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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part C:

J Mechanical Engineering Science
Multiobjective sequential optimization for 0(0) 1–9
! IMechE 2015

a vehicle door using hybrid materials Reprints and permissions:

tailor-welded structure DOI: 10.1177/0954406215607901

Jianguang Fang1,3, Yunkai Gao1, Guangyong Sun2,

Chengmin Xu1 and Qing Li3

To achieve lightweight vehicle door, this paper presents a novel design with a hybrid material tailor-welded structure
(HMTWS). A multiobjective optimization procedure is adopted to generate a set of solutions, in which the door stiffness
and mass are taken as objective functions, and the material types and plate thicknesses are regarded as the discrete and
continuous design variables, respectively. To improve the optimization efficiency, Kriging algorithm is used for generating
surrogate model through a sequential sampling strategy. The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) is
employed to perform the multiobjective optimization. It is found that for the same computational cost, the sequential
sampling strategy can yield more accurate optimization results than the conventional one-step sampling strategy. Most
importantly, HMTWS is found more competent than the traditional thin-walled configurations made of steel or other
lighter mono-materials for maximizing the usage of materials and stiffness of the vehicular door structures.

Hybrid materials tailor-welded structure, tailor-welded blank, vehicular door, sequential sampling, multiobjective opti-
mization, Kriging model

Date received: 21 April 2015; accepted: 1 September 2015

attributable to their unique material properties, espe-

Introduction cially lightweight. In this regard, Hosseini-Tehrani
Lightweight design of vehicle structures has become and Nikahd9 found that a hybrid front side rail struc-
an increasingly critical issue for energy concern and ture made of steel and aluminum had better charac-
environment conservation nowadays. To achieve a teristics from the perspectives of passenger safety and
lighter structure, the applications of proper tailor- material efficiency. Logan10 developed a hybrid
welded blanks (TWB) structures have proven rather material configuration by using magnesium and alu-
effective in automotive industry.1 Particular effort was minum and achieved a more than 40% weight reduc-
made to the design of TWB structure for an automo- tion whilst improving mechanical performance
tive door using topology, shape, and size optimiza- significantly compared with conventional steel body-
tions and/or design of experiments (DoE).2–5 In this in-white structure. Cui et al.11 proposed to design
regard, Song and Park6 conducted a multidisciplinary lightweight vehicular body assemblies using multi-
optimization (MDO) of a vehicular front door using a material construction with low cost penalty, where
TWB structure for the stiffness, natural frequency and
side impact crashworthiness criteria. Shi et al.7 devel- 1
School of Automotive Studies, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
oped a lightweight design for automotive front side State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacture for Vehicle
rails based on TWB configuration, in which the cri- Body, Hunan University, Changsha, China
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, The
teria of strength, bending stiffness and torsion rigidity
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
of the TWB structure were taken into account in
order to determine the sheet thicknesses. Pan et al.8 Corresponding author:
proposed a metamodel-based lightweight design of B- Yunkai Gao, School of Automotive Studies, Tongji University, Shanghai
pillar with TWB structure subjected to the crash- 201804, China.
worthiness constraints in vehicular roof crush and
Guangyong Sun, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and
side impact. Manufacture for Vehicle Body, Hunan University, Changsha 410082,
Recently, there is increasing interest in aluminum China.
and magnesium alloys in automotive industry Email:

