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Luxury Apartments London

Construction Plan

Institutional Affiliation

Executive Summary
Contact Information THE GRAB
Living Good Homes
Brilliant ICT Programs and Living Good Homes hope diversifying from the ICT industry
Industry to the construction industry, developing luxury apartments that will be competitive post-
ICT/ Construction COVID-19. Although the housing market currently faces a recession due to the pandemic,
the London Market, in particular, Hillingdon will be resilient as such; Living Good Homes
Entry-stage will be in a position to respond to the market demands.
Early Stages
Year of Entry
2020 London housing market has proved competitive for the last 200 years; the luxury housing
will attract local and foreign interests’ parties. On average, the cost of buying a square
Board meter is 992.68, appealing to Living Good Homes, the need to invest in the project.
11 London is an Alpha ++ City, a title it holds together with New York; as such, the luxury
apartments attract an international status.
Entry Budget
68,243,344 PRODUCT

Funding Source 60% of Grants An apartment meeting Alpha ++ City requirements, attracting local and an international
and Funds market. Given the recent changes and challenges caused by COVID-19, the luxury
22% From Holding Companies apartments will be priced at the economy level, but above the cost of development.
10 % Sale of External

Seasonal Burn Rate Since the organization hopes at pricing the product at the economic level, it expects
[119323] immediate returns in the first six months following the termination of the project. At least
70% of apartments will be sold in the first six months following the termination of the


Hillingdon area experiences an influx of apartments, but very few are luxury apartments
offered at an economic class level. As such, the organization enhances its competitive edge
by focusing on the key ingredients of luxury apartments. The report demarcates the success
of the project, denotes the stakeholder management principles, and specifies the
appropriate critical path expectations useful in achieving the project.


The report engages seven key stages, scope and strategy orientation inclusive with
deliverables, and evaluation of successful project selection and comprehensive stakeholder
management. Other key milestones include a specification of resources required, an
analysis of critical path analysis, a discussion of project management tools, and lastly,
project outcomes.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary............................................................................................................................2
Table of Contents................................................................................................................................3
1. Breakdown......................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Scope and Strategy......................................................................................................................5
1.2 Deliverables.................................................................................................................................6
2. Success project selection.................................................................................................................9
3 Stakeholder Management...............................................................................................................11
3.1 Key Project Stakeholders...........................................................................................................12
3.1.1 Stakeholders Management..................................................................................................12
3.1.2 Stakeholder Strategy Options..............................................................................................14
3.1.3 Stakeholder Option.............................................................................................................14
4. All Resources Required.................................................................................................................16
4.1 Plan appropriate strategy for the implementation of a project....................................................16
5. Critical Path Analysis....................................................................................................................17
6 Project management tools and Limitations.....................................................................................17
7. Project Outcomes..........................................................................................................................18
7.1 Recommendations......................................................................................................................18
7.1.1 Improve the Procurement Method.......................................................................................18
7.1.2 Enact Strategic Communications and Change.....................................................................19
Appendix A – Identifying your Priorities........................................................................................22
Appendix B – Additional Value Chain Information........................................................................25
Supply Value Chain.....................................................................................................................25

Table 1: Factors that contribute to the process of project........................................................................................9
Table 2 - Procurement Selection Method 1 for London Luxury Apartments........................................................11
Table 3 – Summary Identify Your Priorities for London Luxury Apartments......................................................11
Table 4: Influence on Stakeholders........................................................................................................................15
Table 5 - Influence & interest of stakeholders versus project stage.......................................................................16
Table 6– Lifecycle of the London Luxury Apartments..........................................................................................17
Table 7: Project Management Tools......................................................................................................................17

1. Breakdown

1.1 Scope and Strategy

The contractual period is forty-eight months. The luxury apartments will be responsive and

profitable post-COVID-19. This apartment will be built on the land owned by the local

people, and it will be beneficial for them and for the London community. The factors

involved in the construction of these luxury apartments are:

 The land will be rented from the owners.

 The project will be started within four months to give enough time for other

construction projects.

 Construction is expected to commence as soon as the contract is signed.

 The local company should be given the opportunity to get a maintenance contract for

the whole project period.

 Temporary construction apartments package include the following:

 Various sorts of well-furnished rooms with proper communication channels.

 Proper dining services.

 Material needed for laundry, catering, and kitchen are provided.

 Entertainment and managerial offices.

 Electrical networks with diesel generators, as well as stored fuel for generators,

are provided.

 Water networks and festering tanks for wastewater.

 Temporary fencing, apartments, and walkways.


After construction, each building will be tested under conditions of heavy rain and will be

given enough time to get adjusted to the environment.

1.2 Deliverables

The requirements and all the expected hurdles encountered during the execution of the

project will be highlighted during the definition phase and in cases where project

partners and stakeholders are able to identify issues related to the various project

activities. These issues need to be monitored frequently to avoid serious implications.

The following are the expected constraints and requirements:

 Time.

 Budget.

 Quality.

 Expertise and required resources at hand.

 Rules and regulations.

 Other external factors, like the environment and the community.

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