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Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 271 (2004) 321–328

Removal of lead and chromium from wastewater using

bagasse fly ash—a sugar industry waste
V.K. Gupta a,∗ and Imran Ali b
a Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India
b National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee 247667, India

Received 24 July 2003; accepted 4 November 2003

An inexpensive and effective adsorbent was developed from bagasse fly ash, obtained from a sugar industry, for the dynamic uptake of
lead and chromium. Lead and chromium are sorbed by the developed adsorbent up to 96–98%. The removal of these two metal ions up to
95–96% was achieved by column experiments at a flow rate of 0.5 ml min−1 . The adsorption was found to be exothermic in nature. The
adsorbent was successfully tried for the removal of lead and chromium from wastewater in our laboratory. The developed system for the
removal of two ions is very useful, economic, rapid, and reproducible.
 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Adsorption; Chromium; Lead; Bagasse fly ash; Column studies

1. Introduction ness, nausea, vomiting, severe abdominal pain, anemia, and

gradual paralysis in the muscles. Therefore, the removal of
Among various organic and inorganic pollutants, heavy these toxic metal ions from water prior to supplying water
metal ions are very toxic and carcinogenic in nature [1,2]. for drinking, bathing, etc. is very important and urgent.
The presence of heavy metals in the aquatic environment has The removal of the toxic metal ions from water is a
been of great concern because of their toxicity at lower con- very difficult task due to the high cost of treatment meth-
centrations. Some metal ions are cumulative poisons capable ods [4]. Various methods exist for the removal of toxic metal
of being assimilated and stored in the tissues of organisms, ions from aqueous solutions: reverse osmosis, ion exchange,
causing noticeable adverse physiological effects. Lead and precipitation, electrodialysis, adsorption, etc. Among these
chromium are very toxic metal ions, as they are carcino- methods, adsorption is by far the most versatile and widely
genic in nature [3]. The main effects of chromium metal used method for the removal of toxic metals [5–7]. A num-
ions are on liver, kidney, and respiratory organs, with hem- ber of workers have used different materials as adsorbents
orrhagic effects, dermatitis, and ulceration of the skin for for the removal of different pollutants [8–20]. Activated
chronic and subcronic exposure. Lead is the most significant carbon has been used very frequently for the removal of
toxin of the heavy metals and its effects are of a toxicologi- various metal ions from wastewater for more than three
cal and neurotoxical nature which include irreversible brain decades [7,21] but it is very costly and in recent years the
damage. Inorganic forms of lead typically affect the central search for low-cost adsorbent has grown [7]. In this study,
nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and hematopoi- attempts have been made to develop a low-cost adsorbent
etic, renal, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and reproductive using bagasse fly ash, a waste byproduct of the sugar indus-
systems. Organic lead toxicity tends to predominants affect try, for the removal and recovery of lead and chromium ions
the central nervous system. The other hazardous effects of from wastewater.
lead are visual disturbances, convulsions, loss of cognitive
abilities, antisocial behaviors, constipation, anemia, tender-
2. Experimental

* Corresponding author. All chemicals and reagents used were of analytical grade
E-mail address: (V.K. Gupta). and were purchased from E. Merck, India/Germany. A pH
0021-9797/$ – see front matter  2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
322 V.K. Gupta, I. Ali / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 271 (2004) 321–328