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2 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)

different materials, such as aluminum, magnesium, This paper takes into account both TWB configur-
steel and carbon fiber, were utilized as the potential ation and hybrid material usage, aiming to design a
candidates for selection. Ince et al.12 investigated the novel hybrid materials tailor-welded structure
impact behaviors of the crash boxes made of steel and (namely, HMTWS) for vehicle door structure using
aluminum materials experimentally and numerically, MOO, in which the Kriging surrogate technique and
and they then optimized the hybrid crash box to min- sequential sampling-based optimization work
imize the weight. together to reduce the computational cost. The rest
To achieve better combination of dissimilar mater- of the paper is organized as follows. The following
ials, substantial efforts have been devoted to the devel- section describes the finite element modeling of
opment of different tailored welding technologies. For TWB and hybrid materials tailor-welded structure
example, Schubert et al.13 exemplified the prototype as well as defines the specific optimization problem.
structures made of aluminum, titanium, magnesium The Design optimization methodology section 3
and their combinations by using laser beam joint tech- presents the methodology adopted in the door
nology. Merklein and Giera14 performed butt joints of design case, including the Non-dominated Sorting
dissimilar steel and aluminum sheets with laser- Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II), Kriging approxima-
assisted friction stir welding. Shigematsu et al.15 tion, and sequential sampling-based MOO. The next
explored TWBs comprised of aluminum and magne- section provides the results and discussions of the
sium alloys, in which friction stir welding process was TWB door structural design with hybrid materials.
employed. Sahin16 welded austenitic stainless steel Finally, some conclusions are drawn in the last
and aluminum materials using the friction welding section.
technology. Although there have been some studies
available on joining dissimilar materials, the investi-
gations into optimization of TWB structures with Design optimization of a HMTWS vehi-
hybrid materials in automotive industry have not cle door
been well reported yet in literature. Numerical modeling and experimental validation of
Most (if not all) real-life engineering problems
are characterized by multiple conflicting require-
the door structure19
ments, between which an appropriate trade-off As illustrated in Fang et al.,19 the finite element (FE)
should be made through multiobjective optimization models of a vehicle door, subjected to four different
(MOO).17–19 Instead of seeking a unique optimal solu- load conditions, i.e. lower lateral, upper lateral, verti-
tion, MOO often generates a spectrum of solutions to cal sag, and free–free boundary conditions, and the
provide decision-makers with more insightful first three are established in Figure 1. The FE models
information. are run in commercial code MSC.NASTRAN.20

Figure 1. Loading conditions for door stiffness analyses. (a) Lower lateral, (b) upper lateral, and (c) vertical sag.

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Fang et al. 3

Table 1. Result comparison between FEA and physical tests.

Indicator Simulation Experiment Difference

Mass (m) 22.13 kg 22.20 kg 0.32%

Vertical sag (Dsag) 4.49 mm 4.53 mm 0.88%
Natural frequency (f) 40.45 Hz 40.71 Hz 0.64%
Upper lateral (Dupper) 2.86 mm 2.83 mm 1.06%
Lower lateral (Dlower) 1.67 mm 1.68 mm 0.60%

Table 1 provides the comparison between finite elem-

ent analysis (FEA) results and experimental data19 of
the conventional steel door structure. All the FE
results are found to agree very well with the experi-
mental results. Therefore, the FE models are con- Figure 2. Design variables.
sidered accurate for the subsequent design

Table 2. Material properties for TWB door structure.

