load at pile cap bottom

loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination 1
Vmax 7218 227 87 746 1480 243
Vmin 6501 227 87 746 451 243
for combination 2
Vmax 5386 197 75 646 1283 211
Vmin 4765 197 75 646 391 211
for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
Vmax 6765 707 220 2292 1024 741
Vmin 6693 707 220 2292 921 741
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
Vmax 6765 228 715 740 3067 750
Vmin 6693 228 715 740 2965 750
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic
Vmax 7094 228 220 740 1024 317
Vmin 7023 228 220 740 921 317

load on Pile
N= 6.0
Combination 1
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9 pile 10
1237 1134 1031 1375 1272 1169 0 0 0 0
1046 1014 983 1184 1152 1121 0 0 0 0

pile 11 pile 12
0 0
0 0

Combination 2
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9 pile 10
927 838 749 1047 958 868 0 0 0 0
761 734 707 881 854 827 0 0 0 0

pile 11 pile 12
0 0
0 0

Longi. Seismic
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9 pile 10
986 915 844 1411 1340 1269 0 0 0 0
967 903 839 1392 1328 1264 0 0 0 0

pile 11 pile 12
0 0
0 0

Trans. Seismic
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9 pile 10
1272 1059 846 1409 1196 983 0 0 0 0
1253 1047 841 1390 1184 978 0 0 0 0

pile 11 pile 12
0 0
0 0

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Verti. Seismic
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9 pile 10
1185 1114 1043 1322 1251 1180 0 0 0 0
1166 1102 1038 1303 1239 1175 0 0 0 0

pile 11 pile 12
0 0
0 0

7.10.1 Structural Design of Piles

dia of pile = 1.2

max pile load = 1411
Max. Hz. Force = 125 Kn
min pile load = 707
moment = 508 Kn-m

Reinforcement -
Minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement required = 0.004Ac = 4524 mm2
Maximum Area of longitudinal reinforcement = 0.025*Ac = 28274 mm2

provide Dia. Nos.

20 16 From pile cutoff level to end of pile
0 0

Longitudinal reinforcement provided = 5027 mm2 OK

= 0.44 %

design of pile -

refer Annexure - A3 for design of pile for above said vertical load and moment.

Shear design

shear force = 125 Kn

grade of steel = 500 Fe
grade of concrete = 35 M
depth (as per L A Clarke, depth of equivalent rectangular section = πD/4) = 0.942
effective depth = 0.819
width = 0.942
area of main steel = 5027 mm2

calculation of shear strength of member -

K = 1.4940
ρ1 = 0.007
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.47
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.33
V Rdc = 259 R/F not req
provide 10 dia bars no of legs 2
Asw = 157 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 100 mm
V Rdc = 463 R/F safe

7.10.2 Design of Pile Cap

Design in longitudinal direction -

max force in (pile 1+2+3 ) or (pile 4+5+6) = 4019 Kn
lever arm = 1.25
max force (pile2+pile6) = 0 Kn
LA = 0m
moment = 5024 Kn-m
width of pile cap in transverse direction = 8.70
moment per m width = 577
deduction for S/W of pile cap per m width = -41

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

design moment per m width = 536 Kn-m

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

grade of steel = 500 Fe

grade of concrete = 35 M

width = 1.0
overall depth = 1.80
effective depth = 1.70
provide 20 dia bars at spacing 125
+ 0 dia bars at spacing 125
Ast = 2513 mm2
steel percent pt = 0.0015
xu/d = 0.0510
xu/d (lim) = 0.4560
limiting value of steel percent pt lim = 0.0132
min (B/W actual and limiting) % of steel = 0.0015
area of steel = 2513 mm2
moment of resistance = 1819 ok

Distribution steel = 0.12 of Ast.mai (Refer clause 16.6.1 of IRC :112-2011)

= 301.59 mm2

Provide distribution steel as 16 f @ 125 c/c

= 1608.50 mm2/m OK
= 0.095 %

shear force = 3148 Kn per m

calculation of shear strength of member -
K = 1.3429972
ρ1 = 0.001 ok
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.26
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.29
β = 2.00
V Rdc = 876 R/F not req

Check For Punching Shear : (Refer clause 10.4.5 of IRC :112-2011)

A) Check at Control Perimeter 2d 2.38
Pile cap thickness d = 1.8 m
Density of RCC = 25 kN/m3 0.91
= 2.26
Grade of Concrete fck = 35 Mpa
fcd = 15.63 Mpa 1.2
0.75 = Ved - DVED
max pile load VEd = 1411 kN
Down ward weight of pile cap = 210.36 kN Unfactored
Load factor = 1.35
DVED = 283.99 kN = 1126.81 kN = / ud

u = Length of perimeter
= 3.88 m = 0.16 N/mm2
K = 1+ Ö 200/d ≤ 2
= 1.11
nmin = 0.031 * K 3/2 fck 1/2
= 0.21
vRd = Max 0.12 K (80 rl fck )^1/3 *2d/a
nmin * 2d/a

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a = 0.91
rly = 0.15 %
rlz = 0.09 %
rl = Örly *rlz
= 0.12 %
vRd = Max 3.63 Mpa
0.85 Mpa
= 3.63 Mpa
vRdmax = 1/2 * n *fcd
n = 0.6 [ 1- fck/310 ]
= 0.53
vRdmax = 4.16 Mpa
Check < vRdc
0.16 Mpa < 3.63 Mpa OK

B) Check at face of pile = Ved - DVED
max pile load VEd = 1411 kN
vEd = / uo d
= 3.77 m
vEd = 0.21 Mpa
Check < vRdc
0.21 Mpa < 4.16 Mpa OK

Calculation of Crack Width Longi. Trans.

grade of concrete = 35 35
Ec = 32000 32000 N/mm2
grade of steel = 500 500
Ec = 200000 200000 N/mm2

width = 1000 1000 mm

depth h = 1800 1800 mm
clear cover c = 75 75 mm
dia of bar = 20 20 mm
dia of bar below main bar = 0 0 mm
spacing of bar = 125 125 mm
no of layers = 1 1

available effective depth d = 1715 1715 mm

neutral axis depth x = 821 821 mm
2.5(h-d) = 213 213 mm
h-x/3 = 1526 1526 mm
h/2 = 900 900 mm
hc,eff = 213 213 mm

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kc = 0.40 0.40
k = 0.65 0.65
fct,eff = 2.8 2.8 N/mm2
Act = 979153.094 979153.09 mm2
σs = fyk = 500 500 N/mm2
Asmin = kc k fct,eff Act/σs = 1639 1639 mm2
As provided = 2513 2513 mm2
steel provided is = ok ok

5(c+Ф/2) = 425 425 mm

spacing is = close close
Ac eff = 212500 212500 mm2
ρp,eff = 0.01 0.01
Sr,max = 542 542 mm
spacing provided is = ok ok

design bending moment = 305 0 kNm

σsc = 84 0 N/mm2
kt = 0.50 0.50
αe = 6.25 6.25
εsm - εcm = 0.0003 0.0000
crack width = 0.14 0.00 ok

7.11 Load Calculation for Sub Structure Design - Combination Basic

load at column bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 3298 0 0 0 0
WC 257 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 660 0 0 0 1092
braking etc 0 227 87 337 232
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 33 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 49 0 0 0 0
Abt cap cap 225 0 0 0 0
Abt shaft 0 0 0 0 0
EP 0 0 0.00 0 0
LL Surcharge 0 0 0.00 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
total load = 4522 227 87 337 1325
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 3555 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL -57 0 0 0 63
braking etc 0 227 87 337 232
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 307 0 0 0 0
total load = 3805 227 87 337 295

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7.12 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination Accidental

load at column bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 2443 0 0 0 0
WC 147 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 330 0 0 0 546
braking etc 0 114 43 168 116
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 24 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 36 0 0 0 0
pier cap 167 0 0 0 0
column 0 0 0 0 0
EP 0 0 0 0 0
LL Surcharge 0 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
total load = 3147 114 43 168 662
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 2590 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL -29 0 0 0 31
braking etc 0 114 43 168 116
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 227 0 0 0 0
total load = 2789 114 43 168 147

7.13 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination Seismic

load at column bottom - longitudinal seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 3298 0 0 0 0
WC 257 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 66 0 0 0 109
braking etc 0 23 0 34 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 33 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 49 0 0 0 0
pier cap 225 0 0 0 0
column 0 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
seismic 105 507 157 730 366
total load = 4033 530 157 763 476
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 3555 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 23 0 34 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 307 0 0 0 0
seismic 105 507 157 730 366
total load = 3967 530 157 763 366

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load at column bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 3621 23 0 34 109
sub struc & found. 307 0 0 0 0
seismic 105 152 523 219 1221
total load = 4033 175 523 253 1330
Min reaction:
super struc. 3555 23 0 34 0
sub struc & found. 307 0 0 0 0
seismic 105 152 523 219 1221
total load = 3967 175 523 253 1221

load at column bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 3621 23 0 34 109
sub struc & found. 307 0 0 0 0
seismic 349 152 157 219 366
total load = 4277 175 157 253 476
Min reaction:
super struc. 3555 23 0 34 0
sub struc & found. 307 0 0 0 0
seismic 349 152 157 219 366
total load = 4211 175 157 253 366

7.14 Abutment Design

load at pile cap bottom

loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination Basic
Vmax 4522 227 87 337 1325 243
Vmin 3805 227 87 337 295 243
for combination Accidental
Vmax 3147 114 43 168 662 122
Vmin 2789 114 43 168 147 122
for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
Vmax 4033 530 157 763 476 553
Vmin 3967 530 157 763 366 553
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
Vmax 4033 175 523 253 1330 551
Vmin 3967 175 523 253 1221 551
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic
Vmax 4277 175 157 253 476 235
Vmin 4211 175 157 253 366 235

Reinforcement :
Abutment Shaft Width = 1630 mm
Abutment Shaft Length = 8700 mm

Minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement required = 0.0024Ac = 34034 mm2

Maximum Area of longitudinal reinforcement = 0.04*Ac = 567240 mm2

provide Dia. Nos. Spacing

20 61 140 On Earth face
16 61 140 On Outer face
16 2X9 162 On Side face

Longitudinal reinforcement provided = 35048 mm2 OK

= 0.25 %

design of column -

refer Annexure - A3 for design of pier for above said vertical load and moment.

