Pathway 1 Digestion and Enzymes Comprehension Activity

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Pathway 1: Digestion and Enzymes

Comprehension Activity

Read the information below and answer the questions underneath:

Our teeth break food down into smaller pieces when we chew. This is only a start to
the process of digestion, as chewed pieces of food are still too large to be absorbed by
the body. Food has to be broken down chemically into really small particles before it
can be absorbed.

Enzymes are needed so that this break-down happens quickly enough to be useful.
They are special proteins that can break large molecules into small molecules.
Different types of enzymes can break down different nutrients:

• Amylase enzymes break down starch into sugar in the mouth, stomach and small

• Protease enzymes break down proteins into amino acids in the stomach and small
• Lipase enzymes break down fats into fatty acids and glycerol in the small intestine.

Things that are not digested: Minerals, vitamins and water are already small

enough to be absorbed by the body without being broken down, so they are not

Digestive enzymes cannot break down fibre, which is why it cannot be absorbed by

the body.

1. Explain what is meant by an ‘enzyme’


2. Name three enzymes from the text above:
1) ……………………………….. 2) …………………….………….. 3) …………….

3. Name one organ in the body that releases all three enzymes

4. (a) True/False: Fats can be broken down by amylase


(b) Explain why this is true or false


5. On the back of this sheet, explain in detail why you think it is important to eat lots of

6. Get a copy of the BBC News seaweed article and underline the scientific key terms
recognise. Then, on the back of this sheet, summarise what you have learnt from the

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