Optimization for a HMTWS vehicle door
Elastic Poisson’s Density
As a simple treatment on the weld line, the coincident
ID Material modulus (GPa) ratio (kg/m3)
node method8 is generally used to tie adjacent shell
elements around the weld zone of the two connecting 1 Steel 210 0.30 7850
sheet components. Note that although the welding 2 Aluminum 72 0.33 2720
connection between two disparate parts with different 3 Magnesium 45 0.37 1840
thicknesses and materials could play a significant role
in affecting local mechanical properties,1,21 it can be
modeled by a simplified approach without accounting follows
for local effects of welding properties because the 8  
blank size is much larger than the size of heat-affected >
> Min 8 m, Dsag
zones (HAZs) in practical applications.22,23 Thus, the >
> >
> f 540:45Hz
geometric details and specific material properties of < >
< upper 42:86mm
the weld line can be approximately neglected in the >
> s:t: Dlower 41:67mm
> >
design model. >
> >
> 0:6mm4T i 43:0mmi ¼ 1, 2, . . . , , 5
: :
Although the partition of weld line of the inner Mj ¼ 1, 2, 3j ¼ 1, 2, . . . , , 5
door panel may be determined by topology optimiza-
tion,2,24 the locations of weld lines of the inner door
panel are assumed to be a given condition in this Design optimization methodology
study. Four thicknesses (T1, T2, T3, and T4) and the Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II
corresponding materials (M1, M2, M3, and M4) at dif-
ferent locations (see Figure 2) are taken as the design
variables of the inner door panel. Besides, the thick- To conduct structural optimization, evolutionary
ness and material of the outer panel are also con- algorithms, such as genetic algorithm (GA), particle
sidered to be the design variables, i.e. T5 and M5 as swarm optimization (PSO)25–28 and artificial bee
in Figure 2. To achieve the lightweight design to a colony (ABC),29,30 have been implemented in engin-
large extent, each material can be selected from eering applications. To conduct multiobjective opti-
either aluminum or magnesium in addition to the con- mization defined in equation (1) that involves both
ventional steel in this study, indicating the discrete continuous and discrete design variables, we adopted
variables. The mechanical properties of these three the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II
materials are summarized in Table 2. (NSGA-II) algorithm as proposed by Deb et al.31
This study aims to simultaneously maximize the NSGA-II has proven rather effective for vehicular
vertical sag stiffness and to minimize the structural design problems.18,32 A better design set can be gen-
mass, while constraining other stiffness indices at cer- erated by using elitist non-dominated sorting in terms
tain levels. Thus, the multiobjective optimization of crowding distance after each generation. Finally,
problem for the door structure is formulated as a the optimal non-dominated set is obtained with con-
standard mathematical form in terms of mixed vari- vergence of the iteration to form the Pareto frontiers.
ables (i.e. continuous thickness variables and discrete In this study, binary tournament selection based on
material type variables), objectives and constraints as constraint-dominate definition31 was used to handle

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4 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)

Table 3. Details of NSGA-II parameters used in this study. modeling starts with proper selection of sampling
points. In this paper, the optimal Latin Hypercube
NSGA-II Parameter name Value
sampling (OLHS)38 is implemented to generate initial
Population size 100 sample data.
Number of generations 500 As one commonly used surrogate approach,
Crossover probability 0.9 Kriging model was originally developed for mining
Mutation probability 0.1 and geo-statistical applications involving spatially
Distribution index for crossover 2.0
and temporally correlated data. The Kriging model
assumes the deterministic response of a system to be
Distribution index for mutation 20
a stochastic process function yðxÞ, consisting of a
regression model and a stochastic error39

yðxÞ ¼ fðxÞT b þ zðxÞ ð2Þ

Initialization of parent population (size N)
Initialize an empty archive
where b is a column vector with all the regression
Evaluate parent population parameters, b ¼ ½1 , 2 , . . . , , p T ; fðxÞ is the column
vector comprising basis functions, fðxÞ ¼
Rank population ½ f1 ðxÞ, f2 ðxÞ, . . . , , fp ðxÞT ; p denotes the number of
basis functions; zðxÞ represents a stochastic parameter
Genetic operators with zero mean, variance  2 , and nonzero covariance.