meter (Hach, USA) was used to measure the pH of solu- attached with a manometer by the two pressure points to
tions. X-ray measurements were carried out by a Phillips monitor the introduction of air in the column, if any. Wire
X-ray diffractometer employing nickel-filtered CuKα radi- mesh of 250-B.S.S. (British Standard Size) gauge was fitted
ation. The surface area of the adsorbent was measured by at the pressure points, which prevented the entry of adsor-
a surface area analyzer (Model QS-7 Quantasorb surface bent particles at these points. The upper end of the column
area analyzer). IR spectra of the sample were recorded on was covered with a cover containing a tube connection to re-
an infrared spectrophotometer (FTIR Perkin–Elmer 1600). move any air bubbles. The upper end is also attached to a
The constituents of the prepared adsorbent were analyzed head tank from which the flow of wastewater is regulated.
following routine standard methods of chemical analysis The flow of the wastewater is also controlled by the stop-
as described earlier [22]. The concentrations of lead and per point at the lower end of the column. For packing the
chromium were determined on a PerkinElmer atomic ab- column, the supporting medium, glass wool, was packed by
sorption spectrometer (Model 3110). hydraulic filling. The weighed adsorbent material was kept
for 12 h in deionized water and then it was used to pack the
2.1. Material development column. The column was kept undisturbed overnight for its
full settlement and saturation. The flow rate was varied to
Bagasse fly ash, a waste material of sugar industry, was achieve the maximum uptake of lead and chromium by this
collected from a local sugar factory at Iqbalpur, India. The fabricated column. The column runs were carried out up to
material was treated with hydrogen peroxide (100 volumes) the point where the breakthrough capacity was consumed.
at 60 ◦ C for 24 h to remove the adhering organic matter. The
resulting material was then washed with deionized water,
dried at 100 ◦ C, powdered, ground, and sieved to the desired 3. Results and discussion
particle size before use. The material was stored in a vacuum
desiccator for further use. The developed bagasse fly ash was found to be stable
in water and dilute acids and bases. The composition of
2.2. Adsorption studies the adsorbent was SiO2 , 60.5%; Al2 O3 , 15.4%; CaO, 3.0%;
Fe2 O3 , 4.90%; MgO, 0.81%. The loss on ignition was found
Batch experiments were carried out using a series of to be 18.01% by weight. The density and porosity were
Erlenmeyer flasks of capacity 50 mL covered with Teflon found to be 1.01 g cm−1 and 0.36 fraction, respectively.
sheets to prevent any foreign particle contamination. The ef- The presence of mullite, haematite, kaolinite, α-quartz, γ -
fects of pH, concentration, dose, temperature, and shaking alumina, and geolite is indicated by the X-ray diffraction
time were studied. Isotherms were run by taking different pattern of the bagasse fly ash d-spacing values. The sur-
concentrations of lead and chromium at the desired tem- face area of the adsorbent (200–250 µm) was found to be
perature and pH. These concentrations were decided after a 450 m2 g−1 .
good deal of preliminary investigation. After the required ex-
perimentation was over, solutions were centrifuged and the
3.1. Effect of contact time
concentrations of lead and chromium were determined in su-
pernatant using on atomic absorption spectrometer.
The adsorption experiments were carried out for differ-
2.3. Kinetic studies ent contact times with a fixed adsorbent dose of 10 g l−1
at pH 6.0 for lead and 5.0 for chromium at 30 ◦ C. The re-
For kinetic studies the batch technique was used due sults are plotted in Fig. 1, which clearly indicates that the
to its simplicity. A series of Erlenmeyer flasks of capac- equilibrium time is 60 and 40 min for lead and chromium,
ity 50 mL containing a definite volume of solutions of lead respectively (96–98%).
and chromium of known concentrations were kept in a ther-
mostatic shaking water bath. After the desired temperature 3.2. Effect of concentration
was attained, a known amount of the adsorbent was added
to each flask and the flasks were agitated mechanically. At The adsorption experiments were carried out in the
given time intervals, the solutions were centrifuged and the concentration range of 5.0–70.0 ppm for lead and 5.0–
supernatants were analyzed for lead and chromium using the 50.0 ppm for chromium at fixed pH (6.0 for lead and 5.0 for
atomic absorption spectrometer. Equilibrium was achieved chromium), temperature (30 ◦ C), and contact time (60 min
in 80 min for lead and 60 min for chromium, respectively. for lead and 40 min for chromium). The results are graphed
in Fig. 2 indicating 40 and 20 ppm as the maximum adsorp-
2.4. Column studies tion for lead and chromium, respectively. It is also interesting
to note that the adsorption becomes almost constant after 40
Column for these studies was made of a Pyrex glass and 20 ppm concentrations of lead and chromium, respec-
tube (30 × 2 cm). The column on the right-hand side was tively.
V.K. Gupta, I. Ali / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 271 (2004) 321–328 323

Fig. 1. Effect of contact time on percent adsorption of lead and chromium. Fig. 3. Effect of pH on percent adsorption of lead and chromium.

