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Basic Research—Technology

The Influence of Preparation Size on the Mechanical

Efficacy of Root Canal Irrigation In Vitro
Kenneth W. Falk, DDS, and Christine M. Sedgley, PhD

This study tested the hypothesis that the mechanical
efficacy of irrigation in reducing intracanal bacteria is
dependent on canal preparation size. Root canals of 30
I n 1859 Jonathon Taft advocated “frequent syringing” of root canals to remove “the
offensive gasses or fluids of decomposition” (1). However, the specific removal of
microorganisms from root canals became a goal of root canal treatment only after the
extracted permanent cuspids were prepared consecu- publication of several seminal papers by Willoughby Dayton Miller throughout the
tively to sizes 36, 60, and 77 at working length (WL) 1890s (2). Nonetheless, despite more than a century of technological improvements in
using ProFile 0.04 taper Series-29 files. Smear layer was root canal instrumentation procedures, clinical studies indicate that bacteria remain in
removed and teeth autoclaved following completion of the canal following standardized cleaning and shaping procedures using nonantimicro-
each instrumentation sequence. Root canals were in- bial irrigants (3, 4). Additionally, the use of antimicrobial irrigants have been shown to
oculated with a 15-␮l suspension (1 ⫻ 106 cells) of further reduce bacteria but without complete elimination (5– 8).
Pseudomonas fluorescens 5RL, a salicylate-inducible In vitro studies have shown that increased apical enlargement aids mechanical
bioluminescent reporter strain. Bioluminescence was debridement of particles (9) and debris detected histologically (10, 11). In addition, a
measured before inoculation (background), after inoc- recent clinical study demonstrated that microbial debridement, accompanied by irri-
ulation and after irrigation with 6 ml of irrigant deliv- gation with 1% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), was more effective with increased apical
ered 1 mm from WL using a 28G safety-ended needle. enlargement (8). The authors found no bacteria remaining in any of the cuspid and
The percentage of bacteria remaining following irriga- bicuspid canals prepared to size 60, however, 81.5% of molar canals instrumented to
tion was 26.95 ⫾ 9.71%, 10.46 ⫾ 5.87%, and 10.64 ⫾ size 46 had residual bacteria. When the molars were prepared to apical size 60, 89% of
6.01% for sizes 36, 60, and 77, respectively (p ⬍ 0.001; the canals were bacteria-free.
repeated-measures ANOVA), with no difference be- While clinical investigations are preferred, an advantage to in vitro experimenta-
tween sizes 60 and 77 (p ⬎ 0.05; Tukeys). Irrigation 1 tion is the ability to control variables. For example, in the aforementioned clinical
mm from WL was significantly less effective in canals studies the irrigant volume and needle depth penetration varied. In addition, the most
prepared to size 36. common method of evaluating root canal bacteria assesses growth from paper point
samples (8), in effect measuring what is removed from the root canal rather than what
Key Words
remains behind. This obstacle was addressed using an in vitro method that measured
Bacteria, bioluminescence, endodontic, irrigation, prep-
radioactively labeled bacteria remaining in instrumented canals (12); however, the
aration size
protocol required destruction of the tooth sample to obtain a reading, thereby render-
ing impossible the assessment of sequential treatment procedures. Recently, a nonde-
structive in vitro method utilizing the bioluminescent reporter strain Pseudomonas
From the Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences fluorescens 5RL was described that can assess sequential instrumentation treatment
and Endodontics, University of Michigan Dental School, Ann procedures and quantification of bacteria within the canal without destroying the sam-
Arbor, Michigan.
Address requests for reprint to Dr Christine Sedgley, De- ple (13). Using this method it was shown that irrigation efficacy was significantly im-
partment of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics, proved using 6 ml compared to 3 ml of irrigant (13) and when delivered 1 mm
University of Michigan, School of Dentistry, 1011 N. University compared to 5 mm from working length (WL) (14). However, both studies used teeth
Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078. E-mail address: csedgley@ with canals prepared to size 60.
Copyright © 2005 by the American Association of The hypothesis tested in this study was that the mechanical efficacy of irrigation in
Endodontists the removal of intracanal bacteria is dependent on the canal preparation size. Biolu-
minescent bacteria were inoculated into sequentially enlarged root canals of the same
teeth, after which canals were irrigated with a nonantimicrobial irrigant and remaining
bacteria quantified using real-time bioluminescent imaging (BLI).