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Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

7.15 Design of Seismic Stopper

Longitudinal Stopper

If av < d considered to be brackets or, corbels
If av > d designed as a cantilever beam

The section at the face of support shall be designed to resist simultaneously

a factored shear force Vu, and a concurrent factored horizontal tensile force
Nuc .
(Unless special provisions are made to prevent the tensile force,Nuc from
developing , it shall not be taken to be less than 0.2Vu )

Transverse Stopper

Grade of steel = Fe 500

Grade of concrete = M 40
perm. Stress in steel, fy = 435.0 Mpa
perm. Strs. In concr., fck = 17.87 Mpa
total transverse force each stopper = 1302
no. of stoppers = 1
force on each stopper = 1302
Vu = 1302 Kn
Nuc = 0 Kn
Nuc design = 260.3016 Kn
h = 900 mm
d = 860 mm
width of pedestal (bv) = 900 mm
av = 720 mm

design as corbel

Flexural Reinforcement (As)

Reinforcement As to resist the factored force effects shall be determined as
for ordinary members subjected to flexure and axial load
Design moment, Mu = 947.50 Kn-m
[Mu=Vu.av + Nuc(h-d) ]
design moment (Kn-m) 947.50
width of comp. flange mm 900
width of tension flange 900
overall depth mm 900
effective depth mm 860
bar dia. provided mm 25 dia.
no. of layer 1
no. of bar 6
spacing mm 150.0
Ast. Provided mm2 2945.24
steel percent provided 67 pt 0.004 482427523.xlsx
xu/d 0.115
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern
side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Return Wall
Preparation of Feasibility Study/DPR of selected road stretches for NH connectivity to Backward/Religious/Tourist places and border areas
under Bharat Mala Scheme.PKG-IV:[Section-I:Bakaur-Parasrama],[Section-II:Supaul-Parasrama-Saharsa], [Link Road]

Chapter - 8
Return Wall

8.1 Design of Return Wall

c1 = 0.1 a = 1.47
c2 0.1 A


c3 0.167

b =

X direction Y direction
A' B'

Width of Solid return wall (a) = 1.47 m

Height of Solid return wall (b) = 3.05 m

Width of Cantilever return wall c1 = 0.1 m

Height of Cantilever return at Tip c2 = 0.1 m
Height of Cantilever return taper c3-c2 = 0.067 m
Height of Cantilever return at Root c3 = 0.167 m

Thickness of Solid Return at farther end t1 = 0.5 m

Thickness of Solid Return at top t2 = 0.5 m
Thickness of Solid Return at bottom t3 = 0.5 m
Thickness of Cantilever return = 0.5 m
Unit wt of Soil = 20 kN/m3

a/b = 0.483

Case (1) For uniformly distributed load over entire plate

For a/b = 0.375 For a/b = 0.500 For a/b = 0.483
b1 = 0.353 b1 = 0.631 b1 = 0.592
b2 = 0.398 b2 = 0.632 b2 = 0.599
g1 = 0.671 g1 = 0.874 g1 = 0.846
g2 = 0.413 g2 = 0.557 g2 = 0.537

Live Load Surcharge:

q = 0.298 x 20 x 1.2 = 7.152 kN/m2

sbmax = b1 x q x b^2

4.1 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of Feasibility Study/DPR of selected road stretches for NH connectivity to Backward/Religious/Tourist places and border areas
under Bharat Mala Scheme.PKG-IV:[Section-I:Bakaur-Parasrama],[Section-II:Supaul-Parasrama-Saharsa], [Link Road]

= 0.592 x 7.152 x 9.278

= 157.214 kN/m2

For 1000 mm of width

Z = 1000 x 250000 = 41666667 mm3

6 = 0.042 m3

Hence Moment /m width along Y direction

MY /m width = 157.214 x 0.042 = 6.551 kN-m/m

sbmax = b2 x q x b^2
= 0.599 x 7.152 x 9.278
= 159.105 kN/m2

For 1000 mm of width

Z = 1000 x 250000 = 41666667 mm3

6 = 0.042 m3

Hence Moment /m width along X direction

MX /m width = 159.105 x 0.042 = 6.629 kN-m/m

Case (2) For Triangular loading due to earth pressure

For a/b = 0.375 For a/b = 0.500 For a/b = 0.483
b1 = 0.212 b1 = 0.328 b1 = 0.312
b2 = 0.148 b2 = 0.200 b2 = 0.193
g1 = 0.419 g1 = 0.483 g1 = 0.474
g2 = 0.205 g2 = 0.195 g2 = 0.196

Live Load Surcharge:

q = 0.298 x 20 x 3.05 = 18.154 kN/m2

sbmax = b1 x q x b^2
= 0.312 x 18.154 x 9.278
= 210.110 kN/m2

For 1000 mm of width

Z = 1000 x 250000 = 41666667 mm3

6 = 0.042 m3

Hence Moment /m width along Y direction

MY /m width = 210.110 x 0.042 = 8.755 kN-m/m

sbmax = b2 x q x b^2
= 0.193 x 18.154 x 9.278
= 129.872 kN/m2

For 1000 mm of width

Z = 1000 x 250000 = 41666667 mm3

6 = 0.042 m3

4.2 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of Feasibility Study/DPR of selected road stretches for NH connectivity to Backward/Religious/Tourist places and border areas
under Bharat Mala Scheme.PKG-IV:[Section-I:Bakaur-Parasrama],[Section-II:Supaul-Parasrama-Saharsa], [Link Road]

Hence Moment /m width along X direction

MX /m width = 129.872 x 0.042 = 5.411 kN-m/m

Total Moment in Solid Return /m height = 12.041 kN-m/m Along X-direction

Total Moment in Solid Return /m width = 15.305 kN-m/m Along Y-direction

Forces at the cantilevr return wall (AA'') :

Forces at Due to earth pressure Due to surcharge pressure

Force at CC' 1/2 x 0.298 x 20 x 0.1^2 0.298 x 1.2 x 20 x 0.1

= 0.030 kN/m = 0.715 kN/m

Force at AA'' 1/2 x 0.298 x 20 x 0.17^2 0.298 x 1.2 x 20 x 0.17

= 0.083 kN/m = 1.192 kN/m

Total Force (0.03+0.083)/2 * 0.1 (0.715+1.192)/2 * 0.1

= 0.006 kN = 0.095 kN

Lever arm from AA'' (2 x 0.0298 + 0.006 ) / ( + 0.006) x (2 x 0.7152 + 0.095 ) / ( + 0.095) x
0.1 / 3 0.1 / 3
= 0.042 m = 0.046 m

Moment at Face AA'' 0.006*0.042 0.095*0.046

= 0.0002 kNm = 0.0044 kNm

0/0.167 0.004/0.167
Moment at AA' per m /height = 0.001 kNm/m = 0.026 kNm/m

Lever arm from BB' 1.47 + 0.042 1.47 + 0.046

= 1.512 m = 1.516 m

Moment at Face BB' 0.006*1.512 0.095*1.516

= 0.009 kNm = 0.145 kNm

0.009/1.523 0.145/1.523
Moment at BB' per m /height
= 0.006 kNm/m = 0.095 kNm/m
*/ Assumed 50% height is effective

Lever arm from A'B' 3.046-(0.17+0.1)*2/3 3.046-(0.17+0.1)/2

= 2.868 m = 2.913 m

Moment at Face BB' 0.006*2.868 0.095*2.913

= 0.016 kNm = 0.278 kNm

0.016/0.735 0.278/0.735
Moment at AB' per m /width = 0.022 kNm/m = 0.378 kNm/m
*/ Assumed 50% width is effective

Design Bending Moment at face of Cantilever return wall (horiozontal reinforcement):

Force due to Load Factor
Unfactored Bending
Moment at Face AA'' ULS
Rare QP
Earth Pressure 0.001 kNm/m 1.5 1 1
Surcharge Pressure 0.026 kNm/m 1.2 0.8 0

ULS Design Bending moment = 0.034 kNm/m

SLS Rare Design Bending moment = 0.022 kNm/m

4.3 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of Feasibility Study/DPR of selected road stretches for NH connectivity to Backward/Religious/Tourist places and border areas
under Bharat Mala Scheme.PKG-IV:[Section-I:Bakaur-Parasrama],[Section-II:Supaul-Parasrama-Saharsa], [Link Road]

SLS QP Design Bending moment = 0.001 kNm/m

Design Forces for Solid Return wall:

Bending Moment At Face BB' ( Horizontal Reinforcement)
Force due to Load Factor
Unfactored Bending
Moment at Face BB' ULS
Rare QP
Earth Pressure From cantilever return wall 0.006 kNm/m 1.5 1 1
Earth Pressure over solid return wall 5.411 kNm/m 1.5 1 1

Surcharge Pressure From cantilever return wall 0.095 kNm/m 1.2 0.8 0
Surcharge Pressure over solid return wall 6.629 kNm/m 1.2 0.8 0

ULS Design Bending moment = 16.195 kNm/m

SLS Rare Design Bending moment = 10.796 kNm/m
SLS QP Design Bending moment = 5.417 kNm/m

Design Bending Moment At Face A'B' (Vertical Reinforcement)

Force due to Load Factor
Unfactored Bending
Moment at Face BB' ULS
Rare QP
Earth Pressure From cantilever return wall 0.022 kNm/m 1.5 1 1
Earth Pressure over solid return wall 8.755 kNm/m 1.5 1 1

Surcharge Pressure From cantilever return wall 0.378 kNm/m 1.2 0.8 0
Surcharge Pressure over solid return wall 6.551 kNm/m 1.2 0.8 0

ULS Design Bending moment = 21.479 kNm/m

SLS Rare Design Bending moment = 14.319 kNm/m
SLS QP Design Bending moment = 8.777 kNm/m


Case (1) For uniformly distributed load over entire plate
R1= g1qb = 0.846 x 7.152 x 3.05 ### kN-m/m2

R2= g2qb = 0.537 x 7.152 x 3.05 ### kN-m/m2

Case (2) For Triangular loading due to earth pressure

R1= g1qb = 0.474 x 18.154 x 3.05 ### kN-m/m2

R2= g2qb = 0.196 x 18.15416 x 3.046 ### kN-m/m2

Design Shear Force At Face A'B' (Vertical Reinforcement)

Force due to
Unfactored Bending
ULS Load Factor
Moment at Face A'B'

Earth Pressure over solid return wall ### kNm/m 1.5

Surcharge Pressure over solid return wall ### kNm/m 1.2

Design Shear Force VED = 61.434 kNm/m2

Design Shear Force At Face A'B' (Vertical Reinforcement)

Force due to
Unfactored Bending
ULS Load Factor
Moment at Face A'B'
4.4 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of Feasibility Study/DPR of selected road stretches for NH connectivity to Backward/Religious/Tourist places and border areas
under Bharat Mala Scheme.PKG-IV:[Section-I:Bakaur-Parasrama],[Section-II:Supaul-Parasrama-Saharsa], [Link Road]

Unfactored Bending
ULS Load Factor
Moment at Face A'B'

Earth Pressure over solid return wall ### tm/m 1.5

Surcharge Pressure over solid return wall ### tm/m 1.2

Design Shear Force VED = 30.327 kNm/m2


Grade of concrete = M 35 MPa
Mean value of concrete compressive strength fcm 45 MPa
Grade of Reinforcement = Fe 500 MPa
fywd = 0.8 fyk = 400 MPa
Clear cover = 75 mm
Creep coefficent for Foundation f = 1 ( As ho = ¥ , For foundations)
Modulus of Elasticity steel Es = 200000 Mpa
For short Term loading Ecm = 32308.25 Mpa
For long Term loading Ecm' = 16154.12 Mpa
fcteff Mean tensile strength = fctm = 2.771 Mpa
fcd = 15.63 Mpa
euk = 0.0045
eud = 0.0041
ecu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.4636