Fig. 2. Percent adsorption of lead and chromium. Fig. 4. Effect of adsorbent dose on percent adsorption of lead and
3.3. Effect of pH
of 10 g l−1 was sufficient for the maximum uptake of lead
The adsorption of lead and chromium was studied over and chromium under the reported experimental conditions.
a pH range of 2.0–9.0 and the results are given in Fig. 3. These findings are shown in Fig. 4 and a perusal of this fig-
The maximum uptake of lead and chromium took place at ure indicates that the adsorption increase from 1.4 mg g−1
pH 6.0 and 5.0, respectively. It is also apparent from this (2 g l−1 dose) to 3.8 mg g−1 (10 g l−1 dose) for lead and from
figure that the adsorption rises from 1.4 mg g−1 (pH 2.0) 0.5 mg g−1 (2 g l−1 dose) to 1.8 mg g−1 (10 g l−1 dose) for
to 3.8 mg g−1 (pH 6.0) for lead and 0.8 mg g−1 (pH 2.0) chromium, respectively. It is also seen from this figure that
to 1.8 mg g−1 (pH 5.0) for chromium and then starts to de- a further increase in dose (greater than 10 g l−1 ) does not
crease in both the cases. The decrease of the adsorption at affect the adsorption greatly for either the metal ions.
higher pH may be attributed to the hydroxide formation of
lead and chromium. 3.5. Effect of temperature

3.4. Effect of dose The adsorption studies were carried out at three different
temperature, 30, 40 and 50 ◦ C, and the results of these exper-
To achieve the maximum adsorption capacity of the ad- iments are presented in Figs. 5 and 6 for lead and chromium,
sorbent for lead and chromium, the dose of the adsorbent respectively. It is clear from these figures that the adsorp-
was varied from 2 to 16 g l−1 and it was found that a dose tion remains almost constant at lower concentrations of lead
324 V.K. Gupta, I. Ali / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 271 (2004) 321–328

Table 1
Effect of interfering ions on the uptake of lead and chromium
Interfering ions Maximum percent reduction in the uptake of
Lead Chromium
Sodium 10.8 10.2
Potassium 9.0 11.0
Calcium 8.2 10.0
Magnesium 7.6 8.3
Chloride 4.7 5.0
Sulfate 4.2 4.5
Nitrate 4.0 4.0
Phosphate 3.1 3.0

a non-selective nature of the adsorbent during the uptake of

these two metal ions in the presence of other competitive
metal ions.

Fig. 5. Adsorption isotherms of lead at different temperatures. 3.7. Effect of particle size

The batch adsorption experiments were carried out using

three different particle sizes, 100–150, 200–250, and 300–
350 µm at pH 6.0 for lead and 5.0 for chromium, with an
adsorbent dose of 10 g l−1 , shaking time 80 min for lead
and 60 min for chromium at 30 ◦ C. The % adsorption of
lead and chromium was found to be 99.9, 95.0, and 88.0%
using the above mentioned sizes. The adsorbent of particle
size 200–250 µm was selected for adsorption studies due to
the sufficient adsorption capacity and easiness of its prepara-
tion. Moreover, the centrifugation of this particle size adsor-
bent does not require any special attention and labor during
experiment. Contrary to this, the adsorbent of particle size
300–350 µm has a poor adsorption capacity, while it is very
difficult to prepare the adsorbent of particle size 100–150 µm
and requires a lot of labor in centrifugation.

