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Industrial Crops and Products 42 (2013) 601–612

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Industrial Crops and Products

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Abacá (Musa textilis) grades and their properties—A study of reproducible fibre
characterization and a critical evaluation of existing grading systems
Stephan Richter a , Kathrin Stromann b,c , Jörg Müssig a,∗
Hochschule Bremen – University of Applied Sciences, Faculty 5/Biomimetics – Biological Materials, Neustadtswall 30, 28199 Bremen, Germany
Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. – FIBRE, Am Biologischen Garten 2, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Lufthansa Technik Logistik GmbH, Hamburg, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The primary objective of the study was the investigation of the tensile properties of abacá (Musa textilis)
Received 30 March 2012 fibre bundles and how the fibre bundle quality depends on the grading. For this purpose all market
Received in revised form 31 May 2012 relevant abacá grades were determined regarding to tensile properties, fibre bundle width, and colour
Accepted 18 June 2012
by budget priced methods that guarantee an excellent reproducibility.
It was found that the classical grading by visual inspection is only applicable for hand-stripped fibre
bundles. In approximation, the fibre bundle width increased from the excellent grades to the residual
grades while the tensile strength decreased. This was not true for spindle-stripped fibre bundles that had
CIELab colour
Fibreshape almost equal tensile strengths over the whole grading range. It was found that the knife serration number
Grading (a main dissimilarity of the two extraction methods) influenced the abacá quality significantly.
Strength Moreover, the CIELab-value a* (redness indicator) of the fibre bundles depends on their position in the
Weibull analyses pseudostem. We hypothesized that the position dependent colour change is based on a gradual change
in lignification. It could be shown that an automated qualification of the colour (CIELab-system) and the
fibre bundle width (Fibreshape-system) could be a great benefit for the abacá grading.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction is much ongoing research activity investigating abacá reinforced

natural fibre composites (Agung et al., 2011; Bledzki et al., 2007,
Musa textilis, better known as abacá or manila hemp is a mono- 2008, 2009, 2010; Girones et al., 2011; Haque et al., 2010; Rahman
cotyledonous plant endemic to the Philippines. The term “manila et al., 2009; Vilaseca et al., 2010). Abacá is a natural fibre source
hemp” is not conformance to the system of a consistent terminol- with excellent tensile properties because of its cell wall architec-
ogy because abacá is neither grown around Manila (Batra, 2007) nor ture. The cell wall consists of water soluables (1.4%), fat and wax
a bast fibre like hemp (Cannabis sativa L.). Thus, not to mix up Musa (0.2–3%), pectin (0.5–1%), lignin (5–13%), hemicellulose (19–25%)
textilis with hemp, the leaf fibre plant will henceforth be referred and mainly of cellulose (56–68%) (Müssig et al., 2010). Regarding
as abacá (Schnegelsberg, 1999). the different positions of the fibres in the pseudostem, differences
Abacá is a species of the Musaceae family (banana plants) with in the biochemical composition may be expected (Escolando et al.,
little non-edible fruits full of seeds. Its pseudostem can grow up 1971). In banana plants the cellulose micro fibrils, mostly respon-
to 6.5 m and is build of 10–25 sheaths that grow from a central sible for load bearing, are aligned parallel (10–13◦ ) in respect to
core, so that the oldest sheaths are located at the stalk periphery the cell axis. That leads to a low extensible fibre (4%) with a high
(Göltenboth and Mühlbauer, 2010). Abacá has been a source for nat- tensile strength (600 MPa) and a high Young’s modulus (50 GPa),
ural fibre bundle extraction for decades and has been reported as a typical for abacá (Müssig et al., 2010).
widely used fibre in the beginning of the 20th century. It was used to The demand of abacá on the world market is mainly fed by the
fabricate cordage, ropes, and cables, but also woven textiles, coiled Philippines (85%) and Ecuador (15%) (Halos, 2008). Abacá cultiva-
baskets, bags, laces, hats, and furniture were manufactured from tion and harvesting is an important economic factor for the rural
abacá (Edwards and Saleeby, 1910; Muller, 1913). Today the major population in these countries. For the households producing abacá,
product from abacá is pulp (CFC and FIGHF, 2009a; Göltenboth it is an essential income source and in some cases the only ability
and Mühlbauer, 2010) for the paper production. However, there for cash income (Lacuna-Richman, 2002).
Abacá is harvested by hand when fully matured, which is indi-
cated by the presence of a flag leaf. At this stage the plant delivers
∗ Corresponding author. fibre bundles with best properties. For harvesting the pseudostems
E-mail address: (J. Müssig). were cut and the leaves were removed using a sharp machete. The