1) Premissble concrete compressive stresses
Load Combi Permissble Stress
SLS Rare 0.48 fck = 16.8 Mpa
SLS QP 0.36 fck = 12.6 Mpa

2) Permissble Tensile stress in steel = 0.8 fy

= 300 Mpa
= 300 Mpa for rare combination
3) Permissible crack width wk
SLS QP Load combination = 0.3 mm

4.5 482427523.xlsx
xu = Check Check Check
Area of steel provided Ast,cal MRd
0.87 fyk
Overall =M/ 0.87 z = d- MED/z =0.87 fyk
MED b d xmax Ast / Check Ast Ast min Ast,provi DFd MRD/z MRD/z >
Load comb. depth D Ast, fyk (d'- 0.416 xu +DFD Ast (d-
Dia Spacing Provide 0.416 xu) Calc.<Ast ded > Ast 0.416 xu) MED/z
fck b Provided min +DFD
kNm mm mm mm mm mm mm2 mm mm mm2 mm2 kN m kN kNm kNm/m
Face of cantilever wing wall
ULS BM 0.03 1000 500 419 12 100 1131 194.24 38.83 UR, OK 0.19 OK 628.5 OK 0 402.85 0.08 19.82 49.20 OK
Design of Section At Face BB'
ULS BM 16.19 1000 500 415 20 125 2513 192.38 86.29 UR, OK 98.20 OK 622.5 OK 37.53 379.10 80.25 41.45 109.33 OK
Design of Section At Face A'B'
ULS BM 21.48 1000 500 415 20 100 3142 192.38 107.86 UR, OK 133.40 OK 622.5 OK 76.03 370.13 134.06 50.58 136.66 OK


Rare Load combination. Formula used for calculation of stress
Ec,eq = Ecm*(MQP+MST) dc (depth of neutral axis) = -m*As + Ö ( m2 * As2 + 2* m*As*b* d )
MST +(1+f)* MQP b
MST = MRARE -MQP INA (Transformed) = b *dc3/m*3 + As *(d-dc)2
m = Es/ Ec,eq
Compressive stress in concrete sc = MRARE* dc / m*INA
Quasi Permanent Load Combination Tensile stress in steel ss = MRARE* (d - dc ) / INA
m = Es / Ecm'

Stress Check for SLS Load Combinations

Ast, Comp Max C. Tensile Max T
M b d depth INA
Load comb. Provided modular stress Stress Check stress Stress Check
ratio (dc)
(kNm/m) mm mm mm2 mm mm4 Mpa Mpa Mpa Mpa
Face of cantilever wing wall
SLS (R Comb.) 0.02 1000 419 1131 6.58 71.90 1.6E+08 0.01 16.8 OK 0.05 300 OK
SLS (QP Comb. 0.00 1000 419 1131 12.38 95.22 1.4E+08 0.00 12.6 OK 0.00 300 OK
Section at deff from face of columne
SLS (R Comb.) 10.80 1000 415 2513 6.19 99.14 3E+08 0.57 16.8 OK 11.25 300 OK
SLS (QP Comb. 5.42 1000 415 2513 12.38 132.57 2.6E+08 0.22 12.6 OK 5.81 300 OK
Section just below bearing
SLS (R Comb.) 14.32 1000 415 3142 9.98 133.01 3.3E+08 5.81 16.8 OK 122.97 300 OK
SLS (QP Comb. 8.78 1000 415 3142 12.38 144.94 3.1E+08 3.30 12.6 OK 76.19 300 OK


1) CHECK Ast,min for crack control
Act As,min =kc k As,provid
Load b h d ss = fyk
=bh/2 k kc fct,eff Act / ss ed check
mm mm mm mm2 Mpa mm2 mm2
Section at face of columne h k
SLS QP 1000 500 349 250000 500 0.86 0.4 477 1131 OK 0 1
Section at deff from face of columne 0.3 1
SLS QP 1000 500 345 250000 500 0.86 0.4 477 2513 OK 0.8 0.65
Section just below bearing 3 0.65
SLS QP 1000 500 345 250000 500 0.86 0.4 477 3142 OK


Spacing b/w bars
Bar dia cover
Load comb. Provided Calculated check
feq c mm mm
Section at face of columne
SLS QP 12 75 100 405 OK
Section at deff from face of columne
SLS QP 12 75 100 405 OK
Section just below bearing
SLS QP 12 75 100 405 OK


smax x esm - ecm =Max
hc,eff =Min
Aceff = Asprovide rpeff = =3.4c + =neutral [ [ ssc - kt fct,eff
[ 2.5 ( h - d ) , ( ssc ae =
Load comb. hc,eff *b d As/Ac,e 0.17 f axis kt ( 1+ ae rP,eff ) / wk check
h - x/3 ) , h/2] Es/Ecm'
ff /rPeff depth rP,eff ] /Es ,
mm mm2 mm2 mm Mpa mm 0.6ssc/Es ]
Section at face of columne
SLS QP 250 250000 1131 0.00452 705.94 0.003 95.22 0.5 12.38 9.75234951442E-09 6.8846E-06 OK
Section at deff from face of columne
SLS QP 250 250000 2513 0.01005 457.92 5.81 132.57 0.5 12.38 1.74375468583E-05 0.00798505 OK
Section just below bearing
SLS QP 250 250000 3142 0.01257 417.34 76.19 144.94 0.5 12.38 0.00022855968483 0.09538665 OK

D) CHECK FOR SHEAR : ( IRC 112 / clause 10.3.2 (2) )

Check of Shear Reinforcement Requirement

VRdc =Max [ ( 0.12

k= Min r1 = Min nmin = k (80 r1 fck )0.33 +
VED bVED d bw [1+ Asl [ Asl/bw 0.031 scp 0.15 scp ) bw d ,
Load comb. b (nmin +0.15scp ) bw Check
Ö200/d d, k3/2
,2] 0.02 ] fck1/2 d]

kN kN mm mm mm2 Mpa kN
At face BB'
ULS 30.33 0.5 15.16 419 1000 1.69 1131 0.0027 0.403 0 168.96 No Shear reinf. Required
At face A'B'
ULS 61.43 0.5 30.72 415 1000 1.69 2513 0.0061 0.404 0 214.72 No Shear reinf. Required

Check for Maximum Shear Capacity :

Vrdmax = acw * q = 0.5 sin-1

DFd = 0.5
VED bw d z =0.9d bw * z * n1 * fcd / [ 2*VNS / (acw * bw q adopted
Load comb. acw n1 Check VED cotq
2 * z * v1 * fcd) ]

kN mm mm mm kN deg deg kN
At face A'B
ULS 30.33 1000 419 377.1 1 0.6 1768.60 OK 0.49 22 37.53
At face BB'
ULS 61.43 1000 415 373.5 1 0.6 1751.72 OK 1.00 22 76.03

DFd = Additional Tensile force, to be accounted in longitudinal reinforcement

Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern
side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Dirt Wall
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Chapter - 9
Dirt Wall

10.1 Design of Dirt Wall

Density of Earth = 20 kN/m3

Earth Pressure coefficent Ko = 0.297
3.5 0.3
Earth Pressure = 1/2 Ko g h2
= 15.25 kN/m 0.3
Lever arm = 0.42 *h 2.27
= 0.95 m 0.3

Moment at bottom MEP = 14.51 kNm/m

Live Load surcharge intensity q = 24 kN/m2

Live load surcharge Pressure = Ko*q*h
= 16.16 kN/m

Lever arm = 0.5 *h

= 1.13 m

Moment at bottom MSP = 18.30 kNm/m

Live load analysis : 20 20 t

Due to 40 t boggi axle load IRC 6,2017 cl 204.1.1 (3) 1.22
Vertical load = 400 kN
Horizontal force = 80 kN 0.41
Effective width = 6.16 m 1: 1
Vertical Load /m width = 64.94 kN 2.27
Ecc in longitudinal dir. = 0.3 m
Horizontal force /m width = 12.99 kN
Lever arm from support = 1.97 m
Moment in longitudinal dir. = 25.52 tm/m 6.16


LOADS Unfactored Factored Forces
Force BM Force BM
kN kNm kN kNm
Earth Pressure = 15.25 14.51 1.00 15.25 14.51
Surcharge Pressure = 16.16 18.30 1.20 19.39 21.96
Live load (40t boggie axle) = 12.99 25.52 1.50 19.48 38.28
Total 54.13 74.75


Force BM Load Force BM Load Force BM
kN kNm Factor kN kNm Factor kN kNm
Earth Pressure = 15.25 14.51 1.00 15.25 14.51 1.00 15.25 14.51
Surcharge Pressure = 16.16 18.30 0.80 12.93 14.64 0.00 0.00 0.00
Live load (40t boggie axle) = 12.99 25.52 1.00 12.99 25.52 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 41.17 54.67 15.25 14.51

Seismic case (Coefficent of Earth Pressure) Ca = 0.289
*/For sumberged Condition

Dynamic Earth Pressure Increment

Horizontal force = 1/2 (Ca-Ko) g * h2 = 0 kN
Lever arm = 0.5 *h = 1.13 m
Moment at base MDEP = 0 kNm

Dynamic Surcharge Pressure Increment

5 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Horizontal force = 3/2*(Ca-Ko) *q * h = 0 kN

Lever arm = 0.67 *h = 1.52 m
Moment at base MDEP = 0 kNm


LOADS Unfactored Factored Forces
Force BM Force BM
Earth Pressure = 15.25 14.51 1.00 15.25 14.51
Surcharge Pressure = 16.16 18.30 0.20 3.23 3.66

Earth Pressure = 0 0 1.5 0 0
Surcharge Pressure = 0 0 0.3 0 0
Total 18.49 18.17

Design Bending Moment MED = 74.75 kNm

D = 0.3 m */ overall depth at d from face of support

d = 0.256 m */ deff at d from face of support

Clear Cover = 50 mm

Ast Provided = 12 f @ 125 c/c

= 905 mm2/m

Grade of Concrete fck = 35 Mpa fyk = 500 Mpa

Grade of steel fyk = 500 Mpa euk = 0.0045
eud = 0.0041
xu = 0.87 fyk Ast / 0.362 fck b fck = 35 Mpa
= 31.06 mm ecu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.464
xumax = 0.464 d'

Ast calculated = M/ 0.87 fyk (d'-0.416 xu)

= 707 mm2/m

Ast minimum = 0.0015 * b*d

= 450 mm2/m

Ast required = Max( 706.964 , 450 )

= 707 mm2/m

= 707 mm2/m < 904.8 mm2/m OK


Factored Shear Force VED = 54.13 Tonne

D = 0.3 m */ overall depth at face of support

d = 0.256 m */ deff at face of support

Design Shear Resitance

k = Min 1 + √ 200/d d is depth in mm

= 1.88

r1 = Min Asl /bw d

= 0.0035

scp = 0 Mpa

nmin = 0.031 k3/2 fck1/2

6 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

= 0.474

VRdc = Max ( 0.12 k (80 r1 fck )0.33 + 0.15 scp ) bw d ( IRC 112 / clause 10.3.2 (2) )
(nmin +0.15scp ) bw d

