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Review Friday, 13 March 2020

Book Title: The Final Empire Genre: High Fantasy

Rank in Series: 1st in Mist born: Era One Trilogy Book Type: E-book
Author: Brandon Sanderson Pages: 646
Started On: 4th March, 2020 Finished On: 12th March, 2020

Story in Brief:
After defeating ‘Deepness’, Lord Ruler is ruling on world, projects himself as an immortal GOD who
cannot be defeated. He has punished people for the lack of faith by making sun bright red, raining ash
during the day time and omnipresent mist during the nigh time. There are 2 distinct divide in society-
one is Noblemen and other is Skaa. Noblemen are the people who can use Allomancy to some or full
extent. Skaa are enslaved to noblemen because of their superior Allomantic power. But noblemen
need Atium-a rare metal only Lord Ruler can mine in Hathsin Pits using prisoners as slave workers.
Kelsier – the only survivor of Hathsin Pits is a mistborn – one who can fully use allomantic powers.
He gathers a crew which has people with different allomantic, political and administrative power and
plan to topple the Lord Ruler. Kelsier believes that Lord Ruler can be killed, or at least be made to
leave the main capital city Luthadel. He finds and trains another mistborn Vin- a teen urchin to
accomplish the mission.
Kelsier with his team starts Skaa rebellion which took totally different direction than planned and
creates chaos and after many twists and turns the final goal is accomplished.

What I Like in The Book:

 The plot seems really simple and feels quite predictable until it takes you by surprise. Once
the secret is revealed, you realise that there were hints and clues given all throughout the
story. But still it manages to go unnoticed until it finally reveals itself.
 Friendship among the crew members is beautifully portrayed.
 Till the middle of the story, pace is slower but once it picks up it is a joy ride.
 The magic system is quite sensible and almost logical in nature.
 I love the rapport Vin shares with Kelsier. Though in the beginning I was worrying about
them being lovers, but in the end theirs is one of my favourite relationship in the story.
 For character growth, I think Vin has the best deal. I did feel frustrated with her getting easily
impressed by nobility and ignoring their obvious flaws. But in the end she redeemed herself
by her actions and the choices she made (or I would definitely have DNF the series).

Favourite Characters:
1. Kelsier – the Survivor of Hathsin, Survivor of Mists, Lord of Mists
The moment he entered the story, I knew he is going to be my favourite. And he proved
himself worthy of that affection. Over the top, charismatic, frivolous is not my type but his
reason for being so made me root for him. I admit that I did doubt his plans and executions
but his master stroke in the end just converted him from crazy and careless to genius for me.

I love how he remained defiant and optimistic in all the adversaries and his tendency of
getting back up after a fall or two is commendable. He truly establishes himself as a leader to
whom everybody looks up to.
2. Sazed – the Terrisman
Another very simple yet amazing character in this story is Sazed. He shows how your faith
and belief can give you strength in the worst of the time. Rather than complaining about
hardships and unfairness, he makes the best of his abilities and responsibilities. In whole
story, he is the only one who did trust Kelsier completely and never doubted or questioned his

What I expect in next Book – The Well of Ascension:

I have some questions for which I hope to get answers –

 What exactly happened at the well of ascension and to the real hero?
 How Allomancy came to existence?
 What exactly is ‘Deepness’?
 How and when is he going to come back? (Yes I cheated. I did google the moment I finished
the book to decide whether I would read the next one or not. And as he is making comeback, I
will continue with the series. Hope he makes the entry sooner than the later. Keeping my
fingers crossed.)
 Where is the Atium?

Favourite Quotes:
“There’s always another secret!” – Kelsier, Survivor of Hathsin

pg. 2

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