0926-6690/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
602 S. Richter et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 42 (2013) 601–612

outer layer of the sheaths that contains the primary fibre bundles and S-Y; cf. Table 1) abacá (Musa textilis) grades were analyzed with
is separated from the inner layer. The separated outer layers are respect to tensile properties, fibre bundle width, and colouration.
called tuxies (Göltenboth and Mühlbauer, 2010). Fibre bundles were extracted from tuxies either by hand, or alter-
For the fibre bundle extraction tuxies are clamped between natively by a half automatic abacá stripping machine. In this study
two blades and pulled through the distance between the blades decortication as a separation process for fibre bundles was excluded
either manually (hand-stripped) or by a rotating spindle (spindle- because of the process-related coarse fibre quality. After stripping
stripped). This process allows the removal of vascular and the fibre bundles were sorted by hand to different grades, according
parenchymatic tissues. While spindle-stripping systems always to a standardized grading system (BFIS, 1978; Sinon, 2008). Samples
work with non-serrated knifes, workers use for hand-stripped were provided by the FIDA (Fiber Industry Development Authority,
abacá in some cases serrated blades to ease the exhausting fibre Quezon City, The Philippines).
separation (Table 1). An alternative way for fibre bundle extrac-
tion is the mechanical decortication (Göltenboth and Mühlbauer, 2.2. Tensile properties
2010). It makes tuxying dispensable but only fibre bundles with
moderate tensile properties can be produced. The fibre bundle Determination of the tensile properties took place in a standard
capacity depends strongly on the extraction method. A worker climate at 20 ◦ C and 65% relative humidity, according to ISO 139.
produces 15–25 kg day−1 by hand-stripping, 80–120 kg day−1 by Tensile characteristics of the fibre bundles were tested with a uni-
spindle-stripping, and 120–140 kg day−1 by decortication (CFC and versal testing machine Instron 4502 (Instron Deutschland GmbH,
FIGHF, 2009a,b). Pfungstadt, Germany), according to DIN EN ISO 5079. Before testing
After extraction the fibre bundles must be dried immediately. single fibre bundles were preloaded according to DIN EN ISO 5079
Under prevailing weather conditions, the drying will take some with a mass of 18.5 g and clamed into a Pressley specimen holder
2–4 h. Due to high investment costs, dryer systems are not in use. with a PVC coating. For all abacá grades and blends an experimental
This deficit can result in an increased drying period of 1–3 days, amount of 50 single fibre bundles were tested in a single element
especially in the rainy season. This prolongation influences the fibre test at a gauge length of 3.2 mm to tensile strength, elongation at
quality negatively, most notably for hand-stripped fibre bundles break and Young’s modulus with a testing speed of 1 mm min−1 .
because of impurities (Göltenboth and Mühlbauer, 2010). Statistical analysis based on JMP10 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC,
Mechanical properties of natural fibres are strongly related to USA).
the growing conditions in terms of climate and fertilization, har-
vesting time and cycles, harvesting instruments, and many more. 2.3. Fibre bundle thickness
To guarantee a constant fibre quality throughout the whole year
different classification systems have been established (Drieling and A statistical meaningful characterization of the fibre bundle
Müssig, 2010). For abacá a grading system with 15 classes has been width is very difficult because of the great variances. For the char-
published (BFIS, 1978; Sinon, 2008) that prescribes a qualitative acterization of the fibre bundle width the Fibreshape measuring
classification of the fibre bundles by their cleaning and colour, but system equipped with a high-resolution scanner was used (Schmid,
texture and fibre bundle length are of equal interest (Table 1). 1999; Schmid and Müssig, 2004). This quality control and char-
The classification characteristics are affected by the location of acterization system allows a rapid determination of fibre bundle
the sheath inside the pseudostem. While fibre bundles from the width (>20 ␮m) with a good reproducibility due to the high possible
outer 5 to 7 sheaths are dark in colour and have only moderate experimental amount and a uniform illumination and focus for all
mechanical properties, the ones extracted from the middle and measurements. For the determination of fibre bundle width, abacá
inner sheaths are ivory white and offer an excellent high tensile fibre bundles with a length of approximately 2–5 cm were evenly
strength (Göltenboth and Mühlbauer, 2010). spread on a transparent band-conveyer (297 mm × 840 mm) and
The qualification has been done by grading and balling establish- scanned stepwise (4 times DIN A4) with an Epson Perfection V700
ments (GBEs) and not by the farmers themselves. Till these days, Photo scanner (Epson Deutschland GmbH, Meerbusch, Germany) at
GBEs grade abacá only by visual inspection, which is both time con- a resolution of 1200 dpi. For the image analysis the software Fibre-
suming and costly (Göltenboth and Mühlbauer, 2010). Moreover, shape 5.1 (IST AG, Vilters, Switzerland) was used. The evaluation
the grading process is not reproducible either by farmers or the occurred with a calibrated measuring mask epson 1200 dpi rectangle
manufacturing industry. calibrated. Statistical analysis based on JMP10.
The present article provides a first reproducible documentation
of the abacá fibre bundle quality regarding the stripping process 2.4. Colour
and the grading. One primary objective was the investigation of
the main characteristics that influence the fibre bundle qualifi- For the communication and universal interpretation of the abacá
cation by today’s technical standard. For this purpose all market fibre colour a standardized test technique was used because the
relevant abacá grades were examined with respect to tensile prop- subjective colour impression is influenced by many factors like the
erties, fibre bundle width, and colour. Analyses were done using size, the surface structure, the humidity and the background of the
methods that guarantee an excellent statistical amount and a good object, the source of light, the angle of observation, and the individ-
reproducibility. Statistical tools like Weibull analyses were used not ual colour vision. In this study the CIE 1976 L*a*b* (CIELab) colour
only to handle great variances, typical for natural fibres, but also space from the International Comission on Illumination (CIE) was
to provide a good comparability between the investigated abacá used (ISO 11664-4). The CIELab is based on a three-dimensional
grades and other natural and technical fibres. colour space defined by the coordinates L*, a*, and b* whereby
(L*) is a value for the lightness (0 = dark; 100 = light), a* represents
greenness (−a*) to redness (+a*) and b* represents blueness (−b*) to
2. Materials and methods yellowness (+b*). The determination of the fibre colour took place
in a standard climate at 20 ◦ C and 65% relative humidity, according
2.1. Abacá samples to ISO 139. For all abacá grades 3 samples á 4 g were taken from the
raw abacá and flattened in a hydraulic hand press (PerkinElmer,
Fibre bundles from 7 hand-stripped (S2, S3, I, G, JK, M1 and Y2; cf. Rodgau, Jügesheim, Germany) for 10 s. Colour characteristics were
Table 1) and 8 spindle-stripped (S-S2, S-S3, S-I, S-G, S-H, S-JK, S-M1 determined with a spectral photometer CM2600d (Konica Minolta,
Table 1
Quality standards (Sinon, 2008) and averaged market prices (FIDA, 2006) in 2006 for abacá fibre bundles. All prices are denoted in Philippine Pesos (1 D = 60.67–68.23 PHP; minimal and maximal closing price for the year 2006
(Finanzen net GmbH, 2011)).