= 123.30 kN > 54.13 kN OK

Max Shear Capacity of section

n = 0.6 * ( 1- fck /310) */ fck in Mpa
= 0.53

fcd = 0.447 *fck

= 15.63 Mpa

VRDC, max = 0.5 bw d n fcd

= 1065.08 kN > 54.13 kN OK


Design Bending Moment MRARE = 54.67 kNm

MQP = 14.51 kNm
MST = MRARE - MQP (Bending Moment due to short term loading)
= 40.16 kNm
Modulus of Elasticity for Concrete
For short term loading Ecm = 32308.2 Mpa
Creep coefficent f = 1
For long term loading Ecm' = 16154.1 Mpa

Reinf. modulus of elasticity Es = 200000 N/mm2

Modular ratio for QP Combination = Es / Ecm' = 12.38

Equavelent Modulus of Elasticity for Rare Combination :

Ec,eq = Ecm*(MQP+MST) = 25532 MPa
MST +(1+f)* MQP

Modular ratio for Rare Combination = Es/ Ec,eq = 7.83

Formula used for calculation of stress

dc (depth of neutral axis) = -m*As + Ö ( m2 * As2 + 2* m*As*b* d )
INA (Transformed) = b *dc3/m*3 + As *(d-dc)2

Compressive stress in concrete sc = MRARE* dc /m* INA

Tensile stress in steel ss = MRARE* (d - dc ) / INA

Stress Check For Rare Combination Stress Check For QP Combination

Design Moment = 54.67 kNm = 14.51 kNm
Total Depth at section = 0.3 m = 0.3 m
deff = 0.256 m = 0.256 m
width b = 1m = 1m
Ast, provided = 905 mm2/m = 905 mm2/m
Modular ratio = 7.83 = 12.38
dc (depth of neutral axis) = 53.57 mm = 65.35 mm
INA (Transformed) = 43617762.597773 mm4 = 40400334.41652 mm4

Compressive stress in concrete sc = 8.57 N/mm2 = 1.90 N/mm2

Permissible Compressive stress = 16.8 N/mm2 OK = 12.6 N/mm2 OK

Tensile stress in steel ss = 253.738 N/mm2 = 68.472 N/mm2

Permissible tensile stress = 300 N/mm2 OK = 300 N/mm2 OK

7 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.


Minimum Reinforcement for crack control :

As,min = kc k fct,eff Act / ss ( IRC 112 / clause 12.3.3 (2) )
For Web
kc = 0.4 For Bending member

h = 0.3 m , b = 1m
k = 1

fcteff = fctm
= 2.77 Mpa

Act = Area of concrete within tensile zone just before the first crack form, section behaves
elastically until the tensile fiber stress reaches fctm. hence Neutral axis depth will be
considered for gross section
Act = b * h/2
= 0.15 m2

ss = Maximum stress permitted in reinf. Immediately after formation of crack

= fyk
= 500 Mpa

Asmin = 333 mm2/m < 905 mm2/m OK

Calculation of crack width : ( IRC 112 / clause 12.3.4)

wk,max = 0.3 mm

Clear cover c = 50 mm
Bar dia feq = 12 mm
5 (c +feq/2) = 280 mm

Spacing b/w bars = 125 mm < 280 mm The Following formula can be used
for calculation of maximum crack
srmax = Maximum crack spacing spacing.
= 3.4c + 0.17 f /rPeff
= 418.02 mm

hc,eff = Min 2.5 ( h - d ) h = 0.3 m

( h - x/3 ) d = 0.256 m
h/2 x = 0.065 m
= 0.11 m */ (for Quasi Perma

width b = 1m

Ac,eff = hc,eff *b = 0.11 m2

rP,eff = As/ Ac,eff

= 905 / 110000
= 0.0082

ssc = Stress in tension Reinforcement assuming cracked section

= 68.47 Mpa */ (for Quasi Permanent Load combination)

Es = 200000 Mpa
Ecm' = 16154.12 Mpa */ (for Long term loading)
ae = Es/Ecm
ae = 12.38

kt = 0.5 (factor dependent on duration of load)

esm - ecm = Max ssc - kt fct,eff ( 1+ ae rP,eff ) / rP,eff

0.6 ssc / Es
= 0.0002

8 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

wk = srmax ( esm - ecm )

= 0.09 mm < 0.3 mm OK

9 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern
side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Expansion Joint Pier

Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Annexure - A1
Design of Pile and Shaft for Fixed Pier

A1.1 Design of Fixed Pier Pile

Section 1 Details
1.42% reinforcement in section 1 (Section 1). Check this against code requirements.
ULS Cases Analysed
Strength Analysis - Loads
Case N Myy Mzz M q
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm] [°]
1 13510. 3814. 0.0 3814. 0.0
2 5805. 3814. 0.0 3814. 0.0
3 10110. 2375. 0.0 2375. 0.0
4 4476. 2375. 0.0 2375. 0.0
5 12640. 7765. 0.0 7765. 0.0
6 3848. 7765. 0.0 7765. 0.0
7 13920. 10380. 0.0 10380. 0.0
8 2574. 10380. 0.0 10380. 0.0
9 11220. 3933. 0.0 3933. 0.0
10 6224. 3933. 0.0 3933. 0.0

Strength Analysis - Summary

Governing conditions are defined as:

A - reinforcing steel tension strain limit
B - concrete compression strain limit
C - concrete pure compression strain limit
IS 456 Section 39.1
Effective centroid is reported relative to the reference point.

Case Eff. Eff. N M Mu M/Mu Governing Neutral Neutral

Centroid Centroid Condition Axis Axis
(y) (z) Angle Depth
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [°] [mm]

65 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

8 867.3E-9 -5.842E-6 2574. 10380. 14320. 0.7249 A: Bar 71

3 862.3E-9 -6.227E-6 10110. 2375. 17800. 0.1334 A: Bar 71

Section Material Stresses/Strains at ULS Strength

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [N/mm²]
7 1 0.0 1001. 0.003500 15.63
1 1 0.0 1001. 0.003500 15.63
5 27 -117.4E-6 -1001. -0.004583 0.0
1 13 993.9 120.7 -11.75E-6 0.0

Reinforcement Stresses/Strains at ULS Strength

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [N/mm²]
7 51 -103.0E-6 899.0 0.003097 434.8 500
1 7 500.2 688.5 0.002253 434.8 500
4 71 104.1E-6 -899.0 -0.004174 -434.8 500
1 25 -688.5 -500.2 -0.002488 -434.8 500

A1.2 Design of Fixed Pier Shaft

Section 1 Details
2.25% reinforcement in section 1 (Section1). Check this against code requirements.
SLS Cases Analysed
Serivceability Analysis - Loads
Case N Myy Mzz M q
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm] [°]
1 24690. 26860. 0.0 26860. 0.0
2 18250. 25570. 0.0 25570. 0.0

66 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

3 18250. 9401. 0.0 9401. 0.0

4 18250. 9401. 0.0 9401. 0.0

SLS Loads Analysis Summary

Case Secant Neutral Neutral k at

EI Axis Axis M0
Angle Depth
[kNm²] [°] [mm] [/m]
1 48.91E+6 0.0 1267. 0.0
2 42.60E+6 0.0 1126. 0.0
3 77.14E+6 0.0 2019. 0.0
4 77.14E+6 0.0 2019. 0.0

Moment summary for SLS axial loads

Effective centroid is reported relative to the reference point.

Cracking moment is for short term loading

Case Eff. Centroid N M Mu M/Mu Mcr Note

y z
[mm] [mm] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
1 345.8E-9 -383.6E-9 24690. 26860. 54660. 0.4914 11330.
2 345.8E-9 -383.6E-9 18250. 25570. 51720. 0.4944 9008.
1 345.8E-9 -383.6E-9 24690. 26860. 54660. 0.4914 11330.
2 345.8E-9 -383.6E-9 18250. 25570. 51720. 0.4944 9008.
3 345.8E-9 -383.6E-9 18250. 9401. 51720. 0.1818 9008.
2 345.8E-9 -383.6E-9 18250. 25570. 51720. 0.4944 9008.

Section Material Stresses/Strains at SLS Loads

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [MPa]
1 1 0.0 1251. 696.0E-6 24.61

67 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

1 1 0.0 1251. 696.0E-6 24.61

2 29 -34.81E-6 -1251. -826.2E-6 -0.7591
3 29 -34.81E-6 -1251. -58.94E-6 -0.8697

Reinforcement Stresses/Strains at SLS Loads

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [MPa]
1 12 -27.93E-6 1180. 656.8E-6 131.4 500
1 12 -27.93E-6 1180. 656.8E-6 131.4 500
2 34 30.45E-6 -1180. -783.4E-6 -156.7 500
2 34 30.45E-6 -1180. -783.4E-6 -156.7 500

68 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of Feasibility Study/DPR of selected road stretches for NH connectivity to Backward/Religious/Tourist places and border areas under Bharat Mala Scheme.Pkg No NHAI/T/27[PKG-III,NH27(Junction at Km 96) Bideshwar Sthan to

Annexure - A1
Design of Pile and Shaft for Free Pier

A1.1 Design of Expansion Free Pile

Section 1 Details

1.14% reinforcement in section 1 (Section 1). Check this against code requirements.

ULS Cases Analysed

Name Loading Pre-stress


Strength Analysis - Loads

Case N Myy Mzz M q

[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm] [°]
1 3417. 492.0 0.0 492.0 0.0
2 2455. 492.0 0.0 492.0 0.0
3 2579. 427.0 0.0 427.0 0.0
4 1741. 427.0 0.0 427.0 0.0
5 3871. 717.0 0.0 717.0 0.0
6 2212. 717.0 0.0 717.0 0.0
7 4749. 1884. 0.0 1884. 0.0
8 1335. 1884. 0.0 1884. 0.0
9 3913. 592.0 0.0 592.0 0.0
10 2654. 592.0 0.0 592.0 0.0

Strength Analysis - Summary

Governing conditions are defined as:

A - reinforcing steel tension strain limit
B - concrete compression strain limit

73 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of Feasibility Study/DPR of selected road stretches for NH connectivity to Backward/Religious/Tourist places and border areas under Bharat Mala Scheme.Pkg No NHAI/T/27[PKG-III,NH27(Junction at Km 96) Bideshwar Sthan to

C - concrete pure compression strain limit

IS 456 Section 39.1
Effective centroid is reported relative to the reference point.