3.8. Adsorption isotherm

Fig. 6. Adsorption isotherms of chromium at different temperatures.
To find out the mechanistic parameters associated with
and chromium at 30, 40, and 50 ◦ C. However, it decreases lead and chromium adsorption, the results obtained by the
at higher concentrations for both the adsorbates. It was also adsorption experiments were analyzed by Langmuir and Fre-
observed that the maximum adsorption occurred at 30 ◦ C for undlich models.
both lead and chromium metal ions and the order of the
adsorption for both the metal ions was 30 > 40 > 50 ◦ C. 3.8.1. Langmuir isotherm
Since the adsorption is decreasing at higher temperatures it The Langmuir isotherm has been used by various workers
is exothermic in nature. for the sorption study of a variety of compounds. The model
assumes uniform energies of adsorption onto a surface and
3.6. Effect of interfering ions no transmigration of adsorbate in the plane of the surface.
The linear form of the Langmuir isotherm is given by the
Natural waters contain various ions such as sodium, equation
potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, sulfate, nitrate,
1/qe = 1/Q0 + 1/bQ0 Ce , (1)
and phosphate and, therefore, the effect of these ions on the
adsorption of lead and chromium was determined. It was ob- where, qe is the amount adsorbed (mg g−1 ), Ce is the equi-
served that a decrease in the scavenging efficiency of the librium concentration of the adsorbate (mg l−1 ), and Q0 and
adsorbent took place. The adsorption of lead and chromium b are the Langmuir constants related to maximum adsorption
was found to decrease 3.0–10.8% (Table 1) in the presence capacity and energy of adsorption, respectively. When 1/qe
of the above mentioned metal ions. These findings suggest is plotted against 1/Ce , a straight line with slope 1/bQ0 is
V.K. Gupta, I. Ali / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 271 (2004) 321–328 325

Fig. 7. Graphical representation of Langmuir isotherm. Fig. 8. Graphical representation of Freundlich isotherm.

Table 2
Langmuir and Freundlich constants for lead and chromium
Adsorbates Langmuir constants Freundlich constants
Q0 (mg g−1 ) b n KF

30 C 40 ◦ C 50 ◦ C 30 ◦ C 40 ◦ C 50 ◦ C 30 ◦ C 40 ◦ C 50 ◦ C 30 ◦ C 40 ◦ C 50 ◦ C
Pb 2.50 2.30 2.10 0.021 0.025 0.029 8.0 9.0 9.6 2.57 2.50 2.45
Cr 4.35 4.30 4.25 0.089 0.093 0.097 12.05 12.8 13.1 1.86 1.75 1.66

obtained (Fig. 7), which shows that the adsorption of lead The values of RL were found to be 0.017–0.04 for lead and
and chromium follows the Langmuir isotherm. Langmuir 0.013–0.014 for chromium, respectively, which indicates fa-
constants b and Q0 are calculated from Fig. 7 and the values vorable adsorption (RL < 1).
of these at three different temperatures, 30, 40, and 50 ◦ C are
given in Table 2. 3.9. Kinetic studies

3.8.2. Freundlich isotherm Thermodynamic parameters obtained for the adsorption

The adsorption data of lead and chromium are also ana- systems were calculated using the following equations and
lyzed by a Freundlich model. The logarithmic form of the the values are given in Table 3:
Freundlich model is given by the equation (2)
G0 = −RT ln b  , (4)
log qe = log KF + 1/n log Ce , (2) ln b2 /b1 = (H /R) (T1 − T2 )/T2 T1 ,

