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20200703-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

Honour the Pygmies the 'original' Australians

As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.

* Gerrit, are you into anthropological issues?

**#** INSPECTOR-RIKATI®,I am just like most people an ordinary citizen who well just has
a mind of his own and not going along with whatever crap some political movements might be
pursuing. I write articles and I from time to time receive feedback from around the world. Today
I received mail “The Extinction of the Australian Pygmies” and “ABORIGINAL TRIBES
OF AUSTRALIA Chapter four Physical Anthropology by NORMAN B. TINDALE.”.
* Did you read them?
**#** Generally when someone send me feedback I make every effort to consider what is
provided to me. This as when a person provides feedback they put effort in to sending it to me,
with clearly an intention to draw my attention to the content of the material.
* And your conclusion?
**#** I have over the decades at times referred to the Dutch having shipwrecked (some 70
seaman with their captain) and how French logbooks described (about what is now Western
Australia) having seen copper colour natives with blond hair and huts similar to the Dutch huts
and ground cultivated. To me this means that the Dutch seaman integrated somehow with the
local community and fathers their off-springs.
“ABORIGINAL TRIBES OF AUSTRALIA Chapter four Physical Anthropology by NORMAN B. TINDALE.”
The presence of blond hair among the children of the Desert people has not escaped the
notice of aborigines. They point out that the Indjibandi of the Hamersley plateau in
Western Australia have many fair-haired children and that their skin color is light, or
“copper coloured” as described by an aboriginal; They contrast the Indjibandi with the
Kariara And other peoples along the northwest coast whose children’s hair is dark.
In a letter dated February 7, Father Worms mentioned that a Jawuru (his Jaoro) informant
had indicated that the mangala people living to the east were people with “white hair,”
indicatied that he had himself noted that some children had sandy-coloured hair among the
KoKatja (his Gogadja) in the vicinity of Gregory Salt Sea.
QUOTE “ABORIGINAL TRIBES OF AUSTRALIA Chapter four Physical Anthropology by NORMAN B.

Just consider this you got about so to say 70 horny sailors shipwrecking and well they are not
interested as to the colour of skin of a female rather they just desire to do what they wanted to do.
And, obviously from this children can be born with Dutch DNA.
In my view it likely was that any Aboriginal male who were to object would have been no match
for those sailors.
The Dutch were in what is now Indonesia as merchants, etc, and so used to explore the
Australian coast. Some times ship were shipwrecked in the process.
p1 3-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Actually, from my mother’s side, I am a descendant of a Jewish merchant who had his own fleet
of ships, and so that tickles my interest also. Actually, when Prince William of the Netherlands
(as now known) was King of England it was my ancestor who saved the King having been
shipwrecked and was then given the land Labrador (part of Canada) as a reward. This is also as I
understand it that nearly 100 of my Jewish families died in concentration camps because
allegedly Hitler tries to get ownership of Labrador. However, the ownership documents were for
security to England and well never seen again.
* Oh boy that is some interesting story.
**#** While I last year ordered 2 DNA kits I have not as yet use them. It might be interesting to
discover the DNA story.
* Surely you are not trying to indicate that the Pygmies might be distant related to you.
**#** Not at all. But, the very blond haired copper coloured Aboriginals might be having Dutch
DNA. Actually within an hour of receiving the material I decides to read it and I could hardly
stop reading it this is because what I had all along considered to be the way Australia developed
is precisely what I now was reading.
The Pygmies” were I understand also referring to as “negritos” in a way like the “negros” in
Africa are referred to.

QUOTE “ABORIGINAL TRIBES OF AUSTRALIA Chapter four Physical Anthropology by NORMAN B.

Among the Tanganekald there are stories of how the little people who lived in the rough
scrub country and known as tharkuni [‘8arkuni] were extrerminated by being driven onto a
point of land jutting out into the sea and were turned into penguins that live along the
southern shores.
QUOTE “ABORIGINAL TRIBES OF AUSTRALIA Chapter four Physical Anthropology by NORMAN B.

The uncircumcised Balardong of the York district east of Perth nearly 1,000 miles
(1,500km.) to the south tell of cannibalism among the circumcising people to the east and
of the escape of an intended victim, after he was circumcised and before he was eaten.

Now it is absurd that “BLACK LIVES MATTER” are protesting with certain Aboriginals who
have their Aboriginal industry and are as I view it robbing the “negritos” of their rightful honour
being the “Original” Australians.
As I indicated in previous writings those so called Aboriginals are not interested in the true rights
of all Aboriginals such as the “nigrotos” because after all if they did they could never claim to be
the First in Australia. Let alone “First Nation”. Their real intention as I view it is to having
displaced the rightful Original Aboriginal tribes the “nigritos” they then are pursuing to claim
being united and so for the purpose of land rights.