Case Eff. Eff. N M Mu M/Mu Governing Neutral Neutral

Centroid Centroid Condition Axis Axis
(y) (z) Angle Depth
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [°] [mm]
8 -2.865E-6 7.353E-6 1335. 1884. 2650. 0.7108 A: Bar 13
3 -2.859E-6 7.443E-6 2579. 427.0 3027. 0.1411 A: Bar 13

Section Material Stresses/Strains at ULS Strength

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [N/mm²]
7 1 0.0 601.2 0.003500 15.63
1 1 0.0 601.2 0.003081 15.63
9 21 -52.56E-6 -601.2 -0.004867 0.0
1 10 593.8 94.05 -263.2E-6 0.0

Reinforcement Stresses/Strains at ULS Strength

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [N/mm²]
7 5 46.64E-6 499.0 0.002808 434.8 500
1 5 46.64E-6 499.0 0.002407 434.8 500
6 13 -47.90E-6 -499.0 -0.004174 -434.8 500
1 11 -352.8 -352.8 -0.003210 -434.8 500

74 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of Feasibility Study/DPR of selected road stretches for NH connectivity to Backward/Religious/Tourist places and border areas under Bharat Mala Scheme.Pkg No NHAI/T/27[PKG-III,NH27(Junction at Km 96) Bideshwar Sthan to

A1.2 Design of Free Pier Shaft

ULS Cases Analysed

Section 1 Details

0.40% reinforcement in section 1 (Section1). Check this against code requirements.

ULS Cases Analysed

Name Loading Pre-stress


Strength Analysis - Loads

Case N Myy Mzz M q

[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm] [°]
1 10240. 4189. 0.0 4189. 0.0
2 10090. 4189. 0.0 4189. 0.0
3 7543. 1404. 0.0 1404. 0.0
4 7396. 1404. 0.0 1404. 0.0
5 10540. 1887. 0.0 1887. 0.0
6 10400. 1887. 0.0 1887. 0.0
7 10540. 5452. 0.0 5452. 0.0
8 10400. 5452. 0.0 5452. 0.0
9 11260. 1658. 0.0 1658. 0.0
10 11110. 1658. 0.0 1658. 0.0

Strength Analysis - Summary

Governing conditions are defined as:

A - reinforcing steel tension strain limit

75 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of Feasibility Study/DPR of selected road stretches for NH connectivity to Backward/Religious/Tourist places and border areas under Bharat Mala Scheme.Pkg No NHAI/T/27[PKG-III,NH27(Junction at Km 96) Bideshwar Sthan to

B - concrete compression strain limit

C - concrete pure compression strain limit
IS 456 Section 39.1
Effective centroid is reported relative to the reference point.

Case Eff. Eff. N M Mu M/Mu Governing Neutral Neutral

Centroid Centroid Condition Axis Axis
(y) (z) Angle Depth
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [°] [mm]
8 893.8E-9 -1.816E-6 10400. 5452. 10480. 0.5200 A: Bar 31
9 893.3E-9 -1.850E-6 11260. 1658. 10890. 0.1522 A: Bar 31

Section Material Stresses/Strains at ULS Strength

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [MPa]
9 1 0.0 1001. 0.002560 17.87
1 1 0.0 1001. 0.002421 17.87
9 27 -117.4E-6 -1001. -0.004422 0.0
1 12 972.1 239.6 -180.1E-6 0.0

Reinforcement Stresses/Strains at ULS Strength

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
9 11 -180.5E-6 930.0 0.002311 434.8 500
1 11 -180.5E-6 930.0 0.002177 434.8 500
5 31 186.0E-6 -930.0 -0.004174 -434.8 500

76 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of Feasibility Study/DPR of selected road stretches for NH connectivity to Backward/Religious/Tourist places and border areas under Bharat Mala Scheme.Pkg No NHAI/T/27[PKG-III,NH27(Junction at Km 96) Bideshwar Sthan to

1 24 -828.6 -422.2 -0.002440 -434.8 500

SLS Cases Analysed

Section 1 Details

0.40% reinforcement in section 1 (Section1). Check this against code requirements.

SLS Cases Analysed

Name Loading Pre-stress Creep

Factor Coeff.
Long Term Short Term

Serivceability Analysis - Loads

Case N Myy Mzz M q

[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm] [°]
1 7528. 4170. 0.0 4170. 0.0
2 7344. 4170. 0.0 4170. 0.0
3 7621. 1390. 0.0 1390. 0.0
4 7335. 1390. 0.0 1390. 0.0

SLS Loads Analysis Summary

Case Secant Neutral Neutral k at M0

EI Axis Axis
Angle Depth
[kNm²] [°] [mm] [/m]
1 20.14E+6 0.0 1280. 10.64E-12
2 19.71E+6 0.0 1257. 10.65E-12
3 25.75E+6 0.0 2393. 10.63E-12
4 25.75E+6 0.0 2340. 10.65E-12

Moment summary for SLS axial loads

77 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of Feasibility Study/DPR of selected road stretches for NH connectivity to Backward/Religious/Tourist places and border areas under Bharat Mala Scheme.Pkg No NHAI/T/27[PKG-III,NH27(Junction at Km 96) Bideshwar Sthan to

Effective centroid is reported relative to the reference point.

Cracking moment is for short term loading

Case Eff. Centroid N M Mu M/Mu Mcr Note

y z
[mm] [mm] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
3 955.2E-9 1.909E-6 7621. 1390. 9040. 0.1538 3185.
2 955.2E-9 1.909E-6 7344. 4170. 8878. 0.4697 3091.
3 955.2E-9 1.909E-6 7621. 1390. 9040. 0.1538 3185.
2 955.2E-9 1.909E-6 7344. 4170. 8878. 0.4697 3091.
3 955.2E-9 1.909E-6 7621. 1390. 9040. 0.1538 3185.
4 955.2E-9 1.909E-6 7335. 1390. 8880. 0.1565 3086.

Section Material Stresses/Strains at SLS Loads

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [MPa]
2 1 0.0 1001. 265.9E-6 8.410
2 1 0.0 1001. 265.9E-6 8.410
2 27 -117.4E-6 -1001. -157.7E-6 -0.7698
1 27 -117.4E-6 -1001. -149.5E-6 -0.7701

Reinforcement Stresses/Strains at SLS Loads

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [MPa]
2 11 -180.5E-6 930.0 250.9E-6 50.18 500
2 11 -180.5E-6 930.0 250.9E-6 50.18 500
2 31 186.0E-6 -930.0 -142.7E-6 -28.53 500

78 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of Feasibility Study/DPR of selected road stretches for NH connectivity to Backward/Religious/Tourist places and border areas under Bharat Mala Scheme.Pkg No NHAI/T/27[PKG-III,NH27(Junction at Km 96) Bideshwar Sthan to

2 31 186.0E-6 -930.0 -142.7E-6 -28.53 500

79 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Annexure - A2
Design of Pile and Shaft for Abutment

A2.1 Design of Abutment Pile

Section 1 Details

0.44% reinforcement in section 1 (Section 1). Check this against code requirements.

ULS Cases Analysed

Name Loading Pre-stress


Strength Analysis - Loads

Case N Myy Mzz M q

[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm] [°]
1 1563. 623.0 0.0 623.0 0.0
2 1064. 623.0 0.0 623.0 0.0
3 1047. 143.0 0.0 143.0 0.0
4 707.0 143.0 0.0 143.0 0.0
5 1343. 690.0 0.0 690.0 0.0
6 907.0 690.0 0.0 690.0 0.0
7 1389. 529.0 0.0 529.0 0.0
8 862.0 529.0 0.0 529.0 0.0
9 1302. 260.0 0.0 260.0 0.0
10 1058. 260.0 0.0 260.0 0.0

Strength Analysis - Summary

Governing conditions are defined as:

A - reinforcing steel tension strain limit

81 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

B - concrete compression strain limit

C - concrete pure compression strain limit
IS 456 Section 39.1
Effective centroid is reported relative to the reference point.

Case Eff. Eff. N M Mu M/Mu Governing Neutral Neutral

Centroid Centroid Condition Axis Axis
(y) (z) Angle Depth
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [°] [mm]
6 -3.099E-6 4.243E-6 907.0 690.0 1312. 0.5258 A: Bar 13
3 -3.099E-6 4.248E-6 1047. 143.0 1366. 0.1047 A: Bar 13

Section Material Stresses/Strains at ULS Strength

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [N/mm²]
1 1 0.0 601.2 0.001908 15.60
1 1 0.0 601.2 0.001908 15.60
1 21 -52.56E-6 -601.2 -0.004644 0.0
1 9 571.8 185.8 -355.3E-6 0.0

Reinforcement Stresses/Strains at ULS Strength

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [N/mm²]
1 5 50.92E-6 515.0 0.001439 287.7 500
1 5 50.92E-6 515.0 0.001439 287.7 500
7 13 -52.03E-6 -515.0 -0.004174 -434.8 500

82 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

1 10 -475.8 -197.1 -0.002442 -434.8 500

A3.2 Design of Abutment Shaft

ULS Cases Analysed

Section 1 Details

0.25% reinforcement in section 1 (Section 1). Check this against code requirements.

ULS Cases Analysed

Name Loading Pre-stress


Strength Analysis - Loads

Case N Myy Mzz M q

[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm] [°]
1 4522. 1618. 1325. 2091. -39.31
2 3805. 1618. 295.0 1645. -10.33
3 3147. 1450. 662.0 1594. -24.54
4 2789. 1450. 147.0 1457. -5.789
5 4033. -124.0 476.0 491.9 -104.6
6 3967. -124.0 366.0 386.4 -108.7
7 4033. -14.00 1330. 1330. -90.60
8 3967. -14.00 1221. 1221. -90.66
9 4277. -14.00 476.0 476.2 -91.68
10 4211. -14.00 366.0 366.3 -92.19

Strength Analysis - Summary

83 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Governing conditions are defined as:

A - reinforcing steel tension strain limit
B - concrete compression strain limit
C - concrete pure compression strain limit
IS 456 Section 39.1
Effective centroid is reported relative to the reference point.

Case Eff. Eff. N M Mu M/Mu Governing Neutral Neutral

Centroid Centroid Condition Axis Axis
(y) (z) Angle Depth
[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [°] [mm]
2 -691.8E-9 -3.525 3805. 1645. 16220. 0.1014 A: Bar 62
10 -692.1E-9 -3.527 4211. 366.3 66760. 0.005486 A: Bar 1

Section Material Stresses/Strains at ULS Strength

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [N/mm²]
5 2 4350. -815.0 0.001322 15.81
5 2 4350. -815.0 0.001322 15.81
2 3 -4350. -815.0 -0.004443 0.0
1 2 4350. -815.0 -0.003900 0.0

Reinforcement Stresses/Strains at ULS Strength

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [N/mm²]
5 122 4265. -730.0 0.001124 224.7 500

84 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

5 122 4265. -730.0 0.001124 224.7 500

5 1 -4265. 732.0 -0.004176 -434.8 500
1 62 -4265. -730.0 -0.004174 -434.8 500

SLS Cases Analysed

Section 1 Details

0.25% reinforcement in section 1 (Section 1). Check this against code requirements.

SLS Cases Analysed

Name Loading Pre-stress Creep

Factor Coeff.
Long Term Short Term

Serivceability Analysis - Loads

Case N Myy Mzz M q

[kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm] [°]
1 3287. 87.00 1618. 1620. -86.92
2 2847. 87.00 1618. 1620. -86.92
3 2299. 43.00 1450. 1451. -88.30
4 2079. 43.00 1450. 1451. -88.30

SLS Loads Analysis Summary

* Curvature at M = 0 not calculated - Secant EI assumes k at M0 = 0

85 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

Case Secant Neutral Neutral k at M0

EI Axis Axis
Angle Depth
[kNm²] [°] [mm] [/m]
1 1.588E+9 -31.73 9739. 50.77E-9
2 1.523E+9 -31.95 8884. *
3 2.210E+9 -47.49 11150. 28.21E-9
4 2.210E+9 -47.76 10480. 25.40E-9

Moment summary for SLS axial loads

Effective centroid is reported relative to the reference point.

