The Story From The Point of View of Nokia

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the story from the point of view of nokia

In 1991, Nokia achieved leadership in the production of equipment with GSM

(Global System for Mobile Communications) technology. This strategy proved very
successful, since by 1998 Nokia is the leader in the mobile phone market,
leadership that remains until The Introduction of 3G mobile technology. In the
period from 1996 to 2001, the company increased its sales volume fivefold, from
6.5 billion to 31 billion euros.
In 2007, Apple launched the first iPhone and revolutionized the mobile phone
industry. While sales of iPhones in that year grew 327.5%, Nokia's sales fell 3%
and continued to lose market share. However, Nokia was still the second largest
producer of mobile phones, worldwide, to date.
In 2009, Nokia Corporation reports its first losses over a period of 10 years,
admitting a slow reaction to the launch of the iPhone and Android operating system
devices, its main competitors.
the story from the point of view of microsoft
In January of the year 2000, microsoft has the challenge of adapting to a world
where sales of personal computers have consistently decreased and are being
replaced by mobile products and services distributed, mainly by Apple lnc and
Google lnc.
Microsoft relied almost entirely on the multi-million dollar profits from Office and
Server software licenses, but has failed to increase PC sales with its Windows 8
Join venture 2011
In 2011, Nokia announced the strategy of strategic alliance with Microsoft, making
the Windows Phone operating system, on Lumia mobile devices, Nokia's only bet
to recover in a market clearly dominated by Apple and Samsung.
The success of mobile devices is not evident, as market growth was lower than
expected and Nokia continued to report losses until 2013, when it finally reported
earnings again.
Microsoft struggling to enter the smartphone market with the Windows Phone
operating system.

Análisis de la Venta de la División de Dispositivos Móviles de

Nokia Corporation a Microsoft Corporation

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