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Creating an Advert using Adobe Premier Pro

The ICT department is in need of some new
equipment. Ms Chave has decided in order to
raise money for the equipment you are going
to design and sell a new App for a mobile or
tablet. She has asked you to create an advert
to raise awareness about your App.

By the end of this

project you will have
learnt to:

Design an
Review advert

Test the
Create an advert

Your Name:
Your teacher will show Activity One:
you some adverts to Review several
review, watch tthem and existing adverts
fill in the following table.

Advert 1 Advert 2 Advert 3

Name of

What is the
aim of the

Who is The

How are the

aims met?

emotions are
when you
watch it?

What are the

good points?

What are the

bad points?
Activity One:
Review several

Now you need to type a review

into Word. Remember to include
the information from the
previous page. You should also
look at the things below and
include them.

Make sure you include these things for each clip you
reviewed, tick them off if you have done it. (copy and paste
this tick next to the numbers )

A thorough explanation of the good and not so good

features. 1 2 3

A range of valid improvements to help the adverts meet its

aims. 1 2 3

If the advert didn’t meet its aims, say why.

1 2 3

Activity Two:
Design an
Time to start designing your
advert. First you need to
decide the aims and the
audience for your advert.

What are you advertising?

You need to design an App.

How about the audience,

who will it be? It could be
students at SYTS or parents.
What Apps would they be
interested in?

You will create an advert

What will it be for?

What is the App called?

Who will it be aimed at?

What sort of things will they like?

Now thoroughly describe this in Word. Include the fact that you will
use Adobe Premier Pro to create the advert.
Your advert should be at
least 30 seconds long and
include more than just a Activity Two:
film of someone speaking.
Produce an advert
It should also include some
story -board
music and acting etc.

Use a separate sheet if you have

Create a storyboard like the one more scenes but remember your
below to show how your advert advert should only be about 30
will work in scenes. seconds long.

Drawing or description of scene Scene 1:



Drawing or description of scene Scene 2:



Drawing or description of scene Scene 3:



Drawing or description of scene Scene 4:


Activity Three:
Film your unedited
advert using your

Write your script and decide if

you are using any sound or visual

Decide if you will use any props

and draw them if you need to.

Rehearse your script

remembering that you will film it
in the classroom.
Activity Four:

Create an

Let’s get started in Adobe

Premier Pro. There are some
techniques you must do, these
are listed below. Tick them off
as you do them. Copy and paste
this tick  next to each task.

Inserting video files.

Inserting music
Splitting the videos and
with or without Adding credits removing the bits you
sound effects.
don’t want.

Adding visual effects

Trimming the videos Balancing the video and
background music
Trimming the music

Remember to use
your headphones.
Activity Four:
Choosing Music
and Sound

Now you need to choose all your

sound effects and music.

Go to Youtube and find your song.

Download it using the instructions in
the video tutorials. REMEMBER older
songs are more likely to be

Some websites with

copyright free sound effects.
All your sounds must be
copyright free.
If you want Sound Effects download them
from Soundbible and insert them into your
Adobe Premier Pro project. Or look in

This is the website to use to

download youtube videos
Online Converter
Activity Four:

Test the
Yes, it is time to test your video
video of your advert. First
come up with five tests to
check if your video is
suitable for your task, e.g.
“When I show it to my
class mates they are able
to identify its aims”. Put
them in the table below.

Will it be
thumbs up for
your video?

Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
Creating a Video using ICT
Activity Four:

Test the

Before we actually begin testing

you need to create a table with
your tests and space for the result.

Sometimes we are too close to our own

work and we can’t see the problems.
Get a friend to do the tests as well.

If you want to get a good

mark, then you will need to
find some things to improve
upon and improve them.
You have finished.

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