Third Order Circuits

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Solving third order circuits

Juan Glicerio C. Manlapaz

We will try to solve higher order circuits using multiple methods of circuit
analysis, how each method varies in terms of efficiency, and what insight can
we obtain from solving these circuits. At first glance, these kinds of circuits
may seem pretty difficult to solve because of the Sisyphean task of deriving the
differential equation and finding the solution to it based on the initial values.
But even deriving the relationship between the initial values to the unknown
variable can be a daunting task on its own.
However, though solving third and higher order circuits requires a lot of math
and may resort to using Matlab, we can start small using the following exam-
ple and eventually realize it’s no different than solving first and second order

1H i

10 H

11 + 6
6 V − 11 Ω

11 F

Figure 1: Third-Order Circuit

Figure 1 shows an example of a third order circuit with three energy storage
elements. Suppose the circuit doesn’t have any initial energy stored and our
goal is to find i(t) for t > 0. We will solve the circuit using the traditional ODE
Now, what does it mean by ”no initial stored energy”? Well, the short answer is
that it is a fancy way of saying that the continuity variables are zero. The long
answer requires a recap of the energy equations of each energy storage element.

Capacitor: E = CV 2
Inductor: E = LI 2

Let us now begin solving the circuit. It requires the voltage-current relation-
ships of each resistor, inductor, and capacitor, Kirchhoff’s Current Law and
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, and etc.

1H iL1 i

+ vL1 − +
+ iR1 1
vL2 10 H

11 + 6 −
6 V
vR1 11 Ω

vC1 10
11 F

Since no initial energy stored, let’s assume that vC1 = 0, i = 0, and iL1 = 0.
These information are crucial to find the complete response for i. For now, let’s
derive the ODE in terms of i with the following steps.

KCL at topmost node:

iL1 = iR1 + i (1)

Current/Voltage equations for all components:

vL1 = i0L1 (2)

1 0
vL2 = i (3)
vC1 = i (4)
iR1 = vR1 (5)

KVL on right mesh:

−vR1 + vL2 + vC1 = 0 (6)

KVL on left mesh:

− + vL1 + vR1 = 0 (7)

(3), (4) → (6): Z

1 0 11
vR1 = i + i (8)
10 10

(1) → (2):
vL1 = i0R1 + i0 (9)

(5) → (9):
11 0
vL1 = v + i0 (10)
6 R1

(8) → (10):
11 00 121
vL1 = i + i + i0 (11)
60 60

(8), (11) → (7):

11 11 121 1 11
− + i00 + i + i0 + i0 + i=0 (12)
6 60 60 10 10

Simplify (12):
11 000 11 00 121 0 11
i + i + i + i=0 (13)
60 10 60 10

Solve the Characteristic Equation:

11 3 11 2 121 11
s + s + s+ =0
60 10 60 10
11s3 + 66s2 + 121s + 66 = 0
s3 + 6s2 + 11s + 6 = 0 (14)
Solve the characteristic equation (14)

s1 = −1, s2 = −2, s3 = −3 (15)

Since s is in the set of real numbers, we assume that i is an overdamped

solution and assumes the form:

i(t) = A1 e−s1 t + A2 e−s2 t + A3 e−s3 t (16)

(15) → (16):
i(t) = A1 e−t + A2 e−2t + A3 e−3t (17)
We now have the solution to the ODE in (17). Since the left hand side is zero,
we only have to deal with finding the natural response of i. Now, let us find the
coefficients of i using the fact that there is no initial stored energy in the circuit
to obtain the complete response. First, let’s establish the numerical meaning of
the ”no initial stored energy” excerpt of the problem:

i(0) = 0 (18)
iL1 (0) = 0 (19)
vC1 (0) = i(0) = 0 (20)

Using the information from (18) & (19), substitute both to (1) and let t = 0:

iL1 (0) = iR1 (0) + i(0)

0 = iR1 (0) + 0
iR1 (0) = 0 (21)

(21) → (5):
iR1 (0) = vR1 (0) = 0
vR1 (0) = 0 (22)

We will now derive the system of equations that describe the behaviour of the
initial values.

Let t = 0 in (17):

i(0) = A1 e−0 + A2 e−0 + A3 e−0 = 0

A1 + A2 + A3 = 0 (23)

(3), (20) and (22) → (6) and let t = 0:

−vR1 (0) + vL2 (0) + vC1 (0) = 0

1 0
0+ i (0) + 0 = 0
i0 (0) = 0 (24)

(17) → (24):
i0 (0) = −1A1 e−0 − 2A2 e−0 − 3A3 e−0 = 0
−A1 − 2A2 − 3A3 = 0 (25)

Let t = 0 in (12):
11 11 121 1 11
− + i00 (0) + i(0) + i0 (0) + i0 (0) + i(0) = 0 (26)
6 60 60 10 10

(18), (20), and (24) → (28):
11 11 00
− + i (0) + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0
6 60
i00 (0) = 10 (27)

(17) → (27):
A1 e−0 + 4A2 e−0 + 9A3 e−0 = 10

A1 + 4A2 + 9A3 = 10 (28)

Solving the system of equations (23), (25), and (28) will yield:

A1 = 5, A2 = −10, A3 = 5 (29)

Substituting (31) to (19) will yield the complete response which is the final
answer. The figure below is the plot of i(t) for t > 0.

i(t) = 5e−t − 10e−2t + 5e−3t A, for t > 0




0 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 2: Plot of i(t) for t > 0

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