Materials and Methods

Thirty permanent cuspids with straight roots, clinically intact crowns, no restora-
tions, no cracks, no caries and of approximate length 24 mm were selected from teeth
stored in 50% glycerine/50% ethyl alcohol at the University of Michigan School of
Dentistry (Ann Arbor, MI). Teeth were radiographed from both mesial and buccal views
to assess canal morphology and those identified as having abnormal anatomy or calci-
fied root canal systems were excluded. Teeth were autoclaved at 121°C for 15 min at 26
psi and stored at 25°C in 100% humidity until use.

742 Falk and Sedgley JOE — Volume 31, Number 10, October 2005
Basic Research—Technology
Coronal access openings were prepared using tungsten carbide TABLE 1. Influence of preparation size on the mechanical efficacy of irrigation
burs in a high-speed handpiece with constant water spray. Root canal Canal preparation size
WL was set at 1 mm short of the apical foramen based on visual inspec-
tion of a size 10 stainless steel K-file extending beyond the apical fora- 60 77
men. Canals were instrumented using Orifice openers and Profile .04 (p value) (p value)
Series 29 Rotary Ni-Ti files (Dentsply Tulsa Dental Products, Tulsa, OK). Log10
Orifice openers were used to prepare the coronal one-third of canals reduction
Mean 0.59 1.03 1.06
and the Profile .04 Series 29 were used to prepare the middle and apical SD 0.16 0.25 0.31
two-thirds of canals. Overall (⬍0.0001†)
36 — (⬍0.001‡) (⬍0.001‡)
Preparation of Teeth for Sequences 1 (size 36), 2 (size 60), 60 — — (⬎0.05‡)
and 3 (size 77)
The 30 teeth were instrumented to final apical size 36 for the first Percentage of bacteria remaining in root canal (%)
Mean 26.95 10.46 10.64
experiment (sequence 1). Copious irrigation with 5.25% sodium hypo- SD 9.71 5.87 6.01
chlorite was used between instruments. After instrumentation, the
smear layer was removed from canal walls by ultrasonic treatment for 4 Absolute numbers of bacteria remaining in root canal
min each in 17% EDTA and 5.25% NaOCl (15). Canals were then rinsed Mean 2.7.E ⫹ 05 1.0.E ⫹ 05 1.1.E ⫹ 05
with copious sterile distilled water and ultrasonically treated for 4 min SD 9.7.E ⫹ 04 5.9.E ⫹ 04 6.0.E ⫹ 04
with distilled water after which the apices were coated with a clear nail * 1⫻106 bacteria inoculated into root canals (n ⫽ 30) for each experiment.
varnish to seal the apical foramen. Teeth were then autoclaved at 121°C † Repeated measures ANOVA, p ⬍ 0.0001.
for 15 min at 26 psi and stored aseptically in 100% humidity at 25°C ‡ Tukey’s multiple comparisons.
until use. Canals were dried with sterile paper points (Kerr USA, Romu-
lus, MI) immediately before each experiment.
The above procedures were repeated on the same 30 teeth for sizes system (Xenogen Corp., Alameda, CA) coupled to a data-acquisition PC
60 (sequence 2) and 77 (sequence 3). Teeth were autoclaved at the running LivingImage software (Xenogen Corp.). The imaging system
completion of each sequence. includes a highly sensitive charge coupled device (CCD) camera, a dark
imaging chamber to minimize incident light, and software to quantify
Bacteria the results. The CCD camera can detect very small numbers of photons
All investigations used P. fluorescens 5RL, a salicylate inducible as well as operate as a traditional camera and create real-time images
bioluminescent reporter strain harboring the plasmid pUTK21, a nah with extremely low noise.
sal-lux reporter plasmid (approximate size 120kb) that contains a Teeth were positioned in the dark imaging chamber at 25°C. A gray