Cracking moment is for short term loading

Case Eff. Centroid N M Mu M/Mu Mcr Note

y z
[mm] [mm] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
1 -364.2E-9 -1.856 3287. 1620. 65370. 0.02479 - No solution for cracking
2 -364.2E-9 -1.856 2847. 1620. 63780. 0.02540 - No solution for cracking
3 -364.2E-9 -1.856 2299. 1451. 62310. 0.02328 30470.
4 -364.2E-9 -1.856 2079. 1451. 61550. 0.02357 30130.
3 -364.2E-9 -1.856 2299. 1451. 62310. 0.02328 30470.
1 -364.2E-9 -1.856 3287. 1620. 65370. 0.02479 - No solution for cracking

Section Material Stresses/Strains at SLS Loads

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [N/mm²]
1 1 4350. 815.0 10.43E-6 0.3298

86 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of DPR for the Construction of Cable suspension bridge across PUNPUN river located at eastern side of Railway bridge in the district of Patna.

1 1 4350. 815.0 10.43E-6 0.3298

4 3 -4350. -815.0 2.008E-6 0.06349
4 3 -4350. -815.0 2.008E-6 0.06349

Reinforcement Stresses/Strains at SLS Loads

Case Bar Coordinates Notes

y z Strain Stress
[mm] [mm] [-] [N/mm²]
1 61 4265. 732.0 10.31E-6 2.061 500
1 61 4265. 732.0 10.31E-6 2.061 500
4 62 -4265. -730.0 2.089E-6 0.4179 500
4 62 -4265. -730.0 2.089E-6 0.4179 500

87 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of Feasibility Study/DPR of selected road stretches for NH connectivity to Backward/Religious/Tourist places and border areas under Bharat Mala
Scheme.PKG-IV:[Section-I:Bakaur-Parasrama],[Section-II:Supaul-Parasrama-Saharsa], [Link Road]

Chapter - 6
Design of Fix Pier

6.1 Levels and Dimensions

all the levels given in this section are for design purpose only.
formation = 59.460 m
WC thickness = 0.065 m
girder depth = 2.400 m
deck depth = 0.225 m
bearing top = 56.770 m
cap top = 56.370 m
Pier cap thickness = 1.500 m
cap bottom = 54.870 m
River bed level = 48.672 m
Soil above pile cap 500mm Lvl = 0.500 m
pile cap top = 48.172 m
pile cap bottom = 46.372 m
dia. Of column = 2.400 m
height from bearing top to pile cap bottom = 10.398 m
height from bearing top to column bottom = 8.598 m
total clear height of column = 6.698 m
LA for braking = 14.288 m

6.2 Super Structure Load Effect

vertial load caused by S/W of Girder = 5706 0
vertial load caused by S/W of deck = 0 0
vertial load caused by CB = 547 0
vertial load caused by WC = 391 0
vertial load caused by SS max = 0 0
min = 0 0
vertial load caused by LL (with SV) max = 0 1210
min = 0 174
vertial load caused by LL (w/o SV) max = 543
min = -99

braking force = 128 Kn

6.3 Load Calculation for Foundation Checking - Combination 1

load at pile cap bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
About TT About LL
Max reaction:
DL+CB 6253 0 0 0 0
WC 391 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 1210
braking etc 0 400 58 5710 670
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 51.2 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 162.2 0 0 0 0
pier cap 3200.0 0 0 0 0
column 1052 0 0 0 0
pile cap 4815 0 0 0 0
soil above pile cap 0 0 0 0 0
total load = 15925 400 58 5710 1880
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 6644 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 174
braking etc 0 400 58 5710 670
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 9281 0 0 0 0
total load = 15925 400 58 5710 844

6.4 Seismic Effect Calculation

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seismic cofficient for designing of sub structure -

ah = = av = =
longitudinal seismic effect
load effective HL acting ML @ ML @
top bottom
48.17 46.37
sw girder 15860 #VALUE! 56.77 #VALUE! #VALUE!
sw deck 0 #VALUE! 56.77 #VALUE! #VALUE!
CB 1500 #VALUE! 56.77 #VALUE! #VALUE!
WC 1072 #VALUE! 56.77 #VALUE! #VALUE!
other 0 #VALUE! 56.77 #VALUE! #VALUE!
bearing & pedestal 51.2 #VALUE! 56.57 #VALUE! #VALUE!
reaction blocks 162.2 #VALUE! 56.57 #VALUE! #VALUE!
cap 3200.0 #VALUE! 55.62 #VALUE! #VALUE!
column 1052 #VALUE! 51.52 #VALUE! #VALUE!
other 0 #VALUE! 56.77 #VALUE! #VALUE!
total for sub structure design HL = #VALUE! ML = #VALUE!
total for foundation design HL = #VALUE! ML = #VALUE!

transverse seismic effect

load effective HT acting ML @ ML @
mass level
pile cap top pile cap bott
48.17 46.37
sw girder 5706 #VALUE! 57.97 #VALUE! #VALUE!
sw deck 0 #VALUE! 57.97 #VALUE! #VALUE!
CB 547 #VALUE! 57.97 #VALUE! #VALUE!
WC 391 #VALUE! 57.97 #VALUE! #VALUE!
LL 109 #VALUE! 60.66 #VALUE! #VALUE!
other 0 #VALUE! 56.77 #VALUE! #VALUE!
sub struc & found. #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
total for sub structure design HT = #VALUE! MT = #VALUE!
total for foundation checking HT = #VALUE! MT = #VALUE!

vertical seismic effect

total for sub structure design V= #VALUE!
total for foundation checking V= #VALUE!

total force for seismic effect

Combinations : 100%LL+30%Trans+30% Vert. and others
seismic condition V HL HT ML MT
total seismic force for sub structure design at pile cap top level -
longitudinal #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
transverse #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
total seismic force for foundation design at pile cap bottom level -
longitudinal #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
transverse #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

6.5 Load Calculation for Foundation Checking - Combination Seismic

load at pile cap bottom - longitudinal seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 6253 0 0 0 0
WC 391 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 109 0 0 0 242
braking etc 0 26 12 366 134
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 51.2 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 162 0 0 0 0
pier cap 3200 0 0 0 0
column 1052 0 0 0 0
pile cap 4815 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 6644 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 35

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braking etc 0 26 12 366 134

other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 9281 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

load at pile cap bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 6753 26 12 366 376
sub struc & found. 9281 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Min reaction:
super struc. 6644 26 12 366 169
sub struc & found. 9281 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

load at pile cap bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 6753 26 12 366 376
sub struc & found. 9281 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Min reaction:
super struc. 6644 26 12 366 169
sub struc & found. 9281 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

6.6 Foundation Checking

load at pile cap bottom

loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination 1
Vmax 15925 400 58 5710 1880 404
Vmin 15925 400 58 5710 844 404
for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic
N = 15
Ordinates of pile
Pile RL RT
1 2 3 1 -3.60 7.20
2 0.00 7.20
3 3.60 7.20
4 5 6 4 -3.60 3.60
5 0.00 3.60
10 11 6 3.60 3.60
L 9 L 7 -3.60 0.00
8 0.00 0.00
10 11 12 9 3.60 0.00
10 -3.60 -3.60
11 0.00 -3.60
13 14 15 12 3.60 -3.60
13 -3.60 -7.20
T 14 0.00 -7.20
15 3.60 -7.2
∑ 129.6 388.80

Combination 1
Case 1

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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12
937.8 1096.5 1255.1 920.4 1079.1 1237.7 903.0 1061.7 1220.3 885.6 1044.3 1202.9
Case 2
Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12
918.7 1077.3 1235.9 910.8 1069.5 1228.1 903.0 1061.7 1220.3 895.2 1053.8 1212.5

for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12
Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12
Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12
Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10 Pile 11 Pile 12

Max/Min load on Pile

loading condition Max Min H per Pile
Combination 1 case 1 1255 868 27
case 2 1236 887 27
Longi. Seismic case 1 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
case 2 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Trans. Seismic case 1 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
case 2 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Verti. Seismic case 1 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
case 2 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

Use 1.2 dia pile of length 25m (EGL to FL) having following characteristics -
refer Geotechnical Report -
vertical load carrying capacity = 2700 #VALUE!
uplift capacity = -3760 #VALUE!
horizontal load carrying capacity = 200 ok
moment red. factor for unit horizontal force = 0.82
Pile dia. = 1.2
Scour Depth L1 = 0.0 m
Moment of Inertia of Pile = 0.1018 m4
E, = 32 Gpa
= 32000 Mpa or MN/m2
= 32000000 Kn/m2

From Geotechnical Report

Depth (m) SPT (N)

3 3
6 7
9 12
12 16
15 11
18 18
21 20
24 17
27 18
28 18
Average N value = 14.000

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N value from Geotechnical Report = 14.000

hh = 1.98 Mn/m3

T = 4.400 m
L1/T = 0.0
For given value of L1/T the Ratio Lf/T from IS:2911 (Part1/Sec2) Pg. 15

Lf/T = 2.25
length of fixity (m) Lf = 10.19 m
L1+ Lf = 10.19 m

6.7 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination 1

load at pile cap bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 8442 0 0 0 0
WC 684 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 1815
braking etc 0 558 87 7970 1005
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 69 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 219 0 0 0 0
pier cap 4320 0 0 0 0
column 1420 0 0 0 0
pile cap 6501 0 0 0 0
total load = 21655 558 87 7970 2820
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 9126 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 261
braking etc 0 558 87 7970 1005
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 12529 0 0 0 0
total load = 21655 558 87 7970 1265

6.8 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination 2

load at pile cap bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 6253 0 0 0 0
WC 391 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 1573
braking etc 0 421 75 6009 871
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 51 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 162 0 0 0 0
pier cap 3200 0 0 0 0
column 1052 0 0 0 0
pile cap 4815 0 0 0 0
total load = 15925 421 75 6009 2444

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Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 6644 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 226
braking etc 0 421 75 6009 871
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 9281 0 0 0 0
total load = 15925 421 75 6009 1097

6.9 Load Calculation for Foundation Design - Combination Seismic

load at pile cap bottom - longitudinal seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 8442 0 0 0 0
WC 684 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 81 0 0 0 182
braking etc 0 19 9 200 100
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 69 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 219 0 0 0 0
pier cap 4320 0 0 0 0
column 1420 0 0 0 0
pile cap 6501 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 9126 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 26
braking etc 0 19 9 200 100
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 12529 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

load at pile cap bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 9207 19 9 200 282
sub struc & found. 12529 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Min reaction:
super struc. 9126 19 9 200 127
sub struc & found. 12529 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

load at pile cap bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 9207 19 9 200 282
sub struc & found. 12529 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Min reaction:
super struc. 9126 19 9 200 127
sub struc & found. 12529 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

6.10 Foundation Design

load at pile cap bottom
loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination 1
Vmax 21655 558 87 7970 2820 564
Vmin 21655 558 87 7970 1265 564
for combination 2
Vmax 15925 421 75 6009 2444 427

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Vmin 15925 421 75 6009 1097 427

for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic

load on Pile
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3 pile 4 pile 5 pile 6 pile 7 pile 8 pile 9 pile 10 pile 11 pile 12
N= 15.0
Combination 1
case 1
1274 1496 1717 1248 1470 1691 1222 1444 1665 1196 1418 1639
case 2
1246 1467 1688 1234 1455 1677 1222 1444 1665 1211 1432 1653
Combination 2
case 1
940 1107 1274 917 1084 1251 895 1062 1229 872 1039 1206
case 2
915 1082 1249 905 1072 1239 895 1062 1229 885 1052 1218
Longi. Seismic
case 1
case 2
Trans. Seismic
case 1
case 2
Verti. Seismic
case 1
case 2

6.10.1 Structural Design of Piles

dia of pile = 1.2

max pile load = #VALUE!
Max. Hz. Force = #VALUE! Kn
min pile load = #VALUE!
moment = #VALUE! Kn-m

reinforcement -
provide 20 no. of 20 dia bars in outer layer

design of pile -
refer Annexure - A1 for design of pile for above said vertical load and moment.

