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University of

Faculty of humanities
English language department

The report is about

(Reading and writing)

Prepared by:
Supervised by:

Education & Learning
Education , the knowledge, skill, and understanding that you get from
attending a school, college, or university.
Learning is a process that leads to change, which occurs as a result of
experience and increases the potential for improved performance and
future learning.

Some related words to Education and Learning :

*Literacy : the ability to read and write.
Example ; Their goal is to achieve basic literacy.

*Tuition :  money that is paid to a school for the right to study there.

Example ; Her uncle agreed to pay part of her tuition.

*Undergraduate : a student at a college or university who has not

yet earned a degree.
Example ; a group of college undergraduates.

*Welfare : a government program for poor or unemployed people

that helps pay for their food, housing, medical costs, etc.
Example ; He wants to do away with welfare .

*Diploma : a document which shows that a person has finished a

course of study or has graduated from a school.
Example;He earned his high school diploma by attending classes at ni
*Exercise : an activity or set of activities that you do in order to learn how
to do something.
Example ; Swimming is my favorite kind of exercise.

*Insight : the ability to understand people and situations in
a very clear way.
Example ; He is a leader of great insight.

*Higher education : education provided by a college or university.
Example;Students and their parents worryabout the rising cost of hig
her education .

*Experience : the process of doing and seeing things and of

having things happen to you.
Example ; The best way to learn is by experience.

*Homeschool :to teach school subjects to one's children at home.

Example : They home schooled both their children.

*Knowledge : information, understanding, or skill that you get from

experience or education.
Example ; She has little knowledge of fashion.

*Enlighten : to give knowledge or understanding to
someone : to explain something to someone.

Example ; I don't understand what's going on,
can someone please enlighten me?
*Scholar : a person who has studied a subject for
a long time and knows a lot about it.
Example ; She's a renowned scholar of African-American history .
*Teachable : able and willing to learn , capable of being taught.
Example ; The book's style makes it very teachable.

*Didactic : designed or intended to teach.
Example ; the poet's works became increasingly
didactic after his religious conversion.

*Tutor : a private teacher.

Example ; I got a tutor to help me with my homework.

*Mentor : someone who teaches or gives help and advice to
a less experienced and often younger person.

Example ; After college, her professor became

her close friend and mentor.

Phrasal verbs :
 As easy as ABC

Meaning: something that is very simple or easy.

Example: that jigsaw puzzle is as easy as ABC; I don’t understand why you
have been struggling with it for so long.
 Read up on

Meaning: study something by reading a lot about it.

Example: I need to read up on my British history.
 Hit the books

Meaning: to begin to study hard.

Example: I hit the books as soon as I knew the date of the exam.
 Hand in/ turn in

Meaning: give your finished work to a teacher.

Example: I handed my homework in late as usual.

 Copy out

Meaning: write something again exactly as it was written.

Example: we need to copy out sentences from a book.
 Fill in the blanks

Meaning: to supply missing words or information (this can be used in
conversation or writing).
Example: I wasn’t here when the argument happened, so john filled in the
blanks for me.
 Eager beaver

Meaning: someone who works hard and is very enthusiastic.

Example: Mary is such an eager beaver, she always the first one to do
whatever the boss asks. I think she's hoping for a promotion.
 Drop out

Meaning: leave school without finishing your studies.

Example: she started a degree but dropped out after only a year.
 Count noses

Meaning: to count the number of people around you generally used on a

school trip, to check for missing students.
Example: My grandmother was constantly counting noses at the birthday
 Bookworm

Meaning: this is used to describe someone who reads a lot, all the time.
Example: you won't be able to convince her to come out with us; she's a
real bookworm and will probably stay in to read.
 The school of hard knocks

Meaning: learning through difficult experiences in life, as opposed to a

formal, classroom education.
Example: I wasn’t able to go to college, but I learnt a lot in the school of
hard knocks, it taught me a lot about life.
What is the difference between Education and Learning ?

1.Education is something that an individual gets from an outside source.

On the other hand, learning is something that evolves in the inner self.

2. Learning is the basic instinct possessed by all individuals. On the
other hand, education is acquired by individuals.

3. Learning is said to be an ongoing process. Education is something that

one gets at some point in their life.

4. Learning is an informal process, and education is a formal process.

A Paragraph about education and learning

Education is the most important factor for the development of human

civilization. Education provides the nation with man powers, promotes
national unity and uplifts public awareness. A country needs different
kinds of man powers such as doctors, engineers, teachers,
Administrative officials, economists, judges and other technical hands.
Education provides the nation with those educated hands. If people are
educated, they can understand their duties and rights. In order to uplift
human society, each should be capable to understand others. If people
can understand each other, they will be united. Thus, education can
promote national unity. In other to uplift the degree of awareness of the
society, education plays a prime role. It makes all people conscious.
They will not follow the old dead and evil tradition. Educated people can
reform the society. They can understand what is wrong and what is
right. They can save good traditions. Education profoundly enhances
human prosperity.

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