Grade Cleaning Texture Length Colour Group of leaf sheaths Knife serration Price in PHP per kg

S. Richter et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 42 (2013) 601–612

Quality Fibre bundle width Hand-stripped Spindle-stripped

AD Superior-current Excellent Pure fibre Soft Long Ivory white to white Inner 0 – –
EF Mid-current Normal-long Light ivory to very light Middle 0 – –
S2 Streaky two Normal Light ochre to very Next to outer 0 46.53 47.06
light brown
S3 Streaky three Short-normal Dark red to dark brown Outer 0 28.65 29.3

I Current Good 0.5 mm Medium to soft Normal-long Light to very light Inner and middle 24 46.04 46.92
G Soft seconds Normal Dingy white Light Next to outer 24 40.88 41.93
brown Dull brown
H Soft brown 0.75 mm Short-normal Dark brown colour of Outer 24 23.47 24.13
JK Seconds Fair 1 mm Medium Normal-long Dull brown to dingy Inner middle next to outer 17 34.29 35.02
light brown
M1 Medium brown 1.5 mm Medium Short-normal Nearly black – 17 20.49 20.9

L Coarse Coarse 1–1.5 mm Harsh Normal-long Brownish – 14 – –

Y1 Damage fine (Y1 includes residual fibre bundles from AD, EF, S2, S3, I, and G) 26.08 26.05
Y2 Damage medium coarse (Y2 includes residual fibre bundles from H, JK, M1 and L) 24.57 25.06
O Strings (Fibre bundles, used for the tying of the fibre bales are graded to O) 0.66 0.58
T Tow (The reject unstripped ends of the fibre bundles are graded to T) 0.56 0.55
WS Wide strips (All fibre bundles that cannot covered by the grading system are classified to WS) – –

604 S. Richter et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 42 (2013) 601–612

Fig. 1. Box plots of the tensile strength (A), Young’s modulus (B), tensile strain (C), and the bundle width (D) of the abacá fibre bundles. Hand-stripped grades are white and
spindle-stripped grades grey filled.

Langenhagen, Germany) on three positions (0◦ , 120◦ , 240◦ ) on the (Table A.2). This was not true for hand-stripped fibre bundles where
up- and downside of the slightly compressed sample blocks. Mea- most grades were significant different (Table A.2).
surements were evaluated with the software Qtex (Sedo Treepoint For hand-stripped fibre bundles the median value of the ten-
GmbH, Mengerskirchen, Germany) with the following calibration sile strength was between 43.92 cN tex−1 (Y2) and 76.20 cN tex−1
profile: CIELab, 10◦ standard observer, illuminant D65, SCE (diffuse (S2). The Young’s modulus was found to be between 7.57 N tex−1
reflection without orientation). Statistical analysis based on JMP10. (S3) and 15.08 N tex−1 (S2). The elongation at break was expect-
edly low and lies between 5.28% (I) and 10.58% (S3) and the fibre
3. Results bundle width was between 166 ␮m (S2) and 217 ␮m (M1). Spindle-
stripped fibre bundles showed a tensile strength between 48.32 cN
3.1. Abaca grades and their characteristics tex−1 (S-M1) and 75.15 cN tex−1 (S-S3). The Young’s modulus was
found to be between 8.52 N tex−1 (S-Y) and 15.99 N tex−1 (S-G), the
Fibre bundles from abacá came up with highly scattered results elongation at break between 4.75% (S-S2) and 10.06% (S-Y) and the
for their tensile properties and widths (Table 2). To handle the scat- fibre bundle width between 155 ␮m (S-H) and 185 ␮m (S-M1).
ter and for a first overview the tensile strength (), the Young’s
modulus (E), the elongation at break (ε) and the width of the fibre 3.1.1. Weibull strength and width
bundles (d) were pictured as box plots (Fig. 1A–D). While fibre In order to improve the comparability of the highly scattered
bundle width was not normal distributed at all, data for the ten- tensile properties and fibre bundle width values, the characteristic
sile strength, the Young’s modulus and the elongation at break was fibre bundle strength ( c ) and width (dc ) as well as its associated
either distributed normally or not (Table A.1). The comparison of Weibull modulus (m) were calculated from a modified Weibull dis-
the grades by Student’s t and Wilcoxon test (Tables A.2–A.5) indi- tribution (Xia et al., 2009) (Table 2). Compared to all other grades,
cated that tensile strength depends on the stripping method. For the regression coefficient (R2 ) of the characteristic strength of S2
spindle-stripping the grading had no significant effect on the ten- was beneath 0.9 because one fibre bundle showed an exception-
sile strength with the exception of the residual grade S-Y and S-S3 ally high strength. Irrespective of the abacá grade and extraction
S. Richter et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 42 (2013) 601–612 605

