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Fill in the gaps with the following verbs: have (4), eat, go (3), get up, starts, get
dressed, drink,  finishes, do, go out, take, play, come, read, chat, says, is, watch (2)
listen, surf .

  I usually____________ at 7.10 am, then I __________breakfast and I _________

biscuits and ___________milk. After that I ___________ and I ___________ to school
by bus at 7.50 am. School ___________ at 8.05 am and ___________ at 1.05 pm. My
favorite day at school ___________ Tuesday because I __________Art, Music and
English. I ___________ lunch at home at 1.30 pm. In the afternoon I __________my
homework, I __________TV and later I __________with my best friend Mary. Together
we __________volleyball in the park, we ___________shopping or we __________to
music. When I ___________ back home, I ________ a shower, I ___________ TV again
or I _________ a book. I ____________ dinner with my family at 8.00 pm. After dinner I
usually ___________ the net and __________with my friends. I always __________to
bed at 10.00 pm because my mum ________this is the right thing to do!

7. Describe the picture with Present Continuous

1. _________singing.
2. _________dancing.
3. _________and _________ eating pizza.
4. _________and _________ drinking soda.
5. _________and _________ exercising.
6. _________and _________ laughing.

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8. Read and decide whether these statements are True or False.
A. Last Summer I went to Nice with my family.
B. On the first day, we went to a restaurant. It had awful foods, but it had a wonderful
view of the sea.
C. On the second day, we went to an art museum. There weren't many pictures, but
there were many statutes. I didn't like them a lot. Then we went to a beach. It was very
exciting to swim in the sea. After visiting the museum and the beach, we returned to our
hotel room as we were really tired.
D. On the last day, we spent our day at a local market. We bought some new clothes
and then we visited our relatives in Nice. We stayed out late that day. It was a short but
relaxing holiday.
1. The author went to Nice on his holiday. _____
2. The author liked the food in the restaurant. _____
3. The restaurant had a terrible view of the sea. _____
4. He went to an art museum and saw many pictures. _____
5. He spent the last day at the beach._____
6. He felt unhappy to swim in the sea._____
7. He bought a mobile phone at the market._____
8. He also visited some friends in Nice. _____
9. He had a long holiday there._____
10.He thinks the holiday was boring. _____


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