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Sung with Great Success c the Reed Birds. 2.0.59 Se LEADER OF DE C0, B + 0 Oe Gomic PPareh Song and Shorus. 40> +> +0r GE ESE ae WRITTEN AND COMPOSED BY DAME oe JR. ca SBI New York DE LEADER OF DE COMPANY B. By DAVE REED, Jr. Tempo di Marcia. $e eee — p— p90 — 0] = son a coon, Who be-longs to the Compa-ny she my coon you'd change your tune Ifyou had to goto Copyright, 1894, by M. Wirwann & Sows. # E ° ° =P “S oF * a longed to be a sol- dier in’ the «oar = = omy, He Grialifey ond) enicb Rowers spore topes bole atau oolleerans “Seer be(licr’ Half Gen - ‘ral Jack - son he was bound fo to some day be, Said deaf You'd lose your breaf, and run till your feet got sore, Just SS SS he, a shot or two would nev - er ’mem - ber, cra - zy nig - ger, what I pow-er-ful mad, Said she “Mister coon, You make me sad, Tf a morn till night, And pull - ed his nose with all her might, Said she na tender of de Company B. 4-8. ee ——*$ — great big hoo doo ball hits you It'll neber stop a -go-ing till it goes right froo But IVI bustem all to piee-es when dey hit yo head, But ev - ery day whende band did play Miss if de can - non balls ain’t lead, ¥ Be ¥, t % |: «riten. . fA % 5: % . Sop. - guerre fF | a 3 ev - ery day whende band did play And the _ sol -dier boys turned out, Miss swell, She'd Lize she would cut a Ane ——— + —# SS shout 0 a —— = 6 SSS = f Lise was dar ‘for to yell hur - rah, Whenshe Cap - tai loud she wouldscare de crowd, Whenshe heard de Cap-tain yell. Mareh! When ia i = gt DS = De leader of dle Company B. 4.—4, : CHORUS. See 4 é 2S SS == = gol- ly youshouldsee dem march, Wit = t £ = = =| s. | —S f SS a aa ss <— Sn eo | ‘And nev-er out ob step you see, You'll * fff — ete 3 =e $: | oer eee eee =A=Ee Eee fas St When dey see” de dan - dy coons, = = es] Hip, hip! hur-rah, For de lead-er of de Company B. When B. ao x = SSE ee 4, vss f SE | La —— be De leader of de Company B” 4.—6. i Te. LAI V[eeal_ TELL ME, RUBY, WILL YOU TRUE BE? SONG and CHORUS. Words by WALTER H. FORD. Introduction, ‘Moderato Music by JOHN W. BRATTON. ~ ps eet 3 ——— pS —j Ie ive peerage Qe ue cedisteweet St nenrcgs 1 eigeml (Melero leticy at ao ee am mil. lion - sire, I've wealth e - nough for two, Pret - ty — - Ru hy Ru by, t |e —S i << — —— If you thotght that you eould eall this You shall have it all, if you will lit = tle maid your own, So would you be, be my wife so true, Prom-ise tobe,

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