Crossover Sequential sampling-based multiobjective

Mutation optimization
Although surrogate approximation is an effective
Evaluate child population alternative to reducing simulation time, a key issue
is how to achieve an acceptable modeling accuracy
with a minimum number of training points. For this
Combine parent and child population and rank population reason, this paper adopts a sequential sampling strat-
egy to update the surrogate models in an iterative
Copy N best individuals to parent population fashion during optimization until the final model is
sufficiently accurate and the optimization process is
Stopping criteria
No properly converged.40 The sequential sampling strat-
egy allows to take advantage of information gathered
Output the Pareto front sets from previous modeling iterations; thus, the metamo-
del can be improved gradually with newly generated
training points until the accuracy of the yielded meta-
Figure 3. Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II model becomes satisfactory.41–43
In this study, the sequential sampling strategy fol-
lows a simple approach proposed by Biron et al.42 as
the three constraints in equation (1). The NSGA-II follows
parameters for the door design here are chosen as in
Table 3, where the number of generation was deter- Step 1:Generate the Kriging model based on the exist-
mined by checking convergence19 and the others from ing sampling data available and obtain the Pareto
our previous experience.33,34 Figure 3 provides a flow- solution to the multiobjective optimization (equa-
chart for depicting the optimization procedure of the tion (1)).
NSGA-II algorithm. Step 2:Select validation points disperse uniformly in
the Pareto frontier (11 points in this study);
Step 3:Conduct FEA for mechanical responses at each
Kriging approximation model of these validation points to calculate the con-
In many engineering designs, an optimization algo- straints and objectives in equation (1);
rithm is inefficient to be directly combined with Step 4:Calculate the error metrics of each validation
FEA model since enormous computational cost is point by comparing the metamodeling values with
usually required during optimization iterations. As the corresponding FEA values according to equa-
an alternative, the metamodels or surrogate modeling tion (3);
techniques have proven fairly effective to evaluation Step 5:If the accuracy criteria are satisfied, terminate
performances.30,35–37 This approach establishes a the sequential sampling procedure and go to Step
mathematical relationship of functional responses 6. Otherwise, add these validation points as new
with regard to design variables. In practice, surrogate sample points to the training point set and

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Fang et al. 5

15 Dsag


0 5 10 15 20 25
Iteration NO.

Figure 5. Iteration history of the sequential objectives and


Iteration 0
Iteration 22

Dsag / mm

Figure 4. Flowchart of the design for HMTWS door 2


continue the sequential update of Kriging model 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
m / kg
and optimization from Step 1.

The error metric can be defined as Figure 6. Comparison of Pareto frontiers before and after
" ¼ 1=n yi  y^ i =yi ð3Þ

where yi and y^ i are the FEA value and the corres- and optimization is adopted. During the entire
ponding surrogate approximate value, respectively, sequential process the convergence history is summar-
and n is the number of the selected validation ized in Figure 5. It can be seen that after 22 iterations
points. In this study, the optimization is considered of sequential sampling and optimization procedure,
converged adequately if the error metric is smaller the objectives and constraints converge adequately.
than 1% (i.e. " 5 1 %) for each objective and con- Specifically, the errors calculated with 11 validation
straint function. points gradually decrease though some fluctuations
In summary, the proposed optimization design are observed during the iterations. After the optimiza-
procedure for the TWB door structure can be depicted tion process, the errors converge to the predefined
in the flowchart in Figure 4. level (" < 1%).
Figure 6 compares the Pareto frontiers before and
after the sequential sampling iterations (i.e. iterations
Results and discussions 0 and 22, respectively). It is interesting to note that
there are large differences between them in terms of
Iteration history of sequential sampling procedure
objective ranges. After the sequential optimization the
In this study, the sample size of the initial DoE train- Pareto frontier actually moves up and right in the
ing points is 50. The initial errors were substantially objective space. From both Figures 6 and 7, the
higher than a satisfactory level (" 5 1% here) and sequential procedure is necessary for generating an
thus the procedure of sequential sampling update accurate Pareto frontier in this case.