Table 2
Mechanical characteristics (tensile strain (ε); tensile strength (); Young’s modulus (E)) and fibre bundle width (d) from the hand-stripped (S2 to Y2) and spindle-stripped
(S-S2 to S-Y) grades. For () and (d) the Weibull parameters were calculated.

Specimen Cleaning quality Value N Mean s Median Weibull average Weibull Weibull fitment R2 of the
value (x)c modulus fitment

S2 Excellent ε in % 50 6.94 3.28 5.70 – – – –

E in N tex−1 50 15.71 6.58 15.08 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 50 78.55 17.48 76.20 85.11 5.42 f(x) = 5.42x–24.10 0.88
d in ␮m 7968 179 97 166 200 2.29 f(x) = 2.29x–12.15 0.98
S3 ε in % 46 11.37 4.36 10.58 – – – –
E in N tex−1 46 7.68 2.02 7.57 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 46 66.21 27.04 65.21 74.98 2.48 f(x) = 2.48x–10.72 0.99
d in ␮m 6718 185 91 186 210 2.06 f(x) = 2.06x–11.01 0.97

I Good ε in % 51 5.44 1.46 5.28 – – – –

E in N tex−1 51 12.66 4.87 12.43 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 51 56.73 26.91 50.45 64.21 2.27 f(x) = 2.27x–9.43 0.99
d in ␮m 4824 200 126 180 223 1.84 f(x) = 1.84x–9.97 0.98
G ε in % 50 7.67 2.44 7.55 – – – –
E in N tex−1 50 11.53 3.35 10.63 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 50 68.34 21.68 68.79 78.42 2.68 f(x) = 2.68x–11.69 0.91
d in ␮m 5056 243 152 214 270 1.77 f(x) = 1.77x–9.92 0.98

JK Fair ε in % 50 7.83 4.94 6.78 – – – –

E in N tex−1 50 9.04 2.41 8.97 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 50 47.45 14.44 48.65 52.88 3.41 f(x) = 3.41x–13.54 0.99
d in ␮m 2858 297 282 192 303 1.30 f(x) = 1.30x–7.42 0.93
M1 ε in % 50 9.13 4.31 9.20 – – – –
E in N tex−1 49 8.45 3.50 7.85 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 50 54.54 16.31 56.57 61.03 3.33 f(x) = 3.33x–13.70 0.97
d in ␮m 2785 281 250 217 296 1.41 f(x) = 1.41x–8.00 0.95

Y2 Residual ε in % 50 5.96 2.59 5.95 – – – –

E in N tex−1 47 9.52 2.88 9.55 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 50 42.85 19.84 43.92 49.93 1.76 f(x) = 1.76x–6.89 0.95
d in ␮m 5106 209 142 181 231 1.79 f(x) = 1.79x–9.76 0.97

S-S2 Excellent ε in % 50 4.98 1.71 4.75 – – – –

E in N tex−1 50 16.08 3.20 15.28 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 50 69.93 21.62 67.33 76.34 3.70 f(x) = 3.70x–16.06 0.95
d in ␮m 5724 215 144 183 246 1.60 f(x) = 1.60x–8.81 0.96
S-S3 ε in % 50 6.49 1.71 6.14 – – – –
E in N tex−1 50 14.45 2.64 14.00 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 50 76.61 15.02 75.17 82.69 5.74 f(x) = 5.75x–25.37 0.94
d in ␮m 7122 192 127 169 212 1.98 f(x) = 1.98x–10.60 0.97

S-I Good ε in % 50 6.66 1.62 6.52 – – – –

E in N tex−1 50 12.74 2.46 12.85 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 50 66.52 16.11 69.44 73.37 4.15 f(x) = 4.14x–17.78 0.98
d in ␮m 6907 185 142 154 201 1.75 f(x) = 1.75x–9.29 0.95
S-G ε in % 50 5.22 1.55 4.84 – – – –
E in N tex−1 50 15.78 2.68 15.99 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 50 66.53 17.23 68.17 73.16 4.20 f(x) = 4.20x–18.03 0.98
d in ␮m 6969 202 154 171 220 1.75 f(x) = 1.75x–9.44 0.96
S-H ε in % 50 4.93 1.44 5.03 – – – –
E in N tex−1 50 14.21 3.88 14.26 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 50 63.32 21.55 65.01 72.44 2.63 f(x) = 2.63x–11.27 0.94
d in ␮m 4838 183 143 155 200 1.78 f(x) = 1.78x–9.40 0.95