Shear design
shear force = #VALUE! Kn
grade of steel = 500 Fe
grade of concrete = 35 M
depth (as per L A Clarke, depth of equivalent rectangular section = πD/4) = 0.942
effective depth = 0.819
width = 0.942
area of main steel = 25902 mm2

calculation of shear strength of member -

K = 1.494
ρ1 = 0.020
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.68
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.33
V Rdc = 259 #VALUE!
provide 12 dia bars no of legs 2

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Asw = 226 mm2

longitudinal spacing s = 150 mm
V Rdc = 445 #VALUE!

6.10.2 Design of Pile Cap

design in longitudinal direction -

max force in (pile 1+2+3+4) or (9+10+11+12) = #VALUE! Kn
lever arm = 2.600
max force (pile2+pile6) = 0 Kn
LA = 1m
moment = #VALUE! Kn-m
width of pile cap in transverse direction = 15.90
moment per m width = #VALUE!
deduction for S/W of pile cap per m width = -243
design moment per m width = #VALUE! Kn-m

grade of steel = 500 Fe

grade of concrete = 35 M

width = 1.0
overall depth = 1.8
effective depth = 1.71
provide 25 dia bars at spacing 100
+ 0 dia bars at spacing 125
Ast = 4909 mm2
steel percent pt = 0.0029
xu/d = 0.0992
xu/d (lim) = 0.4560
limiting value of steel percent pt lim = 0.0132
min (B/W actual and limiting) % of steel = 0.0029
area of steel = 4909 mm2
moment of resistance = 3499 #VALUE!

shear force = #VALUE! Kn

calculation of shear strength of member -
K = 1.34209283
ρ1 = 0.003 ok
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.32
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.29
V Rdc = 487 #VALUE!
provide 16 dia bars no of legs 32
Asw = 6434 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 200 mm
V Rdc = 19792 #VALUE!

αcw for бcp = 0 = 1

bw min. breadth of section over depth = 15900.00 mm
Z = 1620.00 mm
v1 = 0.60
fcd =0.44fck = 15.4 Mpa
cotӨ = 1
tanӨ = 1
Vrd max. = 119001.96 Kn
Therefore, Shear Resistance = 19792 Kn

design in transverse direction -

max force in pile = #VALUE!
lever arm = 3.95
max force in pile = #VALUE!
lever arm = 0
moment = #VALUE!
width of pile cap in longitudinal direction = 8.70
moment per m width = #VALUE!
deduction for S/W of pile cap per m width = -18

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design moment per m width = #VALUE!

grade of steel = 500 Fe

grade of concrete = 35 M

width = 1.0
overall depth = 1.8
effective depth = 1.68
provide 32 dia bars at spacing 100
+ 0 dia bars at spacing 100
+ 0 dia bars at spacing 100
Ast = 8042 mm2
steel percent pt = 0.0048
xu/d = 0.1656
xu/d (lim) = 0.4560
limiting value of steel percent pt lim = 0.0132
min (B/W actual and limiting) % of steel = 0.0048
area of steel = 8042 mm2
moment of resistance = 5465 #VALUE!

punching shear -
max pile load = #VALUE!
punching shear = #VALUE!
permissible shear calculation -
K = 1.34209283
ρ1 = 0.003
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 (2d/a) = 0.32
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 (2d/a) = 0.28
shear resistance = 0.28 #VALUE!

Calculation of Crack Width Longi. Trans.

grade of concrete = 35 35
Ec = 29580 29580 N/mm2
grade of steel = 500 500
Ec = 200000 200000 N/mm2

width = 1000 1000 mm

depth h = 1800 1800 mm
clear cover c = 75 75 mm
dia of bar = 25 32 mm
dia of bar below main bar = 0 0 mm
= 0 0 mm
spacing of bar = 100 100 mm
no of layers = 1 1

available effective depth d = 1713 1709 mm

neutral axis depth x = 821 821 mm
2.5(h-d) = 219 228 mm
h-x/3 = 1526 1526 mm
h/2 = 900 900 mm
hc,eff = 219 228 mm

kc = 0.40 0.40
k = 0.65 0.65
fct,eff = 2.8 2.8 N/mm2
Act = 979153.09 979153.094 mm2
σs = fyk = 500 500 N/mm2
Asmin = kc k fct,eff Act/σs = 1639 1639 mm2
As provided = 4909 8042 mm2
steel provided is = ok ok

5(c+Ф/2) = 438 455 mm

spacing is = close close
Ac eff = 218750 227500 mm2
ρp,eff = 0.02 0.04
Sr,max = 444 409 mm
spacing provided is = ok ok

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design bending moment = 895 1495 kNm

σsc = 127 130 N/mm2
kt = 0.50 0.50
αe = 6.76 6.76
εsm - εcm = 0.0004 0.0004
crack width = 0.17 0.16 ok

6.11 Load Calculation for Sub Structure Design - Combination Basic

load at column bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 8442 0 0 0 0
WC 684 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 1815
braking etc 0 558 87 7970 849
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 69 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 219 0 0 0 0
pier cap 4320 0 0 0 0
column 1420 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
total load = 15154 558 87 7970 2664
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 9126 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 261
braking etc 0 558 87 7970 849
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 6028 0 0 0 0
total load = 15154 558 87 7970 1109

6.12 Load Calculation for Substructure Design - Combination Accidental

load at column bottom

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 6253 0 0 0 0
WC 391 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 908
braking etc 0 382 43 5462 424
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 51 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 162 0 0 0 0
pier cap 3200 0 0 0 0
column 1052 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
total load = 11109 382 43 5462 1332
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 6644 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 130
braking etc 0 382 43 5462 424
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 4465 0 0 0 0
total load = 11109 382 43 5462 555

6.13 Load Calculation for Substructure Design - Combination Seismic

load at column bottom - longitudinal seismic condition
loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
DL+CB 8442 0 0 0 0
WC 684 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
bearing & pedestal 69 0 0 0 0
reaction blocks 219 0 0 0 0

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pier cap 4320 0 0 0 0

column 1420 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Min reaction:
DL+CB+WC 9126 0 0 0 0
SS 0 0 0 0 0
LL 0 0 0 0 0
braking etc 0 0 0 0 0
other 0 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 6028 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

load at column bottom - transverse seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 9126 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 6028 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Min reaction:
super struc. 9126 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 6028 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

load at column bottom - vertical seismic condition

loading V HL HT ML MT
Max reaction:
super struc. 9126 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 6028 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Min reaction:
super struc. 9126 0 0 0 0
sub struc & found. 6028 0 0 0 0
total load = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

6.14 Pier Shaft Design

load at pile cap top

loading condition V HL HT ML MT H total
for combination Basic
Vmax 15154 558 87 7970 2664 564
Vmin 15154 558 87 7970 1109 564
for combination Accidental
Vmax 11109 382 43 5462 1332 385
Vmin 11109 382 43 5462 555 385
for combination Seismic - Longitudinal Seismic
for combination Seismic - transverse Seismic
for combination Seismic - Vertical Seismic

reinforcement for single column -

provide 36 no. of 40 dia bars in outer layer

design of column -

refer Annexure - A1 for design of pier for above said vertical load and moment.

Shear design

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dia of pier shaft = 2.38 m

shear force = #VALUE! Kn
grade of steel = 500 Fe
grade of concrete = 40 M
depth (as per L A Clarke, depth of equivalent rectangular section = πD/4) = 1.868
effective depth = 1.818
width = 1.868
area of main steel = 50265 mm2

calculation of shear strength of member -

K = 1.332
ρ1 = 0.015
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.57
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.30
V Rdc = 1023 #VALUE!
provide 20 dia bars no of legs 2
Asw = 628 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 125 mm
V Rdc = 3290 #VALUE!

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Chapter - 6.15
Design of Fix Pier Cap
Design of Fix Pier Cap
from STAAD Brng1 Brng2 Brng3 Brng4 Brng5 Brng6
Loads (Unfactored) Node 7 Node 8 Node 9 Node 10 Node 11 Node 12
DL 2628.00 0.00 3011.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WC 179.00 0.00 207.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CB 250.00 0.00 290.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
LL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Factored Loads
Brng1 Brng2 Brng3 Brng4 Brng5 Brng6
Loads (Unfactored) Node 7 Node 8 Node 9 Node 10 Node 11 Node 12
Lever Arm (Longit.) 2.737 0
Lever Arm (Trans) 0 0
DL 1.35 3547.8 0 4064.85 0 0 0
WC 1.75 313.25 0 362.25 0 0 0
Railing 1.35 337.5 0 391.5 0 0 0
LL 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Design Moment = 12566.8 Kn-m

Longitudinal direction
grade of steel = 500 Fe
grade of concrete = 40 M

width = 3.2
overall depth = 1.5
effective depth = 1.44
provide 32 dia bars at spacing 100
+ 0 dia bars at spacing 220
Ast = 25736 mm2
steel percent pt = 0.0056
xu/d = 0.1683
xu/d (lim) = 0.4560
limiting value of steel percent pt lim = 0.0151
min (B/W actual and limiting) % of steel = 0.0056
area of steel = 25736 mm2
moment of resistance = 15040 ok

shear force = 4199 Kn

calculation of shear strength of member -
K = 1.372
ρ1 = 0.006 ok
σcp = 0
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 = 0.43
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 = 0.32
V Rdc = 1456 R/F req
provide 16 dia bars no of legs 8
Asw = 1608 mm2
longitudinal spacing s = 150 mm
effective depth at face of outer pedestal = 1.2385
V Rdc = 4781 R/F safe

αcw for бcp = 0 = 1

bw min. breadth of section over depth = 3200.00 mm
Z = 1350.00 mm
v1 = 0.60
fcd =0.44fck = 17.6 Mpa
cotӨ = 1
tanӨ = 1
Vrd max. = 22809.6 Kn
Therefore, Shear Resistance = 4781 Kn