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6 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)

Advantage of sequential sampling-based Figure 8 plots the accuracy comparison of the opti-
mal solutions generated from these two different sam-
optimization pling strategies. Eleven optimal solutions on the
To compare the sequential sampling based optimiza- corresponding Pareto frontiers (Figure 7) are used
tion with the conventional one-step sampling-based for the comparative analysis. It is evident that for
optimization, the corresponding Pareto frontiers are all the indicators (i.e. the objectives and constraints),
also plotted together in Figure 7. The training points the sequential sampling based optimization generates
in the one-step sampling strategy are generated using much more accurate solutions, in which all the mod-
OLHS, and the sample size is assigned the same as eling errors based on sequential sampling strategy are
that of the total sample points (i.e. 303 (¼ lower than 1% (as seen in Figure 5), whereas the
50 þ 2311) points) from the sequential sampling errors from the one-step sampling procedure are
procedure so that the two different sampling strategies much larger, especially for the vertical sag stiffness
have the same computational cost in terms of the full whose error is up to around 5%, which is considered
finite element analyses. Although a clear difference unacceptable in this design case.
can be observed in these two Pareto curves, it remains
unknown which is better and more realistic from
modeling accuracy perspective.
Optimization results
Tables 4–6 give the 11 optimal solutions and their
corresponding objectives and constraints of the
3.5 sequential sampling based optimization. It can
One-step Sampling based Optimization
Sequential Sampling based Optimization
found that the individual error of each optimum is
fairly small compared to the FEA value with
3 Kriging prediction value. More importantly, com-
pared to the original steel door structure (see Table
1), the novel HMTWS obtained from optimization
can improve the objectives (i.e. decrease the mass
and improve vertical sag stiffness), and simultan-
Dsag / mm

eously satisfy all these three stiffness constraints as

defined in equation (1).
Furthermore, the objectives conflict with each
other, i.e. the vertical sag stiffness performance deteri-
orates while the mass decreases and vice versa. In
engineering applications, the Pareto frontier provides
the decision-maker with insightful information to
guide the structural design of the TWB door. For
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
example, Tables 4–6 indicate that more light materials
m / kg (i.e. magnesium and aluminium) may be utilized if the
emphasis is placed on the lighweighting, while the
Figure 7. Accuracy comparison of the two sampling conventional steel material may be the main material
strategies. if the vertical sag stiffness is our design preference.

Advantage of using HMTWS

In order to further illustrate the advantages of
HMTWS over conventional single material structures,
we also conducted other three multiobjective opti-
mizations using three different mono-material struc-
tures. All thicknesses in the inner panel in Figure 3 are
considered the same for the conventional structures,
and the outer and inner panel thicknesses (i.e. Touter
and Tinner) are taken as design variables. Thus, the
optimization problems can be formulated as
> Min 8 m, Dsag
< >
> f 540:45Hz
Dupper 42:86mm : ð4Þ
> s:t:
> >
> D 41:67mm
: : lower
Figure 8. Pareto frontier comparison of the two sampling 0:6mm4Touter , Tinner 43:0mm

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Fang et al. 7

Table 4. Optimal solutions.

No. M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

1 3 1 1 1 1 3.00 2.45 3.00 3.00 3.00

2 2 1 1 1 1 1.67 2.09 3.00 3.00 2.40
3 2 1 1 1 2 1.96 2.89 3.00 3.00 3.00
4 3 2 1 1 3 1.34 3.00 3.00 2.80 2.82
5 3 2 1 1 3 1.42 3.00 3.00 2.30 1.93
6 3 2 1 2 3 1.61 2.60 3.00 3.00 2.45
7 3 2 1 3 3 2.47 2.91 3.00 2.80 1.62
8 3 2 1 3 3 2.91 3.00 2.85 2.23 1.73
9 3 2 1 3 3 2.70 3.00 2.63 2.26 1.81
10 3 2 1 3 3 3.00 3.00 2.32 2.34 1.84
11 3 2 2 3 3 2.81 3.00 3.00 2.65 2.07

Table 5. Objectives of the optimal solutions.