S-JK Fair ε in % 49 7.00 1.81 7.06 – – – –

E in N tex−1 49 11.19 2.45 11.25 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 49 68.33 14.29 67.72 75.29 4.86 f(x) = 4.86x–21.00 0.94
d in ␮m 4836 227 174 180 283 1.56 f(x) = 1.60x–8.81 0.96
S-M1 ε in % 55 9.99 4.89 8.44 – – – –
E in N tex−1 55 10.07 4.12 9.59 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 55 61.22 30.57 48.32 69.36 2.18 f(x) = 2.18x–9.24 0.94
d in ␮m 6152 206 132 185 229 1.81 f(x) = 1.81x–9.82 0.98

S-Y Residual ε in % 49 9.37 4.78 10.06 – – – –

E in N tex−1 47 9.71 4.78 8.52 – – – –
 in cN tex−1 49 57.85 16.20 59.22 65.41 3.13 f(x) = 3.13x–13.07 0.93
d in ␮m 7209 193 133 172 212 1.89 f(x) = 1.89x–10.11 0.97

Table 3
Weibull moduli for some natural fibre bundles.

Fibre Stress dependent Weibull moduli Width dependent Weibull moduli Literature

Abacá – 4.2a Peponi et al. (2008)a

Flax 1.22a 2.7b Biagiotti et al. (2004)a and Peponi et al. (2008)b
Jute 1.19–2.18a 2.4b Xia et al. (2009)a and Peponi et al. (2008)b
Sisal 3.0–4.6a 4.2b Silva et al. (2010)a and Peponi et al. (2008)b

Superscript letters a and b refer to the cited literature.

606 S. Richter et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 42 (2013) 601–612

Fig. 3. CIELab-values L*, a* and b* of hand-stripped (white) and spindle-stripped

Fig. 2. Characteristic fibre bundle strength and width of hand-stripped (white) and
(grey) grades.
spindle-stripped (grey) grades. For linear regression the hand-stripped grades S2 to
M1 were considered. Numbers mark the amount of knife serrations.

3.1.2. Abacá grades and their associated colour profile

On the basis of photometer measurements the colour and light-
method the determined Weibull moduli for all fibre bundles were ness of the abacá grades were analyzed. CIELab-values were normal
relative low, a common characteristic for natural fibres (Table 3). distributed, with the exception of S-G (L*) and S-M1 (a*). The posi-
For hand-stripped fibre bundles a strong correlation between tive CIELab-values b* and a* indicated a yellow/red colouration for
the characteristic fibre bundle width (dc ) and the abacá grade (with all abacá grades (Table 4).
exception of the residual grade Y2) was obvious (Fig. 2). While the The grading within one cleaning quality (Table 1: excellent, good,
excellent grades (S2 and S3) were very fine (dc = 200–210 ␮m) the or fair) had a visible effect on the CIELab-values L* and a* (Fig. 3 and
fair grades (JK and M1) had an approximately 100 ␮m thicker char- Table A.6). Superior grades within one fibre quality were significant
acteristic fibre bundle width (dc ) and low Weibull moduli (Table 2). lighter (higher L*) and for excellent and good fibre qualities less red
Moreover, it was determined that the knife serration of the strip- (lower a*). Only for the fair cleaning qualities the superior grade
ping knife had a strong effect on the width of hand-stripped fibre showed a higher a*-value.
bundles (Fig. 2). L*-coordinates that characterize the specimen lightness were
The correlation between the characteristic fibre bundle width found in spindle-stripped fibre bundles slightly higher or approx-
(dc ) and the abacá grade did not apply for spindle-stripped fibre imately equal compared to hand-stripped grades (Table 4).
bundles that were processed exclusively with non-serrated knifes. Differences regarding the extraction method were especially found
In that case the most grades came with a characteristic fibre bun- for the CIELab-value a* (Table 4). While a* was for S2 and S-S2
dle width (dc ) between 200 and 230 ␮m with the exception of roughly equal, the remaining grades came with a significant higher
S-S2 (246 ␮m) and S-JK (283 ␮m). The lowest Weibull moduli for a*-value for hand-stripped fibre bundles than for spindle-stripped
spindle-stripped fibre bundles were found in S-S2 (1.6) and S-JK ones, with an exception of the residual grades.
(1.56). For the CIELab-value b* no trend regarding the grading or extrac-
As well as the fibre bundle width, the characteristic strength tion method was obvious.
( c ) of hand-stripped fibre bundles tended to hinge on the abacá A strong correlation between the characteristic strength of the
grade (Fig. 2). While the excellent grades came with a  c = 74.98 cN fibre bundles and their colouration was not found. Nonetheless, for
tex−1 (S3) to  c = 85.11 cN tex−1 (S2), fair grades show only a char- the CIELab-values L* and a* a slight trend was existent.
acteristic strength between 52.88 cN tex−1 (JK) and 61.03 cN tex−1
(M1) (Table 2). Y2 that includes residual fibre bundles from S2 to G 3.2. Effects of fibre bundle position in the pseudostem
came with the lowest characteristic strength (49.93 cN tex−1 ) and
Weibull modulus (1.76). Effects of the extraction position in the pseudostem on fibre
For spindle-stripped abacá no connection between the char- bundle characteristics (characteristic strength and width, CIELab-
acteristic strength ( c ) and grading was found (Fig. 2). Most of values L* and a*) were analyzed (Fig. 4). Therefore, all grades those
the spindle-stripped grades came with a characteristic strength positions were known (c.f. Table 1) were considered. The pseu-
above 70 cN tex−1 , while the highest  c was found for the excel- dostem could be defined in 3 positions: (i) inner and middle (I;
lent grades (S-S2: 76.34 cN tex−1 ; S-S3: 82.69 cN tex−1 ). Only the S-I), (ii) next to outer (S2, G; S-S2, S-G), and (iii) outer (S3; S-S3,
residual grade S-Y2 that includes fibre bundles from S-S2 to S-G S-H).
had a characteristic strength beneath 70 cN tex−1 (65.41 cN tex−1 ) For the CIELab-values L* and a* a clear trend was visible. The
(Table 2). determined fibre bundles darkened continuously from the inner
Moreover, the characteristic strength was found to be higher, and middle position to the outer position in the pseudostem. Fur-
in most cases, for spindle-stripped fibre bundles than for hand- thermore a constant increase of the CIELab a*-value was found and
stripped ones, with exception of S2 and G. Additionally, the Weibull consequently fibre bundles from the inner and middle leaf sheaths
modulus for spindle-striped grades was approximately 50% (JK/S- were less red than these ones from the outer leaf sheaths.
JK) to more than 100% (S3/S-S3) higher, with exception of S2 and For the characteristic width and strength no constant trend
M1 (Table 2). regarding the fibre bundle position in the pseudostem was found.
S. Richter et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 42 (2013) 601–612 607

