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1. What is your Motivation for becoming a Student Companion?

"While it is wise to learn from experience, it is wiser to learn from the

experience of others" - Rick Warren

I firmly believe in the saying mentioned above and feel that one should always add
on to the work and experiences on has already had.
I've faced tons of hardships in the 1 year that I've spent here and previously
during my work experience and I believe those experiences
have taught me a lot. One learns from mistakes more than anything else. And the
reason I want to become a Student Comapanion is because I'd
like to share my experiences with the junior batch so that they can learn from my
mistakes and not repeat them.

Another reason is that I've had a first hand experience of the pressures a fresher
faces and the toll it can take on one's mental health.
In such a state it's difficult to find someone to talk to and express their
feelings. And I want to be there for the juniors so that they
can handle the pressure well and talk through their doubts and insecurities.

If I am to put it in a nutshell my motiviation to become a Student Comapanion then

it would be that I want to help the freshers succeed in
achieving their goals and dreams in whichever small capacity I can.


2. What according to you are the problems faced by a student which requires help
from a student companion?

IIT Bombay attracts the best minds in the country who are highly competitive. The
first problem they face is how to be competitive in this landscape
so that they can get their dream jobs or universities and as a Student Comapanion
it'd be my role to guide them to the path they should take to realize these goals.
Guiding them to their dream career, foreign universities for higher studies,
major/minor guidance etc.

There are clubs and committees guidelines and what should one pursue based on their
interests. Managing them and/or sports with studies is also a problem which a
Student Companion can help the freshers with.

Next there are always administrative problems a fresher faces during the first
couple of months in the institute which can be easily addressed by a senior.

And finally, in such a highly competitive environment, mental health issues can
crop up amongst the freshers as they get used to a new phase of their life.
Appropriate mentorship and support is crucial to their well being

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