M Dsag

No. Kriging (kg) FEA (kg) Error (%) Kriging (mm) FEA (mm) Error (%)

1 46.21 46.18 0.06 1.39 1.39 0.17

2 41.63 41.62 0.01 1.40 1.40 0.02
3 33.27 33.19 0.22 1.42 1.42 0.15
4 27.62 27.60 0.06 1.46 1.46 0.28
5 24.02 24.04 0.08 1.54 1.54 0.02
6 19.28 19.31 0.14 1.59 1.59 0.01
7 16.62 16.61 0.09 1.71 1.71 0.06
8 16.17 16.18 0.05 1.88 1.88 0.04
9 16.03 16.03 0.02 2.05 2.04 0.04
10 15.85 15.86 0.03 2.33 2.33 0.02
11 15.07 15.05 0.12 2.67 2.68 0.03

Table 6. Constraints of the optimal solutions.

f Dupper Dlower
Kriging (Hz) FEA (Hz) Error (%) Kriging (mm) FEA (mm) Error (%) Kriging (mm) FEA (mm) Error (%)

1 58.69 59.52 1.39 1.43 1.47 2.25 0.73 0.73 0.32

2 57.09 57.34 0.44 1.59 1.60 0.08 0.77 0.77 0.03
3 64.29 65.10 1.24 1.63 1.64 0.65 0.82 0.82 0.03
4 60.68 61.95 2.04 2.28 2.26 1.00 0.98 0.97 1.04
5 58.60 58.90 0.51 2.55 2.53 0.84 1.15 1.14 0.52
6 63.91 63.72 0.30 2.52 2.54 0.50 1.21 1.21 0.22
7 58.19 58.14 0.09 2.83 2.83 0.19 1.50 1.50 0.16
8 58.73 58.86 0.22 2.85 2.85 0.16 1.65 1.65 0.16
9 59.33 59.36 0.04 2.86 2.86 0.03 1.64 1.64 0.06
10 59.34 59.38 0.07 2.86 2.86 0.16 1.64 1.64 0.04
11 60.97 61.14 0.28 2.86 2.86 0.15 1.58 1.58 0.02

The Pareto frontiers of structures made of three either better sag stiffness can be obtained for the
mono-materials and HMTWS are displayed together same mass or lower mass can be obtained for
in Figure 9. Apparently, HMTWS is much more pro- the same sag stiffness. Besides, a simple substitution
mising than any of mono-material structures, i.e. of steel with lighter materials, such as magnesium or

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8 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)

The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II
(NSGA-II) was employed to generate Pareto fron-
tiers, integrated with the sequential sampling-based
3.5 metamodeling technique. From the optimization
results, we can come to the following specific
3.300 conclusions.

1. Compared with the conventional steel and other

Dsag / mm

3.295 single lighter material structures, the novel
15.915 15.920 15.925 15.930
HMTWS door with both TWB technique and
Steel hybrid materials can significantly improve the
Aluminium design objectives of vertical sag stiffness and light-
Magnesium weight, while satisfying all the other stiffness
1.5 constraints.
2. Compared with the one-step sampling strategy
that has the similar computational cost, the
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
sequential sampling strategy yielded more accur-
m / kg ate and realistic optimal solutions.

Figure 9. Pareto frontier comparison of HMTWS and differ- Declaration of Conflicting Interests
ent single-material structures.
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of
this article.
aluminum, can reduce the mass only within a very
narrow range of sag vertical stiffness as shown in
the Pareto space. In other words, compared with
steel, a magnesium door can reduce the mass only The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial
support for the research, authorship, and/or publication
when vertical sag deformation is around 3.3 mm,
of this article: The supports from the National Natural
and an aluminum door can do so only when vertical Science Foundation of China (51575172), the Hunan
sag deformation lies in between 2.4 and 2.7 mm. Provincial Science Foundation of China (13JJ4036), the
It should be pointed out that in the sequential sam- Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China
pling and modeling procedure, these 11 validation (20120161120005) are acknowledged. The first author
points are selected from the current Pareto frontier is a recipient of the doctoral scholarships from both
uniformly. Addition of these optimal validation China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the University of
points to the training data set allows to particularly Sydney.
enhance the modeling accuracy near the optimum
domain. Such a sampling bias is generally considered
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