Table 4
CIELab-coordinates for the hand stripped (S2 to Y) and spindle stripped grades (S-S2 to S-Y). L* represents the lightness, a* represents the redness and b* represents the

Specimen Cleaning quality N L* a* b*

S2 Excellent 18 73.73 ± 2.33 4.63 ± 0.31 18.99 ± 0.77

S3 18 60.68 ± 6.79 6.29 ± 0.90 16.25 ± 1.56
I Good 18 71.34 ± 3.73 4.85 ± 0.64 18.09 ± 0.94
G 18 65.44 ± 3.07 5.58 ± 0.73 21.07 ± 1.03
JK Fair 18 63.71 ± 4.41 6.94 ± 0.81 22.28 ± 1.29
M1 18 47.54 ± 4.77 6.59 ± 0.84 16.64 ± 1.72
Y2 Residual 18 58.39 ± 3.68 6.46 ± 0.65 22.84 ± 1.47
S-S2 Excellent 18 75.45 ± 2.76 4.65 ± 0.65 18.26 ± 1.32
S-S3 18 62.00 ± 4.68 5.32 ± 0.68 17.91 ± 1.68
S-I Good 18 75.62 ± 2.90 4.25 ± 0.27 18.96 ± 0.71
S-G 18 66.70 ± 4.56 4.66 ± 0.62 18.82 ± 1.38
S-H 18 56.25 ± 4.85 4.86 ± 0.60 14.77 ± 1.57
S-JK Fair 18 62.99 ± 6.72 5.92 ± 0.80 20.60 ± 1.64
S-M1 18 55.23 ± 4.79 5.01 ± 1.02 14.94 ± 2.83
S-Y Residual 18 61.94 ± 3.08 6.90 ± 0.92 21.39 ± 1.36

However, it seems like the knife serration had a stronger effect on 4. Discussion
the width and strength. Fibre bundles extracted with non-serrated
blades showed almost similar widths and strengths irrespective 4.1. Natural variability of abacá fibre bundles
of the extraction method. They were finer and had a higher
characteristic strength than fibre bundles extracted with serrated The tensile properties of abacá fibre bundles at a gauge length
blades. of 3.2 mm are not only dependent on cell wall mechanics, but also

Fig. 4. Characteristic width and strength, CIELab L*- and a*-values of hand-stripped (white) and spindle-stripped (grey) fibre bundles, plotted against the fibre position in the
abacá pseudostem. Crosses mark the different characteristic fibre bundle widths, with regard to the serration number: G (24 serrations) and S2 (zero serrations). Numbers
mark the amount of knife serrations.
608 S. Richter et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 42 (2013) 601–612