salicylate-inducible luxCDABE gene cassette from Vibrio fischeri (16, scale tooth surface image was collected in the chamber under dim
17). Bioluminescent bacteria cultures were prepared from -80°C fro- illumination, followed by acquisition and overlay of the pseudocolor
zen stocks in 300 ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 ml LB broth image representing the spatial distribution of detected photon counts
(Difco; Becton, Dickinson and Company, Sparks, MD) with salicylate emerging from active luciferase within the tooth. An integration time of
(50 ␮g/ml) (LBS) in aerobic conditions at 25°C with shaking. After 1 min was used for acquisition of the luminescent image (photons/sec/
24 h, a subculture was prepared and grown to OD600 0.190 measured cm2/sr). Signal intensity was quantified as the sum of all detectable
using a spectrophotometer (Spectronic 20D⫹, Thermo Electron Cor- photon counts (photons/sec) within a reproducible region of interest
poration, Pittsburgh, PA) with corresponding bioluminescence of prescribed over the entire tooth.
7.5 ⫻ 105 RLU measured using a single tube luminometer (Sirius-2, Images and photon counts were obtained before inoculation of
Zylux Corp., Oak Ridge, TN). bacteria (background), after inoculation of bacteria, and after 6 ml of
Viable cell counts were determined using 10-fold serial dilutions irrigation.
prepared in nuclease-free water supplemented with salicylate (50 ␮g/
ml) (H2O/Sal). Viable counts were obtained for each experimental se- Statistical Analysis
quence by plating serial dilutions in triplicate on LBS agar, and counting Photons from bioluminescent bacteria in each tooth were ob-
colony forming units after 48 h aerobic incubation at 25°C. tained by subtracting background photon counts. A log10 transforma-
Undiluted bacterial suspension in LBS (15 ␮l) was pipetted into tion of bacterial photons was performed because of the extensive range
each root canal using fine sterile gel-loading pipets (Fisherbrand, of photon readings. The data were confirmed to have normal distribu-
Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) as previously described (13). Pipet tip tion on frequency histograms. Repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey’s
placement for inoculation of bacteria was 5 mm from the WL for each multiple comparisons were performed on log10 transformed data using
sequence. Prism 4 for Macintosh software (GraphPad Software, Inc. San Diego,
CA). Significance was set at p ⬍ 0.05.
A total of 6 ml of irrigation with sterile distilled water/salicylate was Results
delivered via a sterile 28 gauge safety-ended endodontic irrigating nee- Viable counts obtained by culturing determined that approxi-
dle (Max-I Probe, Dentsply Limited, Waybridge, Surrey, England) mately 1 ⫻ 106 bacterial cells were inoculated into the canals. Real-
placed 1 mm short of WL as previously described (13). time BLI data showed that the mean percentage bioluminescent bacteria
remaining following irrigation was 26.95 ⫾ 9.71, 10.46 ⫾ 5.87, and
Measurement of Bioluminescence in Teeth 10.64 ⫾ 6.01 for sizes 36, 60, and 77, respectively, corresponding to a
BLI was performed at the Michigan Small Animal Imaging resource mean log10 decrease of 0.59 ⫾ 0.16, 1.03 ⫾ 0.25, and 1.06 ⫾ 0.31,
(Department of Radiology, University of Michigan) as previously de- respectively (p ⬍ 0.001; repeated-measures ANOVA) (Table 1). There
scribed (13). Imaging was conducted using a cryogenically cooled IVIS was no difference between sizes 60 and 77 (p ⬎ 0.05; Tukey’s multiple