where qe is the amount adsorbed (mg g−1 ), Ce is the equi- S 0 = (H 0 − G0 )/T . (6)
librium concentration of the adsorbate (mg l−1 ), and KF and b , b2 , and b1 are the Langmuir constants at 30, 40, and
n are Freundlich constants related to adsorption capacity 50 ◦ C, respectively, obtained from the Langmuir model.
and adsorption intensity, respectively [23]. When log qe is Other terms have their usual meaning. Free energy increases
plotted against log Ce , a straight line with slope 1/n is ob- with increased temperature (Table 3) indicating a decrease in
tained (Fig. 8), which shows that the adsorption of lead and adsorption at higher temperature, i.e., the exothermic nature
chromium follows a Freundlich isotherm. Freundlich con- of the adsorption.
stants KF and n are calculated from Fig. 8 and the values of
these at three different temperatures, 30, 40, and 50 ◦ C, are
Table 3
given in Table 2. Thermodynamic parameters for lead and chromium
The dimensionless separation factor (RL ) [24] was calcu-
Adsorbates G0 (kJ mol−1 ) H 0 S 0
lated from the Langmuir isotherm using the following equa-
tion: 30 ◦ C 40 ◦ C 50 ◦ C (kJ mol−1 ) (JK−1 mol−1 )
Lead −3.43 −3.18 −3.20 11.44 48.3
Chromium −1.46 −1.09 −0.96 14.24 49.0
RL = 1/(1 + bCe ). (3)
326 V.K. Gupta, I. Ali / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 271 (2004) 321–328

Table 4
Other parameters for the uptake of lead and chromium
Temp. (◦ C) Qt F B Bt Di D0 Ea S #
(s−1 ) (s−1 ) cm2 s−1 cm2 s−1 (kJ mol−1 ) (J K−1 mol−1 )
30 (a) 4.30 0.97 0.019 1.33 7.70 × 10−7 7.60 × 10−7 −10.87 −172.6
(b) 2.20 0.96 0.024 1.20 9.70 × 10−7 9.60 × 10−7 −12.47 −171.8
40 (a) 4.20 0.97 0.019 1.33 7.70 × 10−7 7.60 × 10−7 −7.88 −172.7
(b) 2.10 0.95 0.022 1.10 8.90 × 10−7 8.80 × 10−7 −5.14 −172.1
50 (a) 4.10 0.97 0.019 1.33 7.70 × 10−7 7.60 × 10−7 −15.77 −172.7
(b) 2.00 0.93 0.019 0.95 7.70 × 10−7 7.60 × 10−7 −8.92 −172.7
(a) Lead, (b) chromium. Qt : amount adsorbed at 70 min for lead and 50 min for chromium, respectively. F : fractional attainment at equilibrium. B: a constant
equal to π 2 Di /r 2 (r = radius of the adsorbent particle, which is 200 µ). Bt: B × t. Di : effective diffusion constant in the adsorbent phase at different
temperatures at 70 min for lead and 50 min for chromium, respectively. D0 : effective diffusion constant in the adsorbent phase at different temperatures at
24 h (∞ time). Ea : energy of activation of adsorption. S # : entropy of activation.
Note: the values of Q0 at 30, 40, and 50 ◦ C for 24 h used are 4.45, 4.30, and 4.20 for lead and 2.30, 2.20, and 2.15 for chromium, respectively. The value of d
(average distance between the successive exchange sites) is taken as 5 Å.

To understand the practical application of adsorption and The values of D0 , the pre-exponential constant (analo-
designing the sorption reactor, kinetic data have been treated gous to the Arrhenius frequency factor), and S # , the en-
by the model given by Boyd et al. [25], which is valid under tropy of activation, are calculated from the equations
the experimental conditions used. This is in accord with the
Di = D0 exp[−Ea /RT ], (11)
observations of Reichenberg [26], as given by the equations
D0 = 2.72d kT / h exp[S /R],
2 #

