Three (3) Things That I Significantly Learned From The Readings

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The Life and Works of Jose Rizal

Metacognitive Reading Report # 1

Name: Caleb D. Jalmasco Date: Nov. 20, 2018

1. Three (3) Things that I significantly learned from the readings

As a nation with a deep love for the country and the Catholic faith, the proposed bill by
Sen. Claro Recto seems to be a bitter pill to swallow. Intense debates in the Congress
followed by the active movements of the Church to create an opposition to the bill were
the significant happenings during the time. The readings emphasized how the Catholic
Church tried to kill the bill, with arguments ranging from “bad images” to “not patriotic
novels”; and how Recto defended their stance through providing counter-arguments. All
of these proves how keen are we in accepting bills that involves a conflict between our
faith and country.

To inculcate civic consciousness, national dignity, and patriotism; and not to pretend to
be a teacher of religion and theology, this is the reason why Rizal wrote the two novels.

Looking on the argument of the oppositon, following the ruling of the US Supreme Court
on how the required salute to the flag is a violation of one's freedom of speech, the
mandatory glorification of Rizal and his works did not just impaired one's freedom of
speech but also one's right to freedom of religion and consciousness.

2. Things that are still unclear to me

In a sense, Rizal attacked foreign clerics while on the other hand glorified the sacrifices
of native clerics. That makes the ruckus made by the Filipino bishops something unclear.
Foreign clerics who opposed RA1425 were understandable but the Filipino clergy, whom
Rizal exalted through the lives of Padre Fernandez and Padre Florentino, is contrary to
their argument. Articles written by Catholic historians will be a testament that Rizal’s
novel showed that our country isn't made up of Padres Salvi and Damaso but in fact
populated by the likes of the wise Padre Fernandez and the faithful Padre Florentino.

3. I used to think that….

Rizal’s life is irrelevant in understanding our roots and history. However, I am

one of those who believe that his works, specifically Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo, should be studied and understood for whatever Rizal wrote and implied
from the novels are still true today.

4. Questions that I want to ask about the readings

The pastoral letter written by Horacio de la Costa started with the exaltation of Rizal as a
person but changed its mood in criticizing his two novels. Why is this so?

Are the arguments used by the church to oppose the bill the real reason of their defiance?
Is it possible that the church opposed the bill for a more personal reason?

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