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9 Notes

Figure 9.1/Rajah 9.1 Figure 9. 2/Rajah 9.2

Figure 9.1 and Figure 9.2 show photographs of two circuit. Each circuit
contains four identical bulbs connected to four identical new dry cells.
Rajah 9.1 and rajah 9.2 menunjukkan fotograf untuk dua litar. Setiap litar
mengandungi 4 mentol yang sama, disambungkan kepada empat sel kering baruyang

(a) (i) State the energy transformations that take place in the bulb.
Nyatakan perubahan tenaga yang berlaku dalam mentol.
…………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(ii) Draw a circuit diagram for each photograph.

Lukiskan gambar rajah untuk setiap fotograf

[3 marks]

(b) Observe the photographs in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Compare the

brightness of the bulbs.

Relate the brightness of the bulbs between Figure 9.1 and Figure 9.2 to deduce a
concept in physics with regard to the potential difference and the current flow for
the bulbs in series and parallel circuits.

Perhatikan fotograf pada rajah 9.1 dan rajah 9.2. Nyatakan perbandingan
tentang kecerahan mentol-mentol itu.

Hubungkaitkan kecerahan mentol-mentol antara rajah 9.1 dan rajah 9.2

untuk membuat kesimpulan tentang satu konsep fizik yang berkaitan dengan
beza keupayaan menrentas mentol dan arus yang mengalir dalam mentol
bagi litar bersiri dan selari.













[ 6 marks]

Figure 9.3
(c) Figure 9.3 shows a model of an incubator used to hatch eggs. The temperature
in the incubator must be maintained around 39°C. Every part of the eggs must
receive uniform heat. The eggs are hatched in about 20 days. Using an appropriate
concept in physics, explain the modification required to the above incubator so as to
efficiently hatch about 200 eggs.
Rajah 9.3menunjukkan satu model incubator yang digunakan untuk mengeram telur.
Suhu dalam inkubator itu perlu ditetapkan sekitar 39°C. Setiap bahagian telur
perlu menerima haba yang sekata. Tempoh penetasan lebih kurang 20
hari.Menggunakan konsep fizik yang sesuai, terangkan pengubahsuaian yang
perlu dilakukan kepada inkubator tersebut untuk menetaskan lebih kurang 200 biji
telus dengan lebih berkesan.

[10 mark]

9 (a)(i) Electrical energy Light energy Heat energy 1
(ii) Diagram 9.1: Series circuit with 4 dry cell, 4 bulbs and a switch. 1
Diagram 9.2: Parellel circuit with 4 dry cell, 4 bulbs and a switch. 1
Both diagram are functional 1

(b) 1.All the bulbs in diagram 9.1 dimmer than 9.2

2.The brighthness among bulbs in both circuit is same.
3.The potential difference of all bulbs in parallel circuit same with voltage of dry
4.The potential difference in the series circuit is smaller than the parallel circuit.
5.The current flow for each bulbs in series circuit is same.
6.The total current flowing in the parallel circuit is higher than the current flowing 6
in the series circuit.

Modifications Reasons
1. Use parallel curcuit Heat energy can be distributed uniformly even
though a bulbs is fused.
2.Using alam/gate logic Correct timing is employed in hatching in eggs.
3.Using thermistor To ensure temperature constant at 39°C when the
thermistor is fixed.
4.Bigger size of the More eggs can be stored
box/arrange in multi storey
5.Using fan/bulbs with same Heat distributed uniformly to the eggs

Total 20

11 (a)Most of our electrical energy comes from hydroelectric power stations and thermal Notes
power station. These power station are connected by cables to transmit electricity to users
in industries, offices, school and houses. This system called national grid network.
Sebahagian besar tenaga elektrik yang digunakan datang daripada stesen janakuasa
elektrik hidro dan stesen janakuasa termal. Stesen janakuasa ini disambung antara satu
sama lain menggunakan kabel untuk menyalurkan tenaga elektrik kepada industri,
pejabat, sekolah dan rumah kediaman. Sistem ini dikenali sebagai rangkaian grip
(i) States the transformations of energy in a hydroelectric power station.
Nyatakan pemindahan bentuk tenaga yang berlaku di stesen janakuasa eletrik hidro.
[1 mark]
(ii) Explain briefly the importance of the national grid network system in distributing
electrical energy to the user.
Terangkan secara ringkas kepentingan system rangkaian grid nasional dalam
penghantaran tenaga elektrik kepada pengguna.
[4 marks]
(b)A group of engineers were entrusted to choose a suitable cable to be used as the
transmitting cable for a long distance electrical transmission through National Grid
Four different cables and their characteristic of the cables were given. The length and
diameter of all the cables are similar.
Sekumpulan jurutera telah dipertanggungjawabkan untuk memilih satu kabel yang sesuai
untuk menghantar tenaga elektrik secara rangkaian grid nasional dalam jarak jauh.
Empat jenis kabel dan cirri-cirimereka telah diberi..Panjang dan diameter kabel-kabel
adalah sama.

(i) Define the resistance of a conductor.

Berikan maksud rintangan untuk sesuatu konduktor
[ 1 mark]
(ii) The table below shows the characteristic of the four cables, A, B, C and D.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan ciri-ciri empat kabel A, B, C dan D.

Maximum load
Resistivity / before breaking/ Density / Rate of expansion/
kerintangan Beban maksima ketumpatan Kadar
m sebelum pecah kgm-3 pengembangan

A 0.020 500 2800 Low/rendah

B 0.056 300 3200 Low/rendah

C 0.031 400 5600

D 0.085 200 3800 High/tinggi

Base on the above table:

Berdasarkan jadual di atas:

(i) Explain the suitability of each characteristic of the table to be used for a
long distance electricity transmission.
Jelaskan kesesuaian setiap ciri kabel dalam jadual untuk penghantaran
elektrik untuk jarak jauh.
(ii) Determine the most suitable wire and state the reason
Pilih kabel yang paling sesuai digunakan dengan memberikan

[ 10 marks]

(c)Suggest how three similar bulbs are arranged effectively in a domestic

circuit. Draw a diagram to explain your answer. Give one reasons for the
Cadangkan bagaimana cara tiga mentol yang serupa disambung secara
berkesan di dalam litar rumah kediaman. Lakarkan satu gambah rajah
untuk menerangkan jawapan anda. Berikan satu sebab untuk susunan itu.

One reason:

[2 marks]
(d) A lamp is marked “12 V, 24 W”. How many joules of electrical energy does it
consume in an hour?
Satu lampu berlabel “12 V, 24 W”.Berapakah joule tenaga electrik yang digunakan
dalam satu jam?

[2 marks]

11 (a)(i) Potential energy kinetic energy Electrical energy 1
(ii) 1. To ensure continuous delivery of power. 1
2. Can revert to another network if the existing network is faulty. 1
3.The overall cost of production of electricity can be reduced. 1
4.Power can be distributed according to the demand. 1
(b) Resistance is the ratio of potential difference to current flowing in an ohmic 1
(i) conductor.
Characteristics Explanations
A low resistivity Energy loss during transmission is reduced

Max load before Mass or weight reduced. Can be supported by

braking is high transmission tower
Cable will not slag when it heated during
A low density
Cable A is chosen because it has low resistivity, high max load before
breaking, low density and low expansion rate.

Parallel connection
If one bulb is burnt the others is still be lighted up
(c)(i) 1
E = Pt
= 24 (1 x 60 x 60)
(d) 1
= 86 400 J
Total 20

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