JOE — Volume 31, Number 10, October 2005 Preparation Size Influencing Efficacy of Canal Irrigation 743
Basic Research—Technology
analysis; photon emissions from bacteria inoculated in root canals can
be detected using real-time BLI (13). More importantly, by using each
tooth sample as its own control throughout sequential procedures, the
potential impact of variations between teeth was eliminated. In these
investigations, no attempt was made to “grow” bacteria in root canals,
nor to “kill” the inoculated bacteria, hence a nonantimicrobial irrigant
was used. Naturally occurring bioluminescent species would not be
expected in the infected root canal flora. Rather, the genetically engi-
neered strain P. fluorescens 5RL, a gram-negative rod 2 to 3 ␮m in
Figure 1. Images of representative tooth. (A) Background, no bacteria, (B) 1 ⫻ length, was selected for these investigations based on strong biolumi-
106 P. fluorescens 5RL in root canal. NB. Bacterial cell count was determined nescent activity associated with its reporter plasmid pUTK21 when
by culturing the same volume of inoculum. (C–E) After 6 ml irrigation delivered grown in the presence of salicylate (17).
using 28 gauge Max-I-Probe needle positioned 1 mm from WL after root canal
instrumented to (C) size 36, (D) size 60, and (E) size 77. Color bar on right
A consideration, when designing a study that used the same teeth
gives bioluminescence image units (photons/sec/cm2/sr). over a number of progressive sequences, was whether the teeth would
remain intact throughout repeated cycles of autoclaving and ultrasonic
treatment (for smear layer removal). Intentionally, only intact, caries-
comparisons). A series of bioluminescent images over all sequences for free and unrestored teeth were used, and the teeth were kept in 100%
a representative tooth is shown in Fig. 1. humidity when not being used in experiments. At the completion of
experiments, all the teeth remained intact. This indicates that a greater
Discussion number of sequential procedures are feasible. Future studies could use
The need for adequate enlargement of the root canal to allow a greater range of preparation sizes, including size 46 that was not
irrigation was recognized by Grossman in 1943 (18). The results of this investigated here, as well as smaller apical sizes used in greater taper
study show that canal preparation size significantly influences the me- instrumentation systems. An antimicrobial irrigant such as NaOCl,
chanical efficacy of irrigation. Compared to preparation sizes 60 and 77, which would be expected to further reduce the numbers of viable bac-
irrigation was significantly less effective in canals prepared to size 36. teria in root canals (5), also could be investigated in future studies using
From a starting inoculum of 1 ⫻ 106 cells, approximately 3 ⫻ 105 this method.
viable cells remained in canals instrumented to size 36 following 6 ml In addition to canal size, other factors play an important role in
irrigation delivered 1 mm from WL. Increasing canal enlargement to root canal debridement. For example, the influence of canal taper on
size 60 resulted in significantly less bacteria remaining in the root canal efficacy of debris removal was investigated in recent histological studies
system. These latter findings are essentially in agreement with others (8, (10, 11). Debris was more effectively removed using .04, .06, and .08
12). The debridement of root canals infected with radiolabeled Entero- ProFile GT instruments when the apical preparation size was larger
coccus faecalis was more effective when canals were instrumented to (size 40 compared with size 20). However, when a taper of 0.10 was
size 50 using Pow-R instruments compared to size 35 using GT and produced at the apical extent of the canal, there was no difference in
Profile instruments (12) and apical enlargement resulted in less cul- debris removal between the two sizes (10). Factors shown to improve
turable bacteria being recovered clinically (8). the efficacy of root canal irrigation include closer proximity of the
Interestingly, in the present study there was no difference in the irrigation needle to the apex (14, 20, 21), larger irrigation volume
number of remaining bacteria in canals prepared to sizes 60 and 77, (13), and narrower gauge irrigation needles (9). The present data
indicating that enlargement beyond size 60 did not offer an advantage in additionally show that the efficacy of irrigation is significantly reduced in
terms of irrigation efficacy. In addition, approximately 10% of bacterial canals prepared to size 36 compared to size 60, but with no advantage
cells still remained in these canals after irrigation. These latter data provided by further enlargement to size 77. Clinicians need to balance
support clinical reports that complete removal of all bacteria is not the need for optimization of the mechanical efficacy of irrigation pro-
predictable in canals instrumented at least four file sizes larger than size vided by enlargement of canals with the negative consequences of re-
40 despite irrigation with 0.5% or 5% NaOCl (5, 19). In contrast, Card duction in tooth structure and subsequent weakening of the root struc-
et al. (8) reported no culturable bacteria when bicuspid canals were ture (22).
instrumented to size 60 using 1% NaOCl. These seemingly contradictory
reports of presence and absence of bacteria could be explained in part Acknowledgments
by the greater detection sensitivity of the present method. Other vari- The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the Graduate
ables found in clinical studies also could contribute, such as apical Endodontic Research Fund, University of Michigan.
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