6.13 482427523.xlsx
Preparation of Feasibility Study/DPR of selected road stretches for NH connectivity to Backward/Religious/Tourist places and border areas under
Bharat Mala Scheme.PKG-IV:[Section-I:Bakaur-Parasrama],[Section-II:Supaul-Parasrama-Saharsa], [Link Road]


6.13 482427523.xlsx
Consultancy Services for Assessing Feasibility, Preparation of DPR and Undertaking PMC for Construction of Elevated Rotary Interchange
in Sector 148, Noida Toward Sector 150, Noida

Chapter -8.2
Confining Reinforcement
Input parameters

Concrete Grade = M 40
Design value of concrete axial compressive stress, = 17.6 Mpa
Design yield strength of reinforcement = Fe435
diameter of circular pier = 2.5 m
Area of gross concrete section Ac = 4.91 m2
Axial compressive force NED = 11144 Kn
Diameter of hoop bar/spiral = 25 mm
Area of each hoop bar = 0.0000491 m2
SL (is the spacing of hoops or ties in the longitudinal direction) = 100 mm
Diameter of Longitudinal Bar = 40 mm Nos 50
+ 40 mm Nos 50
+ 32 mm Nos 25
% of longitudinal reinforcement = 2.9696 %

Requirement of Confining Reinforcement

Grade of concrete = 40
Normalised Axial force hk = NED/AC.fck > 0.08
= 0.05675618
not potential of plastic hinge

Calculation of provided confining reinforcement

Area of hoop bar,in one direction of confinement , Asp = 0.0000982 m2

2 leg
Diameter of hoop bar Dsp = 25 mm
Spacing of spirals SL = 100 mm
Therefore, Volumetric Ratio rw = 4Asp/(Dsp.SL) = 0.157080

Confining reinforcement wwd = rw.fyd/fcd

= 3.88

Calculation of Required Confining Reinforcement

Area of gross concrete section Ac = 4.9087 m2

diameter of circular pier = 2.5 m
Depth of rectangular column = 0 m
Clear cover to the reinforcement = 40 mm
Deign yield strength of steel = 400 Mpa
Design value of concrete compressive strength = 17.6 Mpa
Volumetric ratio of Longitudinal reinf. rL = 0.0297
Normalised Axial force hk = 0.056756175969
Confined concrete area of the section within outside dia of Hoop =
Acc = 4.60 m2

Consultancy Services for Assessing Feasibility, Preparation of DPR and Undertaking PMC for Construction of Elevated Rotary Interchange
in Sector 148, Noida Toward Sector 150, Noida

Minimum required designed confining reinforcement, wwdc

wwdc = max [ 1.4wwreq ; 0.18 ] 0.18

ww req = 0.13.fyd (rL-0.01)

Acc fcd

= 0.0806
Therefore, wwdc = 0.1800
confining reinforcement is ok

Spacing of Hoop Reinforcement

SL ( spacing of hoops in Long. Direction) = 100 mm

SL <= 1/5 of the smallest dimension of confined concrete core OK
SL <= 5 times the diameter of smallest longitudinal bar okay

Extent of confining reinf.

nk = 0.0568

Input parameters

Concrete Grade = M 40
Design value of concrete axial compressive stress, = 17.6 Mpa
Design yield strength of reinforcement = Fe435
diameter of circular pier = 2.2 m
Area of gross concrete section Ac = 3.80 m2
Axial compressive force NED = 0 Kn
Diameter of hoop bar/spiral = 20 mm
Area of each hoop bar = 0.0000314 m2
SL (is the spacing of hoops or ties in the longitudinal direction) = 150 mm
Diameter of Longitudinal Bar = 32 mm Nos 50
+ 0 mm Nos 0
+ 0 mm Nos 0
% of longitudinal reinforcement = 1.057851239669 %

Requirement of Confining Reinforcement

Grade of concrete = 40
Normalised Axial force hk = NED/AC.fck > 0.08
= 0
not potential of plastic hinge

Calculation of provided confining reinforcement

Area of hoop bar,in one direction of confinement , Asp = 0.0000628 m2

2 leg
Diameter of hoop bar Dsp = 20 mm
Spacing of spirals SL = 150 mm
Therefore, Volumetric Ratio rw = 4Asp/(Dsp.SL) = 0.083776

Confining reinforcement wwd = rw.fyd/fcd


Consultancy Services for Assessing Feasibility, Preparation of DPR and Undertaking PMC for Construction of Elevated Rotary Interchange
in Sector 148, Noida Toward Sector 150, Noida

= 2.07

Consultancy Services for Assessing Feasibility, Preparation of DPR and Undertaking PMC for Construction of Elevated Rotary Interchange
in Sector 148, Noida Toward Sector 150, Noida

Calculation of Required Confining Reinforcement

Area of gross concrete section Ac = 3.8013 m2

diameter of circular pier = 2.2 m
Depth of rectangular column = 0 m
Clear cover to the reinforcement = 40 mm
Deign yield strength of steel = 400 Mpa
Design value of concrete compressive strength = 17.6 Mpa
Volumetric ratio of Longitudinal reinf. rL = 0.0106
Normalised Axial force hk = 0
Confined concrete area of the section within outside dia of Hoop =
Acc = 3.53 m2

Minimum required designed confining reinforcement, wwdc

wwdc = max [ 1.4wwreq ; 0.18 ] 0.18

ww req = 0.13.fyd (rL-0.01)

Acc fcd

= 0.0017
Therefore, wwdc = 0.1800
confining reinforcement is ok

Spacing of Hoop Reinforcement

SL ( spacing of hoops in Long. Direction) = 150 mm

SL <= 1/5 of the smallest dimension of confined concrete core OK
SL <= 5 times the diameter of smallest longitudinal bar okay

Extent of confining reinf.

nk = 0.0000

Design of Elastomeric Bearing
Design of Elastomeric bearing

Span Length = 21.00 m

Grade of concrete 35 Mpa
Modulus of Elasticity = 3.15E+04 N/mm2

Effects from Superstructure

Reaction Rotation
t rad
DL = 307.40 0.001
SIDL = 53.98 0.001
LL (Load case-101) (with Impact) = 0.0 0.001
As per IRC 6, Braking force HL(20% of LL) = 29.2

Temperature variation = 30.0 C

Coefficient for temperature variation = 1.17E-05

Strain due to temperature variation = 30.0 x 1.17E-05 = 3.51E-04
Movement due to temperature variation 21000 x 1.17E-05 x 30.0
= 7.37 mm


Creep coefficient = 4.30E-05 Per N/mm2
Average stress due to creep at bottom fibre = 3.00 N/mm2
Creep strain 3/31500 = 9.52E-05
Movement due to creep = 21000 x 9.52E-05 = 2.00
= 2.00 mm
Shrinkage coefficient = 1.90E-04
Shrinkage strain = 1.90E-04
Movement due to shrinkage = 21000 x 1.90E-04 = 3.99 mm
Description Strain Translation
(i) STRAIN DUE TO TEMP. 0.000351 7.37
(ii) STRAIN DUE TO CREEP 0.000095 2.00
(iii) STRAIN DUE TO SHRINKAGE 0.000190 3.99
TOTAL STRAIN 0.000640 13.36

No of bearings on each substructure = 8 Max kn Min

Load per bearing V 451.7 903.4
Design movement of one beari dtc 6.7 6.7
Design Rotation a d 0.0030 0.0020
Braking force per bearing Hb 36.5 36.5

Details of Elastomeric Bearing

bo = 270 mm b = 258 mm
lo = 420 mm l = 408 mm
n = 4 no of internal layer hs = 3 mm thk steel
hi = 10 mm internal layer c = 5 mm
he = 5 mm external layer ns = 5 no of steel plate

Total height elastomer h = n hi + 2 he = 4 x 10 + 2 x 5 = 50 mm

Total height of bearing ho = h + ns x hs = 50+5x3 = 65 mm

Refer to IRC: 83 (PART II)) for following calculations.

Check for plan dimension

lo / bo = 420/ 270 = 1.556 > or = 1 ;< or =2 Okay

h = 50 mm <=bo/5 i.e. 54 Okay

>=bo/10 i.e. 27

Shape factor S = loaded surface area A (excluding cover)

Area free to bulge for one layer A' ( excluding cover)

A=320x500 113400 A/A' 8.51

A'= 2 x [258 + 408] x 10 = 13320 mm^2 Okay as S >= 6 and <= 12
Calulation of shear rating

Shear rating Vr of an elastomer is defined as force required to cause unit translation.

Where G is shear modulus of elastomer 1.0 Mpa
A is effective plan area of bearing 113400.0 mm^2

Vr = G A / ho = 1.0 x 113400 / 50 = 2268.0 N/mm

Horizontal Force for substructure = n. Vr. dtc + Fh/2

8x [ 2.268 x 6.681 ] + 36.5 = 157.7 kN

Stress check (Appendix-I,clause-916.2-note no.-1)

Maximum normal stress smax = 451.7x 1000 = 3.98 < 10MPa ; Hence O.K.

Minimum normal stress smin = 903.4x 1000 = 7.97 > 2Mpa ;Hence O.K.
Check for rotation ( As per cl. 916.3.6 of IRC : 83 ( part II)-1987)

Design rotation ad < b n a bi,max where a bi,max= 0.5 x sm x hi / ( b. S2 )

= 0.5 x 10 x 10 = 2.7E-3 rad.
258 x 72

b = sm / 10 = 1
b n a bi,max = 4 x 2.7E-3 = 0.0107 rad.
< ad = 0.0030 rad. Hence okay

Check for translation ( As per cl. 916.3.4 of IRC:83 ( PART II ) -1987)

Shear strain due to movement D L / h = 6.681 / 50 = 0.134

Shear strain due to Braking Force = Hbr / (A x G ) = 36.5 x 1000 = 0.321

113400 x 1

Total shear strain = 0.134 + 0.321 = 0.455

Permissible shear strain of elastomer bearing gd 0.700 Hence OK

Shear strain due to Braking Force = Hbr / (A x G ) = 36.5 x 1000 = 0.321

113400 x 1

Total shear strain = 0.134 + 0.321 = 0.455

Permissible shear strain of elastomer bearing gd 0.700 Hence OK

Check for friction (As per cl. 916.3.6 of IRC :83 (Part II) - 1987)

gd < 0.2 + 0.1 smin = 0.2 + 0.1 x 7.967 = 0.997

Shear strain of Elastomeric Bearing gd = 0.455 < 0.997
Hence OK
Check for total shear stress (As per cl. 916.3.7 of IRC :83 (Part II) - 1987)

ty = g d = 0.455
tc = 1.5 sm / S = 1.5 x 7.967 / 8.514 = 1.404 MPa
ta = 0.5 (b/ hi ) abi =
0.5 x 258 2
x 2.7E-3 = 0.890
tc + ty + ta = 1.404 + 0.455 + 0.890 = 2.749 MPa
tc + ty + ta < 5.0 MPa
Hence OK

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