determined by the middle lamella because the lengths of single excellent grades (S; S3) were processed with non-serrated knifes,
fibres vary between 2 and 12 mm (Müssig et al., 2010). The middle spindle-stripped systems always working with no serrations. Fibre
lamella can be thought of as a natural adhesive that holds the single bundles processed with no serrations were very fine (dc approx-
fibres together in the fibre bundle (Schnegelsberg, 1999). For abacá imately 200–230 ␮m; exception S-S2 und S-JK), while serrated
fibre bundles the mean and its standard deviation had only a limited knifes cause an increase of the fibre bundle width (up to approxi-
power to describe the tensile properties and the width because of mately 300 ␮m). The decrease of fibre bundle quality rises with a
the scattering of the data. decrease of the serration number.
The scattering is a consequence of the variability of natural fibre However, it can be concluded that the knife serration influ-
bundles that is a result from the adaptational growth of plants (Eder enced the fibre bundle width and hence, the characteristic strength.
and Burgert, 2010). To handle the symptomatic scatter of natu- Spindle-stripping resulted not only in a finer fibre quality (in most
ral fibre bundles statistical value like the median, the interquartile cases), but also in a constantly high characteristic strength above
range between the 25th and 75th percentile, the upper and lower 70 cN tex−1 (exception S-Y) with associated Weibull moduli that
whisker, and the maximum and minimum should be used for the were found 50 to more than 100% higher as in hand-stripped abacá
evaluation. For a good overview about these parameters boxplots (exception S-S2, S-M1).
are helpful. In order to improve the comparability within the mea-
surement set, but also with other natural or technical fibre types, 4.3. Manual abacá grading – advantages vs. disadvantages
a modified Weibull analysis (Alemdar et al., 2008; Peponi et al.,
2008) is powerful. Hereby, fibre bundle characteristics like tensile For the colouration of the determined abacá fibre bundles the
properties and fineness can be described by an average value of grading concept works fine, within one cleaning quality (cf. Table 1
the property (e.g. the characteristic strength) and a dimensionless and Fig. 3). That may be, because every cleaning quality is assem-
shape value (the Weibull modulus). The Weibull modulus is related bled of grades that includes fibre bundles either extracted from the
to the dispersion of the data, while a high modulus is characteris- inner, middle, next to outer, or outer leaf sheaths. Nonetheless, it
tically for a low dispersion about the mean. was obvious that the manual classification of the colour within all
The adaptational growth of abacá is also the reason for a 30% grades is difficult and fault-prone. For example, the colour of the
higher lignification of fibre bundles from the outer position in grade S2 is described as “light ochre to very light brown” and I as
the pseudostem, regarding these ones from the inner pseudostem “light to very light brown”, while the CIELab-values for both grades
(Sinon, 2008). Due to the fact that lignin degrades by UV light in were almost identical. Obviously, the personal colour vision and
a photochemical process to form brownish water-soluble decom- the disparate test conditions (e.g. light source) have a strong effect
positions (Jayasekara and Amarasinghe, 2010) the determined on the manual colour determination.
gradual change in lightness and especially redness (CIELab L* and For the fibre bundle width (cf. cleaning quality in Table 1) and
a*) can be interpreted as a gradual change in lignin, while fibre bun- strength the grading concept worked only for hand-stripped fibre
dles from the inner and middle position came with a lower lignin bundles, because the fibre bundle width depended mainly on the
content than fibre bundles from the outer position (Fig. 4). The slight knife serration. The width and strength of spindle-stripped fibre
influence of CIELab-values L* and a* on the characteristic fibre bun- bundles were not related to the grading. From this follows not only
dle strength indicates an embrittlement of the cell walls through that the width and strength of spindle-stripped fibre bundles are
to a lignification process of the cellulose fibres. Lignin limits the constant over almost all grades. Moreover, fibre bundles within one
mobility of the micro fibrils and makes the cell wall more hydropho- grade cannot be compared with each other, if the extraction method
bic (Vincent, 2006) and hence embrittles the fibre. This hypothesis is different or unknown.
should be proofed by investigating the tensile properties and the
lignification as well as the cell wall architecture (micro fibril angle) 4.4. Abacá for natural fibre composites (NFC)
stepwise from the inner to the outer leaf sheath.
As mentioned in the introduction, abacá has a great potential
4.2. Extraction process and fibre bundle characteristics for natural fibre composites (NFC). The future prospects for new
NFC-products are quite good because of their low energy costs
For abacá the method of fibre bundle extraction swayed the during production and a mostly neutral carbon dioxide life cycle
affection of the grading on the characteristic width and strength (Carus and Gahle, 2007; Carus et al., 2008; Holbery and Houston,
(Fig. 2). On the one hand, the characteristic width and strength of 2006). One successful example for abacá reinforced composites is
hand-stripped fibre bundles hinge on the abacá grade in an antipo- the underfloor exterior component for automobiles made by the
dal way. On the other hand, for spindle-stripped fibre bundles no long fibre thermoplastic (LFT) process (Scherübl, 2005). Apart from
trend was obvious. That indicates that the tensile strength of an that, abacá is predestined for standard compounding procedures
abacá fibre bundle depends on its geometry: the less the fibre bun- because of its good free flowing properties through the rough fibre
dle width, the less the probability of a microscopic failure and the better bundle structure. Furthermore, the high stiffness of abacá fibre
the tensile strength. Hence, the mechanical behaviour of the brittle bundles leads, e.g. to an orientation preference in shear direction
abacá fibre bundles can be described with the weakest link model of the extrusion in the injection moulding process. This is inter-
in that one microscopic failure causes the failure of the macroscopic esting for the mechanical properties of the compound, but also
fibre bundle (Griffith, 1921). decreases the possibility of fibre bundle agglomerates that could
As a matter of form it has to be said that the measured data for constipate the nozzle during the injection process. This short out-
the fibre bundle width did not correlate perfectly with the fibre line of some advantages should only indicate the big potential for
bundle strength. One main reason could be the selective choice of abacá, e.g. as reinforcement in injection moulded compounds. A
a low amount of test samples (approximately 50) for the tensile further investigation was that spindle-stripped fibre bundles of
test. This is not true for the fineness measurements, because the the excellent grades S-S2 and S-S3 varied significantly in the price
high number of tested samples (2785–7968) should result in a very (approximately 40% price difference) but had comparable mechan-
good estimation of the basic population. ical properties (cf. Tables 1 and 2). Hence, a closer inspection of the
The dissimilar impact of the stripping method on the fibre bun- price and the connection between grading and fibre quality could
dle width can be explained by the strong relation between serration lead to more economic NFC with abacá as reinforcement. How-
number and width. While for hand-stripped fibre bundles only the ever, as long as the reproducibility of the abacá grading cannot be
S. Richter et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 42 (2013) 601–612 609