F =1− 2 (1/n2 ) exp(−n2 Bt), (7) where d is the average distance between the successive ex-
π change sites and is taken as 5 Å. R, h, and k are the gas,
B = π 2 Di /r 2 , (8) Planck, and Boltzmann constants, respectively. The values
of Ea , Di , D0 , S # , and other parameters are given in Ta-
where F is the fractional attainment of equilibrium at time t, ble 4. The negative values of S # reflect that no significant
Di is effective diffusion coefficient of adsorbates in the ad- change occurs in the internal structure of bagasse fly ash dur-
sorbent phase, r, is the radius of the adsorbent particle (as- ing the adsorption process.
sumed to be spherical), and the values of n are the integers. It may be urged that the effective diffusion coefficient Di
The fractional attainment of equilibrium can be deter- in these systems is mainly composed of two components,
mined by the equation which are due to the simultaneous diffusion of the ingoing
adsorbates through pores of different widths and different
F = Qt /Q∞ , (9) electronic fields, along with the diffusion path. The diffusion
where Qt and Q∞ are the amounts adsorbed after time t and within the pores of wider paths and weaker retarding forces
of electrostatic interaction (particularly at the surface of the
after infinite time, respectively. For every calculated value of
sorbent) accounts for the faster one and the one within the
F corresponding values of Bt are calculated from Eq. (7)
pores of narrower mesh widths and stronger retarding forces
and the values of Di are calculated using Eq. (8). The linear-
accounts for the slower component of Di . As the tempera-
ity test of Bt vs t plots (not given) is employed to find out the
ture increases, the contribution of the faster component of
particle diffusion control mechanism. At lower concentra-
Di decreases. This is due to the decreasing mobility of ingo-
tions Bt vs t plots did not pass through the origin, signifying
ing metal ions at higher temperature, which to some extent
the adsorption to be film diffusion, but at higher concentra-
overcomes the influence of retarding forces.
tion the same were linear up to a certain point and passed
through the origin, indicating the adsorption to be particle
3.10. Column studies
diffusion in nature [27].
The values of Ea were calculated from the equation (Ta-
The results obtained from adsorption batch experiments
ble 4)
were used to remove lead and chromium metal ions by
log K2 /K1 = (Ea /2.303R)(T2 − T1 /T2 T1 ), (10) column. The flow rate was varied to achieve the maxi-
mum removal of the adsorbates and it was found that the
where K1 and K2 are rate constants at temperatures T1 maximum uptake of lead and chromium was achieved at
and T2 . The values of Ea were also calculated from the flow rate 1.0 ml min−1 . About 95–96% lead and chromium
slope (slope = −Ea /2.303R) of the graph plotted between are removed at lower flow rates (1.0 ml min−1 ), while this
log K vs 1/T (plot is not given), and it was found that the decreases with increased flow rate. The results obtained
values were in good agreement with those obtained from from the column experiments were applied to the well-
Eq. (10). known bed-depth-service-time (BDST) model proposed by
V.K. Gupta, I. Ali / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 271 (2004) 321–328 327

in the process, and labor required. Therefore, the developed

bagasse fly ash adsorbent may be considered as a good re-
placement for commercially available carbons.

5. Conclusion

Bagasse fly ash obtained from the local sugar indus-

try was found to be effective for the removal of lead and
chromium from wastewater. The removal of the lead and
chromium by bagasse fly ash takes place through a parti-
cle diffusion mechanism. Adsorption follows both Langmuir
and Freundlich models. The adsorption was found to be
exothermic in nature and lead and chromium are sorbed by
Fig. 9. Breakthrough curves for lead and chromium. the developed adsorbent up to 96–98%. The removal of these
two metal ions was achieved up to 95–96% by column op-
Hutchins [28] and it was found that the results obtained erations at a flow rate of 0.5 ml min−1 . In view of all these
in column experiments for lead and chromium obey this findings, it may be concluded that the developed bagasse fly
model very well, which indicates the feasibility of these col- ash system for the removal of lead and chromium is very
umn experiments. The breakthrough curves (Fig. 9) were useful, economic, rapid, and reproducible. Therefore, this
used to calculate the column capacity at complete exhaus- system can be used for the successful removal of lead and
tion and it was found to be 35.0 and 25.0 mg g−1 for lead and chromium from wastewater and any other effluent.
chromium, respectively, which is greater than in the batch
experiments (30.0 and 20 mg g−1 of lead and chromium, re-
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