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Hello Ma’am Isnihaya,

This is how to write Chapter 4. I prepared this for you to follow.

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter present the analysis and interpretation of data gathered from the

participants of the study. The presentations follow the sequence in the statement of

the problems set in Chapter 1.

It specifically determined the difficulties encountered by the Junior High

School teachers in the implementation of the K-12 Curriculum in the 4 areas namely:

teaching strategies, instructional materials development, assessment of learning and

classroom management. Further, assistance of the school administrators provided to

the teachers are also identified. The data are presented in tabular and in matrix


This is how to prepare the discussion of the answer to problem no. 1

(this is the e heading to answer problem number 1)
Difficulties Encountered by Junior High School Teachers in the Implementation
Of the K-12 Curriculum in Teaching Strategies

To begin, introduce what is the table all about briefly.

Then, begin introducing the content of the first table. (Please see the sample thesis I lend to
you for your guide. You can begin the over all mean (x), sd and QD found down below
each table.
When you discuss the content or indicators found in the table , You will follow the
PAIS format where in:
P is the presentation of the table and its contents. Present the first 3 highest means
and the lowest mean. This might be 1 paragraph.
Then, Analyze and interpret using the QD in the Scoring guide (found after table 3
below)---why do you think the three indicators have the highest means and the last
indicator having the lowest mean. You will use the qualitative description in the
legend or found in the scoring procedure. Do not repeat the numerical values found
in the table.
Then another paragraph- two or three or more to state your Insight or implication to
explain how the results are observed in the workplace or in the schools; explain
explicitly why and in what way. Cite real situations or real experiences by the
teachers to prove the indicators to be practiced always.
Then another paragraph or two, to support your findings by citing related literature
or studies. Cite the authorities completely with well abstracted studies found in your
chapter 2. Same pattern or format of presentation and discussion for tables 3 and 4
and of course the summary table too with 1 paragraph for this.

Follow the same format or pattern from the previous or first table when discussing the other

Follow the same format or pattern from the previous or second table.

For the summary table,

Follow the same format or pattern from the previous tables, only this focusses on the overall
or summary which tell among the 4 aspects which got the highest and the lowest means then
discuss discuss why?
Summary table will follow

Note: Use the scoring guide in the interpretation of the data

The data in the Matrix 1, 2, 3 and 4 will answer your problem number 2. Here you can
present the data beginning with the first difficulty which got the highest number or
participants who answer it. Just explain ngano difficulty na sa mga junior teachers. Cite
situations relevant to the problem mentioned to show na problema gyud diay na sya sa mga
Again you can cites literature from chapter 2 to support the claim.
This is to answer problem no. 2
Assistance provided by school administrators to address the difficulties
encountered by the Junior High School teachers in the implementation of the
K-12 Curriculum
Same format to follow in discussing matrix 2 and 3. Just discuss extensively the different
assistantship provided by the school administrators to address the difficulties encountered by
the teachers. Provide some situations to support what is indicated inside the box as shown in
matrix 1,2,3 and 4.

Ma’am, if you want a complete sample on how to prepare the whole chapter 4, I can
send you a sample discussion…

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