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Neurology mcq

1)classified mild module severe typical breast on gcs non

specific which describe bland penetrating damage is the train
which is classified mild moderate serrana ?
Traumatic brain injury
2) what neuro transmitter excessive level diskinesia is
parkinson disease pd ?
3) what drugs most frequent causes secondary parkinsism ?
4) most malignant grade astro receptors is called ?
5) tumor is found in cerebral hemisphere usually in frontal lobe
b/w ages 14 &15 and it well differinated tumor grow slowly
over the year ?
6) what is one the marks at brain ?
7)back pain decrease sensation progressive weakness or
paralysis ?
Spinal cord tumor
8)hematoma is located between duramatter and skull if it has
biconvex shape what hematoma biconcave ?
9) hemotoma is charactersized by progressive decline
epislateral midrasis contralateral hemiporosis what hematoma
Subdural hematoma
10) which % at mortality in mild to moderate
11) which of the following neuropathy also called perioneal
muscular atrophy?
12) tumor arises from grey matter it always it is well demacted
usually occurs between age n40&50 grow slow
13) this is bening tumor usually feel in children on
pathological examination this ?
14)astrocytoma originated from ?Glial cells
15) meningioma originated from ? Dura matter
16) neurofibroma originated from ? p.n.s ( peripheral nervous
system )
17) sarcoma originated from ? Connective tissue
18) pressure on spinal cord may block blood supply to spinal
cord resulting in ? Fluid exumulation edema
19) there is compressing nerve route if pressures it continues
to high attic muscles become ? Atrophy ( muscle atrophy )
20)metasatasis most common spread to the vetebrae for
cancer that originated in ? Vetebrae ,lungs ,kidney ,liver
,mostly in organs
21) primary spinal cord tumors are ? Neuro fibromas &
22) heredity neuropathy charactersized by accumulation gas?
Refsum disease
23) what hematoma is typicall seen hyperdens on iso dense
area what hematoma there ?
Subdural hematoma
24) this types of hematoma usually occur in skull fracture
middle meningial ? Epidural
25) what is the most dangerous complication of traumatic
brain injury ?
Brain compression herniation
26) GCS ( glasscoma scale ) include the following response are
there ?
Eyeopening , motor response, verbal response
27) it is most common neuropathy which seen in people
what nerve compressed ?
Peronial nerve
28) glasscoma scale 13 or higher co related ? Mild
29) GCS is 9 to 12 correalted by ? Moderate
30) GCS is 8 or less co realted ? Severe
31) what traumatic brain injury external mechanically force ?
Traumatic brain injury
32) what traumatic brain injury over cross acoustic ?
Blastic traumatic injury
33) brain tumor which is mostly radioresistance ?
34) tumor mostly arising from posterior cranial fossa most
commonly near the 4th ventricle medulla / spinal cord ?
35) tumor which arises from the fold of the 4th ventricle and
grows into the ear vermicus ?
36) tumor which produces excessive growth hormones causing
acromeglay ? Eosinophilic ( pituitaryedenoma ) adenoma
37) tumor which is produced by excessive aderno
corticotrophic hormones ?
Basophillic edenoma
38) tumor which produces by galactorrhea & secondary
ammenorrhea ?
39) bening tumor arised from schwan cells are called ?
40) most common source of brain tumor in men ?
Adeno carcinoma
41) in female most common tumor ? Breast carcinoma
42) there is a tumor which is arise from cerebellum &
charactersized by one specific nerve compression hearing
loss ? Vestibulocochelar nerve
Acoustic neuroma
43) back pain weakness during knee examination compression
at femoral nerve is affected ? L2
44) what nervew palsy caused foot droop?
45) expose to chemical substance the cause inactivation
acetylcholine stress can live to the following ?
Cholingeric crisis
46) what nerve causes clow hand deformity ? Ulnar nerve
47) what nerve causes wrist droop ? Radial nerve
48) which of the following charactersized by strabis drosalsis?
49)What hematoma is presented here?
50) What sign is examined here?
Kernig's sign
51)What disease is characterized by the
Following feature?Down syndrome
52)The following facial features are seen? Down syndrome
53) Tumor which usually affects CN VIII?
54)What tumor is seen here?
55)What tumors produce excessive growth
hormone, causing acromegaly ?
eosinophilic adenoma
56) - Basophil adenomas and prolactinomas?
57)What can cause meningitis?
All of the above
58)Loss of peripheral vision is called?
Bitemporal heteronymous hemianopia
59)This sign is called Battle sign-true
60)CSF shows mixed pleocytosis, elevated
* protein level, low glucose level. What is
The most likely cause of meningitis?
61)Facial nerve’s lesion produces Tic
Douloureux? False
62)What hematoma is in?
63)In Apallic syndrome the patient appears
To be awake and can sometimes be
Induced to speak or move
64)Peripheral neuropathy, retinitis
RIPHERA pigmentosa and dry, scaly skin are
Symptoms of?
Refsum’s Disease
65)Trochlear nerve lesion leads to vertical
You answered
66)Trochlear nerve lesion leads to vertical
67)Causes of meningitis in neonates and
Young infants, except?
Streptococcus pneumoniae
68)Neurotropism is the ability of a virus to
Infect neural cells
69)Neuropathy that follows a viral infection
And causes an acute and severe
Progression of weakness and numbness
Over weeks?
Guillain-Barre syndrome

70)The patient does not open his eyes, does

Not have motor response, no verbal
Response. What Glasgo Coma Scale
Score is?3
71)What medicine is administered in
Tension type headache?amitriptyline
72)the Patient opens his eyes to auditory stimulus pulls away
his extremity from pain he is confused his gcs is 9
73)When patient can not remember events
prior to trauma, it is called?
Retrograde amnesia
The most common route of
Streptococcus pneumoniae is a
neurosurgical procedure
The ability of a virus to cause disease of
nervous tissue once it enters the CNS is
called? Neuro virulence
76)What nerve’s compression is called
Saturday night palsy?
Compression of the radial nerve
What nerve’s compression is called
Carpal tunnel syndrome?
Compression of the median nerve
Exposure to a chemical substance that causes inactivation of
acetylcholinesterase can lead to the
following? Cholinergic crisis
What medicine is given to distinguish between cholinergic and
myasthenic crisis?Endorphonium

Which of the following neuropathy is also called peroneal

muscular atrophy? Charcot Marie tooth disease
Which of the following is called a hypertrophic interstitial
neuropathy? Dejerine sottas disease
Which of the following does not belong to an etiological
classification of neuropathies? Neuropathic
Inverted champagne-bottle" appearance to the lower
extremities is seen in?chaarco Marie tooth disease
What nerve palsy causes footdrop (weakened dorsiflexion and
eversion of the foot) and sensorydeficit in the anterolateral
aspect of the lower leg and the dorsum of the foot? Peroneal
What nerve palsy causes wristdrop (weakness of the wrist and
finger extensors) and sensory loss in the dorsal aspect of the
first dorsal interosseous muscle? Radial nerve

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