guaranteed, the establishment of abacá on the NFC-market will be methods, as only a high resolution scanner, software and a colour
difficult because the industry needs abacá in a constant quality and standard is required. Moreover, it is less time consuming than the
quantity throughout the whole year. visual inspection.

5. Conclusion Acknowledgement

It could be shown that an automated qualification of the colour The authors thank Edel M. Dondonilla (Fiber Industry Develop-
(CIELab-system) and the fibre bundle width (Fibreshape-system) ment Authority – FIDA, Quezon City, The Philippines) for supplying
could be a great benefit for the abacá grading. The advantages would the abacá grades.
be an easy and fast sample preparation, minimization of possible
operator errors, and a reproducible documentation of the grading Appendix.
determinants by today’s technical standards. Conventional grading
could be economized by using e.g. the introduced budget-priced See Tables A.1–A.6.

Table A.1
Statistical analyses for normal distribution of the mechanical characteristics (tensile strength (); Young’s modulus (E), tensile strain (ε)), the fibre bundle width (d) and the
CIE-values (L*, a*, b*). Y, normal distributed; N, not normal distributed.

Grade a Ea εa db CIE L*a CIE a*a CIE b*a

S2 N N N N Y Y Y
S3 Y Y N N Y Y Y
M1 Y N Y N Y Y Y
Y2 Y N Y N Y Y Y
S-S2 N N Y N Y Y Y
S-S3 Y N N N Y Y Y
S-M1 N Y N N Y N Y
KSL test.

Table A.2
Statistical analyses of the tensile strength by the Wilcoxon Each Pair test (grey) and the Each Pair Student’s t test (white). Crosses mark significant differences within grades.
Grades that are labelled with a square had no significant differences.
610 S. Richter et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 42 (2013) 601–612

Table A.3
Statistical analyses of the Young’s modulus by the Wilcoxon Each Pair test (grey) and the Each Pair Student’s t test (white). Crosses mark significant differences within grades.
Grades that are labelled with a square had no significant differences.

Table A.4
Statistical analyses of the tensile strain by the Wilcoxon Each Pair test (grey) and the Each Pair Student’s t test (white). Crosses mark significant differences within grades.
Grades that are labelled with a square had no significant differences.
S. Richter et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 42 (2013) 601–612 611

Table A.5
Statistical analyses of the fibre bundle width by the Wilcoxon Each Pair test (grey). Crosses mark significant differences within grades. Grades that are labelled with a square
had no significant differences.

Table A.6
Statistical analyses of the CIE L*a*b* colour profile by the Each Pair Student’s t test. Levels that are not connected by the same letter were significant different.

CIE L* (alpha = 0.05) CIE a* (alpha = 0.05) CIE b* (alpha = 0.05)

Grade Homogeneous groups Mean Grade Homogeneous groups Mean Grade Homogeneous groups Mean

S-I A 75.62 JK A 6.94 Y2 A 22.84

S-S2 A 75.45 S-Y A B 6.90 JK A B 22.28
S2 A B 73.73 M1 A B C 6.59 S-Y B C 21.39
I B 71.34 Y2 B C 6.46 G C 21.07
S-G C 66.70 S3 C D 6.29 S-JK C 20.60
G C D 65.44 S-JK D E 5.92 S2 D 18.99
JK D E 63.71 G E F 5.58 S-I D 18.96
S-JK D E F 62.99 S-S3 F G 5.32 S-G D E 18.82
S-S3 E F 62.00 S-M1 G H 5.01 S-S2 D E 18.26
S-Y E F 61.94 S-H G H 4.86 I D E 18.09
S3 F G 60.68 I G H 4.85 S-S3 E 17.91
Y2 G H 58.39 S-G H I 4.66 M1 F 16.64
S-H H I 56.25 S-S2 H I 4.65 S3 F 16.25
S-M1 I 55.23 S2 H I 4.63 S-M1 G 14.94
M1 J 47.54 S-I I 4.25 S-H G 14.77

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