Hansard 10-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates

We, in Australia-federated Australia, I may take it, because the matter is one which applies to the whole-have
no enemies within our borders; we have no Indians to dispute with us the possession of the soil; we have no
powerful Maori race, to fight, as was once the case in New Zealand, for the territory the right to which
belonged to the Maoris themselves.
p2 3-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
What we have is a fabricated “Aboriginal Industry” that will seek divisions and ample of non-
Aboriginals will join in support because their ideals are based upon the deception fed to them.
*.What do you suggest?
**#** That as Aboriginals are within ss51(xxvi) of the constitution the Commonwealth therefore
has the power to provide special laws as to Aboriginals in general. It means that as there are all
kinds of Aboriginal groups claiming land rights then well let before any landright claim is even
considered deal with the DNA of the claimants. After all, you do not desire to reward those with
land-rights who might in fact have dispossessed other Aboriginal tribes and now stake their
claims as if they all along were the original inhabitants.
Neither can you consider any constitutional amendment to so to say “recognize” Aboriginals as I
indicated in the past there are Aboriginal tribes all around in other countries and as we have
already seen with the High Court of Australia racism judgment that Aboriginals born in New
Zealand and having criminal convictions somehow cannot be deported from Australia.
I understand that even the Maori’s were not the “original” inhabitants of new Zealand but
genocide the original inhabitants.
My concern as I expressed during the 1998 Victorian State election when I stood as an
INDEPENDENT candidate and addressed a meeting in Wycheproof (Mallee, Vic) that we
cannot have Aboriginals making land claims against land held for generations by farmers and the
Aboriginal no matter how unjustified their claims might be are getting Aboriginal Legal Aid
while the framer can be send up the wall and bankrupted. And they call this “equality” you got to
be joking.
So now they demand to amend the constitution to “recognize” Aboriginals as the First nation.
Well, let them prove beyond reasonable doubt that they were the “First Nation” when the
writings I refer to above clearly disputes this. They may have tried to organize themselves as a
Aboriginal nation in the 1960’s but that is not being a “First Nation” as already the
Commonwealth existed long before that.
Obviously the Aboriginal Industry is not concerned about giving due recognition to the
“negritos” as after all if they did then their land rights claims likely will be non-existent.
Therefore, let the Federal Government set up a DNA base where every Aboriginal pursuing some
sort of Land Claim is to provide DNA sample so this can then be checked as to the linage from
any ancestor.
No more special entitlements where they fail to provide DNA. After all we cannot have that
some Aboriginal from some nearby country migrates to Australia and soon or later claims
landrights regardless not having any association with Australia by ancestors.

In a sense to me the Aboriginals were to some degree committing genocide, mass murder,
cannibalism and no different then what has been happening throughout history in Europe, Asia,
etc. As I understand it, even in the Amerca’s the Indians were at times engaged in this kind of
conduct. It is so to say a human trait to eliminate the week, etc.
*. Do you view that “First nation” is like “BLACK LIVES MATTER” mantra?
**#** It appears to me to be so. After all, you got wealthy Aboriginal groups and you got those
living on the streets. If they cared so much as being a “First Nation” then why are they not
looking after their own? As with “BLACK LIVES MATTER” it is a mantra but stands in my
view for absolutely nothing but some political goal. Anyone who cares about the dispossessed,
etc, would claim “ALL LIVES MATTER”. That is what it should be about and anyone not
supporting the latter is I view a racist.
*.Ok let me put another question to you: All those land rights court decisions do you accept them
being constitutionally valid?
p3 3-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
**#** Absolutely not. I will not go into details again as I have spilled this out in great details in
past writings. Any court order that violates the constitution is of no legal force.
And I view the same with the High Court of Australia decision regarding the 2 persons born in
new Zealand but claiming Aboriginal descent. The High Court of Australia has absolutely no
judicial powers to override the constitution which provides for legislative powers to prevent
“influx of criminals”.
Unelected judges cannot override the constitution as they are bound to serve the true meaning
and application of the constitution.

Hansard 9-9-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
Australasian Convention)
The Right Hon. G.H. REID: I strongly support the amendment for the reasons which my hon. and learned
friend has hinted at. This is an expression which would be more in place in the United States Constitution,
where treaties are dealt with by the President and the senate, than in the constitution of a colony within the
empire. The treaties made by her Majesty are not binding as laws on the people of the United Kingdom,
and there is no penalty for disobeying them. Legislation is sometimes passed to give effect to treaties,
but the treaties themselves are not laws, and indeed nations sometimes find them inconvenient, as they
neglect them very seriously without involving any important legal consequences. The expression, I think,
ought to be omitted. I will deal with the other suggested amendments when the time comes.

What this means is that the Commonwealth or for that any State/Territory cannot obtain
legislative powers by signing some treaty. Being it the United Nations, the Koyota or other
treaties. They cannot provide legislative powers where the Commonwealth doesn’t have it in the
first place. No backdoor mechanism can be permitted. As for the States all and any racial
legislation since the 1967 referendum is ULTRA VIRES and without legal force.
*.Something totally off this subject. As you are aware the Commonwealth obtained the State
Bank of Victoria and is your view that the State never again can have its own State Bank? Say,
the State gave such undertaking?
**#** Our Constitution provides that the Commonwealth cannot exercise powers over State
Banks. As such, the purchase of the State Bank of Victoria did mean that this no longer was a
State Bank, regardless of its name. The Commonwealth cannot somehow collude with the then
Government of the Day of the State of Victoria to undermine the provisions of the constitution
and as such I personally cannot see any legal obstacle for the State of Victoria to re-establish its
own State Bank. Having stated this be aware that it can only be a valid State Bank for so far it
operates within the confines of the State boundaries.
*.And getting back to the “negritos” you say?
**#** Let them be honoured as the “Original” Australians, as I understand them to be. Again,
an DNA record, if established, can be very helpful and may avoid many unjustified claims in the
first place to be made.
We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)
MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)

p4 3-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

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